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Identifying Targeting
opportunities learners
Consider universities that are close to Consider increasing the outreach offer
your school, or an easy commute for your for younger learners. Dont only rely on
learners. While Russell Group institutions will learners to sign up to events consider hold-
be of interest to some of your learners there ing more events for the whole year group.
are many other options for students who This will provide opportunities to those
might want to stay close to home to who havent yet made up their minds Data
study. about higher education.
Resources: Keep records of learners who attend
the events. Work with the HEIs on this so
that there is a complete record of activity. Ask
the HEI for their data at the end of the year How many events does
for your own records.
your school
Approaching Creating organize per year?
Universities partnerships
All HEIs have a team that deals with Building partnerships does not have to
outreach. These can be found on their be difficult, but they do take time. Make
institutions webpage. Try to engage with the sure that your communication is clear, direct,
same person on the team to ensure good and open. Be clear about what your learners
partnership working. need and try to be as flexible as possible.
Future proof
was the average number of events
Ask... Evaluate held during 2014/15 at schools
While HEIs have many generic activities Is this activity working well for your in London and Essex. Once a relationship with an HEI has
that they deliver many will be willing to school, and for your learners? HEIs need been established, consider sitting down
adapt these to your local requirements. to evaluate these activities work with them with them to plan the next years events ahead
Discuss at an early stage what works best and ask for copies of their evaluations. of time. This will help both schools/colleges
with your learners, and encourage the HEI and the HEIs to plan ahead of time for
to work with you to adapt their offer. More Adapt and personnel and resources.

needs to be 60% Certain things will work best with
of outreach certain cohorts. Dont be afraid of
delivered to experimentation and dont get stuck in a rut.
activity was Share good practice with other outreach
younger colleagues conferences, partnership
aimed at working, and social media all provide
learners Y12 + 13 opportunities for this.

in 2014/15

Continuum- Centre for Widening Participation Policy Studies

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