Common Nature Cure Chart For Good Health

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6.00 AM
Upon rising from bed, three glasses of pure lukewarm water with one tablespoonful of honey and juice
of half a lemon.
6.00 6.45 PM
Brisk morning walk for 40 minutes in clean and green environment with deep breathing or yogic
exercises. Chew 5-7 holy basil (Tulsi) leaves befor, during or after the walk or exercise.
6.45 AM
Green Water (GW) at least twice a day pure water filled in green coloured bottle up to and sun
charged for minimum of 8 hours.
7.30 AM
Amla Water (AW Buah Melaka) 10 12 pieces of fresh/dried amla in a glass of water soaked
8.30 AM
Breakfast 10 12 raisins (kismis), 3 figs(Tin) soaked overnight and seasonal fruit (rambutan, langsat dll).
12.00 1.00 PM
Lunch 50% salad, Rice, Boild or steam vegetables, sambal amla (Buah Melaka@Gooseberry, pudina, and
coriander leaves (ketumbar).
5.00 PM
Fresh fruit juice one glass or one seasonal fruit.
6.00-6.30 PM
Green Water or Amla Water.
7.00 PM 8.00 PM
Dinner 50% salad and fruit and rest 50% same as lunch (preceed or followed by 30 minutes walk).
Other Tips
If constipated, lukewarm neem or lemon water enema.
Oil massage for 40 minutes in the morning sun once or twice a week.
Dry massage for 15 minutes every day before bath.
Steam bath once or twice a week.
At least 7 hours of sleep at night (9.30 5.00 AM).
Drinking total 14 glasses of water or fluids (3 litres) everday (including lemon, amla, green water, fruit
juice, soup, butter milk etc).
Avoid milk product (except buttermilk or yoghurt), sweets, maida product (a finely milled refined and
bleached (either naturally due to atmospheric oxygen or using other chemical bleaches), salts, pickles
(Jeruk), tobacco, drugs, soft drinks, white polished rice, tea, coffe, alcohol, smoking, processed foods,
fried foods, flesh foods and other stimulants.
Pray and think positive.
While taking food, it should be kept in mind that morning is the time for elimination, day for
appropriation and night for assimilation. Dinner must be over by 8.00 pm!
Sinuses are empty skull space in the skull area connected with the nasal passage. Any infection in nose or throat
may infect sinuses. Accumulation of secretion in sinus area are leads to heaviness in head, nasal obstruction,
discharge and pain, lack of appetite, toothache an low fever.

Enema for 3 days and juice fasting for 3 days (carrot, beet and cucumber).
Garlic and onion juice, one table spoon thrice daily.
Steam inhalation, steam bath and massage over sinus area.
Hot foot bath and jalneti.

Avoid sugar, salt, maida products, rice, cake and candies

Plenty of sleep, rest and fresh air.

Natural sign that there is something wrong somewhere in the body. Some of the common causes are defective
eyesight, inflammation of the sinus, sleepless, infection, highblood pressure, tumour in brain, low blood sugar,
indigestion, constipation, fatique, hangover, emotional stress and travel. On the other hand, migraine is a
paroxysmal affection causing sereve and recurrent headache generally on one side of the head. It is also
associated with digestive and liver disorder.

Warm water enema to clean bowel.
Follow all tips to given on constipation.
Avoid indigestion, take early dinner.
Gentle massage on head and neck, shoulder followed by cold pack.
For migraine, take short juice fast, steam inhalation.
Drink large quantity of warm water.
Keep a hot water bag or heating pad on the neck.
Abdominal pack three hours after dinner, before going bed, keep a hot water bag on the neck.
Avoid exposure to excessive heat, cold and rain,.
Hot foot bath, steam bath, cold throat pack, cold compress applied on the head and back bring relief.
Avoid : chocolate, cheese, dairy products, citrus food, excess tea, coffe and sugar.
Jalneti(yoga) is very effective for migraine.
Accupressure, walking, jogging also very effective.
One teaspoon of triphala powder (Himalayas Product) at bed time with a cup of warm cow milk
regulary also help.
Keep mind as much free as possible from mental worries and anxiety, have adequate rest and sleep at

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