7 Wonders of The World

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CA Lab Project

Problem Definition

Chapter 1


The 7 Wonders of the World is a list of monuments and places which are significant to the

history of the human development, and also symbolize the level of advancement we have

made on this planet as a species. With this project, our main purpose is to highlight these

Wonders and help the reader in knowing and understanding the historical significance and the

impact each of the Wonders of the World has made on our World.

The very first lists of 7 Wonders of the World were made by Greek historians Herodotus and

Callimachus around 2st Century BC. The lists were limited to 7 places since that was the

number of planets known to the Greeks during the time-period.

Today, none of the ancient 7 Wonders of the World exist except the Great Pyramid of Giza.

From the archaic periods till the present 21st Century, many lists of the 7 Wonders of the

World have been created by different organizations. While the ancient list has been known

for a long-long time, it has lost its validity today as 6 out of those wonders dont exist today.

Out of the myriad lists created by many organizations, the 7 Wonders of the World chosen by

the New7Wonders Foundation, based in Zurich, Switzerland is arguably the most widely

known. Which is precisely the reason why this website project would include the 7 Wonders

as listed by the New7Wonders Foundation along with the Ancient Wonders of the World.

The preservation of these monuments is essential. Not just to remind us of our history, but to

preserve a proof of the events which took place in the past, to keep the curiosity in us alive

while we look at these wonders.

CA Lab Project

Historical events not only tell us how the world used to work in the past, but they can also

serve as an indication of how things could be working in the future. Each monument marked

as a wonder of the World has a unique story to it, the knowledge of which allows one to look

at these events through different perspectives which tickle our curious minds.

1.1- Objectives of the Proposed System

1- To create a website using HTML for depicting the significance of the ancient and the

new list of 7 Wonders of the World from a historical perspective, and to present its

importance in the present time-period.

2- To present the relevant facts and known information about these Wonders, and how

the Ancient Wonders are different from the Wonders listed today.

3- To display information on the website in a way that allows efficient access to any

information required.

4- To give the potential readers a one-stop platform to access nearly all information they

would need to know about the ancient and modern marvels created by the Human


1.2- Problems with the existing System

1- Maintaining records of the Wonders of the World might seem like a trivial issue at

first. But it is highly important in order to maintain the authenticity of information.

All information about the monuments, especially the ancient ones were presented on

Paper, and the information wont be valid for a long time unless it's documented on a

tangible and efficient form.

CA Lab Project

2- Since there is no official list of wonders of the World from an organization such as

UNESCO, there is a high probability that other organizations can create their own

lists containing different monuments and places. This would consequently create a lot

of confusion and misinterpretation of information.

3- Since there is no single platform for authentic and accurate information about the

Wonders of the World, this leads to false myths being generated about many selected

monuments and places, which in-turn dent the reputation and status of the place being

a Wonder of the World.

1.3- Data Collection

The key sources of all our collected data are the following websites:

1- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wonders_of_the_World

To start with the Project, we needed information regarding the origins of the list, its

purpose and significance at the time it was first made. The Ancient list of the 7

Wonders of the World is dated around 2nd Century BC.

2- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New7Wonders_of_the_World

Since the ancient list of the Wonders of the World was no longer valid due to the non-

existence of all except one of the listed places. The New7Wonders Foundation

stepped up to bring a new list of 7 wonders of the World through a campaign lasting 7

years (2000-2007).

3- https://world.new7wonders.com/

The selections for the 7 wonders of the World by the New7Wonders Foundation was

done through voting. The candidates were around 200 monuments, out of which 21

CA Lab Project

were the finalists, and after further voting, the 7 places with the highest votes got

recognition on the list.

4- https://www.lonelyplanet.com/news/2017/07/07/7-wonders-world-ten-years/

After 10 years of origins of the New7Wonders list, the foundation responsible for the

new Wonders of the World announced that the day of 7th July in the Gregorian

calendar would be marked and celebrated as the 7 Wonders Day every year from


1.4- Contribution By Team Members

Enrollment No. Names of the Team Contribution

00990301715 Allen Abraham Coding
01090301715 Aman Dabas Writing
01190301715 Aneesh Kataria
01290301715 Ankita Patial Data Collection

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