Chapter I

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A. The Background of the Problem

Speaking is one of the important skills in English beside listening, reading, and writing. It
is important because speaking is always used in activity life. Speaking a language is
especially difficult for foreign language learners because effective oral communication requires
the ability to use the language appropriately in social interactions. Collins (1991:1339) says,
Speaking is the activity of giving speeches and talk. It means that speaking is one of the
skills in language that important for someone to express his or her idea and feeling orally.
According to Nunan (2001: 29), Speaking is the way of presenting information to tell a
story, describing something, giving a set of instruction, making a comparison and those that
are evaluating, giving explanation, making a justification, predicting, coming to a decision
and making interview.
From the four language, speaking skills are an important part of the curriculum in
language teaching, and this makes them an important object of assessment as well.
Assessing speaking is challenging, however, because there are so many factors that
influence our impression of how well someone can speak a language, and because we expect
test scores to be accurate, just and appropriate for our purpose. The basic purpose of learning
English are creating intelligent, skillful and ready young generations in participating
national challenges for better future in the field of science, technology and art. In teaching
speaking, there were limited time from the teacher to the students in practicing English in
the classroom.
The statement previous means that speaking is engage the students ability and
intelligence to gain information though reciprocal interaction between the speaker and
listener to get the information. The important in doing speaking skills is the speakers are
able to express their ideas, opinions and feelings in daily activities.
Furthermore, Richards (2008:19) states that in speaking people tend to be getting
something done, exploring ideas, working out some aspect of the world, simply being
together. It means that, by speaking the students are able to express their ideas, opinions, and
feelings orally. It is very clear that speaking is a tool someone to communicate with the
others whether it is to express something, to inform, to certain, to persuade, etcetera.
Based on the English syllabus of KTSP-2006 in SMK Negeri 2 Alasa Talumuzoi
particularly at the tenth grade, there are four skills that should be owned by the students. One
of the skills is speaking. The competence standard is the students are able to speak in
functional oral text and short conversation. Based on the basic competence, the students are
able to express the meaning in short functional oral text by using oral language in accurate
figure, fluent, and accept with environment. The indicator hopes the students are able to
express and conveying the meaning in short functional oral text in some text such as
descriptive text by using oral language in accurate figure, accent, grammar vocabulary,
fluency and comprehension, and accept with environment.
In fact, the expectation previous cannot be achieved by the students. It showed by the
researchers observation at the tenth grade of SMK N.2 Alasa Talumuzoi, the researcher
found some problems faced by students when teaching speaking, namely: the lack of
students English vocabulary, the students are not able to choose the appropiate words so
they are unable to communicate their ideas the students are unable to describe text, the
students are unable to determine the sentences, the students are unable to express their ideas
within descriptive text.
The problems previous affected by some facts, such as: The technique or model that the
teacher uses in teaching speaking does not activate the students to speak and also the lack of
the students vocabulary. So, the students are not participate and motivate to speak, the
students are unable to share their knowledge with their friends, the students are not able to
perform, to model, and to express their ideas within descriptive text, the students are not able
to express their ideas through speaking. They just get the traditional model from the English
teacher, namely; write, read and hold a discussion, but no one of the students say anything,
they are so lazy and often keep silent, the students are passive when teaching and learning
process happened in the classroom.
To overcome the problems previous the researcher tries to apply a model in order to
increase the students ability in speaking skills which is Content Based Instruction. The
researcher uses this model in order that the researcher can build the students ability in
speaking. According to Davies (2003 : 9), Content based instruction (CBI) is a teaching
model that emphasizes learning about something rather than learning about language. It
means that Content Based Instruction (CBI) model is one model to help the students
experience in communication, encourage the students emotion and allow every students
practice opportunities for making contributions. There are three types of Content Based
Instruction (CBI) such as, The Sheltered Model, The Adjunct Model, and The Theme Based
Model. So, to conduct the research, the researcher will use The Theme Based Model to
apply in teaching and learning process.
Based on the explanations previous, the researcher wants to do the research to solve the
students problem and propose the title Increasing The Students Descriptive Text
Through Talking Drawings Strategy at the Tenth Grade Of Smk Negeri 2 Alasa
Talumuzoi In 2017/2018.

B. The Identification of The Problem

In speaking, there are some problems that the researcher identify as follows:
The lack of the students vocabulary.
The students are not able to choose the appropiate words so they are unable to
communicate their ideas.
The students are unable to express their ideas within descriptive text
The students are unable to pronounce English words correctly.
The students pronounced English words in the same way as they pronounced Indonesian
The students were rarely trained in pronouncing English.

C. The Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problems previous, the researcher limits herself to
increase the students of using Talking Drawings Strategy on the students ability in speaking
especially in asking and giving opinion at the tenth grade of SMK Negeri 2 Alasa Talumuzoi
in 2017/2018.

D. The Formulation of the Problem

The formulation of the problem in this research is formulated in a question, How does
Talking Drawings Strategy increase on the students ability in speaking especially in
descriptive text at the tenth grade of SMK Negeri 2 Alasa Talumuzoi in 2017/2018.
E. The Purpose of the Research
The purpose of the research is to increase the students ability in speaking skill by using
Talking Drawings Strategy at the tenth grade of SMK Negeri 2 Alasa Talumuzoi in

F. The Significant of the Research

There are some significances of the research can be useful for:
1. The teacher
The result of the research is expected to be useful input for English teachers to get the
alternative solution in teaching speaking
2. The students
The result of the research will help and give an opportunity for students to get active
learning and solve their problems in mastery speaking skill
3. Further Research
Finally, these findings of this research can be used by other researchers who are
interested in English to get useful information

G. The Assumptions of the Research

The researcher has some assumptions in this research, they are:
1. Speaking is one of the important things in communication.
2. Speaking is very important for the students in mastering English.
3. Content Based Instruction (CBI) especially in Theme Based Model is applicable to be used
in teaching English skill.

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