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IMPORTANT: This is a beta version of RTL1090.

Functionality is experimental and partially incomplete yet.

Please use at your own risk.
Retain the release that is working for you as a backup copy.

Build 161 - 27/03/15 - Housekeeping

Build 153 - 15/03/14 - "RTL1090 V3 SCOPE"

a) This update is provided to make RTL1090 even more robust against false and
fake targets.

b) also a formatting nuisance was corrected, whereas in the Flight Table the
appearance of DF17 type 28,30 or 31 markers was confusing the format.
The appearance of said DF17 transmissions will be marked as follows from now on:
28 30 31
" "
"1" x
"2" x
"3" x x
"4" x
"5" x x
"6" x x
"7" x x x

The most popular indication for very new DO-260B compatible airplanes
these days is "4" which indicates that the aircraft has sent a type 31 packet,
but no type 28 or 30 packets.

c) Wind direction and speed as shown in the flight strip is subject to availability
of a correct local magnetic declination or variation. The local data can be entered
from a new slider on the CONFIG page. There is a link to an internet page,
too, that can provide your local variation data.

d) A link on the frontpage provides direct access to the RTL1090

internet homepage.

Build 152 - 14/03/14 - "RTL1090 V3 SCOPE"

This is just a small service update with the following items resolved and still

(RESOLVED) In the table view mode, I always have a red written line, beginning
with an ICAO that never change : F1B77E. The other datas of the line are
changing randomly, but always with flights datas that are really received
(screen shot available if you need).
(Only seen in or close to France and Canada (Quebec?), anybody else?)

(RESOLVED) Another small bug is a missing grid for western longitudes as can
be seen on the attached picture.

(UNCHANGED - the app starts at the last saved location. If it sits elsewhere
and you have aircraft reception just click into the map to re-center) I input
my location before clicking Start, and yet I found myself looking at Europe
when launching the scope; can the software automatically start
with the scope entered at my location?

(RESOLVED) Also, I see that - like Globe-S - I can put a basestation.sqb file
in the rtl1090 folder for the software to read. I run multiple virtual radar
apps, as I'm sure others do, so I'm wondering if you're software could instead
ask for a reference to a basestation.sqb rather than requiring a copy. Multiple
dbs are more difficult to maintain.

(RESOLVED) a) My location in geographical coordinates are incorrect in the

scope screen, depicting a S (for south) figure while should be a
W (for Western) latitude.

(RESOLVED) Database field not showing registrations.

(RESOLVED - there is an option in the OPTIONS dialog) This suggests a reversal

of the sense for the roller wheel routine in RTL1090 would bring it in line
with the usage for Google Maps and other things like photographs.

(RESOLVED) - one komma missing in MSG,7,111,11111,39CA8D,111111,2014/01/07,


(RESOLVED) - - In the "Stats" tab the Uptime running time is expressed in

milliseconds, I often leave my system for days without a single reboot
(Lucky windoze user guy), and the milliseconds count is a larger figure
difficult so ingest after certain amount of time, could be possible to show
the Uptime in a more "human readable" manner, such as Days, hours, minutes
and seconds count?

(NEW) - Option added to surpress no position flights in the flight table.

This was requested by US users.

Build 151 - 11/01/14 - "RTL1090 V3 SCOPE"

- SQL access to MANTMA Basestation.SQB

- Basestation.sqb directory can be edited in rtl1090.ini | SQL | basestation_dir

Thanks to Denis for letting me the field tables.

Build 150 - 04/01/14 - "RTL1090 V3 SCOPE"

- Resolved: AGC was always set to ON after start

- NOT RESOLVED: Ground position errors Western and other longitudes

A "primitive" scope was added

The intention of this scope is not to substitute other more sophisticated
applications but to have a quick overview when mobile or in an airplane.

Scope graphics are not programmed with any accelerated means (DirectX or OpenGL)
and therefore may be rather slow on some computers.

Scope display may reduce the data rate of your ADS-B reception due to system
load on slow computers.

The beta release comes with a set of global outlines and waypoints files.
The final version will make the display of user defined files available.

A "basestation.sqb" can be connected to RTL1090 Scope, if it is present on

program start in the RTL1090 folder. RTL1090 will display aircraft data in the
flight strip if there is match with the ICAO ID.
The database is NOT part of the package. If you do not have one, please go to
the typical suspicious sites on the internet as

copy files into your existing RTL1090 folder and execute rtl1090.beta3.exe

Scope instructions

- left click on empty area:
-- if no flightstrip shown: centers scope on the unweighted center of local flight
positions, i.e. whereever your map is pointing to, it will shift to the
active area
-- if flightstrip is shown: hides flightstrip
- hover over flight: shows flightstrip
- left click on flight: shows and holds flightstrip
- SHIFT or ALT or CTL+left click on flight: centers scope on flight and
shows flightstrip
- left click on home position or right click: centers on home position
- left click/hold/release - pan scope

Build 103 - 13/10/13 -

- FEC switch added to configuration and off by default

Build 102 - 27/06/13 -

- Decoder improved by brute force 1-bit error correction and brute force
DF11 and DF17 override for unknown DFs. This may be tough stuff
for slow computers. If your computer slows down considerably return
to a previous version please.

- Tabs introduced - List/Table selection moved to Tabs.

- Stats tab added: this brings back the previous status bar info about USB
packets per second.

- II/SI tab added. This tab adds the ability to quickly scan the Mode-S
interrogator codes around. A "radar1090.txt" file can be added to the
rtl1090 folder that holds II/SI code decodings. A sample file is attached.
The II/SI collection can be reset by a right mouse click action.
The recently seen codes and the last aircraft responding with that
code are displayed in red onwhite.

- Context menu (right mouse click) for text window, "listhold" established
by menu selection, revoked by mouse click

Build 101 - 20/05/2013

- GUI completely refurbished. Program window height can be altered and switches
are hidden by default. This makes the GUI more space efficient (and it looks

- In status line: USB packet indicator (packets/s) changed to queue cycle

time (ms). The queue cycle time must stay below 300 ms for
lossless processing.

- Packet rate LEDs show all red when it appears that a USB data frame
was lost. This is in preparation for work on better MLAT accuracy.

- Avg. Signal Strength (SG) and Message count (MSGS) added to flight table.
Avg. Signal Strength is normalized to 100% (max 99%).
Color codes are yellow (you can hear it), orange (you can see it),
red (you can touch it).

- Default display order in flight table changed. Newest flights are at top
for compatibility with DUMP1090 (not completely working yet)

- CONFIG dialog: some commmand line options can be selected from the dialog.
Command line entries are still valid and do override any selections.
If overriding occurs entries are printed in bold, but boxes may not be checked,
so the override conditions will not be saved to the configuration file.

- Update alert: when a new version is available an update sign appears in the
caption bar - no further functions yet

Outstanding committs:

- Start with Windows and Resume from hibernate/standby

- DO260 A/B and signal strength processing for HTTP server
- Improve Mode-S and Mode A/C decoder
- Complete autoupdate
- Log file selection from config dialog
- MLAT counter accuracy
- Renovate SISEX design
- flight table order
- restore window Son correct display

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