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Advanced | Quiz 01 _LEVEL 8_

Quiz 01: Astronomy

Hi! How are you today?

Today we will take a quiz! Lets have fun learning English!

Exercise 1 | Guess the words!

Directions: Read the definitions aloud and try to find the word. Your teacher will provide clues.

1. _________

Definition: without limit, has no limit (adjective)

2. _________

Definition: the galaxy (= star system) that includes the earth, seen at night as a pale strip across the

sky (noun)

3. _________

Definition: having the shape of ellipse (adjective)

4. _________

Definition: one of many large rocks that circle the sun (noun)

5. _________

Definition: able to be observed, can be seen (adjective)

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Advanced | Quiz 01 _LEVEL 8_

6. _________
Definition: the distance that light travels in one year (noun)

7. _________

Definition: very small (adjective)

8. _________

Definition: an occasion when the sun disappears from view, either completely or partly, while the

moon is moving between it and the earth, or when the moon becomes darker while the shadow of the

earth moves over it (noun)

9. _________

Definition: the theory that the universe began with a large explosion of a single mass of matter (noun)

10. _________

Definition: the study of the nature and origin of the universe

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Advanced | Quiz 01 _LEVEL 8_

Exercise 2 | Define the words!

Directions: Do you know the meaning of these words? Try to explain them. Your teacher will help you.

1. Compelling (adjective)

2. Fascinate (verb)

3. Comprise (verb)

4. Planetary (adjective)

5. Orbit (verb)

6. Meteoroid (noun)

7. Phenomenon (noun)

8. Constellation (noun)

9. Interplanetary (adjective)

10. Alien (noun)

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Advanced | Quiz 01 _LEVEL 8_

Exercise 3 | Paragraph forming

Directions: Try to make up a paragraph using as many words from exercises 1 and 2 as you can.

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