Management of Hypertension in CKD 2015

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Management of hypertension in chronic

kidney disease
Raymond R. Townsend and Sandra J. Taler
Abstract | Hypertension is a common comorbidity in patients with impaired kidney function. The kidney exerts
a marked degree of control over blood pressure through various mechanisms, such as by regulating sodium
balance and hormone secretion through the activity of the reninangiotensin system. The kidney is susceptible
to injury, and if already damaged can be at risk of further loss of function as a consequence of elevated
blood pressure. Once elevated blood pressure is identified, a combination of sensible lifestyle measures,
such as sodium restriction and weight loss, with pharmacological intervention to reduce blood pressure will
usually achieve blood pressure goals. In this Review, we outline the importance of blood pressure control for
patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), the mechanisms that affect blood pressure control, and the basis
for non-drug and drug therapies. We further discuss the rationale for <140 mmHg systolic and <90 mmHg
diastolic targets for blood pressure in patients with CKD, with consideration for tighter targets in the setting
Townsend, R. R. & Taler, S. J. Nat. Rev. Nephrol. advance online publication 28 July 2015; doi:10.1038/nrneph.2015.114

Strong evidence, based on more than a century of blood kidney disease. This debate is exemplified by the differ-
pressure monitoring, clearly demonstrates that elevated ences in the recommendations for blood pressure control
blood pressure reduces life expectancy and has a marked from KDIGO and JNC8 (Table1). Regardless of these
influence on target organ damage, including of the heart, differences, the coexistence of hypertension and CKD
brain, and kidneys. Target organ damage might occur is known to greatly increase the risk of adverse cardio-
in one, several, or all of these organs. Previous efforts to vascular and cerebrovascular outcomes, and therapy to
identify and manage hypertension have predominantly reduce blood pressure is therefore indicated to limit CKD
focused on reducing mortality, heart disease, and stroke. progression and protect other target organs, particularly
Preservation of kidney function in patients with hyper- the heart and brain, from damage.1,3,4 The risk of these
tension, however, has become a high priority for prac- described outcomes is further intensified in the pres-
titioners over the past 30years, in conjunction with an ence of proteinuria.7 Patients with proteinuria exhibit
increased awareness of the high prevalence (~12%) of a greater need for effective blood pressure treatment to
chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the US population.1 prevent morbidity and mortality as compared to those
Hypertension is the most common comorbidity in withoutproteinuria.
patients with CKD, affecting 6792% of patients; the Numerous exogenous and endogenous factors can
prevalence of hypertension increases with declining renal influence blood pressure in patients with CKD, includ-
function.2 Control of hypertension is, therefore, a major ing high dietary sodium intake, enhanced activity of the
priority in the management of CKD and represents an sympathetic nervous system and reninangiotensin
important modifiable factor in slowing further loss of aldosterone system (RAAS), and endothelial dysfunc-
kidney function.35 Elevated blood pressure can occur as tion.827 Furthermore, impaired kidney function might
a result of CKD but is also a potent risk factor for CKD amplify the adverse effects on blood pressure that can
University of
progression, rendering it difficult to determine which be elicited by various prescription and over-the-counter
Pennsylvania, Perelman disease process precedes the other. Patients at highest medications, such as NSAIDs.28
School of Medicine, risk of hypertension often share characteristics that In this Review we address the necessity of frequent
3400 Spruce Street,
Philadelphia, also represent risk of CKD, including older age, African and accurate blood pressure monitoring in patients
PA19104, USA descent, overweight or obesity, and concurrent diagnoses with CKD, the current recommendations regarding
(R.R.T.). Mayo Clinic,
Division ofNephrology
of diabetes mellitus and/or cardiovascular disease.6 blood pressure target levels, and the rationale behind
and Hypertension, 200 The interaction between hypertension and CKD is these recommendations. We describe the mechanisms
First Street Southwest, complex and as such, has sparked debate as to the optimal that underlie a rise in blood pressure in the presence of
Rochester, MN 55905,
USA (S.J.T.). blood pressure target for delaying the progression of impaired kidney function, and conclude by discussing
the current lifestyle interventions, drug treatments, and
Correspondence to:
R.R.T. Competing interests device therapies that are available for the management of The authors declare no competing interests. high blood pressure in patients with CKD.


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Key points body of epidemiologic literature supports an associ-

ation between blood pressure variability (on a single day
Elevated blood pressure can occur as a result of, and be a potent risk factor for,
and on different days or visits) and the progression of
chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression
CKD is associated with dysregulation of various blood pressure control cardiovascular and renal organ damage and/or events,
systems, including the ability to excrete the daily sodium load, sympathetic and mortality.4648 However, clinical evidence to support
activation, reninangiotensin system activity, and endothelial function that a reduction in blood pressure variability leads to
Although controversial, the Joint National Committee recommends target blood improved outcomes is, however, lacking.49,50
pressure levels <140/90 mmHg in US patients with CKD until 70years of age
Most guidelines for hypertension treatment in CKD recommend administration Home blood pressure monitoring
of an agent that blocks the reninangiotensin system, with follow-up testing of
A growing literature attests to the value of home blood
kidney function and serum potassium concentrations
Home and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring can improve the assessment
pressure monitoring in the CKD population. 33,35,51,52
of overall blood pressure control in patients with CKD, as compared to office Patients with CKD are likely to achieve as much, if not
measurements alone more, benefit using home blood pressure monitor-
Device-based methods for blood pressure reduction, such as renal denervation ing than the general hypertensive population. Specific
and baroreceptor activation therapy, suggest safety in CKD; unequivocal guideline-based targets for home blood pressure values
efficacy remains to be shown in sham-controlled studies are not currently available, but values <135/85 mmHg, as
suggested by the American Heart Association, American
Society of Hypertension, and Preventive Cardiovascular
Blood pressure measurement Nurses Association, are consideredreasonable.53
Automated blood pressure measurements Home blood pressure monitoring is very useful in
The growing recognition of the value of home and patients undergoing dialysis as it can help indicate the
ambulatory blood pressure monitoring is changing adequacy of outpatient management between dialysis
clinical practice. Both methods can better predict risk of sessions.54 Current practice in the USA is to aim for
cardiovascular events2932 in the general population and daytime home blood pressure values <140/90 mmHg.55
in patients with CKD3335 compared to office measure- Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in patients
ments. Out of office measurements might not, however, undergoing dialysis is currently considered to be more
be consistently available, and consequently many treat- useful for research purposes than clinical practice, and
ment decisions must still be based primarily on office little guidance exists as to target blood pressure values.
readings. A standardized approach to measuring blood A comprehensive clinical review of home blood pressure
pressure improves the consistency and accuracy of the monitoring in CKD, including in patients undergoing
recorded readings. The use of an automated device might dialysis, has been previously published elsewhere.33
be more reliable than manual auscultatory methods and Patients who use home blood pressure monitor-
will generally provide reproducible and accurate meas- ing are statistically more likely to be at or below target
urements.36 The BpTRU (BpTRU Medical Devices, blood pressure levels,56 as compared to those who do
Canada) and Omron HEM907 (OMRON Healthcare not perform home monitoring. This effect might be as
Europe B.V., The Netherlands) devices have both been a result of improved motivation in self care and better
validated in the office setting.3640 adherence to treatment regimens in those who reliably
obtain home blood pressure measurements, as opposed
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring to those who are treated based only on office measure-
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring provides a vast ments. Furthermore, the direct feedback of seeing ones
amount of additional data compared to office recordings, own blood pressure values might motivate patients to
including nocturnal measurements and data on blood maintain better adherence to medications. The optimal
pressure variability. Nocturnal blood pressure and circa- use of a home blood pressure monitor is essential to
dian blood pressure rhythm is often abnormal in patients produce accurate and reproducible results (Box1).
with CKD, and is usually characterized by a loss of the Ensuring an adequate cuff size is very important
normal nocturnal 1020% fall in systolic and diastolic when purchasing a home blood pressure monitor.
pressures. This effect is commonly observed in patients Patients with CKD tend to be overweight or obese,57 and
with advanced CKD who might even exhibit a rise in in most instances a large arm cuff is needed but might
nocturnal blood pressure. Symptoms of elevated noc- be sold separately. The frequency of home monitoring
turnal blood pressure might include nocturnal or early will depend on whether one is confirming a diagno-
morning headaches that typically occur in the posterior sis of hypertension, assessing adequacy of treatment,
occipital region, snoring, daytime somnolence associated or considering conditions such as masked hyperten-
with undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnoea, and noct- sion. Guidance regarding the frequency and timing of
uria.41 The level of nocturnal blood pressure has been home monitoring blood pressure has been previously
linked to rates of cardiovascular disease and target organ reviewedelsewhere.53
damage,42 including progression of CKD.43,44 The under-
lying mechanism of this rise in nocturnal blood pressure Target blood pressure in CKD
is associated with reduced diuresis during the daytime Patients with CKD are at high risk of cardiovascular
and consequently enhanced pressure natriuresis at events and mortality.5860 Beyond prevention of cardiovas-
night.45 Beyond circadian blood pressure patterns, alarge cular events, the rationale for treatment ofhypertension


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Table 1 | Blood pressure targets and treatment recommendations in CKD pressures were lowered <130/70 mmHg,72 but the inci-
dence of stroke did not increase.73 The ACCORD trial of
Guideline Blood pressure Blood pressure Recommended first line
target in CKD target in CKD medication patients with type2 diabetes mellitus and overall normal
without proteinuria* with proteinuria kidney function failed to demonstrate a cardiovascular
USA JNC891 <140/<90 mmHg <140/<90 mmHg ACEI or ARB protective effect of a lower blood pressure target (<120
versus <140 mmHg systolic).74 The incidence of stroke
KDIGO76 <140/<90 mmHg <130/<80 mmHg ACEI or ARB
in this cohort was reduced as a result of lower blood
<140/<90 mmHg <130/<80 mmHg ACEI or ARB pressure, but this benefit occurred at the expense of a
<140/<90 mmHg <140/<90 mmHg ACEI; ARB if ACEI intolerant greater number of serious adverse effects such as
ESC/ESH79 <140 mmHg <130 mmHg ACEI or ARB hypotensionfrom the antihypertensive agents. Renal
<140/<90 mmHg <140/<90 mmHg
ARB or ACEI outcomes were not included as primary or second-
aryoutcomes in the ACCORD trial, but the creatinine
ISHIB124 <130/<80 mmHg <130/<80 mmHg Diuretic or CCB
level and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)
*Proteinuria defined as either +1 (by dipstick); >500 mg protein per 24 h; or >200 mg albumin per 24 h
(orthe equivalent of these values in a spot urine determination that employs a protein-to-creatinine or were examined and were not improved by the lower
albumin-to-creatinine ratio). The NICE recommendations in CG182125 are to use ACEIs or ARBs when treatment targets.74 Acomparison of mortality rates in
proteinuria is present; otherwise the guidance in CG12780 is to follow general recommendations for blood
pressure control when proteinuria is absent. ASH/ISH guidelines acknowledge that some authorities still two groups of veterans with CKD who achieved systolic
recommend <130/<80 mmHg for CKD with proteinuria. Abbreviations: ACEI, angiotensin-converting-enzyme
inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin-receptor blocker; ASH/ISH, American Society of Hypertension/International
blood pressure <140 mmHg found that the mortality
Society of Hypertension; CHEP, Canadian Hypertension Education Program; CKD, chronic kidney disease; hazard ratio was higher in patients with treated systolic
ESC/ESH, European Society of Cardiology/European Society of Hypertension; ISHIB, International Society
of Hypertension in Blacks; KDIGO, Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes; NICE, National Institute for blood pressure <120 mmHg than in patients with treated
Heath and Care Excellence; USA JNC8, USA Eighth Joint National Committee. systolic blood pressure 120139 mmHg (HR = 1.70; range
1.631.78).75 These data were obtained from a retrospec-
tive observational analysis based on achieved pressures
in CKD is to slow ongoing renal injury and to delay and, therefore, are at risk of confounding.75
progression to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and the
need for renal replacement therapy.61,62 Hypertension International recommendations
accelerates renal injury when impaired autoregulation The 2012 KDIGO clinical practice guideline for the
allows the transmission of high systemic pressures to the management of blood pressure in CKD was the first
glomeruli, resulting in high perfusion pressures63,64 and modern guideline to consider a higher blood pressure
accelerated glomerulosclerosis.65,66 Inturn, renal injury goal of 140/90 mmHg in patients with CKD without
can cause hypertension, due in partto inefficient sodium albuminuria or proteinuria.76 This guideline was based
removal.8 Additional contributions to hypertension come on the same limited clinical trial evidence described
from an activated RAAS and an overactive sympathetic above and in some cases a lack of ideal evidence. The
nervoussystem. KDIGO panel stopped short of raising the blood pres-
sure target for patients with albuminuria or proteinuria,
US recommendations and acknowledged that this decision was based solely
Data obtained from three randomized controlled on expert opinion. Other consensus groups similarly
trials (MDRD, AASK, and REIN-2) 6769 and subse- raised blood pressure targets for patients with CKD,
quent meta-analyses3,70,71 provided the basis for setting including the American Diabetes Association (target
blood pressure targets in the USA. None of these <140/80 mmHg),77 Canadian Hypertension Education
studies included patients with type1 diabetes mellitus Program (target <140/90 mmHg for CKD),78 and the
and very few patients had diabetic nephropathy. All European Society of Cardiology/European Society of
three trials were negative, failing to show benefit from Hypertension (target <140 mmHg systolic for CKD).79
lower blood pressure targets of 125130/7580 mmHg The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
compared to <140/90 mmHg in reducing cardiovas- (NICE) advised pharmacologic treatment in patients
cular events, slowing progression of CKD to ESRD, with blood pressures >140/90 mmHg in the setting of
or reducing mortality. The AASK trial prospectively target organ damage (including renal disease) or with
considered the impact of proteinuria on CKD progres- a 10year cardiovascular risk >20%, which would
sion, but did not demonstrate a slower progression of generally include patients with CKD. 80 A separate
CKD to ESRD for those assigned lower blood pressure NICE CKD guideline was updated and released in July
targets.68 The MDRD trial showed a benefit of lower 2014 81 using the KDIGO classification system. This
blood pressure targets on CKD progression, but these guideline recommended treatment at blood pressures
data were generated in a posthoc analysis and the use of 140/90 mmHg, and suggested treating to a target
angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) treat- range of 120139/<90 mmHg. In addition, the NICE
ment was not balanced between the study arms of the guidelines recommend drug therapy for blood pressures
trial.67 Secondary evidence based on posthoc analyses 130/80 mmHg in patients with albuminuria (defined
and follow-up studies support a benefit of lower blood by an albumin-to-creatinine ratio 70 mg/mmol), and
pressure targets in patients with CKD and proteinuria,70 suggest a target range of 120129/<80 mmHg. Overall,
but a more definitive, prospective study has not yet there remains a propensity to maintain lower blood pres-
been performed. Furthermore, increased cardiovas- sure targets for those with more severe proteinuria based
cular morbidity and mortality were noted when blood on posthoc analyses and expert opinion, with targets


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Box 1 | Optimal use of home blood pressure measurements as a target of blood pressure itself and is therefore poised
to have a substantial role in blood pressure dysregulation
Check the home monitoring device against a reliable blood pressure device
used in the providers office
in the presence of impaired kidney function.
A general practitioner or nurse should observe the patient perform a blood
pressure check Sodium
The directions supplied with the blood pressure monitor should be read The regulation of sodium excretion is a fundamental
carefully prior to making a reading function of the kidney. The kidneys filter >25,000 mmol
Patients must be aware of the requirements to void the bladder and avoid sodium per day and generate a urine typically containing
cigarettes and caffeine use before measuring, to be sat quietly in a position ~150 mmol over 24 h, thus excreting <1% of the filtered
that enables back support, foot support on the floor, and elbow placement at
sodium load.83 The smallest deviation from this precise
heart level, and the value of duplicate or triplicate measurements
Blood pressure measurements should be encouraged at set times of the day
matching of input and output over months and years can
and not limited to times when the patient feels in bad or good health or mood, result in volume-mediated hypertension or devastating
as these situations might not be representative of general health volume depletion.
A blood pressure monitor with a memory or the ability to download data to a The means by which sodium can increase blood pres-
computer is desirable to reduce reporting bias wherein a patient might feel sure is equally complex. Dietary or parenteral intake
pressured to only report their better blood pressure measurements of sodium chloride causes an initial volume expansion
and increases cardiac filling before ventricular systole
(preload). A complex choreography ensues whereby
typically being more loosely applied to those who are renin activity is diminished, aldosterone concentra-
elderly or frail. tions fall, and the increase in cardiac output is translated
While disagreement remains on blood pressure targets into diminished filtered sodium recovery and increased
for patients with CKD, the majority of guidelines favour sodium excretion.84 Other pathways also contribute to
a general target of <140 mmHg systolic and <90 mmHg this process that involve changes in eicosanoids, includ-
diastolic (Table1). This goal might be challenging for ing 20-hydroxyeicosotetraenoic acid (20-HETE) and
those with advanced CKD who are more likely to have kininogens.8,9 Increases in 20-HETE drive diuresis under
resistant hypertension and might already be taking mul- salt loading conditions, and failure to generate increases
tiple anti-hypertensive agents. This hypothesis was con- in 20-HETE is seen in salt-sensitive hyper tension. 10
firmed in an analysis of National Health and Nutritional Kinin activation promotes vasodilation and natri-
Examination Survey data, where more patients with uresis, and failure to generate kinins under salt loading
CKD remained with uncontrolled hypertension com- contributes to hypertension.11
pared to patients without CKD, even when higher blood In addition to volume-associated increases in cardiac
pressure targets were used.82 output, sodium chloride administration potentiates
Our own approach is to first aim for a systolic blood the pressor action of vasoconstrictors, such as norepi-
pressure 130140 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure nephrine.12 An increased sodium intake results in stiffer
<90 mmHg in patients with CKD without proteinuria arterial vessels, alterations in nitric oxide release, and the
or albuminuria. Long-acting agents should be selected promotion of inflammatory processes that contribute to
to reduce dosing frequency and smooth drug effect, blood pressure elevation.13 Some patients show no dis-
but the majority of patients will require twice daily cernible change in their blood pressure when challenged
dosing. Although the data to support lower blood pres- by low and high sodium diets and are said to be resis-
sure targets are weak and somewhat circumstantial, we tant to sodium-mediated increases in blood pressure.
propose to aim for lower targets (<130/80 mmHg) in The ability to maintain a normal blood pressure in the
patients with proteinuria (>1 g and especially >3 g per faceof a sodium challenge decreases with progressive
24 h) until more definitive results from clinical trials loss of kidney function, and a decline in glomerular fil-
are available. In this setting, the patient must be able to tration rate (GFR) is associated with a greater sensitivity
tolerate lower blood pressure levels without developing of blood pressure to salt.14
symptoms of hypoperfusion.
Sympathetic nervous system
Pathogenesis of hypertension in CKD The contribution of the sympathetic nervous system to
The role of the kidney in CKD-associated hypertension blood pressure regulation is one of the most difficult
is complex because the kidney both contributes to, and is factors to measure. Circulating levels of plasma norepi-
damaged by the hypertensive processes. In simple terms, nephrine (noradrenaline) provide an approximate index
blood pressure is a physiologic parameter regulated along to sympathetic activity, but more precise measures, such
four axessodium regulation, the sympathetic nervous as muscle sympathetic nerve activity and regional or
system, humoral systems, and autoregulatory systems. whole-body norepinephrine spillover, are restricted to
These axes provide independent and inter-associated a handful of laboratories worldwide.15
input into pressure regulation (Figure1). Although these Initial studies in ESRD demonstrated increased
systems are discussed individually in the following section, muscle sympathetic nerve activity in patients under-
these pathways are also interdependent. The kidney acts going haemodialysis with resistant hypertension, which
as an excretory organ, a component in the sympathetic returned to lower values after bilateral nephrectomy.16
axis, a source of circulating constrictors and dilators, and Early stage impairment of kidney function can also


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level of volume.19 In addition to the well-known constric-

tor effects, angiotensin II (the end product of activation
of this system) can also potentiate sodium reabsorp-
Blood pressure tion, enhance neurotransmitter release at synaptic
clefts in the sympathetic nervous system, and stimulate
Sodium Sympathetic
nervous system Aldosterone
Aldosterone potentiates sodium reabsorption in the
distal nephron in exchange for the secretion of potas-
sium. An excess effect of aldosterone was recognized as
a potential cause of hypertension shortly after the initial
Humoral identification of aldosterone.20 Classic experiments per-
formed in the 5/6th nephrectomy rat model demonstrated
Figure 1 | Integration of the processes and pathways that a pronounced increase in serum aldosterone concentra-
regulate blood pressure. Blood Nature Reviews | Nephrology
pressure is regulated by tion that contributes both to elevated blood pressure
inter-connected systems that although linked, function and parenchymal damage.21 Limited data from human
independently of each other. These systems fall broadly studies suggest that aldosterone concentrations increase
into the four illustrated categories. Most medications and
as kidney function declines.22 Aldosterone exerts its
lifestyle recommendations for managing blood pressure
focus primarily on one system. For example, diuretic effect either through the mineralocorticoid receptor or
therapy and dietary sodium restriction act mainly through directly on the vasculature.23
reducing the input of sodium into blood pressure control.
Both diuretic therapy and a substantial reduction in dietary Other factors
sodium intake, however, can increase plasma renin activity A multitude of other factors have been reported to
(the humoral system) and sympathetic nervous system mediate blood pressure elevation in CKD. These factors
activity, underscoring both the interdependence of these include endothelins, oxidative stressors, and inflam-
systems, as well as providing a logical basis for additional
matory mediators.2426 Endothelins, such as ET-1, are
therapeutic interventions that when added to a diuretic
typically result in additive blood pressure control. Such vasoconstrictors that can also elicit inflammatory and
additional interventions include drugs that counteract renin fibrotic effects.24 Oxidative stressors include reactive
system activation, such as angiotensin-converting-enzyme oxygen species, which promote vasoconstriction, the
inhibitors and angiotensin-receptor blockers. release of renin, and increased urinary protein excre-
tion.25 Inflammatory mediators include cytokines, such
elicit an increase in muscle sympathetic nerve activ- as TNF and IFN, which impair endothelial function.26
ity.17 Efferent nerves (to the kidney) and afferent nerves
(tothe brainstem) are found around the renal arteries, Autoregulation
with the majority being efferent. At low levels of stimula- The final system of blood pressure regulation is directly
tion, efferent renal nerves promote increased renal renin associated with the endothelium and the vascular wall.
secretion. Stimulation of the efferent nerves results in a Processes that can impair the release of nitric oxide from
reduction in urinary sodium excretion (anti-natriuresis) the endothelium, or that reduce the bioavailability of
and maximal stimulation of the efferent nerves mediates nitric oxide either by limiting its substrate (arginine) or
an increase in renal vascular resistance.18 The kidneys, by oxidizing it within the cell before release, impair an
therefore, receive direction from, and generate input to, important vasodilatory response.27 In addition, processes
the sympathetic nervous system. that can stiffen the arterial or arteriolar wall, such as vas-
cular calcification87 or excessive collagen accumulation,88
Humoral Systems are both known to be more active in patients with CKD
Plasma renin activity and promote an increase in blood pressure.
The contact between the afferent arteriole, the distal
convoluted tubule, and the base of the glomerulus Treatment of hypertension
forms a unit known as the juxtaglomerular apparatus. Non-pharmacologic therapy
When afferent arteriolar stretch is reduced by haemor- Sodium intake contributes to drug resistance, in par-
rhage or volume loss through the intestines, the RAAS ticular in patients with a reduced GFR.89 Dietary inter-
within the juxtaglomerular apparatus is activated, and vention should be a mainstay of treatment but requires
plasma renin activity increases.85 Sympathetic activa- formal patient dietary education provided in one-on-one
tion further potentiates this effect through activation of individualized sessions in order to be effective. Dietary
the 1-adrenoreceptor, which further stimulates renin sodium restriction is particularly effective in patients
secretion. When sodium is consumed or volume is other- with proteinuria, with one study showing that a restric-
wise increased, the afferent arteriolar stretch increases tion of daily sodium intake to <100 mmol can reduce
and renin activity is suppressed.85 The operating charac- proteinuria by 22%.90 Diuretic therapy will usually be
teristics of this mechanism are shifted in patients with needed in conjunction with dietary efforts, especially as
CKD such that the renin system is more active for any CKD becomes more advanced.


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Pharmacologic therapy effective in a once daily dosing format, whereas other loop
Many guidelines for patients with CKD now recommend diuretics, such as furosemide and bumetanide, require
either initiating antihypertensive treatment with an ACEI twice daily dosing to effectively control hypertension. In
or an angiotensin-receptor blocker (ARB), or adding an select cases, the combination of a loop diuretic and a thia-
ACEI or ARB to the patients current regimen.76,78,79,91 zide diuretic might be effective,111 but the result of com-
The evidence to support this rationale has been primar- bining these agents can be potent. This approach must
ily derived from patients with some degree of elevated therefore be used with caution and serum electrolytes and
protein or microalbumin excretion, as it has not been blood pressure must be closely monitored.
shown to benefit those without proteinuria.71 ACEIs or Patients receiving RAAS blockade require serum
ARBs function as RAAS blockers, which reduce intra- potassium and creatinine monitoring as hyperkalaemia
glomerular pressure and thereby reduce proteinuria.65 will be a more notable concern as renal function declines.
Aconcurrent reduction in GFR will produce an increase ACEIs and ARBs have been increasingly and safely used
in serum creatinine of up to 30%.92 Greater increases in in patients with advanced CKD to delay disease pro-
serum creatinine should be investigated and might be gression.112,113 Discontinuing RAAS blockade in patients
caused by volume contraction, use of nephrotoxic agents with low levels of renal function, however, might delay
such as NSAIDs, or bilateral renovascular disease.28,93 initiation of dialysis and prolong time to transplan-
The combination of an ACEI and an ARB is discour- tation while preparations are underway to evaluate
aged following the results of three randomized trials transplantationsuitability.
that demonstrated harm from combined administra-
tion compared to use of ACEI or ARB therapy alone.9496 Device interventions
The combination of an ACEI or ARB with an aldosterone Renal denervation
antagonist is also generally discouraged, but might be The surface of the renal artery contains a rich network
effective in some clinical circumstances, including of afferent and efferent neural fibers. Destruction of
heart failure9799 and severe proteinuria;100 this scenario, these fibers by radiofrequency ablation has resulted in
however, should be the exception rather than the rule. dramatic reductions in blood pressure in some,114,115 but
Careful monitoring of serum potassium and creatinine not all studies116 of drug resistant hypertension. Renal
levels must be performed in these patients. denervation seems to be reasonably safe and well toler-
Most other antihypertensive agents can be used alone ated, even in patients with CKD.116 A study of 15 patients
or in combination after consideration of their metabo- with CKD stage 34 that underwent renal denerva-
lism and dosing requirements according to the level of tion found a reduction in systolic blood pressure of
renal function. Most patients with CKD should be treated 33 mmHg at 6months;117 this study, however, was open
with a diuretic as their first or second agent to manage label and did not include a control group. The Symplicity
volume and sodium retention.101 Patients with auto- Hypertension 3 trial demonstrated that patients with
somal dominant polycystic kidney disease are an excep- eGFR >60 ml/min/1.73 m2 had a better blood pressure
tion to this consensus, where concern exists that diuretic response to renal denervation than the sham treatment
therapy will stimulate renin production and subsequently group, although this difference was not observed in
stimulate cyst growth.102,103 In other patients, the addi- patients with eGFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m2.117 The effec-
tion of a diuretic might correct nocturnal non-dipping tiveness of renal denervation for hypertension remains
and restore the circadian rhythm of blood pressure.104 to be determined, and no approved devices are currently
Non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers might available for this procedure in the USA.
elicit antiproteinuric effects105 whereas dihydropyridine
calcium channel blockers are more effective in lowering Baroreflex activation therapy
blood pressure and can be used in combination with an An alternative treatment strategy for drug resistant
ACEI or ARB without a negative effect on proteinuria.106 hypertension has been to pace the carotid barorecep-
Dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers combined tors by applying electrodes directly to the surface of the
with an ACEI or an ARB might be more effective in carotid artery bifurcation to increase their activity.118
slowing the progression of nephropathy than an ACEI or When the pacing generator source is turned on, blood
ARB in combination with a diuretic.107 This observation is pressure markedly declines over a few seconds.119 As
particularly valid in black patients.108 -Blockers are often with renal denervation, initial studies in patients with
indicated for coexisting cardiac disease.109 resistant hypertension were very promising,120 but the
The treatment approach for patients with hypertension Pivotal Trial failed to meet all the primary efficacy end
and advancing CKD is similar to that for patients with points.121 Limited uncontrolled studies in patients with
resistant hypertension. The use of noninvasive haemo- CKD show good procedural safety and moderate reduc-
dynamic measurements has been shown to provide more tions in blood pressure,122 but this therapy, like renal
effective control of hypertension than clinical judgment denervation, remains unproven in the USA.
alone, enabling drugs to be titrated on the basis of serial
measurements when multiple agents are needed. 110 Conclusions
Higher diuretic doses might be needed as GFR progres- Hypertension is a major risk factor for CKD progres-
sively declines. A loop diuretic is indicated when eGFR is sion, cardiovascular events, and target organ damage
<30 ml/min/1.73 m2. In this setting, torasemide might be and can also occur as a consequence of a progressive


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decline in renal function. The use of automated office regimens to reduce blood pressure often contain mul-
measurements and out of office measures, includ- tiple agents that block several aspects of blood pressure
ing ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and home control, and tend to work better when patients can be
readings, improves measurement accuracy and better motivated to implement lifestyle measures, such as salt
predicts the risk of cardiovascular events. US and inter- reduction and weight loss. Newer treatment approaches
national guidelines recommend blood pressure control that use devices to reduce blood pressure seem to be
to <140/90 mmHg, with some preference to maintain reasonably safe from limited clinical studies of patients
a target <130/80 mmHg for patients with proteinuria. with CKD, but have yet to demonstrate greater efficacy
Pending additional studies, our own approach is to than sham or control procedures. These procedures have
first aim for a systolic blood pressure 130140 mmHg not yet entered the mainstream of hypertension care in
and diastolic blood pressure <90 mmHg, with attempts CKD. Elevated blood pressure is a manageable condition
to further lower to <130/80 mmHg if tolerated in those in patients with CKD, and efforts expended in control-
with proteinuria, while incorporating the use of an ACEI ling CKD might yield substantial renal and cardiovascu-
or ARB in the regimen. Multiple mechanisms contrib- lar benefits for our patients. Further studies are needed
ute to hypertension in CKD and their contributions to clarify the most optimal blood pressure targets and
might differ between patients. Consequently medication treatment regimens.

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