DW Exterminate Rules Booklet

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Welcome to the world of the Doctor the endless battle across Time and Space,
between those who would seek to dominate and destroy, and those who wish to
protect and preserve. Amongst all this chaos, this seemingly endless strife, stands one
man, dedicated to healing that which is sick, willing to sacrifice himself and those
he cares for to fight for cosmic justice. A Timelord, once the last of his kind, still a
renegade but also an example of what his people could be. He protects the Time
Vortex the only way he knows how, with ever-changing companions, a blue box to
travel in, a quick mind, a sonic device and an eternity of adventures waiting for him
We have divided the journey to learn and play the rules for this game into three
different booklets so you can start by learning the core rules and jump straight to
your first scenario using only the contents of this box.

The first booklet which we could call the basic mechanics is the battle system
explained in this Rules booklet you are now reading. Players use the Battle cards,
plus two sets of faction miniatures and their Recruitment cards, to fight a skirmish
battle that runs through several turns and concludes according to the scenario
objectives. Once players are familiar with the game mechanics, they can use the
Adventure cards for a more advanced experience!

The second booklet is the Guide to the Time Vortex, which contains details on the
two factions represented on this boxed game the Daleks and the Cybermen
and introduces six scenarios to play not only with them, but with any other factions
available in the future.

The third booklet is the Adventures booklet which introduces the game to a faction
made of the Doctor and his companions, explaining how to assemble the group of
special characters and two special scenarios to play with them!

The following section explains the core rules to play a game of Exterminate!

Recruitment Cards C

In Doctor Who: Exterminate! each

faction is made up of several character F
miniatures selected from a series of
Recruitment cards that contain all the
information needed to play those
The Guide to the Time Vortex booklet
explains in more detail how to build a
faction using the Recruitment cards to E B
play the game.
All Recruitment cards share the following D
key elements:

A Picture and number of miniatures:

The picture represents the type of Movement: The maximum number
miniatures this Recruitment card brings of inches that the miniature on
into the faction. The number in the this card can be moved during
circle is a multiplier for the number of a Movement sub-phase.
miniatures shown on the card.
Resilience: This is a combination
B Special traits and notes concerning of the miniature's body armour,
the miniatures on the card. For natural resistance and training.
convenience, all special traits and The value on the card indicates
any additional notes are explained in the number of Combat dice rolled
detail on the back of each card. when a miniature is shot at.

C The number of Fate tokens this card Melee: A miniatures skill in hand-
adds to the faction's Fate Pool. to-hand fighting. This value is the
number of Combat dice added to
D Starter Set / Expansion icon used or subtracted from the total dice
for easy separation of decks from rolled during Melee combat.
different game expansions.
Shooting: This value is the number
E Special character icon when of Combat dice added to or
applicable. subtracted from the total number
of dice rolled when the miniature
F General profile or statistics line (stats) fires a gun or other ranged
showing the following values: weapon.

Black Vortex Nodes: These are
a great resource of Victory
A CHARACTER is any miniature Points but do not grant any
on the board being managed by other benefit to the miniature
one of the players. This includes that has claimed them.
archetypes, agents and faction Temporal Anomalies: When
miniatures. a token is revealed as a
Temporal Anomaly, in addition
to claiming the VPs, the
miniature can immediately resolve a free
Combat dice Shooting action. The miniature may then
All combats and other actions in Doctor complete its move normally.
Who: Exterminate! are resolved using Spatial Disruptions: When a
Combat dice. These are specially token is revealed to be a
designed dice with three sides showing Spatial Disruption, in addition
hits , two sides showing defences to claiming the VPs, the
and one side showing a surge . These miniature can immediately
results have various meanings depending move a distance equal to its value.
on the situation.
Vortex Node markers are placed during
These dice are used in different number
set-up according to the scenario being
ratios depending upon a miniatures skill
or other circumstances.
Vortex Nodes may never be dropped
voluntarily, once you pick one up you
must guard it with your life.
The additional effects of a Vortex Node
are only applicable the first time they
are picked up. If a Vortex Node is
dropped for any reason, place this face
up to mark it has been picked before.
The Victory Points granted by Vortex
Nodes are only counted at the end of
the game.
Vortex Nodes
Vortex Nodes are tokens that can be Wound Tokens
collected by miniatures during a game
Some characters or lifeforms
of Exterminate!. Characters can collect
are more adept at surviving the
a Vortex Node marker by just finishing
hazards of the Time Vortex by being
their movement in base contact with it.
tougher or just simply lucky!
Some Nodes will give the player only
Victory Points (VPs) whilst others can Miniatures with a wound value on their
also grant immediate advantages. There card may take a wound token to
are three types of Vortex Nodes: Black, cancel out either a single Shocked or
Time Anomalies and Spatial Disruptions. Exterminated result.

If a miniature already has a number of Fate Tokens
wound tokens equal to its wound value
it may take no further tokens and must Fate tokens represent those incidents of
apply all shocked or extermination good luck that save the day when things
results. are desperate and there seems to be no
way out.
Your starting pool of Fate tokens is
determined when you create your
Under Fire Tokens faction. Various recruitment cards
Every time a miniature comes under fire give you one or more Fate tokens.
from an enemy miniature, one token The total number of tokens is called
is placed next to its base. Certain your Fate Pool.
firearms are so powerful, threatening or Any Character can use their factions
effective that they place two tokens Fate Pool, even if they did not directly
instead of one. contribute to the pool themselves.
A miniature receives tokens if at Fate Tokens can be used to:
least one Combat die result is rolled
Remove all Under Fire tokens from
against it during a Shooting sub-phase,
one miniature.
regardless of the actual effect during
that round of shooting. Reroll any or all dice after they
have been rolled to resolve an
During the Upkeep phase, miniatures action.
can roll to remove any tokens they
are affected by. Immediately recover a Shocked
A miniature can only have a maximum
of two at any time. Any further Exterminate an enemy Shocked
Under Fire markers received are miniature during the melee round.
ignored.The table below shows the When multiple fate tokens are played
effects of having one or two on a against a single miniature the player
miniature. with Initiative determines the order
of effect.
The miniature cannot Shoot
during the Shooting sub-phase.
Battle Cards
The miniature can neither Move
Doctor Who: Exterminate! uses a deck
nor Shoot during its activation.
of 36 Battle cards. During the Set-Up,
However a miniature may still engage in shuffle the Battle card deck and deal five
Melee combat if it is within engage Battle cards to each player. This is their
distance of an enemy even if it has starting hand.
or . During each turn players can use their
cards to reinforce hits and defences
during combat actions. A few special
If engaged by an enemy miniature Battle cards will also allow players to
it must subtract 1 Combat dice for change the results of dice scored in other
each . rolls through the game.

Here is a quick description of the icons Adventure Cards
you can find on the Battle cards:
Doctor Who: Exterminate! comes with
15 generic Adventure cards for both
players to use during their games.
Cards can be played during a
combat resolution to add one In addition to the characters that
to any roll before any cards form their faction and the Fate points
have been played. provided by each Recruitment card, the
faction may start a scenario with up
to five Adventure cards. These can be
Cards can be played during a picked randomly from the Adventures
shooting resolution to add one card deck provided in this boxed game
to any roll after all have been or they can be selected from the player's
calculated. own collection of Adventure cards.
Each Adventure card has all the relevant
Re-roll any or all the dice of a rules for its use printed upon it. The
single hand of dice. effects of some cards last for more than
one phase or turn whilst others are
Double all the scored during discarded once used, and cannot be
a combat action. used again during the game.
Finally, certain cards must be turned
Cancels all scored and any over but not discarded when used and
card played during a combat can only be used again after being
action. recovered during the Upkeep phase (see
page 13).
Use this card as if a had been Adventure and Recruitment cards for
rolled. existing miniatures in the miniatures
range for Doctor Who: Exterminate!
Use this card as if it were have been also included in this boxed
a token game so you have all relevant gaming
materials should you wish to expand
This card can be played at any your collection.
time, including during
another players turn
or to affect the result
of dice rolled for
any action or event

Doctor Who: Exterminate! is a scenario-
driven skirmish wargame played
over a set number of turns in which
opposing players move and fight with
their miniatures in order to accrue the
greatest number of Victory Points during
a set number of turns.

Game Set-Up
After the players have decided which
scenario to play, it is time to set up the
gaming area, grab the counters and
create each players faction.
To create a faction, players must agree
on the number of Recruitment cards they
will be using. This is usually between one
and five.
Players arrange the desired scenery
elements according to their taste and 1. INITIATIVE PHASE
collections. At the beginning of each turn players
Players also receive five random Battle cards roll five combat dice to determine the
from the Battle cards stack and the correct order of initiative during that turn.
number of Fate tokens as shown on the
Recruitment cards. Remember, it is possible The player that scores the highest
that players may end up with more Battle number of becomes the active
cards in their hand as a result of the games player. Reroll all combat dice in case
events but that no player may begin a game of a tied roll.
turn with more than five cards.
The Turn
When the initiative order has been
Each turn is divided into three phases resolved the sequence of play follows
as follows: this simple structure:
1. Initiative Phase 1. Movement Sub-phase
2. Action Phase Active player moves their
Movement sub-phase
Next player moves their
Shooting sub-phase miniatures.
Engage and Melee sub-phase
2. Shooting Sub-phase
3. Upkeep Phase Active player shoots.
Recover Shocked miniatures Next player shoots.
Roll to remove Under Fire tokens
3. Melee Sub-phase
Replenish Battle card hand Active player moves and fights.
Refresh Adventure cards Next player moves and fights.

2.2. Shooting Sub-phase
Humans, Aliens or Supernatural Starting with the active player, each
beings in fact any denizens faction has a chance to shoot with their
characters. The shooting character is
of Time and Space are
called the attacker with the miniature
options when choosing which being shot at the target. To resolve a
miniatures you wish to use to shooting action, choose a character from
play Exterminate! All miniatures your faction, declare the target, and
controlled by the same player follow these three steps:
compose the player's faction.
Determine line of sight.
Check range.
Resolve the Shooting action: roll
2.1. Movement Sub-phase dice for hits and resolve damage.
Movement is a key aspect to achieving
particular objectives in Doctor Who: 2.2.1. Determine Line of Sight
Exterminate!. Whether its a Character For the attacker to be able to shoot it
moving behind cover, gathering must be able to see its target referred
Vortex Nodes or the Doctor and his to as Line of Sight, or LOS. Use the width
Companions trying to perfect a gadget. of the movement ruler provided and
the distance between the two models
Characters can be moved in any to determine the corridor that links the
direction up to the maximum number of attacker to the target. If there are no
inches indicated on their Movement enemy miniatures, obstacles or walls (see
profile with no restriction other than page 14) even partially covered by the
certain terrain features and other ruler, then the shot is clear.
obstacles that can sometimes hinder If there are any of the above elements in
them. See rules for Scenery & Terrain on this corridor, then the shot is inaccurate
page 14. and the target is obscured.
All players may pre-measure a
characters movement before committing
to the final position, but once a EXAMPLE
character has been moved it cannot be The Cyberman moves 3" out of his
taken back. 4 towards the Dalek to end in
a position where it will be able to
You may move through miniatures from engage in melee later in the turn.
your own faction with no penalty, but Notice the measurement is made
you may not finish your move in contact from the front of the base to the
with their base or the model itself. front of the base and must stop at
You may neither move through or finish least one inch from the enemy
within one inch of a non-friendly model model.
in the Movement sub-phase.
To complete a movement action, place
the movement ruler, or a tape measure
flat against the base of the miniature and 1"
move it up to the characters movement
value in inches.

2.2.2. Check Range
RUNNING Once the Line of Sight has been
If a character does not shoot confirmed, check the range to the
during the Shooting sub-phase, target.
it may run instead. After all, if
All weapons have an effective range
Doctor Who has one constant,
described in inches in the weapons
it is the amount of running the
profile . However, characters can
Doctor and others have to do! fire their weapons up to twice the
While running the character can effective range but the shooting action
make a second movement action is then considered inaccurate with a
during the Shooting sub-phase. -1 penalty.
Running follows all the rules from
the Movement sub-phase and can
be hindered in the same way by USING A TAPE MEASURE
obstacles as described in Scenery Some players may prefer to use
& Terrain on page 14. a tape measure instead of the ruler
provided. In fact, certain ranges may
exceed the length of the ruler and a
Obscured Targets
tape measure can be very handy!
The effectiveness of a shot can be
affected by a number of factors and In this case, use the width of
each one of them will increase the the tape measure instead of the ruler
difficulty to hit the target. If the width of to determine the corridor of the shot
the ruler covers even partially an for the purposes of working out line
obstacle between the shooter and the of sight and obscuring obstacles.
target, we say it is an inaccurate shot.
The shooting action receives a penalty of
-1 for each obstruction. This may 2.2.3. Resolving the Shooting Action
mean that some shots become
impossible as the number of penalties Assuming the target is in range the
reduces the number of to 0 player resolves the shooting action. To
or less. do so, the attacker rolls a number
of Combat dice. The number of
Obstacles in base contact dice to roll is the sum of:
with the shooting
character do Weapons value
not count as (this is expressed as
obscuring the number of Combat
the target. The dice to be rolled).
character is using
the obstacle as
modifier value
cover while trying
(a number of Combat
to score a hit.
dice to add or subtract
from the total in the
Line Of Sight Is Blocked characters stat line).
If the entire corridor of Minus one for every
the shot is covered by an obstacle or other rule
obstacle, then the LOS that makes the shot
is blocked and the shot inaccurate.
may not be taken.

The result of all the dice coming from
one weapon must be applied to one
A Dalek has been shot at by a
single target unless the weapon or
character has the Burst or Blast special Cyberman armed with a Cybergun
trait. If more than one target is valid, that has scored 3 . The Dalek
the attacking player may choose which rolls 4 for its 4 value and
miniature receives the attacks. scores 1 which cancels one of
the scored. The other 2
The defender then rolls a number of
remain and count as hits.
Combat dice based on:
The attacker takes these two dice
Defenders value (this is a
number of to be rolled) and rolls them, scoring and .

Plus one for cover Checking the damage results

and applying the best result, the
Every rolled by the defender Dalek is now Shocked and must
cancels a scored by the attacker. If be so marked. If it had been
any are left, roll for damage as
Exterminated it would have
explained on page 13.
been removed from the table.
Remember, any character that chooses
to not shoot during the Shooting sub-
phase may make an extra full move.
After all, not every character wants Playing Battle Cards During
to decimate the enemy or perhaps a Shooting Action
has their own agenda or mission to
complete whilst the battle rages. Players can use Battle cards from their
hand to improve their chances at hitting
and defending when involved in a
shooting action.
After both players have rolled their
Combat dice, the attacker can play first
any Battle cards to boost its attack.
Once this is done the target player can
boost its defence with Battle cards

When a target is in base contact
with a piece of scenery that
obscures a shooting action
the miniature also benefits
from cover.
When behind cover, the target
can cancel a scored against it
during a shooting action with
as well as .

2.3. Melee Sub-phase
Following Initiative order, in the Melee
sub-phase, the Active player can move
any of their miniatures that are within 2"
of an enemy miniature into base contact
and engage in close combat. This is an
engage movement and initiates a melee

Once engaged, resolve each combat in

full, including damage resolution, before
moving on to the next. 2.3.1. Melee Resolution
After resolving the melee action,
To resolve a melee combat, both
check the overall result and apply the
combatants (attacker and target
character) roll a number of Combat
dice which is the sum of: All of the combatants on one side
are Exterminated. The winner
The characters melee weapon needs to do nothing else and the
value (this is expressed in a melee ends.
number of Combat dice to be
rolled). All of the combatants on one side
are Shocked. The winner can
Combatant melee modifier immediately use a Fate token or
value (a number of Combat dice an additional attack, if available,
to add or subtract from the total to finish off a Shocked target.
in the characters stat line). The target is Exterminated and
removed from play. Any Shocked
Other modifiers: miniatures left are pushed back
Engaging modifier: +1 to one inch by the winner and the
the miniature that initiated the melee ends.
combat. There are fully operative
Multiple combat: +1 for combatants on both sides. The
each miniature after the first attacking Characters - including
that is attacking the same those that are Shocked - are
target. pushed back one inch by the side
that did not engage and the
Compare the results obtained by both melee ends.
combatants. The side that scored the
highest number of wins the melee
round. Playing Battle Cards in Melee

All weapons showing 'C' in their range Similarly as with the use of Battle cards
value in the weapons profile table can in shooting, after both players have
be used in melee (see Guide to the Time rolled their Combat dice, the attacker
Vortex, page 10). can play first any Battle cards to
boost its attack.
The player that rolls the most has
won the melee. The winner then rerolls Once this is done the target player can
the dice that hit and applies the best boost its attacks with Battle cards
result to the loser. accordingly.

Certain characters, weapons or special traits may grant the option to attack
more than once in melee. This ability is normally described as Melee (X) where
X is a number higher than one. Characters that can issue more than one melee
attack can decide to do this in two ways:

All for One:

A character with multiple melee attacks can use each additional attack to add
+1 to the total number of dice allowed by its weapon or its profile
modifier. All dice are rolled at once and any other modifiers apply normally.
A miniature with the Melee (2) trait would therefore add +1 die to its attacks,
Melee (3) would give +2 dice and so on.

One for All:

A character with multiple attacks may attack more than one miniature. Any
enemy miniature within one inch of the target is a valid additional target.
Once declared, roll all the dice for each attack separately and resolve the
outcome for each target. Targets get to respond normally to these attacks but
be aware that if the character using Melee (X) becomes
Shocked before the last round of attacks is resolved, it can
be Finished Off normally by the declared target that did
not resolve its attack yet.

Two Cybermen have engaged a Dalek. The
Cyberman Recruitment card has the Melee (2) special
trait which means they can issue two attacks instead of
one when engaged in melee. The Daleks have the Melee
stat of 2 .
The first Cyberman player decides to attack All for One
using the Melee (2) special trait, which grants him one
additional Combat die when attacking. The first
Cyberman (+5 ) engages the Dalek and rolls to hit
with seven Combat dice (5 for its melee value, +1
for engaging and +1 for the additional attack that
Melee (2) grants). The Dalek rolls 2 as a response.
All results from both rolls are compared, applying
damage if necessary. This concludes the first Cyberman
round of attacks. If the Dalek is still active, the second
Cyberman will attack All for One with eight Combat dice
(5 for its value, +1 for engaging, +1 for the
additional attack that Melee (2) grants and +1 bonus
for being the second miniature to attack the same target).

3.1. Recover Shocked Miniature
Starting with the player with the
After determining the final number of
remaining after a shooting or initiative, all players stand their Shocked
melee attack; reroll that number of characters back up.
dice and check the results as follows
applying the best outcome. 3.2. Roll to Remove Under Fire Tokens
Flesh Wound: The character is During this phase, each character rolls
Fully Operative. one Combat die for every they have.
A player may remove an Under Fire
Shocked: Lay the model on the token for every scored.
spot. Shocked characters are
recovered during the Upkeep phase A character with one Under Fire token
(see next). Fate tokens can also be cannot move during the Movement sub-
used to recover a Shocked character phase. A character with two Under Fire
immediately after they have been tokens cannot Move or Shoot during the
Shocked . Action phase.
Exterminated: Remove the model
from the table immediately. Nothing 3.3. Replenish Battle Cards
can be done to avoid this, unless a Draw as many Battle cards as needed to
Fate token is used to save it! bring your hand back up to five cards.
Alternatively, do not replenish your hand
and recover one Fate token used during
Finish Off! the game. A player can only benefit
from this if the faction has fewer Fate
During a shooting or melee action, tokens than it started the game with.
a Shocked enemy miniature can be
declared as the target of an attack. Finally, you can discard all your hand
(which must contain at least three cards)
When shooting, any non-cancelled
scored against a Shocked target can be to receive one free Fate token.
rolled twice on the Damage table to try
to Exterminate the character as usual. 3.4. Refresh Adventure Cards
The target applies its normally but During this phase you can attempt to
cannot Claim Cover (see page 10). either Draw a new Adventure card from
In melee, an attacking character will the Discard pile or recover one or more
automatically Exterminate its victim if at of your exhausted Adventure cards.
least one attack is rolled against it.
To attempt to recover an Adventure card
from the discard pile a player will roll
3. UPKEEP PHASE one Combat die. If the Die result is a
the player may take the first face down
At the end of each turn, starting with the
Adventure card in the discard pile.
active player, each player resolves the
following steps. A player can recover an exhausted
Recover Shocked miniatures Adventure card by expending a Fate
token. You can recover as many
Roll to remove Under Fire tokens exhausted cards as you have Fate
Replenish Battle cards hand tokens. A recovered Adventure Card is
placed face up and can be used in the
Refresh Adventure cards next turn.

A miniature cannot end its movement
SCENERY AND TERRAIN on an obstacle, but can try to cross it.
Doctor Who: Exterminate! can take place To cross an obstacle a miniature should
anywhere in Time and Space. One have enough movement to reach the
skirmish can be set amid the corridors other side. Roll one combat die and
and living quarters of a space station, apply the result below.
high above a future Earth, then the If the result is a , simply move
action can switch to the Victorian Era the miniature across. The
with a clandestine battle waged across character has found an easy path
the British Museum. Or perhaps a battle through the obstacle or has simply
for an alien world is more to your liking, jumped over it.
with twin suns, orange sky and plains of If a is scored, the miniature is
red grass. The actual location of your moved into base contact with the
games is entirely up to you. Just use obstacle. Perhaps the character
your imagination to adapt your favourite has changed its mind about
settings from the Doctor Who series to the crossing or it needs to think about
scenarios in the Guide to the Time Vortex. a better way to get over it. Its
movement action ends there!
All rules for movement and combat
assume that the battlefield is strewn If a is scored, the character
with small objects that do not hinder cannot move at all. The miniature
stumbles and misses its movement
the actions of the characters. However,
certain pieces of scenery do reduce
the mobility, visibility or the combat If a miniature starts its activation already
effectiveness of the characters. in base contact with an obstacle, the
controlling player can roll two Combat
dice to try to overcome the obstacle
1. OBSTACLES instead of one, applying the best result.
This also applies when running during
We consider obstacles to be a type the Shooting sub-phase.
of scenery that presents a physical
barrier between the character and the Alternatively, if the miniature starts
place they wish to move to, or between its activation in base contact with an
the character and their target when obstacle, it can climb it instead of crossing
determining the Line of Sight to resolve it. See King of the Hill on page 15.
an attack. Obstacles can make shots which pass by
Anything solid that lies in the way them inaccurate (see Shooting, page 8).
of a miniature, except other friendly
miniatures, is an obstacle.
An obstacle higher than two Combat
Sometimes an obstacle is tall enough to
dice stacked together is also a wall.
present a real challenge to overcome.
Common examples of obstacles are These obstacles act as impassable
enemy miniatures, vehicles, barricades barriers for which we use the generic
or large computer consoles! term walls.

Walls cannot be walked through or EXAMPLE
jumped over, but instead must be moved Continuing with their Dalek hunt,
around. Walls can be a building or high a Cyberman is trying to move straight
vehicles like a hover van, for example. over a barrier to reduce the distance
To check if an obstacle is also a wall, for a future combat engagement.
stack two Combat dice together. If the The Cybermen player measures the
obstacle is taller than the height of the distance to where he wants the
two dice, the object is considered a wall. Cyberman to move and rolls one
A wall blocks all movement and LOS Combat die scoring a . Although
through it. the Cyberman will not be able to
cross the obstacle during this action,
the controlling player can still move
3. KING OF THE HILL the miniature so it ends its movement
The way Doctor Who: Exterminate! is against the obstacle. Ready to jump
presented and the way it plays, invites over during a following action!
you to make a more cinematic use of
the scenery elements than just mere
obstacles. Reaching higher ground could
be the difference between life and death. A miniature attacking a King of the Hill
While on higher ground, the miniature is never receives the +1 bonus that
considered the King of the Hill. miniature would normally receive for
Jumping Onto Obstacles If two miniatures are engaged in a melee
action while on top of an obstacle neither
At the begining of the movement, if
of them receives any bonuses or penalties
a miniature is in base contact with an
for engaging on higher ground.
obstacle, instead of following the normal
rules for crossing, a character may
decide to jump onto it.
Jumping onto an obstacle counts as
the character's full movement and the Doctor Who: Exterminate! is played
obstacle must be wide enough to fit the using one of the scenarios provided in
model's entire base. the Guide to the Time Vortex and the
Adventures booklet.
You can reposition a character on top of
an obstacle up to 2" in any direction. Scenarios are won by scoring more
Victory Points than your opponent.
To jump off, a character measures his Each scenario explains the way VPs
movement from his current position. This are awarded and if factions have
costs no extra movement. any special rules that could affect the
The only limit to the number of characters rewards received.
that can stand on an obstacle is its actual As a general rule, you score one VP
physical capacity. for Exterminating an enemy model and
Any melee attacks made against a two VPs for Exterminating an enemy
character on top of an obstacle are factions Leader model. Of course,
resolved by engaging the obstacle itself the Archetype models, such as The
(move the attacking miniature so it ends in Doctor, his Companions and other
base to base contact with the obstacle). named characters are worth far more
VPs than a lowly grunt, so its always
The King of the Hill receives a +1 worth expending resources to try and
bonus for being on higher ground. Exterminate them!

After reading these rules you are now ready to take to the Time Vortex, within which
your games will take place, the wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey, malleable nature of
reality that waits to be moulded.
Assume control of one of the many factions of the universe, from myriad alien races or
from the vast panorama of human history, all with their own agendas and plans, from
simple survival to galactic domination.
Play one-off scenarios or take your faction through a series of linked missions using
all your guile and cunning to make sure your faction comes out on top, fulfilling their
destiny within the realms of Time and Space.
Your next step is to take a look at the scenarios and extra information in the Guide to
the Time Vortex, gather your chosen miniatures and assemble your faction. Enjoy your
incursion into the Time Vortex and try to achieve your mission goals.

Discover more on www.doctorwhotimevortex.com

Original Doctor Who Concept: Content & Graphic Design:
BBC Plc. Ulisse Razzini & Anna Bereza

Game Design: Miniature Design & Photography:

Wayne P. Bollands & Ricard Fortun Warlord Games Ltd.

Rules Editors & Scenarios: Miniature Painting:

Roger Gerrish & Mike Bradford Kirsten Williams
William Bollands-Straw, Mike Bradford, Adam Cooper, Charlie Coult,
Component code: 6010000001

Ricard Fortun, Roger Gerrish, Mal Green, Karl Tebbutt

Special Thanks to John Stallard and Paul Sawyer

BBC logo BBC 1996. Doctor Who logo 1996. Dalek image BBC/Terry Nation 1963.
Cyberman image BBC/Kit Pedler/Gerry Davis 1966. K-9 image BBC/Bob Baker/Dave Martin 1977.
Licensed by BBC Worldwide Limited.

Copyright Warlord Games Ltd. 2017. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior
written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form other than that in which it is
published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.


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