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Please attempt all the questions

1) What are the two things that are required for you to snap a picture in a
DSLR camera?
-sd card

2) Name the following shot sizes in the box provided.

Wide shot

Medium shot

Extreme close up
Long shot

Medium shot

Close up
3) Name the 3 pillars of photography.
Shutter speed

4) What does the term Over Exposed and Under Exposed means?
Over exposed- too dark
Under-exposed:too light

5) Write the full form of these modes that can be found in a Canon DSLR
- TV shutter speed priorty
- P programme
- AV aperture priority
- CA creative priority
- M mannual

6) Give the definition of the following:

The brightness of a pic

Shutter Speed
To shot a person movement

Sensitivity of the availability of the light

7) Underline the following:

a) Cameras can be used in the left hand
b) Video cannot be taken using a DXLR camera
c) Editing the photos in Photoshop is also called Post Production
d) You can snap a picture without SD card because there will be a 3 seconds

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