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Question Paper Stream- SA Part-1 Mathematics Question Number: 1 Suppose the quadratic polynomial P(x) = ax? + by + ¢ has positive coefficients a,b,c in asithmetic progression in that order. If P(x) = 0 has integer roots @ and f. then @ +B +a equals B.S 7 D. 14 Question Number : 2 The number of digits in the decimal expansion of 1655!® is A. 16 B17 ©. 1s D. 19 Question Number : 3 Let t be real number such that ¢2'= at +b for some positive integers @ and b. Then for any choice of positive integers @ and b, ¢? is never equal to P es a A. 4t+3 B. 8 +5 C. 10r+3 9 -D. 6t4+5 Question Number : 4 Consider the equation (1 + a + b)? = 3(1 + a? +b). where a,b are real numbers. Then A. there is no solution pair (a,b) B, there are infinitely many solution pairs (a. b) C. there are exactly two solution pairs (@, 5) D. there is exactly one solution pair (a,b) Quest Let dy, @z,"*, yoo be nonzero real numbers stich that Ay +A, + + Ai99 Then > yO) a: 2% > O and Lia, 27% < 0 B. Yifa, 2% 2 0 and Lia, 2-1 20 co ao - F182, 2 = 0 and Y2%a, 2- D. the sign of LPP a, 2% or LAP a, 27" depends on the choice of a;'s Let ABCD be a wapezium., in which AB is parallelto CD, AB = 11. BC = 4. CD = 6 and DA = 3. The distance between AB and CD is B. 24 D. not determinable with the data Question Number :7 The points A, B, C, D, E are marked on the ci cumference of a circle in clockwise direction such that ZABC = 130°and ZCDE = 110°. The measure of 2ACE in degrees is A. 50° B. 60° ‘ e. 70° D. 80° Question Number : 8 Three circles of radii 1. 2 and 3 units respectively touch each other extemally in the plane, The cireumradins of the triangle formed by joining the centers of the circles is ALS D.3 Question Number : 9 Let P bea point inside a triangle ABC with ZABC = 90°, Let P, and P, be the images of P under reflection in AB and BC respectively. The distance between the cireumcenters of triangles ABC and P,PP, is APABPACP AGT Ba ABLEC+AC D. 2 Question Number : 10 Let @ and b be two positive real numbers such that a+ 2b <4, Let Ay and Az be, respectively. the areas of circles with radii a@b? and b?. Then the maxinnun ; AL possible value of 4 is Question Number : 11 There are two candles of same length and same size. Both of them bum at uniform rate. The first one bums in 5 hours and the second one bus in 3 hours. Both the candles are lit together. After how many minures the length of the first candle is 3 times that of the other? A,90 B. 120 C135 D, 140 Q jon Number : 12 Consider a cuboid all of whose edges are integers and whose base is a square. Suppose the stm of all its edges is numerically equal to the sum of the areas of all its six faces, Then the sum of all its edges is ALR B.18 C4 D.36 Question Number ; 13 Let Ay, Ags, Am be nonempty subsets of {1,2,3, ...100} satisfying the following conditions: (1) the numbers JA), [A2l,.., [Am are distinct 2) Ay, Ages Amare pairwise disjoint. (Here [A] denotes the number of elements in the set 4.) Then the maximum possible value of m is A.13 B14 cls D.16 Question Number : 14 The number of all 2-digit numbers n,such that 1 is equal to the sum of the square of digit in its tens place and the cube of the digit in units place is AO Bal D4 Question Number : 15 Let f bea function defined on the set of all positive integers such that LOY) = f(&) + FV) for all positive integers x,y. If f(12) = 24 and f(8) = 15. the value of f (48) is A.3l B. 32 C.33 D.34 Part-I Physics uestion Number : 16 would she have to walk due north A person walks 25.0° north of east for 3.18 km. How fz and then due east to arrive at the same location? A. towards north 2,88 km and towards east 1.34 km. B. towards north 2.11 km and towards east 2.11 km. C. towards north 1.25 km and towards east 1.93 km D. towards north 1.34 km and towards east 2.88 km. Question Number : 17 The length and width of a rectangular room are measured to be 3 08 m and 3.0) au, respectively, The aren of the floor is A. 12.0520.01 m? B. 12,05=0,005 m’, Question Number : 18 A car goes around uniform circular track of radius R at a uniform speed ¥ on ein every T seconds. The mag nitude of the sentripetal aeceleration is ae. If the ear now goes uniformly avound a larger circular track of radius 2R and experiences a centripetal acceleration of magnitude Sag, then its time period is Ar B.3T C.T2 D.32T uestion Number : The p aary and the secondary coils of a transformer contain 10 and 100 turns, respectively The primary coil is connected to a battery that supplies a constant voltage of L.S volts. The volt: across the secondary coil is ALS BOS V C.00V D.ISV Question Number : 20 Water falls down a 500.0 m shaft to reach a turbine which generates electrivity. How much water must fall per second in order to generate 1.00 10° Watts of power? (Assume 30 % efficiency of conversion and g= 10 ms") A. 250m? B. 400 m? c. $00 m3 D. 200 m? ‘Question Number : 21 : ‘The diagram below show’ two eircular loops of wire (A and B) centred on and perpendicular to the a-axis, and oriented with their planes parallel to cach other, The y-axis passes vertically through loop A (dashed line). There is a current Jp in loop B as shown. Possible actions which we might perform on loop A are: @ Move A to the right along x axis closer to B (i) Move A to the left along x axis away fiom B (iii) As viewed from above, rotate A clockwise about y axis (iv) As viewed from above, rotate A anticlockwise about y axis Which of these actions will induce a current in A only in the direction shown. A. Only (i) B. Only (ii) . Only(i) and (iv) 5 f Question Number: 22 A tigid ball rolls without slipping on a surface shown below. eee Which one of the following is the most likely representation of the distance travelled by the ball vs time graph? Question Number : 23 In an experiment. setup A consists of two parallel wires which carry currents in opposite directions as shown in the figure. A second setup B is identical to setup A, except that there is a metal plate between the wires. Setup A Setup B Let Fq and Fy be the magnitude of the force between the two wires in setup A and setup B. respectively. A. Fa> Fa #0 B. Fy < Fp C. Fx = Fp #0 D. > Fe=0 Question Number : 24 In the circuit. wire 1 is of negligible resistance. Then Re Re | wires | a & Convent will flow through wire 1 if eye) wp Current will flow through wire 1 if )'RieyRy e1- €2)(Ri- Ra} Current will flow through wire 1 if (6:+e3)(Ri+ Ra) a No current will flow through wire 1 9 Question Number : 25, The radius of a nucleus is given by rmA!? where r= 1.3» 10 m and 4 is the mass number of the nucleus. The Lead nucleus has 4 = 206. The electrostatic force between two protons in this nucleus is approximately ALON B.10°N C.10P N D.10"'N Question Number : 26 A hollow lens is made of thin glass and in the shape of a double concave lens. It can be filled with air, water of refractive index 1.33 or CS2 of refinctive index 1.6, It will act as a diverging lens if it is and immersed in water. hai A. filled y B. filled with water and immersed in CS), . filled with air and immersed in CS». D. filled with CS) and immersed in water, Question Number : 27 A stone thrown down with a speed 4 takes a time f) to reach the ground. while another stone thrown upwards from the same point with the same speed. takes time &. The masimmn height the second stone reaches from the ground is AJ ght B.gS(i uy Question Number : 28 An electric field due to a positively charg ght wire at a distance 1 from it as proportional tor! in m itude, Two electrons are orbiting such 9 long straight wire in circular orbits of radii 1 A and 2 A. The satio of their respective time periods is, ACh Rid C4 D4 Question ber : 29 Two particles of identical mass are moving in civeular orbits under a potential given by vor) = kr . where K a constant. If the radii of their orbits are r. 1 and their speeds are vi: ¥p. respectively, then Question Number : 30 Mereury is often used in clinical thermometers. Which one of the following properties of miereury is not a reason for this? A. The coefficient of the thermal expansion is large. B. Itis shiny €. It is a liquid at room temperature D. Ithas high density. Part-I Chemistry ‘Question Number: 31 One mole of one of the sodium salts listed below, having carbon conteat close to 14.3%, produces 1 mole of carbon dioxide upon heating (atomic mass Na = 23, H= 1. 16). The salt is A CxH;COO: B. NaHCO; ¢ HCOONa CHsCOONa Question Number : 32 Among formic acid, acetic acid, propanoie acid and phenol, the strongest acid in water is A. formic acid B. acetic acid C. —_ propanoic acid D. phenol Quest According to Graham’s Law, the rate of diffusion of CO, O, Nz and COy follows the order: A CO=N: B, CO=N)> C. O:*CO=N:> CO: D. CO:>02>CO Question The major product formed when 2-butene ts reacted with Os followed by treatment with 21,0 is, A. CHSCOOH B. CH;CHO c CHsCH:OH D. CH=CH; Question Number : 35 The IUPAC name for the following compound is Hy CHy- CHCl C-CHiCHCHy Cie 2-propylhex-1-ene 2-propyl-2-butylethene A. B.-2-butylpent-t-ene c D. _propyl-L-butylethene Question Number : The major products obtained in the reaction of oxalic acid with cone. HySO, upon heating are A CO, CO», HO B. CO, S03, H,O c Hy8, CO. H:0 D. HCOOH, 1:8. CO Question Number : 37 LiOH reacts with 5 (atomic mass of Li = 7), The amount of CO; Gin g) consumed by 1 g of LIOH is closest to A 0916 Bo 1832 c ost D 1.088 ber : 38 Question The oxidation number of sulphur is ~4 in Question Number : 39 ALO; reacts with only water only acids only alkalis vu oODP both acids and alkalis Question Number : 40 The major product formed in the oxidation of acetylene by alkaline KMnO, is A. ethanol B acetic acid ©. formic acid D. —oxahie acid Question Number : 41 Ina closed vessel. an ideal gas at 1 atm is heated from 27 °C to 327 °C. The final pressure of the gas will approximately be 3atn A Bo OSatm © 2atm D. 12 atm lestion Number : 42 Among the elements Li, N.C and Be, one with the largest atomic radius 1 Li Be Question Number : 43 A redox reaction among the follow i) CdCl: +2 KOH > Cd@OH): - (i) BaCl; +K;S0, > Bas (it) CaCO; F Cad ~ CO; (iv) 2Ca +0: > 200 A @ B a) CG) : Dw) 1 Number : 44 atem 1s A RB ergy dt 2s Frengy |, the c. Dp. —+—» Energy, Energy | ng as KCl = 2 KCL The electronic configuration which obeys Hund’s rule for the ground state of carbon + — +b» He 2s t- ts Question Number : 45 The graph that depicts Einstein s photoelectric effect for a monochromatic souree of fraqueney above the threshold frequency is A 2 | gE HG 5 N Hi ra t 28 é & fo Inmtenety of Intene ty of Todiaton radiaton c, iD al A 3 338 é & Intensty of Infensty of radiation radiation Part-1 Biology Question Number : 46 What is the length of human DNA containing 6.6 x 10° bp? A. 22 nm B. 0.22 mm Cc. 22m D. 22m Question Number : 47 The Diptheria, Pertussis, Tetanus (DPT) vaccine consists of A. live attenuated strains of Diptheria. Pertussis, Tetanus B. toxoid of Diptheria , Tetanus. and heat killed whole cells of Permissis C. whole cell lysate of Diptheria. Pertussis. Tetanus D. . heat killed strains of Diptheria. Pertussis. Tetanus Question Number : 48 Which of the following is NOT an enzyme? A. Lipase B. Amylase . Trypsin D. Bilirubin Question Number 49 The pH of the avian blood is maintained by A. HCO;” B. HaPOs C. CH;COO" D. cr Question N) 50 Podoeyte layer that provides outer lining to the surface of glomerular capillaries are found in. A. bowman’s vapsile B. loop of Henle (©. yenal artery D. ureter Question Number : 81 : Ifa dsDNA has 20% adenine. what would be its eytosine content? AL 20% B. 30% C. 40% D, 80% Question Number : 2 Which one of the following is incapable of curing Pellagra? A. Niacine B, Nicotine ©. Nicotinamide D. Tryptophan 183 Question Nu In Escherichia coli. how many codons code for the standard amino-acids A. 64 B. 60 © 61 D. 20 Question Number : $4 Bombyx mori (silk worm) belongs t9 the order A Lepidoptera Diptera Hymenoptera LD. Coleoptera Question Number : 85 The source of mammalian hormone “Relaxin” is A, ovary B. stomach intestine D. pancreas. Which one of the following animals is a connecting link between reptiles and manunals? A. Platypus B. Bat ©. Armadillo D, Frog Question Number : $7 What is the number of chromosomes in an individual with Turner's syndrome? 44 B. 45 46 D. 47 , Question Number : $8 Chipko movement in the year 1974 in Garhwal Himala as involved A. protecting tigers B. preventing soil erosion by planting trees C, preventing pollution by closing down industries D. hu ing tr to prevent the conrraetors from felling them Question Number : 59 Which of the following amino avids is NOT involved in gluconeog A. Alanine B. Lysine Glutamate D. Arginine Question Number : 60 Which of the following entities causes syphilis? 4. Treponenia pallidum B. Neisseria gonorrhoea C. HIP D. Hepatitis B Part-11 Mathematics Scppose @ is a positive real number such that a — @ + a = 2, Then A abe B 2 Question Number : 72 2.3-Dibromobutane can be converted to 2-butyne ina two-step reaction using @ HCI and (ii) Natt (@ aleoholic KOH and (ii) NaNH> (Na and (ii) NaOH @ Bn and (ii) NaH ooo > Question Number :73 en NO dab + Os) —> NO (g)+ 02g) A =-198.9 kino! Ov) ——» 3202 (9) AH = 442.3 kali 2(9) ——~ 20 «) M1 = #495,0 kuimol The enthalpy change (AH) for the following reaction is, NO(g) + Og) —» NOz() A. 304.1 ‘mol B. +3041 kF'mol ¢ -403.1 kI'mol : D. — +403.1 kT'mol Question Number : 74 A185 g sample of an arsenic-containing pesticide was chemically converted to As0,** (atomic mass of As = 74.9) and titrated with Pb™ to form Pb:(AsO.)s. If 20 mL of 0.1 M Pb” is required to reach the equivalence point, the mass percentage of arsenic in the pesticide sample is closest to A 81 B23 Cc 54 D 36 Question Number: 75 When treated with cone, HC]. MnO, yields a gas (X) which further reacts with Ca(OH); to generate a white solid (Y). The solid ¥ reacts with dil, HCI to produce the sate gas X. The solid Y is A C20 Bo Cath ¢ cacoebed BD. CaCOs Part-11 Biology Question Number : 76 The atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg at the sea level. Which of the followi ranges is nearest to the partial pressure of CO) in mm Hg? A. 9.30 ~+0.31 B, 0.60- 0,61 C. 30-34 D. 6.0-6.1 Question Number : 77 A breeder crossed a pure bred tall plant having white flowers to a pure bred short plant having blue flowers. He obtained 202 Fy progeny and found that they are all tall having white flowers. Upon selfing these Fi plants. he obtained a progeny of 2160 plants, Approximately, how many of these are likely to be shert and having blue flowers? A. 1215 B. 405 ce. $40 D. 135 8 Match the different types of heart given in columm A with organisms given in the column B. Choose the correct combination. Column A Column B P, Neurogenic heart i, Human Q. Bronchial heort ii, King crab R, Pulmonary heart iii, Shark Peli, Quiii, Rei Poili, Qui, Rei Pei. Quili, Reii Pei, Qui, Reidi : Question Number : 79 Given below are the fonr schematics that describe the dependence of the rete of an enzymatic reaction on temperature. Which of the following combinations is true for thermophilic and psychrophilie organisms? p. a. Reaction rate Reaction rate . Temperature & Temporatu Reaction rate Temperature A. P and P B.Pand$ . Pand RR D.RandR stion Number : 80 a Match the enzymes in Group I with the reactions in Group II Select the correct combination, Group I Group P. Hydrolase i, Inter- conversion of optical isomers Q. Lyase ii, Oxidation and reduction of no substrates R. Isomerase iii. Joining of nvo compounds S.Ligase iv. Removal of a chemical group from a substrate vy. Transtar of a chemical group fom one substrate to anather Sei Seiti Sv Se

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