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March 17, 1521. Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese navigator accidentally landed in the
island of Samar.

March 31, 1521. The first Catholic mass was held in Limasawa, an island in the south of

April 27, 1521. Magellan died in the hands of a chieftain, Lapu-lapu, from his strong will
to invade the island of Mactan.

December 30, 1896. Jose Rizal was executed by firing squad in Bagumbayan (now
called Rizal Park) after being held captive at fort Santiago in Intramuros, Manila.

June 12, 1898. General Emilio Aguinaldo, who had returned from Hongkong,
proclaimed Philippine independence at his mansion in Kawit, Cavite.

December 10, 1898. Without the knowledge of the Filipinos, Spain surrendered the
Philippines (along with Puerto Rico and Guam) to the United States in exchange of $20
million under the Treaty of Paris.

December 7, 1941. The Japanese bombed the Pearl Harbor, a US military base in
Hawaii. The Philippines wa attacked ten hours after the bombing.

April 9, 1942. On this day, the Fall of Bataan and the infamous Death March took
place. Around 76,000 starving Americans and Filipino soldiers surrendered to the
Japanese in Bataan. The Japanese led their captives on a cruel hike from Mariveles,
Bataan to Camp Odonnell in Capas, Tarlac. Around 7,000 to 10,000 men perished from
starvation during the ten-day march while some were luckily pulled out secretly by
watching civilians.

November 9, 1965. Ferdinand Marcos was elected the 6th president of the Philippine
Republic. He made extravagant spendings on public works, building roads, bridges,
health centers, hospitals, schools and putting up urban beautification projects.
September 21, 1972. Marcos declared martial law under the proclamation No. 1801.
Many opposition leaders including Benigno Aquino, journalists and activists were
detained in Fort Bonifacio under martial law.


1. Lapu Lapu: Quite simply, the first true Filipino hero. He was the tribal King of Mactan
Island. When Magellan and his band of Europeans tried to convert Lapu Lapu to
Christianity, and then tried to show muscle, Lapu Lapu essentially killed Magellan and
much of his crew during the Battle of Mactan. What is fascinating is that Lapu Lapu was
successful, and was remembered. Many other battles with the Spanish never were
recorded throughout the new world, and native peoples were normally not the victors.

2.Diego Silang: Conspired with the British to overthrow Spanish rule and establish and
independent Ilocano nation. Fed up with taxation and abuses by the friars, Silang
helped the British capture Manila during the Seven Years War. Needless to say, the
British were not particularly amenable to simply handing over the Philippines to Silang
and his band of Ilocano followers. He then took up arms against the British. He was
murdered by a traitor from within his ranks, egged on by the Church after peace
between Britain and Spain was declared. Needless to say, though he was an
opportunist in trying to benefit from a European war, his bravery in fighting his
oppressors makes him a true hero.

3. Francisco Dagohoy: Led the longest rebellion against Spanish rule, lasting over 80
years, most of the 18th century. A fierce fighter, incensed and the abuses perpetuated
by the Spanish friars, Dagohoy established his own free state in Bohol, eventually
having over 20,000 followers. The Spanish never did truly crush his rebellion, but, more
properly, the rebellion eventually ran out of steam, with a final battle in 1829. This
rebellion outlasted over 20 Spanish Governors!

4. Melchora Aquino Tandang Sora: An exceedingly brave woman, she was already 84
years old when the Philippine Revolution broke out, giving aid and comfort to wounded
revolutionaries. Katipunan members held their meetings at her house, and she refused
to give the Spanish information about Bonifacios whereabouts. She was arrested and
exiled, returning to the Philippines, after the Americans took control, dying peacefully at
age 107.

5. Dr. Jose Rizal: Perhaps the most significant individual in Philippine history, his two
books, Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo inspired the revolution against Spain
and helped overthrow more than three centuries of Spanish colonial rule. Ghandiesque
in his way of thinking, he always advocated overthrow of the Spanish by peaceful
means. He believed that education was the means that Filipinos could unite against the
Spanish. Unfortunately, the Spanish viewed him as a threat, despite his peace
advocacy, charging him with Sedition and making him a martyr for the cause. It is
interesting to note that, because he was killed by the Spanish, unlike my next listing, his
death is always referred to as martyrdom, rather than an execution.

6. Andres Bonifacio: The father of the Philippine Revolution and founder of the
Katipunan resistance, Andres Bonifacio began the fight to overthrow Spanish rule after
the death of Jose Rizal. Some consider him to be the first President of the Philippines,
though that is often debated. Bonifacio was caught up in a struggle for power against
Emilio Aguinaldo, who was leading a different revolutionary army. When Bonifacio
attempted to control Aguinaldo, he was arrested and executed.

7. Manuel Quezon: The First President of the Philippine Commonwealth, and Second
President of the Philippine Republic, Manuel Quezon led the Philippine government in
exile during WWII. Quezon constantly badgered the US administration to grant
independence, from the end of the Philippine American War all the way through the
Commonwealth period. After the war, he became the first president after the Philippines
was granted independence at the conclusion of the war. It is also under his influence
that Filipino became the national language.

8. Ramon Magsaysay: President of the Philippines during the 1950s, a staunch anti-
communist during the Cold War, and true outsider to politics as usual, Magsaysay was
one of the first politicians to become a true advocate for the poor, taking on political
forces to push land reform and eliminate government waste. He was killed in a plane
crash before his term ended, and before he could complete his reform program.
9. Ferdinand Marcos was elected the 6th president of the Philippine Republic. He made
extravagant spendings on public works, building roads, bridges, health centers,
hospitals, schools and putting up urban beautification projects.

10. Josefa Gabriela Silang: This was one tough woman, who should serve as an
inspiration to every Filipina. She was Diego Silangs wife. After his murder, rather than
simply pining away and mourning, led the uprising against the Spanish, attacking Vigan
with her followers. Unfortunately, she was captured and publicly hanged along with over
100 of her troops.


1. Heavy Traffic

2. Trash

3. Flooding everytime there is rain

4. High crime rates

5. Drugs

6. Poor Educational System

7. Poverty as seen in the squatter areas

8. Too much politics

9. Pollution

10. Poor healthcare


a. Political Dynasty

For obvious reasons, we cannot get rid of it, but we can limit it. I suggest that, an
individual aspiring for a position in the government cannot run/be hired/appointed in the
same department/sector where he/she has a relative up to the 3rd degree. Like in
private corporations, this is mainly to avoid conflict of interest. So for example, Mr. Juan
dela Cruz cannot run for Mayor of Pateros since his wife is employed as an Accountant
in the Municipality.

Second, an individual cannot run for a position that is previously manned and/or in the
same department/sector by a relative up to the 3rd degree. He/she can run for that
position or in any position in the same department/sector only after 6years. So for
example, Mrs. Juana dela Cruz cannot run for Mayor of Pateros if the outgoing Mayor or
any individual that is her relative is working in the municipality. But she can be elected in
other towns/cities as long as she is qualified to do so. This is of course, should be
applicable to the Senate, congress, judicial and even in the Executive.

b. Qualifications of aspiring politicians

Private corporations have strict policies regarding employing people to their

organization, so why this cant be applied to the Public sector as well? All aspiring
politicians from the Councilors up to the President should have finished a College
degree plus a crash course of Public Administration (like for 6 months). Barangay
captains should have at least a High School diploma plus a crash course of Public

Besides this, there should be a Public governance ladder. For example, an individual
aspiring to be Mayor should serve as a Councilor first, and a person aspiring to be
governor should have served at least as a Mayor or a vice Mayor. Of course, this should
be detailed and well planned as to what consist of the ladder because we might just end
up with old geezers in the Senate.
This is to avoid non qualified persons running for top positions without experience or
knowledge at all.

c. Elections

More efficient automated elections. We do live in a 3rd world country, but that doesnt
mean we are outdated in technology. For f**ks sakes, almost everyone owns a
smartphone now.

No more extravagant campaigning. Candidates running for a national post, would only
be campaigning through national debates and will be given at least 30minutes but no
more than 1 hour of airtime to pitch their qualifications and platforms. Comelec should
post the candidates detailed qualifications and achievements in their website. As Ive
explained in the Qualifications item, if these people climbed the ladder already, then
they shouldve significant achievements already. So no need for extravagant
campaigning. Maybe 3 days of miting de avance would suffice. A National campaign is
expensive and would just be unfair to those who doesnt have the fund to do so.

For local campaigning on the other hand, current process can be done except that they
wont give any giveaways like tshirts, mugs, basketballs What can only be given is
their campaign material detailed significant achievements and their platforms. No
need for TV/radio airtime for local campaigns.

There should be a limit on Watchers during elections.

Candidates will clean up their own f**king mess after the campaign period.

Harsher penalty for vote buyers/sellers.

2) Transportation

a. Air

NAIA is the worst in the world, and we cannot be proud of that. How do we solve this?
Either we move the International terminal out of Manila and make Clark the International
Airport or we demolish NAIA, and build up a new one. A new one that is connected to
Terminal 2 and 3 with walkators, high speed train and an expressway in and out of the
airport. If we go for the Clark option, then NAIA Terminals 1 to 3 can be for domestic
and Clark will be for international. A high speed train will be built from Clark to the NAIA
domestic airport. These terminals in NAIA should also be connected to our LRTs and

More security personnel in the terminals and please, arrest the corrupt officials.

b. Land

Upgrade the MRT. Widen the trains and add additional vehicles.

Implement a contactless card just like HKs Octopus Card that is useable in MRT and

Add more stations and routes. Manila is just too much congested already with cars,
buses, jeepneys, tricycles, etc. And with the rise of middle-income earners, Manila is
just too crowded now that people are capable of buying cars of their own. Lets build a
network of trains so that people would think twice of bringing their car to and from the
office. I personally would do that as long as the routes are efficient. Example of routes,
add stations in Cainta to Taytay, maybe even up to Binangonan Lots of People own
houses in the Rizal province. Traffic is worst in the Ortigas Extension area.

Add more expressways. Example is an expressway along the Pasig River.

A long shot, but a subway is also good, rather, best. Laguna Lake subway comes to

A high speed train (or network of trains) from Ilocos to Bicol (with stations in
between)? Why the f**k not? This can also solve the additional traffic the Provincial
buses add to Metro Manila.

When a network of trains is implemented in Metro Manila, City buses and jeepneys
will eventually die down. Thats how you get rid of them. We can have a designated
company for City Bus, or even the Government can provide this so that Buses will not
add to the congestion. If this will happen, then the Bus drivers will just receive a fixed
compensation rather than the boundary system. For the jeepneys, we can have
electronic jeepneys and tricycles instead. And as Ive said, this would just be minimal as
we have a network of trains already. Just look at South Korea and HKG for example.

Also as part of the modernization, aside from FX taxis, jeepneys should be replaced
by electronic jeepneys. A long shot as of now, but when the network of trains is
implemented, this can be done.

Stricter penalty for taxis asking for contracts and not meters.

If network of trains will be implemented, we can extend these networks to nearby

provinces so that development of new CBDs can prosper as well. People dont have to
work in Manila, but they can look for work in their own provinces. Just like I said, the
high speed train from Ilocos to Bicol will be very beneficial for this.

Implement pedestrian crossings better. We must instill discipline not only to the
motorists but also to pedestrians and commuters as well. Consider putting up
pedestrian traffic lights especially in CBDs.

Implement a subway in Makati. Thats the only hope traffic will subside in that place.
We already have underground crossings, then f**king implement a subway already.

Lesser taxes on electronic and hybrid cars. I mean, come the f**k on. Sustainability is
the key to the future.

c. Water

Add more ports for ferries within the metropolis. And I mean high speed ferries for that

Implement stricter rules for shipping transportation to avoid accidents in the sea.

3) Energy

a. Sustainable sources of energy

Why implement huge windmills in Ilocos only? Why not in other parts of the country?
We are very rich in natural sources, but we never fully use its true potential. The
Philippines is a tropical country and we get direct hit of Sunlight around 8-12hrs a day.
We must take advantage of this and buy or create solar panels to power up houses,
buildings, trains, etc. Solar, water, geothermal, air we have all of these.

Oil and gas. Again, a source that we never tap its full potential.

4) Natural resources/Environment

a. Mining

I know that this is debatable. But do you know that only 1% of the Philippines mining
resources are tapped? Im not into the destruction of our natural resources, but
responsible mining is better than not having mining at all. The Philippines is very rich in
precious metals, and once tapped, will boost our GDP.

b. Plant more trees

c. Stop the destruction of our natural resources. We can move forward without
sacrificing it.

5) Tourism

First of all, the Philippines is a wonderful country with so many beautiful places. We
already are rich with these alone, but why are Tourists not attracted? Theres too many
to mention, but Ill enumerate what needs to be done in my opinion:

i. Read the Transportation section of this document. It will significantly boost tourism
once this is implemented. Surprisingly, when travelling, comfort is the one tourists are
looking for.

ii. More landmarks, not just malls. Lets create man made wonders as this is the area
that we lack. Either we build the tallest building, or build an underwater office, we need
landmarks or places that would make tourist go F**k, thats amazing!
iii. Patriotism and national pride. This is not pinoy pride when Manny wins a bout. Yes, I
get it we are hospitable and happy people. But we do lack national pride. How we do
that? We can start with our streets. Lets treat our streets like our own home. We clean
and take pride of it so we can say to tourists that, hey come and visit us, our place is
beautiful and very clean. Speaking of which, a law should be enacted nationwide that
punishes littering, strictly.

iv. Get rid of squatters. Not kill them, but get rid of them. This brings us back to the
Transportation issue. If only Manila is not the main economic center of the country, then
all the people from the province doesnt need to dwell here in Manila. They will have
options. Then strictly punish illegal settlements. The middle income earners are working
hard to pay their monthly loans while some people are just content lying around and
asking the government for help. This will be a significant boost to Tourism if tourists
wont see shanties and beggars. The government is too soft to these so called masa.

v. Security. How much do I have to emphasize this? One thing the tourists are shit
scared with our country because their life are threatened once they step into the
country, not just the metropolis. What a pity it is to leave Mindanao hanging in all of this.
Mindanao is such a beautiful place but is rather more popular with the beheadings and
kidnappings. The government must make amends and take this issue seriously. It is
hindering our progress and our hope for a better nation. We may have different religions
and ideologies, but we are all Filipinos.

6) Population control

a. Pass the RH Bill. Nuff said. Its not just the free condoms and pills. Education is
much more important.

7) Education

a. Seriously consider adding Financial Education to the curriculum. Its time for us to be
a country of entrepreneurs and investors, not just a country of laborers.
b. Revamp the college curriculum and upgrade the quality of education in all schools.
CHED and DECS should do more.

8) Labor and Jobs

a. My friend once said, There are lots of jobs in the Philippines, but many are not
qualified. Lets prove him wrong. We, Filipinos, must aim for a higher goal than what we
set a year before, or a year before that.

b. A higher minimum wage is ok, but not an end-to-all solution. What we need is a
restructuring of the income tax. Reduce income taxes, but we can increase Philhealth,
pagibig and sss contributions. The government can make use of the money improving
their services and benefits to the people. Improved health care, pensions and loans. At
least the people are benefiting already instead of just paying the taxes blankly and
seeing the corrupt officials pocket it.

c. The government can do a 1 year trial and send people to every home and check if
there are unemployed persons. These unemployed persons can be interviewed and
profile them for a job opening that matches their qualifications. Sometimes, you really
need to spoon feed these Juan Tamads.

9) Graft and Corruption

a. This is serious issue. The government must make a more intense audit in all
government agencies and sectors. The Philippines is dying and progress is hindered
because of corruption. Stricter penalty should be implemented. Its funny how an ex-
President convicted of Plunder is now a Mayor. Really, Death Penalty should be
imposed to these fools.

10) Crime

a. Bring back Death Penalty.

b. Re-train PNP and impose stricter penalties to those officers who commit crimes than
civilians. They should be role models and as role models who committed a crime, then a
heavier penalty should be given.


1. Hospitality

2. Respect

3. Strong Family Ties and Religions

4. Generosity and Helpfulness

5. Strong Work Ethic

6. Love and Caring

Respect for the elders








close family ties


1. Rizal Park

Previously called Bagumbayan Field, Rizal Park or Luneta Park was built as a tribute to
our greatest national hero Dr. Jose Rizal. It is one of the leading historical sites in
the Philippines where Rizal was executed by the Spanish military firing squad on
December 30, 1896 because he had spread the ideals of revolution against Spanish

Nowadays, it is one of the major tourist attractions of Manila. The park became a
favorite spot for unwinding and socializing. It is also a place for family bonding and
picnics during Sundays and holidays.

2. Corregidor

Want to know the moving story behind the famous Corregidor Island?

Known to be the the Rock, Corregidor is known for its important historical
attractions. When the Japanese invaded the Philippines, Corregidor became the
headquarters of the Allied Forces and also the seat of Philippine Commonwealth
government. The huge firearms of Corregidor which are used in support for Filipino
and American defenders of Bataan are now silent but the damage seen on buildings,
structures, and tunnels in the island continues on telling a very moving story of a war
that has claimed so many lives. A visit to this former battleground is a memorable
experience, especially for those people who value and cherish freedom and peace.

3. Intramuros

Intramuros is known in history as the Walled City because of its most famous
feature: a nearly three-mile-long circuit of massive stone walls and fortifications that
almost completely surrounds the entire district. It is the oldest district and historic core
of Manila where old Spanish era influences are still plentiful. Photography and history
lovers will find Intramuros an interesting destination. If you visit the place, you can
still feel the Spanish ambiance and appreciate the historical landmarks and churches in
the area. Plus, visiting Intramuros is very affordable and worth your time. Going here,
you can re-experience the past in a modern light.
4. EDSA Shrine

Photo by shutterstar11 of

The EDSA Shrine, also known as the Shrine of Mary, Queen of Peace, and Our Lady of
EDSA, is a small church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Manila located at the
intersection of Ortigas Avenue and Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA) in Quezon
City. It is a monument dedicated to the first People Power Revolution and its peaceful
outcome on December 15, 1989. It is a place that witnessed the two demonstrations
that overthrew the presidencies of Ferdinand Marcos and Joseph Estrada. This shrine
is a towering proof that fighting for freedom doesnt have to be a blood-spattered
cause. Rather, it can be achieved through peaceful means and with no casualty.

5. Barasoain Church

Having earned the title as the Cradle of Democracy in the East, Barasoain Church is
the most important religious building in the Philippines.

It was founded by the Augustinian Missionaries in 1859 and served as the session hall
of Malolos Congress, the first congress in the Philippines which was held in September
15, 1898 under the presidency of Pedro Paterno. Three major events in the Philippine
history happened in this church: the convening of the First Philippine Congress
(September 15, 1898), the drafting of the Malolos Constitution (September 29, 1898
to January 21, 1899), and the inauguration of the First Philippine Republic (January
23, 1899).

The architectural design of the church attracts and engages visitors because of the
curved faade, rose windows, and medieval bell tower. Its floral motifs and paintings
of angels and saints along the ceiling adorn the interior of the church.

6. Leyte Landing Memorial Park

If you ever drop by Tacloban City, the Leyte Landing Memorial Park, formerly known
as the McArthur Park, is a must-visit destination. Remember the promise made by
Gen. Douglas McArthur I shall return? He kept this promise when he returned with
an army of 700 ships containing 174,000 American soldiers at Red Beach, Palo, Leyte
on October 20, 1944. The red in Red Beach doesnt refer to the natural color of the
sand, but its color after being drenched in blood.
Many tourists visit the park to reminisce an important event in history the fulfilment
of Gen. McArthurs promise to the Filipinos to come back and help them win against
the Japanese colonies. It always brings inspirational memories of how our beloved
ancestors fought for our freedom.

7. Fort Santiago

Photo by aken2 of

Fort Santiago, located in Intramuros, is a famous tourist destination in the Philippines.

It is a historical structure that is part of the citys famous wall. The attraction of the
site is a museum where you can find a replica of Dr. Jose Rizals prison cell before he
was executed. The rest of Fort Santiago has been set up into a beautiful park. There is
also an imitation of old dungeons dark underground chambers or cells used to
confine prisoners. You can just imagine how hard it is to be imprisoned, tortured, and
executed in one of them.

8. Mactan Shrine


The Mactan Shrine, located in Mactan Island in Cebu, is made in honor of Lapu-Lapu,
Ferdinand Magellan, and the Battle of Mactan. It is also known as Liberty Shrine and it
lies on the very ground where the battle took place. The said encounter was between
the Spaniards led by Ferdinand Magellan and the locals led by LapuLapu.

Ferdinand Magellan and his crew were the first people to introduce Christianity in the
Philippines. In the quest to prove that the earth is not flat, he traveled the world and
docked in Mactan, where he was eventually killed by Lapu-Lapu on April 27, 1521.
Lapu-Lapu is recognized as the first native of the archipelago to have resisted the
Spanish colonization.

9. Rizal Shrine

Rizal Shrine is an important historical place in Dapitan where Dr. Jose Rizal spent four
years in exile. He lived here as a physician, merchant, farmer, inventor, painter,
sculptor, archaeologist, linguist, grammarian, teacher, architect, poet, biologist,
composer, surveyor, and environmentalist. He was also a father and brother to all
Dapitanons, serving and helping those who needed him. No wonder Dr. Jose Rizal is
considered as the Philippine National Hero.
Rizal Shrine nowadays is one of the most attractive tourist spots in the Philippines. It
reflects Rizals lifestyle and how he socialized with the people around him.

10. Banaue Rice Terraces

How in the world could they have accomplished this amazing feat?

The Banaue Rice Terraces was made approximately 2000 years ago, carved into the
mountains by the indigenous people using only their hands and some crude
equipment. It is said that if the steps were put end to end, it would encircle half the
globe. It is considered as one of mankind's greatest engineering accomplishments.

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