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AN EVALUATION OF A VILLAGE WATER SUPPLY SCHEME. WAN NOR AZMIN SULAIMAN, MOHD NASIR HASSAN MOHD KAMIL YUSOFF , MUDA AZIZI, Department of Environmental Science, University Pertanian Malaysia, 43400 Serdang , Selangor, Malaysia ABSTRACT UW Malaysia, upland watersheds support more than 2,500 small community rural water supply schemes. Almost 90% of the prajeets were implemented by the Malaysian Ministry of Health. This paper presented the physical, technical, economic and social aspects in the planning ofa small rural water supply scheme in & village of about 1,320 inhabitants. The source of data for this study was obtained from questionnaire, inlerviews, and direct field sampling. Environmental problems rolated to watr quality and sustainable Navy of Waler during peak demand were identified to be the major one eventhough the system is technically efficient [Pffective watershed management strategies and fuure rehabilitation work inthe water supply systera were proposed. INTRODUCTION ‘Malaysia has a wopical climate with an average rainfall is about 2.540 mm_per year and ranged from @ ‘maximum of $080 mm to minimum of 1,650 mm. Most of upland areas with more than 305 metets above ‘mean sea level receive mote than 3,000 mm per year. Hydrologically i peninsular Malaysia alone tere are ‘more than 100 major river systems which serve as major surface wate sources to the country, This includes ‘urban an wel as rural surface water supply The objectives of rural water supply projects in Malaysia are 10 supply sft ana wholesome water tothe villages, to supply water in adequate quantities and to make water ceadily and conveniently available tthe ser inorder 10 encourage and householé hygiene (MOH, 1984). The_projxs ae eons under the Environmental Cleanliness Program. Among types of systems that aro suitable and implemented in the rial aves are: gravity-feed piped-weier supply system, pumped piped-water supply system, hydeailicrem piped veater supply system, well-ater supply system and rainwater supply system Eventhough gravity-feed piped water supply system has been practiced in this country for more than 2 devade, ‘here iso specife studies been published on this area. This paper atempt to evaluate the planning aspect of a _stavity-feed piped water supply system with respect to physical, technical, economie and soe! involvement 313 34 ‘METHODOLOGY ‘The study area ‘A small rural village witha gravity-feed piped water supply system was chosen. The village, Kampong Luar of Diswrict of Baling is situsted in Northem Peninsula Malaysia The total population of the village survey in 1985 was 1302 people living in 186 houses. talistically, 57% of the population are rubber tapors and 26% are packly farmers. “The surface water soutee forthe water supply system is from nearby Siput Creek which Isa tibutary of Siput River. The cetchment area is about 6 square kilometers, The cstchnent is fll covered with forest nd is designated as state government forest reserved area. There is no record un discharge ofthe ereek, The annual ‘ainfall ig high with an average rainfalls about 2,900 min per year. It is however unevenly distributed. There ' a faicly dry season in the months of January, February and March and March and a wet season daring _mooihs of September to November. Water supply. construction ‘The gravity-feed piped water supply scheme of this village was implemented by the Ministry of Health, “Malaysia, This village was selected to be introduced with pravty-foed water supply scheme due tothe fact that it experience the unfortunate cases of cholera outbreak, and formal application by the village. The systema ‘was constructed in 1928 and it took 15 months tp imploment the scheme. Tbe water supply system was based on the following design data and criteria: | Demand flow was calculated based on; (3) an annual population growth rate of 2.46%, (b) a dally per cepa ‘consumption of 24 Imperial gallons (110 litres) end (¢} initial population of 1056 people. 2. All pipe ate of PVC type excopt in rocky terrain where galvanized iron pipes are used. 3. Minimum pressute of 15 fest head is provided in the distribution system of 6.5 the. in. 4. The lstibution system. Only ene te is provided for each house andthe sytem i of dead end disibation system ‘The main source of village's water supply before the scheme was constructed are nearby river and insantary shallow dug well ‘Data collection and analysis Data pertaining to the population, econamic, socal as well as water quality aspect ofthe water supply scheme were obtained through one week questionnaire survey and five days field water quality sampling. The rate of water usage and flow of water from the system was also measured during the field sampling, (Questionnaire suney ‘The servey questionuares contain 36 questions. All questions except nto were of simple objectives. The other seo were of providing suggestion and opinion in nature Detail sample of the survey questionnait i uot ‘included in this pape due to page restriction, Among the main objectives ofthe questionnaire were: 1. Reasone of participation in the water supply seheme. 2. Determinatign an whether a participant has oer source of water supply. 3, Determination on the level of individual paicipation during the construction, ‘© Determination on whether the wer supplied is of aeeeptable quality nd quantity to en individual 5, Detennination ofthe numberof breakdoven of water supply’ during past yeas, 6, Condition of water supply during dry seasons. Selection of villager samples for questionnaire survey was dene according to the following procedure: ‘The village. was divided into 15 groups of houses, For each ofthese groups, afield selection of 3 to 5 houses were selected at random. A total of77 respondents, each representing s household Were chosen to participate in this questionnaire survey. These figures represent 36 percent ofthe total 186 households located in the village In all 67 houses were used to complete the questionnaire. Water quality sampling Five groups of houses were selected along the main pipeline t the branch pipeline (route ABE in Figure 1) is Was o Find the level ofthe selected water quality parameter asthe water flows along the pipeline system. For each group of houses, the samples were taken from thre diferent faucets, 20 esto get the mean level for ‘the parameters ested. In addition, water samples were uso collected at he dam sie, Tao sampling was done in ive trips. ‘The parameters selected for the water quality sampling inclnde fecal coliform count, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, pH and conductivity. Fecal coliform was analyzed using the membrane fitation technique. Other ‘parameters were checied in the field using the portuble ‘Horiba Water Checker - Model U7 ‘The flow rate within the system was measured by collecting water in 8 container at known volume for a measure period of time RESULT AND DISCUSSION in 1977 by the Village Committee for ind Security to the Disiiet Health office of Ministry of Heath for the approval. After 2 preliminary survey was donc by the Community Water Supply Mobile Team, a dialogue wes held beween leah Ministry oficiat and the villagers. The parpose of the dialogue was: 1. To expinin about the water supply system. 2, To request the villagers to install apourflosh laine a6 a condition i te project. 3. To request permission and cooperation from land-owers affected by the pipelines rte. 4, To explain about» contribution of about USS8.00 per household ro fxance part ofthe project. ‘The time frame to implement the scheme sine its formal application was 15 months whieh was rather long, ‘Obviously there were many constraint involved for the lateness. ‘The major constainis pointed out bythe respondents were late approval of the fund by the Minis and te lateness inthe delivery oF constuction material. The materials were supplied through a collective tendes with materials needed for oer schemes by the Ministry. However, based on the survey, the longtime taken ro implement te project cid aot affect the villagers enthusiasm. The construction and implementation ofthe project took only 10 days to complete. Each household sen a representative to participate in the work ‘The water supply project were financed partly by the community contribution (14 percent), and the Ministry ‘of Health contributed the other 86 percent. The total initia cost of the project was about SSI, 13.00, There Was fo inchision of the maintenance costs forthe projected 20 years period. Deal breakdown of the cost of system is displayed im able 1 Even with small contribution in monetary term, the villagers did contribute fee labor as voluntocr to construct the project. The survey indicated that an average of 3.22 days and varies from 5 to 8 hours a day was Spent per volunteer during_ the construction phase. Factors affecting respondents to volunteer Guring constuction ofthe cxistng systoun, The water supply project is current financially sel-suppoming. 315 316 [Eventhough with 100 percent participation in the system, not every one understood the benefit. Basod from. the feedback ofthe survey, sbout 18% ofthe respondent wore compelled 1 participate in the project. ms Came 1. PVC pipe ca T2730 2 Gl pipes class °C" 2846.00 3. PVC reducing Tees 775.88 44 PVC reduetion sockets 22.29 5, Bua Tees Lie 6G. foring 131.95 47, Faucets 138.5 8. Whit lend 12.00 8. Gate valaes 17370 10. PVC cement solvent 105.00 11. PVC end caps 190 12 Material fof Dam constvction and2_ 2 stiner_| 311.10 "Toad D8 Plus 10% conegency 229883 Total 226 Minus villages contribution 350000 Ministry of Health contribution 21782.18, Design population ins es Capi Cos ESEE ‘Table 1, - The cost ofthe system (Note: In Malaysion Curreney. 1US$ is approximately 2.5 MR) Operation and maintenance ‘Construction works were done by the villagers with supervision from the Ministry official. The villagers were ‘roped into 20 with 10 to 14 members each. Among the types of works they perfirmed were: 1 Idemifcaton of pipetine routes, 2. Clearing of undergrowth, 3. Digging of trenches. 4. Construction of dam 5. Plumbing af house pipe connections ‘A village water supply commices was created afler the system was completed and the function of this ‘commitice is 10 help organized and administer the scheme at village level. Big repair job such as breakage of ‘the mainpipe line were usually undertaken by the committee members. Maintenance work such as cleaning of the dam are carried out by two maintenance crew who live nea the dam sit. They are supposed to clean the ‘dam twice monthly during dry seasons and thrice monthly during wet seasous. They are given US$10.00 per months for the services. The survey findings indicated that the number of times of water stopvage due to maintenance works were only five times per year, Accumulation of dried leaves and other organic meters, sand and silt were the main problems to dam storage. Survey findings also indicated that o the household level, the occurence of breakdown in water supply due to broken pipe oF leakage faucet was very low, averages two times with a range of 270 to four times since the inception of the scheme, However, the plumbers who are also the maintenmice crew, does not have any tasining and they leam the trade through experience. All the plumbing equipment were provided by the village coramitiee for water supply. Assisting the formation of commiree within the community which becomes responsible for its participation fon such a projet is one of requirement in order to obtained approval from the Ministry, However, there is no ‘waining been provided to the members of the community in echnical operation, maintenance and repai, basic revenue collection and account procedures, ‘potition of eurvey insirament Position of survey peg ° x JAB, BE Bo JEF,BCBd 1 W/4inch diameter pipelines ALA2..23_ sampling points Fig, 1 - Pipe layout plan and location of water ‘(Kampong har village, ling , Malaysia) Water consumption Generally aporable water supply system makes obtaining water needed fr drinking, washing and preparing food more convenient for local community. In this stud, the respondents surveyed (9856) vaue the wster supply scheme due tthe fact thatthe supply is rear thle houses, cheap rte and privacy. Color, taste and small do not rank high on ther privy lis, Bathing covers the tp is of common usage with more than 67 percent of the total quanlty of water use per eapte per da. Ta tenn of adequacy of supply, all rspondents mentioned that water supplied by the system is adequate in quanity for ther family need. The raph paters of average water used by”hourisa simple sight line with minima usage in erly moring wo media in the ‘Meron and finally peaking up ate ely evening. The quanty of water-se per day pet house hold based ‘nthe survey ad field measuresets is summarized in the Table I as follow: sie During the last 7 years there is un increase of 14 houses inthe village. The range of water consumption per household daily was found to be in the ranged of 360 lires to 730 lites and the quantity supplied is adequate all seasons, Papo Man Quail of waters (Men) ring Tass YZ Cooking 379.2163 ye Bathing 3672 = 143.0 ot Washing Biases uz Others (livestock/gradening) 218+ 16.5 ee Tota Sts 1850 ‘Table. 2. Demand of water for various usage sign consideration ‘The system layout design was slmple at there is mo specie storage requirements even for house storage, no treatment systems and thee is no pumping and metering provided. Wih estimated growth rate of 2.46% the forecast population in 1985 was 1252 people and fereast demand for sitar was 137.720 tees per day. Hostever dara from actual survey indleated tha the accel population of the village is 1302 people (in 1988) andthe demand flow measured varies fom 68,876 to 128,768 les per day. This indicated tht the spply of water from the sytem is adequate eventhough th actual population of the village does exceed. the forecast population by 50 people. The only complaint by mos ofthe respondent (989%) about tne dstrbuting system isthe ow water pressure tends to oar nthe evening expevialy to those houses which ae located on the higher ground. One ramediate alematve to overcome the problem may be to consiract a storage tar for the area involved. The tank-may be fllod in te afternoon (were there i.no problem of law pressure) fr water to be used inthe evening. The cunen system used the oly sip dan for tho primary purpose of accomplishing sedimentation and atthe samo time for storage. The survey also indicated that here was no setious leakage occur within the dstibuting system since is inplementaion in 1978, Water Quality at distribution system 1. Fecal coliform. The fecal coliform group was used as an indicator of the sanitary quality of water in evaluating the disease producing potential of the water supply. The level of fecal eolform atthe source (damn site) was found to be high with a mean of 110 colonics per 100m! (4 29 colonics) of water sample. The presence of wamn blooded animals whieh include wild boar, squiels, monkeys, cats and birds inthe frst sampling station (rt housing site) and the start of the distribution system, the numberof Fecal ealiform count per 100 ml sample was ereatly reduced 10 28 colonies (¢ 11 colonies) in comparison with tat of weter af source which is 2340 meters away. However, the level did not changed such once the water enter the Gistributing system. At the other stations the value does not change significantly, The mean value of Fecal coliform count within the system was 28 colonies per 100 mil sample wth tendard deviston of 11 colonies, ‘Normaiy, simple holding of water in a dam will reduce te total number of bacteria originally present, however ‘with the preseat system of having only one dam which function both as storage as well a sedimentation, the retention time may not be long enough for sucha Sarge papulaticm. 2 Clarity of water isan important indicator of water quality. Turbidity level within the system varies from 610 8 mpjl. Turbicty can be high (50 mg/l) after heavy shower duet sil, clay other organic particles being, washed away from upper eatcbment through surface rato 3. Dissolved oxygen level averaged 8.92 mg and temperature averaged at 249°C both atthe source and the distributing, system, The dissolved oxygen level is high as an acceptable minimum value recommended by the Ministry of Health is S mel. The high aeration rate occur within the system may be cue to high level of falling water from the creck to the distributing dam which greatly speed up aeration proces, There was no ‘complain: with regard tothe taste and odors of water inthe dsributing sytem 4. The pH level of the water inthe system is 7.9, which is acceptablo to the WHO standard. 5. The electrical conductivity of the water at source was found to be 0.5 ms cm, Metals auch as irom and ‘manganese which normaly create problems ia many reservoirs seems to be very low in a oxygenated environment such a this system, Detaled resule of water quslity sampling of the study area is sumamarized in the Following table IL Place of sampling (referoFig | Sours [SteA [Sie [SteC [SieD [Stok ‘Distance form the soures'() 2 3500 [4a [3680] 3785 [4000 Parasien Faecal coliforn (¥ of colony ) to |28 f29 [a9 far | ss Dissolved Oxygen (met) a9 feo [es fas far fon “Turbidity (ppm) rir |627 fess rar rar | 679 PH 7 |e2 |so f79 Jar feo Tempreture (©) m9 [252 |2s7 |2s7 |2s2 | 286 Conductivity (rsiem) os fos fos jos jos fos ‘Table 3.- Water quality sampling results utuesebabilitaton ‘Since the cafchment which supply the water to the system les within the State Government's Forest Reserved ‘Area, taerefore the security in term of development activities such as logging end agriculture are well under controlled. However. the fate ofthis water sonrces depend on the government development plan inthe future. ‘The system may no longer be needed as urban Water supply system reached the village area, The governmeat should however, study the water yield cepabity of the catchment ia supplying water before the system be fbundant, Based on this peliminacy study ofthe water supply system, the possibility of upgrading he system should be considered. So far thre is 10 extension being made to the existing wate supply system, {In regard to. the existing maintenance procedure, evonthangh there was no major problem withthe system so far, monitoring and mainenance works should not be neglected soas to maintain or prolong the operational life of the system. Frequent visit to the dam sive periodically to Inspect for cracks or major debris blockage should be practiced by the village committe. Frequent cleaning of dam from debris, sit and cand ‘accumulation can reduced the incident of system blockage as wel as maintaining the mximum capacity of the storage for water. On a costly. side, building of a tree level dam, ohere the fest dam ear function as fiero hig. debvis and the second mainly 1o tap sand and silt white the lst level for water storage may be Wont to consider if the frequency of cleaning the dam to be reduced dus to shortages of manpower, This kind of consmuction can increased water slorage as well 2s could prevent high turbidity water entering the distributing syscem afer hoavy storm a8 presently encountered Loss of water by evepotrausplzation from the dam canbe reduced by planting tees along dam sides as wind barriers a5 well as constructed 2 roof over the storage dau to prevent ciret sunlight, The dara area should be Feneed to avoid intrusion of domestic as well as wild animals into the area, Since the water quality of the sonroe is questionable as indicat) by the coifarm count a simple water ‘weatment such a8 chlorinating should be done either by the Mistry offical or te village committe, So far there as no water quality treatment being applied on the system, Installation of @ strip of organic 319 320 ‘accumulation material at the inlet ofthe dam (Pacey etal 1986) may prove useful as bacterial filter forthe system. ‘CONCLUSIONS: In higher retain, gravity flow schemes are ususlly the tehnology of choles for mos water supply system (Caircross, 1980). This because ofthe capital and wsatenane costs are low, there canbe hgh community involvement and schemes can beens extended. As demonstrated carlin the lsussion, the gravity fed ‘water supply system i effcist with minimum amount of maintenance work needed. This water supply system i one example of many succesful project whete 100% ofthe village community pareiated With every household was provided pipe connection, Only % ofthe original shillow wells are sili wed an that when the spply of wate stops due fo masnenance works or temporary breakdown ofthe sytem. ‘There isan adequacy supply of water even during the dry seasons. The drawback ofthe system is that the low pressure of water flow experiences. inthe evening which occur on bigher ground ofthe village. This critical Tow pressure period may be solved by having cheap water holding tanks Build atthe crieal sites, Water ‘quality. eaumont such as chorinating apd simple filtration of the water source could reduced the high level of fecal coliform as wel as reduced turbidity level during heavy showers, Sanitary survey should be done forthe catchment so thatthe possible sources of contaminant couid be determined. egal dumping of waste cither by the villagrs or outsiders on the eatcament must be carefully eatol by the village committe eventhough such ‘an occurrence has never been eported. Recreational sctvitis may become « msaor aration tothe area in the Faure, Such activities could carry with them the risk of wate-bome disease (Burby, 1983) and must be ‘monitored by the officials of Ministry of Eiealth as well as Forestry Department. In conclusion this preliminary evaluation exercise clearly indicated that a factors namely techmica, social physical and economic factor plays in important role inthe success of the village water supply system. A good commitment by the community in planning , construction, financing and good communication with the various authorities such as the Minisary of Health, the Disitict office, Forestry Department, Drainage and Invightion Depertmeut #6 well as the Waterworks Department has resulted ia the outstanding, success in mecting the objectives of the village Water supply system. Hopefully this evaluation ean pravide feed back 10 planness for future planing of similar water supply system REFERENCES 1. BURBY, R. J,, E. J. KAISER, T. L. MILLER and D. H. MOREAU, (1983), Drinking water supolies: Protection dicoush watershed management, Ann Arbor Science Pb, Ann Atbor. Ml 2, CAIRNCROSS, S., etal (1980), Evaluation for village water supply planning. Chicester: John Wiley and Sons. 3. MINISTRY OF HEALTH (MOT, (1984), Manual on low-cost tachnology rural water supply. 2nd. Eition, Environmental Health Unit, Division of Engineering Services, Ministry of Health Unit, Division of. Engineering Services, Ministry of Health Malaysia, 4. PACEY, A and A. CULLIS, (1986), Rainwater harvesting. The cllction of rainfall and cunofC in tal ‘areas, Intermediate Technology Pub, London, U.K

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