Ideathon Rules

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Rules & Regulations for Ideathon

This Ideathon Contest is to seek ideas on improve / enhance the Worklife @ AmBank and AmOnline,
guided with the following questions:

Q1. What is the current situation at you observe in your working environment that is not enabling
you to work to your most efficient or effective level?

Q2. Given a free hand assumingly, what do you think can be done to make things better? Your idea
on solving the situation can be either technical or non-technical.

A distinguished group of panel judges will select the Top 3 winning ideas in each category.

How to Send your entry to

Eligibility Contest is open to all AmBank staff.

Submission of entry is by individual.

An entrant may submit more than one idea. Each additional idea must be
submitted on a separate entry.

Idea must not infringe on any third party's trademark.

Selection & Stage 1

Notification of Top 5 ideas per category to be shortlisted by internal panel judges
Stage 2
Top 5 ideas per category to be presented by contestants to selected panel
judges for evaluation
Top 3 winners per category will be identified by selected panel judges

Winners will be notified by call / email

Prizes Top 3 winners per category

Opportunity to be part of Customer Innovation Lab Team
Opportunity to prototype & test winning entries in Customer Innovation
Opportunity to attend Design Thinking Workshops
Smart Watch each
To be recognized as AmBanks pioneer CX Lab Innovator

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