Job Types

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Document Owner: Revision: Document Type: Status:

PT CEPA Procedure
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Amiruddin Erwin Juniarto Toby Setya Kusuma English 1 / 13

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Use of the CMMS

Revision Summary
Revision Reason for Change Prepared
A00/2013-3-12 Initial issue Amiruddin

We reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without
express authority is strictly forbidden. PT. CONSOLIDATED ELECTRIC POWER ASIA, 2013
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2013-03-12 Use of the CMMS 2 / 13 GEN


1 Aim .................................................................................................................... 3
2 Reference Documents...................................................................................... 3
3 Responsibilities ................................................................................................ 3
3.1 Power Station Manager ....................................................................................... 3
3.2 Maintenance Manager and Operations Manager ................................................ 3
4 Terminology, Definitions and Abbreviations ................................................. 3
5 Procedure.......................................................................................................... 5
5.1 System Overview ................................................................................................. 5
5.2 System Implementation ....................................................................................... 5
5.2.1 CMMS Implementation Guides ............................................................................ 5
5.2.2 CMMS Codes and Standards .............................................................................. 5
5.2.3 Structure and Import of data ................................................................................ 8
5.2.4 Use of Station Control System Data .................................................................... 8
5.2.5 CMMS Network .................................................................................................... 8
5.3 Support of Processes........................................................................................... 9
5.3.1 Initiation of Interval Based Maintenance .............................................................. 9
5.3.2 Initiation of Condition Based Maintenance .......................................................... 9
5.3.3 Identification of Potential Work Activities ............................................................. 9
5.3.4 Planning of Work Activities ................................................................................ 10
5.3.5 Scheduling of Work Activities ............................................................................ 10
5.3.6 Work Order Feedback ....................................................................................... 10
5.3.7 Stock Control ..................................................................................................... 11
5.3.8 Procurement ...................................................................................................... 11
5.3.9 Control of Tools ................................................................................................. 12
5.3.10 Project Management.......................................................................................... 12
5.3.11 Project Template ................................................................................................ 12
5.3.12 Reporting ........................................................................................................... 12
5.4 Feedback from the System ................................................................................ 13
5.4.1 Work Analysis .................................................................................................... 13
5.4.2 Feedback-loop between CMMS and Criticality Software .................................. 13
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1 Aim
This document defines the minimum requirements for the use of a Computerised
Maintenance Management System (CMMS) in support of maintenance and other
business processes at the Power Station.

2 Reference Documents
CEPA Management System Procedure - Condition Monitoring
CEPA Management System Procedure - Control of Operating Activities and
Operating Parameters
CEPA Management System Procedure - Inventory Control
CEPA Management System Procedure - Operation and Maintenance Planning
CEPA Management System Procedure Procurement
CEPA Management System Procedure Procurement Requisitions
CEPA Management System Procedure Stock Items and Non Stock Items
CEPA Management System Procedure - Strategies and Plans for Systems and

3 Responsibilities

3.1 Power Station Manager

The Power Station Manager shall ensure that this procedure and all necessary
measures are implemented and maintained at the Power Station.

3.2 Maintenance Manager and Operations Manager

The Operations Manager and the Maintenance Manager shall ensure that this
procedure is understood and followed.

4 Terminology, Definitions and Abbreviations

Basic Workflow Diagrams: Diagrams corresponding to the information given in the
Implementation Guides showing who shall use which
module of the CMMS, and how they shall use them.
Buffer Stock: Goods owned and provided by the Customer to PT CEPA
and which shall be replaced as defined by the Contract
Contract: A written agreement between the customer and CEPA
governing the provision of services, that is intended to be
enforceable by Law.
CMMS: Computerised Maintenance Management System
CMMS Implementation
Guides: Instructions that apply to Power Stations using the
CMMS, describing in detail how each major module of the
CMMS shall be set-up and used in order to fully support
the generation strategy.
CMMS Operation
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Instructions: Instructions that apply to Power Stations using the

EPC: Engineering, Procurement and Construction
KKS: Kraftwerk Kennzeichnungs-System (Power Station
Designation System).
Maintenance Object: Record in the CMMS database representing an Item of
equipment upon which maintenance activities are carried
out, and relevant information recorded.
MFBF: Mean time between failures
MTTR: Mean time to repair
Work Breakdown
Structure: Accounting structure used for PT CEPA project control,
and therefore used in the financial reporting that
segregates costs for further analysis and to allow
feedback into the offer stage of contracts.
Work Order: A document identifying an activity that shall be carried out
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5 Procedure

5.1 System Overview

The Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) shall be used to
support maintenance and other nominated business processes. PT CEPA uses a
CMMS that is:
1. Customised to align with the PT CEPA Generation Strategy.
2. Configured using codes and standards that are applied throughout PT CEPA to
suit the processes associated with this strategy.
The system provides:
1. A clear data structure.
2. Support for the specific processes used.
3. Integration of the data used in the various processes.
4. The ability to easily extract and analyse historical data.
Control of maintenance relies on the ability to trigger activities when they are due, to
ensure that the correct scope of work is carried out, and that the required standards are
defined. The effective use of the CMMS provides this capability together with a full
audit trail. To allow meaningful subsequent review and analysis, data must be correctly
and completely recorded.

5.2 System Implementation

The system is prepared and configured with the codes and standards prior to delivery
to site. An specialist carries out the final setting of user profiles and local parameters at
the Power Station, together with the local system administrator.

5.2.1 CMMS Implementation Guides

CMMS Implementation Guides including Basic Workflow Diagrams describe how the
CMMS shall be set-up, customised and used, and are specific to the processes carried
out by PT CEPA. This information is complementary to the generic user manual
provided by the CMMS software supplier.

5.2.2 CMMS Codes and Standards

Codes and standards for the CMMS are set by the PT CEPA, and are described fully in
the relevant CMMS Implementation Guide. Use of these codes and standards ensures
1. There is a common use and understanding of terminology throughout PT CEPA
2. Sufficient standard codes are available for the analysis of activities and
classification of results.
These standards provide the ability to issue the common improvement targets across
the PT CEPA fleet. The standard codes used in the CMMS include:
Account Key
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This provides the accounting codes that are related to the Work Breakdown
Structure used for PT CEPA project control, and therefore used in the financial
Cost Purpose
This provides the accounting codes that are related to the circumstances under
which maintenance is carried out, so that costs can be correctly allocated, i.e.
Normal Maintenance, Planned Outages and Unplanned Maintenance.
Counter Key
This is number allocated by the CMMS to an internal counter that is linked to an
input used to trigger one or more interval-based tasks, e.g. pump running hours.
Error Codes
Three error codes are allocated in the CMMS, to allow tracking of the following:
1. The effect of a failure, e.g. loss of generation.
2. The type of work necessary to rectify the failure, e.g. mechanical.
3. The root cause of the failure, e.g. lack of lubrication.
Job Types
This indicates the type of maintenance work as follow:
PM: Proactive, reoccurring, preventive maintenance defined as Interval Based
Maintenance, whether based on calendar intervals or counter intervals.
INS: Proactive condition monitoring work in accordance with CEPA Procedure -
Condition Monitoring, to monitor equipment condition and performance with the
intention of detecting when Condition Based Maintenance should be carried out
to avoid unexpected failure.
CBM: Condition Based Maintenance triggered by condition monitoring activities
(INS) with the objective of restoring equipment to a healthy condition.
CMP: Reactive Planned Corrective Maintenance identified during preventive
maintenance or carried out after a deliberate run to failure of the equipment,
because the consequences were considered acceptable and the decision was
already documented in the Equipment Strategy in accordance with CEPA
Procedure - Strategies and Plans for Systems and Equipment.
CMU: Reactive Unplanned Corrective Maintenance required as a result of
unexpected, unplanned failure of the equipment, independent of consequences.
OTH: Work that does not directly relate to maintenance of the Power Station
facility, and if they were to be included in another Job Type would distort
subsequent data analysis, e.g. modifications, gardening.
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Figure 1 Job Types and Maintenance Types

Job Code Key

This provides codes that can be selected to indicate the required status of the
plant to allow maintenance to be carried out, e.g. plant shutdown and cool.
Job Status Key
This provides codes that reflect the status of the job. These change
automatically when certain actions are taken e.g. IPG = job in progress, or are
assigned manually, e.g. WSP = awaiting spares.
This indicates the priority of the work to be executed:
Priority 1: The effect on Power Station availability or the environment is
immediate or imminent, or there is a danger to personnel requiring immediate
Priority 2: A possible effect on Power Station availability within 3 days exists, or
when there is a significant impact on reliability or efficiency.
Priority 3: Interval Based Maintenance, Condition Based Maintenance and
normal operations activities.
Priority 4: All other work, when loss of availability, safety or environmental
impact is not an issue e.g. plant improvements, corrective maintenance.
Stock Code Key
This indicates the owner of the stock, which may or may not be present at site
depending on the Contract scope, e. g. Buffer Stock. The following categories
are set, where XX is the project abbreviation code, e.g. DO = Dock Sud.
XX-PT ES: Spare part owned by PT Energi Sengkang
XX-BUF-INI: Customers Buffer Stock, normally hot gas path
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XX-CLIENT-INI: Customer owned initial spares according to the terms of

the Contract.
XX-CLIENT-ADD: Customers additional spares, outside the scope of the
XX-CLIENT-ATE: Customers additional tools and equipment supplied either
by EPC or PT CEPA.
XX-O&M: O&M owned spares, purchased locally.
XX-O&M-GEN: O&M owned consumables, purchased locally.
XX-O&M-ATE: Local O&M owned additional tools.
XX-INSP: O&M spares, supplied and held specifically for an outage.

5.2.3 Structure and Import of data

Data stored within the CMMS is hierarchically structured following the actual plant
equipment structure, and normally uses the same identification system used to
physically identify each system/equipment and used for OEM supplied information, e.g.
KKS. This structure shall be verified at site during the mobilisation phase of an O&M
Contract using drawings and by carrying out physical checks of systems/equipment.
During initial set-up of the CMMS. As further data becomes available, it can be
imported into the CMMS at the Power Station using the import module of the CMMS.
Such information could include spare parts and Work Order details that correspond to
the identified activities in the Equipment Plans (see CEPA Procedure - Strategies and
Plans for Systems and Equipment).
Where possible, related information shall be linked to the equipment structure within
the CMMS, e.g. technical data, accounting structure, spare parts and tools
During the use of the CMMS a history is accumulated as Work Orders are processed.

5.2.4 Use of Station Control System Data

Operating data shall be used to trigger work when possible. This can be either done:
1. When operating parameters reach preset values that trigger the required
Condition Based Maintenance.
2. To update Counter Key readings in the CMMS to trigger Interval Based
Maintenance when it is due. For example, this could be based on elapsed
running hours or number of operations.

5.2.5 CMMS Network

The CMMS shares information between the different modules that support the various
processes at the Power Station. To be able to work efficiently the CMMS shall be on
the local network and available to the following:
1. Power Station Manager
2. Operations and Maintenance Managers
3. Maintenance Engineer and Technicians
4. Operations Shift Charge Engineer, Chemist and Technicians
5. Purchasing function and Material Controller
6. QEHS Engineer
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5.3 Support of Processes

5.3.1 Initiation of Interval Based Maintenance

Work Orders corresponding to the identified interval based tasks set out in the
Equipment Plans in accordance with CEPA Procedure - Strategies and Plans for
Systems and Equipment are loaded into the CMMS, together with the prescribed
frequency, and linked to any supporting information, e.g. spare parts. These Work
Orders are then generated at the due date and enter the planning and execution

5.3.2 Initiation of Condition Based Maintenance

Condition Based Maintenance is initiated when operating parameters reach preset
values or as a result of deterioration being detected during condition monitoring
The initiation of work when certain parameters are reached can be:
1. Direct from the Power Station control system
2. Manually when a certain value is recorded during operation rounds.
3. As a result of analysis of data, carried out with the intention of detecting certain
conditions, in accordance with CEPA Procedure - Control of Operating Activities
and Operating Parameters.
Work Orders corresponding to the identified condition monitoring activities set out in
the Equipment Plans in accordance with CEPA Procedure - Strategies and Plans for
Systems and Equipment are loaded into the CMMS, together with the prescribed
frequency, and linked to any supporting information, e.g. spare parts.
When condition monitoring tasks are grouped together as rounds, the CMMS provides
an inspection round feature that shall be used for this purpose. Each round shall be
established in the inspection point template, to indicate each point to be measured.
The template shall then be attached to a Work Order that is set up in the same way as
for other condition monitoring activities.

5.3.3 Identification of Potential Work Activities

When an apparent defect is noted on any equipment, that could require work to be
carried out, a Job Order shall be raised directly in the CMMS. This would normally be
done by operations staff, as a result of:
1. Identification of a defect during an inspection round.
2. Detection of a change in operating parameters.
3. Initiation of an alarm or trip.
4. Functional failure of an item of equipment.
Initiation of a Job Order requires the following minimum information to be entered into
the system:
1. Equipment Identifier (normally KKS number of at least 5 digits length).
2. Equipment Description.
3. Description of the defect, and any additional information that can help to identify
the action required.
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4. Error Code 1 categorising the effect of the defect.

5. Whether it is expected that a Permit for Work needs to be prepared to carry out
the expected work activity.
6. Whether the defect represents a breakdown, as defined in the appropriate CMMS
Implementation Guide, so that the MBTF and MTTR can be calculated.
7. Whether the defect represents a hidden failure as defined in the relevant CMMS
Implementation Guide, so that a consolidated list of such failures can be
assembled by the PT CEPA fleet.
8. The Job Orders shall normally be discussed in the daily production meeting and
either planned as Work Orders or agreed to be closed without any further action
in accordance with CEPA Procedure - Operations and Maintenance Planning.

5.3.4 Planning of Work Activities

The CMMS shall be used to support the following during planning of Work Orders:
1. Verifying the data already attached or included in the Job Order
2. Checking and reserving spare parts.
3. Assigning a work supplier, who will carry out the work.
4. Estimating the duration of the work.
5. Assigning Error Code 2, representing the type of activity required.
6. Verifying the allocation of the correct Job Code.
7. Assigning a status to the Work Order to indicate if any constrain exists.
8. Required materials, tools or spare parts.
9. Resources to carry out the work.
10. Access to the equipment, e.g. a plant outage is required.
With such constraints, particularly when a plant outage is required, the system allows
Work Orders to be accumulated, and continually reviewed and analysed. When a
planned or unplanned outage occurs the work able to be performed within the duration
of the outage can be extracted and scheduled.

5.3.5 Scheduling of Work Activities

A schedule of future work is maintained that takes into account the accumulated Work
Orders and those Work Orders expected to be generated by the CMMS within the time-
period. This forward view is made available by the CMMS as a weekly plan, for review
and agreement in a weekly planning meeting, in accordance with CEPA Procedure -
Operations and Maintenance Planning.

5.3.6 Work Order Feedback

When work has been carried out, feedback shall be entered into the Work Order as
described in the relevant CMMS Implementation Guide, including the following for
future reference and analysis:
1. Details relevant to the work carried out.
2. Error Code 3, that categorises the root cause of the defect.
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3. Spare Parts, materials and services used, together with hours worked, to allow a
cost history to be accumulated.

5.3.7 Stock Control

The CMMS shall be used to support the management of stock as described in CEPA
Procedure - Stock Items and Non-stock Items. Different stocks shall be established to
reflect the various owners, for spare parts and materials.
Where possible spares parts and material shall be linked to the appropriate
Maintenance Object of the equipment structure within the CMMS. This allows:
1. Registration of any transactions.
2. Reservation of stock for future work.
3. Support for inventory verification as defined in CEPA Procedure - Inventory
When material or a spare part is used, it shall be booked against the relevant Work
Order, to ensure that:
1. The cost is associated with the work and the equipment.
2. A history is built up to show where spare parts and materials are used.
3. The stock level of the material or spare parts is updated, providing the ability to
generate reports that show:
a. Received or Issued stock items
b. Scrapped stock items
c. Stock items below minimum level
d. Stock items reserved for future work
e. Stock amount and values
f. Links between spare parts and Equipment, i.e. whether the same part is
used for different Equipment.
g. Stock turnover
These reports support decision making regarding re-order and adjustments of the
quantities stocked.

5.3.8 Procurement
The CMMS shall be used to initiate procurement in accordance with CEPA Procedure -
Procurement Requisition and to directly manage the procurement process or be used
as an input to the standard software in accordance with CEPA Procedure -
Use of the CMMS for procurement allows:
1. Initiation of stock replenishment when a minimum stock level is reached.
2. Procurement of spares or material requirements associated with a Work Order for
future planned work.
3. Registration of deliveries.
4. Updating of the stock level.
5. Tracking of outstanding orders.
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6. Invoice registration.

5.3.9 Control of Tools

The CMMS shall be used to support the control of tools to allow:
1. Recording of tool usage and return to storage
2. Initiation and tracking of maintenance of the tools
3. Tracking legal requirements, e.g. calibration or inspection. Inspection certificates
can be linked to the equipment record, to facilitate audits.

5.3.10 Project Management

When several Work Orders are related to each other, and need to be planned and
executed as a coordinated project, full use shall be made of the information carried
within the CMMS by using the project management feature to allow:
1. Extraction and re-import of relevant data to specialised project management
2. Linking of Work Orders.
3. Time scheduling.
4. Overall project resource allocation.
5. Control of spare parts availability across the project.
6. Project reports.

5.3.11 Project Template

The use of the CMMS project template allows projects to be planned and associated
Work Orders accumulated, without interfering with the overview of outstanding Work
Work Orders with all attached information can be created, moved and deleted, until the
template is sufficiently developed to be copied into an actual project. The Work Order
is then scheduled by setting a start date.
The template, together with all associated information, can be reused for subsequent
projects, significantly reducing the planning effort and avoiding loss of information.

5.3.12 Reporting
Reports shall be generated by the CMMS or through the CEPA reporting reporting
system, to provide the following:
1. Reports used at the Power Station as needed for regularly status review, e.g.
daily work plan, weekly plan.
2. A standard monthly report to provide the information necessary for further
3. Customised reports that can be generated as necessary by specifying the
parameters, e.g. date, system/equipment, type of activities.
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5.4 Feedback from the System

5.4.1 Work Analysis

The monthly report, provides the necessary information for analysis of the maintenance
work carried out, and shall be reviewed.
The report includes:
1. The ratio between proactive and reactive work, by:
a. Work Orders.
b. Work hours.
2. Correct use of standards:
a. Job Types
b. Error Codes
c. KKS levels with sufficient detail (normally at least 5 characters).
3. Outstanding Work Orders.
4. Work that has incurred high cost or manpower (Top 10).
5. Items removed from stock, including costs.
6. Accumulated cost for Corrective Maintenance.
7. Use of work suppliers, including the time actually booked to Work Orders.
8. Key Performance Indicators
This analysis shall be carried out:
At the Power Station to take any necessary corrective actions that can be identified
immediately from the results.Comments shall be added to the report to clarify
discrepancies and state identified actions.

5.4.2 Feedback-loop between CMMS and Criticality Software

The experience gained during planning and execution of maintenance work is
continuously accumulated by the correct use of the CMMS. This data includes valuable
quantitative information, which shall be periodically taken into account to update the
criticality assessment, carried out in accordance with CEPA Procedure - Strategies and
Plans for Systems and Equipment.

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