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Modeling and Simulation of an Isolated Wind Hydro Power System


In this project presents the modeling and dynamic simulation of a Wind Hydro isolated
Power System (WHPS) which comprises a Hydraulic Turbine Generator (HTG), a Wind Turbine
Generator (WTG), consumer Loads and Dump Load. First the models of the hydraulic turbine
together with its penstock and the wind turbine are described. The hydraulic turbine speed
governor is isochronous so that the isolated system frequency is kept constant at its rated value.
The Synchronous Machine of the HTG generates the system voltage and therefore, the HTG
must be always running. The WTG feeds active power to the isolated system when enough wind
is available, whereas its inductor generator consumes reactive power.
Existing method
The existing method describes a non-reliable or intermittent connection to it, have
traditionally based only on diesel generators (DG). Nowadays these micro grids quite often
incorporate renewable energy resources and energy storage systems mainly based either on
batteries or flywheels. Some isolated micro grids may not include DG and be based only on
renewable power sources, such as wind and photovoltaic, combined with fuel cells.
Proposed method
The proposed method describes the HTG is always running since the SM creates the voltage
waveform of the isolated grid. The WTG is connected to the isolated grid when enough wind is available.
Two operation modes are possible for the WHPS of Fig. 1: Hydro Only (HO) mode, where the HTG
supplies all the demanded active and reactive power (WTG is disconnected) and Wind Hydro (WH)
mode, where the WTG supplies active power which adds to the active power supplied by the HTG.
Block diagram

Fig.1 Isolated Wind Hydro Power System considered


Cost is low
Power quality is improved.
Low power.


Remote micro grids (RMG), which are micro grids deployed in areas isolated from the main
electricity grid or with a non-reliable or intermittent connection to it, have traditionally based
only on diesel generators.
Modified title
In extension we used fuzzy logic controller in place any gain or saturation to get accurate results.


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