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Shortcut AutoCAD

1. C (e/s) = Circle
2. CH (e/s) = Chamfer
3. CO/CP (e/s) = Copy
4. D (e/s) = Dimension Style Manager
5. DAL (e/s) = Aligned
6. DAN (e/s) = Angular
7. DO (e/s) = Donut
8. E (e/s) = Erase
9. EX (e/s) = Extend
10. F8 = Ortho Mode
11. F9 = Object Snap
12. F10 = Polar Tracking
13. H (e/s) = Hatch
14. L (e/s) = Line
15. M (e/s) = Move
16. MI (e/s) = Mirror
17. ML (e/s) = Multiline
18. O (e/s) = Offset
19. P (e/s) = Pan
20. PL (e/s) = Polyline
21. REC (e/s) = Rectangle
22. RO (e/s) = Rotate
23. T/MT (e/s) = Text
24. TR (e/s) = Trim
25. XLV (e/s) = Construction Line (Vertical)
26. XLH (e/s) = Construction Line (Horizontal)
27. XP (e/s) = Explode

Shortcut Ms. Excel

1. F2 = Edit text
2. F4 = Repeat the last actions
3. F5 = Go to
4. F8 = Extend mode
5. Alt + Shift + F1 = Insert worksheet
6. Alt = Show new shortcut

Shortcut Laptop
1. Windows Key + E = Open windows
2. Windows Key + M/Windows Key + D = To minimize all of your open windows
3. Windows Key + Shift + M/Windows Key + D = To restore all of your open windows
4. Alt + Tab = Scroll through all the windows you have opened
5. Alt + F4 = To close a window in any program
6. Shift + Delete = To delete a file and dont want it in Recycle Bin

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