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Music starts to play and title comes up. What is editing?

Lots of different clips from different films starts to appear.
Then words fill in the gaps.
Split Cut, Mad Max clip
X Men Paste, La La Land
Life of Pi Dissolve A Trip to the Moon
Monsters INC Fade Wizard Of Oz
Spider Man Jump Cut Harry Potter
Ouija Montage Rocky
Pirates of the Caribbean Wipe Star Wars
21 Jump Street Continuity Wolf of Wall Street
The Notebook Slow Motion Whiplash
Shaun on the Dead Filter Avatar
Ratatouille Good Eye Old Disney Clip
Citizen Kane Detail fantastic Beasts and Where to find them
Psycho Success Hacksaw Ridge Clip
Mean Girls Precision IT
Jaws Final Product
Break then lots of clips from movies start to appear on the
screen but they have to be of loads of different clips and
examples from different old movies.

40 secs

Calmer music plays?

{Footage of hands typing on a keyboard
Then footage of someone dragging footage onto an editing
timeline comes onto the screen.}
(Old clip of a camera filming a scene) The whole aspect of
taking some footage and cutting it to make it into a story has
a lot of appeal to me. (Old clip from Mickey Mouse) The most
important part of any film is the editing because without the
editors skill of precision {Clip of a mouse moving on a mat)
and sharp eye, (Editor winning an award) a film wouldnt be
what it is today. Looking into the development of film,
(Footage of me on the computer) I wanted to know where editing
started, (Mug of tea get placed on a desk and a piece of
animated paper comes onto the screen How did editing start?)
who invented it? (Another piece of paper comes onto the screen
saying How did it start?) What is the point of editing?
(Editor speaking after receiving an award) Well all these
factors we will cover in this documentary.

1 min

Old Music starts to play and the footage starts to turn old
The First motion picture was created by Eadward Muybridge
(Drag photo of Eadward onto piece of paper.) who decided to
place a camera by a race track and take 15 photos of a horse.
(Footage of the horses) He then combined the photos together
and was left with a moving image. Four years later, thats
when the Lumier brothers (Drag photo of Lumier Brothers onto
a blank piece of paper.) created the Cinematograph (Footage of
the cinematograph) this was a device that would project images
onto a screen (footage of old footage playing on a screen) for
a paying audience (footage of an old audience clapping) the
first screening was in a Paris caf (footage of an old cafe)
in 1895. In the audience there was a man named George Melies
(find footage of a Melies production) Melies later became one
of the first editors.(Black and white footage of someone
editing.) Originally Melies would try to wow the audience by
taking footage and cutting out large chunks of it to make it
look like an illusion. (Footage from this) He even managed to
duplicate himself in his production the one man band
(footage of that production) after a while, he gained a wide
range of editing techniques which later became handy in his
production of A trip to the moon (footage from a trip to the

This was considered to be one of the first sci-fi films and

one of the treasures of early cinema. (Old fashioned projector
starts to play) Back then, most productions were put on for
show and not for the actual story-telling. One of the first
people to enhance through story telling was Edwin S Porter.
(Picture of Edwin pops up) Porter was one of the first people
to use parallel editing which showed two different scenes
happening in two different places.

2 mins

(Find clip of an example of editing) This created more tension

in the production because it meant that the audience could see
what was happening in two different scenes. (Clip of old
camera rolling.)

One of the people who is responsible for most of the modern

day editing techniques is D.W Griffith. (Put up clip of one of
his productions) he is best known for cutting between
different shot types for different levels of importance. He
used jumps and dissolves to show the passing of time.
(Different clips.)
Later on the Steenbeck Flatbed Editor was created. (Footage
from the Steenbeck Flatbed Editor.) This was where footage and
a soundtrack could be placed next-door to each other and
edited side by side whilst being played on a screen. (Old
footage of someone editing) (footage from a film.)

In America, editing was considered to be Womans work much

like sewing or knitting. (Black and white footage of woman
working sewing and someone editing.)
As editing was becoming more and more advanced in old films.
(montage of a few clips) Computers were finally invented. This
was one of the biggest developments in editing. (footage of
someone who is using a computer for the first time when they
were first invented) (find videos where computers where
True digital film making didnt start until the release of
avid one in 1989 (footage of avid one) (clip of a film that
was edited on avid one.) this helped editors cut any part of a
film at any given point. It also meant that editors could make
clips shorter or longer to how they liked it. (find footage of
a production) (find footage of someone talking about the avid

3 mins

Since Avid One a whole string of different editing softwares

have been invented. (Clips from different softwares being
used) By having all of these modern day editing softwares, it
has allowed more freedom and creativity with editing. Most of
the softwares are being used to this day. (Clips of different
editors editing) Final Cut pro, iMovie, Premier Pro and
Windows Movie Maker. (clips of people using these softwares)

One editor who is really fascinating was a man I briefly spoke

about earlier Georgie Mieles. (clip from five of his
productions) The three productions of his that are the most
interesting are A Trip to the moon (Insert clip of a trip to
the moon) The Eclipse (Insert clip of the Eclipse) and Le
Voyage a Travers Limpossible or in English, the impossible
Voyage (Show clip from the impossible voyage)

After analysing these three clips I noticed that there was a

common so called technique between them all. The first point
was that most of the scenes ended with a fade to black, (Put
a few clips of examples of this technique from Meiles) Other
think Meiles did this in order to cause more of a dramatic
effect with the audience (clip of audience clapping) but from
internet research, it was just a way to signify the ending of
a scene. (Put in an ending scene from a Melies film) The
second point is the lack of camera angles but this is
understandable as cameras werent as developed back then and
they didnt really understand the point of story-telling.
(another clip from a Melies production) Editing was used
mostly as an illusion to swap back between scenes so each
production was more like someone filming a play rather than a
film. (find a clip from a film naked gun.)

As film progresses, an editors role is becoming much more

advanced as they are one of the key elements in making any
production. (Clip of an editor editing)
4 mins

(Clip of a director directing) One of the points that is used

in this video is that editors are actually used a lot with the
director (Old Fashioned Clip) and screenwriter in the early
process of the planning part. (Director and editor working

One of the modern editors I looked into was John Gilbert who
has his own unique input to editing. (Clip from hacksaw ridge)
With his personal touch on editing it has brought him to win
many awards. One of those was a BAFTA for his film Hacksaw
Ridge. (Insert clip of him being presented his award) Gilbert
is best known for his majestic touch on editing and his
precision (An editor planning their edit) One of the main
points he makes in an interview is that the emotion of a scene
is down to how the editor puts the clip together and the
effect that is felt by the audience is down to the editor
which is all part of how a film is constructed which I think
is a key aspect to film making. (Insert interview of John

Throughout time, editing has developed so much. With our modern

day softwares like Final Cut Pro, iMovie, Premier Pro and
windows movie maker, we are allowed to do so much with our
productions (clip from final cut pro editing software.)
Looking towards the future who knows what editing will be
like 20 years from now.

5 mins

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