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Author Guidelines

VANOS Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education

VANOS Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education publishes research articles in the field of
Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Education both teachers, lecturers, practitioners and relevant
researchers. The published articles are original manuscripts that have never been published either
domestically or abroad. Articles can be written in Indonesian or English. Articles can be emailed to, or submitted directly to the VANOS Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education

Instructions for authors

1. Articles submitted to VANOS are original manuscripts of engineering and automotive engineering
research that have not been published in any national or international journals and / or are not being
proposed to be published in proceedings or other journals.
2. The article is not a result of plagiarism, it must be proven by the original statement of the work.
3. Articles typed in Indonesian or English with Microsoft Word programs with doc, docx, or rtf file types,
cambrian letters, size 11 pts, space 1.5 with A4 paper format and 10-14 pages long.
4. Articles follow the style of writing and bibliography according to the VANOS Journal of Mechanical
Engineering Education guidance template that has been provided.
5. Articles reviewed by blind review by reviewers (bestari partners) who have been appointed in
accordance with their field. The author of the article is given an opportunity to improve the article on
the recommendation of the reviewers or the editor. Decisions on publishing or rejecting articles will
be notified in writing or email.

Systematic Articles
1. The title should be short and able to reflect from the subject matter, specific, and effective. If written
in Indonesian the title is written a maximum of 12 words, and maximum 10 words if written in
English. The title is written in capital letters in the middle, with cambria 12.
2. Author's name is listed without an academic degree, along with the institution's name and affiliation
(name of institution, address, zip code, country name), and correspondence or e-mail address. The
author's name is placed under the title of the article with cambria 11 bold print. The author's affiliate
description uses numbers without brackets and superscript. Example: (Deni Ramdani1 & Nurtanto2)
3. Abstracts are written in English and Bahasa Indonesia with a maximum length of 200 words that
contain the key issues, research objectives, methods and research results written in a concise, clear,
self-contained whole and fully illustrate the essence of the whole writing. Number of 3-5 word
keywords or word combination.
4. Keywords reflect the concept of related articles, straightforward, and informative.
5. Introduction contains the background of the problem, the research context, the results of the
literature review, and the research objectives. The introductory section is presented in an integrated
manner in the form of paragraphs.
6. The research method describes the design of research forms and methods, places, data collection
techniques, operational definitions of research variables, and data analysis techniques.
7. Results and Discussion contains detailed descriptions of all research results with analysis. The
results can be completed with tables, graphs, drawings and / or charts. The discussion contains the
meaning of results and comparison with the theory and / or the results of similar research.
8. Conclusion contains a brief summary or essence of research results in the form of research findings
in the form of answers to research questions. In the conclusion section should also put forward the
implications of research results for the development of science and technology. The conclusions are
presented in paragraph form.
9. The References List uses the Harvard Referencing Standard system containing the resources
referred to in the article. Referral sources used are 80% of primary sources such as scientific journals
or research reports and are published in the last 10 years.

The examples of reference format are:

1. Book:
Kuswana, W. S. (2013) Dasar-dasar Pendidikan Vokasi dan Kejuruan. Bandung: Alfabeta.
2. Journal:
Anane, C. A. (2013) Competency Based Training: Quality Delivery For Technical And Vocational Education
And Training (TVET) Institutions. Educational Research International, 2(2), pp. 117127.
3. Proceeding:
Setiadi, B. R. and Ramdani, S. D. (2014) The Effect of Teaching Ability of Vocational Teacher on The
Implementation of Using Scientific Approach In DIY. Proceeding The 3rd IPCoRE (International
Postgraduate Colloqium of Research in Education. Bandung 13 - 14 June 2014.
4. Thesis and dissertation:
Craw, K.G. (2009). Performance Assessment Practices: A Case Study of Science Teachers in A Suburban
High School Setting. (Dissertation). Columbia: Colombia University,.

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