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Addressing Narco-Terrorism

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Addressing Narco-Terrorism

The world drug trade progress to plague the United State by threatening United State families,

freedoms as well as their finances. Moreover, illicit drugs pose a critical threat to United States

national security. Many states in the United Stated has fallen victim to corruption and

destabilization because of the drug trade (Rollins, 2010). As long as the trade continues, the huge

profits from it will continue to attract as well as facilitate their activities worldwide. For

America, this condition is troublesome. This is because the economy is faltering, which means

that the expenses regarding the national security is reducing thus the fight against narco-

terrorism will decrease thus promoting narco-terrorism. Beside, most of the America is fixated

on its collapsing economy and the progressive fighting in the Middle East, thus the threat of

narco-terrorism is tiptoeing closer to America than American recognize (Rollins, 2010). This is

because one of the leading drug trade center is Mexico which is on the boarder of United States

and verged of complete anarchy.

Though United States is faced with a higher problem of narco-terrorism, it can fight it alone.

This is because narco-terrorism is a world problem which should be addressed by all nations in

the world. However, in United State the problem of narco-terrorism can be addressed through

implementing a policy which aims to eradicate the growing of crops that produces illegal drugs

as well helping other nations in the world to build their own ability to defeat the trade of illicit

drug and control within their ungoverned terrains. In addition the leaders and policy makers

should implement strategies for combating narco-terrorism and increase resources to American

national security to be applied to national security.



Drug Cartels Among Transnational Organized Crime Groups Threatening Our Homeland. (n.d.).

Transborder Narco-Terrorism: Addressing a Changing Environment. Retrieved

December 14, 2013, from

Rollins, J., Wyler, L. S., & Rosen, S. (2010). International Terrorism and Transnational Crime:

Security Threats, U.S. Policy, and Considerations for Congress. Ft. Belvoir: Defense

Technical Information Center.

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