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Farewell, Gisa

On the morning of August 4, 2012, a little more than five years after her mother had passed away, Gisa
Cordella stood on an open-sided terrace of a low-slung Hawaiian resort, drinking a cold pineapple juice
popular from the local island of Lanai, observing as the ascending sun gently radiated heat for the starting
day. Laid before her very eyes was the Waimea Bay, appreciated by local people, venturesome surfers and
flamboyant tourists.

The ice on Gisa's drink dissolved warily and synchronized with the rising humidity of the Hawaiian
air. In time, the small boats of neighboring areas began their sail and the birds chirped and flew from
place to place aiming for a long day ahead. From a distance, a graceful woman wave who was dressed
long floral dress with a basket freshly picked fruits, Gisa acknowledged the gesture with a light smile and a

She needed a vacation. For the long years that had slipped, this was the only time she had. Before
finally arriving at Hawaii Airport, her time was spent on doing tons of work being a secretary of an
industrial company back in Marunouchi District, Japan. Along the countrys skyscrapers, Gisa had lived
alone and cozy in an old apartment covered with patterned blue wallpapers. She was a wallflower kept
fancy despite the norm rancor ambiance.

Just recently, she resigned with important reasons in mind. The manager of company had trusted
Gisa that much letting her stepped down from the position in spite of the loyalty and hard work the lady
displayed for several years in the service.

Gisas departure from job was the first movement of her olden intention as she reminisced the
dark past.

Adequate pungent heat, diverse scenery, and rising mountains, of the island welcomed the family
of Mr. and Mrs. Cordella together with their sixteen-year old daughter named Gisa. Lone and away from
the usual busy city environment of the family in Japan, Hawaii was the right place to be.

Now that we have finally arrived, I would like to give the two women in my life the best vacation.
That is why I chose Hawaii! Anything that would make you two happy is my pleasure. excitedly announced
of the old man in patterned shirt and shorts who happened to be Samuel Cordella.

My dear, the effort you made are remarkable! I know that our developing business left in Japan
had been well-commercialized in the industry of mobile technology. And this, this vacation is no doubt for
the effort you made my dear husband. said the woman with overwhelming joy dressed in vivid paisley
patterns named Gertrude.

The two seemed to look forward to their stay in the island except for a young lady busily humming
and listening to the strident headphone.

Samuel looked at the distressed face of his daughter and motioned an open arm, Come over here
Gisa, this is not the right place and time to be frowning. Look around, the island is just right for the three of
us to unwind. No reason to be unhappy.

And then what? After all of this trip of a lifetime, we are all going back to the usual life! Where you
would always despise my decisions and tell me not to get involved in your world. bluntly said by Gisa.

I have told you a million times that you cant handle the business. I would rather give it to a more
competitive and worthy man in the company whom I trusted the most. the Father said.

I have told you too several times that whatever responsibilities the position will offer, I am
prepared for it. said by the young lady full of fierce and vigor.

My decision cannot be changed. The more you get involved the perilous

Samuel! That is enough. Everybody let us all calm down. Gisa, compose yourself. The car has just
arrived. Let us all have a peaceful ride. interrupted by the worried wife.

It was already the middle of the day when the family rode their way to the resort. Mr. and Mrs.
Cordella seated at the front seat while Gisa stayed at the back viewing the golden beaches bordered by
palm trees, brightly colored canyons, and a multi-hued pieced together field and forest.

The resort where they were supposed to stay for a week-long vacation was spectacular. Stood just
a few meters away from the shore, the resort would absolutely catch the attention of many foreign
travelers. The family entered the resort and proceeded their way to their respective rooms.

Gisa entered her room with a sigh. She never understands why her father didnt trust her enough
to take over the company. She witnessed the beginning of MobTech, the name of their rising technological
company, and knowing that her fathers capabilities made their business compete against the stable
companies in Japan.

Gisa put down her bag on the gray sofa beside a decorative plant. The room was well-lighted and
decorated with native crafts. The day changes from day to night while Gisa went out to the veranda to
have a moment to breathe. She thought of the breathtaking view of the place and the incoming days.

The family had few hours of rest in their rooms and had pondered the thoughts in their minds.
A knock on the door caught the attention of the couple on the other side of the room. It was Gisa.

Yes? Who is it? said Gertrude.

Its me Mom. Can I come inside?

Yes, absolutely Gisa. said the woman.

Father I apologize for my impoliteness. I come here to say sorry and also I thought that you are
really looking forward to this vacation. Im sorry father.

Gisa, please understand also my behavior and I also apologize.

On the party held at the hall of the resort, the family gathered altogether to dine. Bundle of joy
was wrapped to the family as they indulged to the beauty of the island. Day and night they attended group
parties, watched live bands, and ate Hawaiian food. They took the chance to bond despite the limited time
they had.

On the morning, Gisa excused herself from her parents to enjoy a day alone. Five oclock in the
dawn, Gisa took her pair of running shoes and went out to jog. She enjoyed the view of rising sun behind
the green mountains. She jogged from two hours until she paused to stop by a small shop.

Multi-colored necklaces hung on the wall, white seashells put together to make bracelets was
placed in brown rectangular tray, and different sunglasses were displayed at the upper corner of the shops.
A man in plain white polo and khaki shorts was busily having a phone call at the counter of the store. His
dark eyebrows wrinkled as the man on the other line shouted. He managed to stay calm and led the
conversation well. The man clicked the end button and hang up. Gisa who was starring at the man for a
long time started busily rummaged at the displayed store items.

Finally decided what to buy, Gisa took two bracelets from the display and went to the store

That would cost four dollars, Miss. said the man who looked a few years older than her. Gisa
handed him the dollars from her small pocket while the man place the items in paper bags.

Thank very much, Miss. said the man with a smile.

My, pleasure Gisa managed to answer shortly. She was caught by the smile of the man. For a
stranger, the man has calming personality that the young lady appreciated.

My name is Caleb, would you mind to tell me yours? the man put out his right hand and waited.

Mines Gisa. Your store was pretty cozy. Gisa said.

The two lost track of time as they enjoyed a cone of ice cream while they talked in front the bay.
They werent fan of love of first sight but that moment the two felt it was real. Unspoken feelings became
unshared until the time they parted. Caleb appreciated the presence of the lady and as Gisa left the store
and jogged back to the resort where her parents were already worried, Caleb knew that their first meeting
wouldnt be the last.

Back in the store the man on the counter happened to be amazed by the lady. He thought that he
had no chance on knowing more the young lady. Also, the man has other things to do during his stay in
the island.

After hours of running, Gisa was heavily breathing and sweat soaked her shirt. She took a shower
for a while before meeting her parents. At noon, she finally went down to meet the two.

A banquet filled with many courses welcomed Gisa on the hall. She seated beside the two around
a round table. Her parents havent been started and were waiting for their daughter.

I am sorry for being late mother. I enjoyed the view and lost track of time.

It is fine my dear. I know that you have to experience Hawaii even without us. And jogging and
getting sweat are not are thing anymore. We are old for that already. said the man with laughter.

Lets enjoy our meal today!

Before that let me give something I bought earlier. These bracelets are my gift for the two of you.
Gisa pulled out a pair of bracelets from her purse and placed it on the table.

I appreciate your gift Gisa. Thank you very much. Both said the two.

While eating the man pulled out an invitation beside him and made an announcement.

Gisa, I apologize if this will be urgent and that I lied that this vacation doesnt involved any
business matters. I would like you to attend a formal gathering later this evening. I thought for the past
nights that if you would like to handle our business you should come with us at the gathering of
technological companies here in the states. said Samuel with a worried face.

I, I Gisa couldnt say a word for a moment.

We thought that you are mature enough when it comes to these matters. We just couldnt accept
that our own daughter to be involved in the cruel world of business. said Gertrude with teary eyes.

I will accept it father and mother. I will not let you two down. said Gisa courageously.
At the night of the party, Samuel wore a black suit with grey necktie. The man was very handsome
for a man in fifties. Gertrude was dazzling in an elegant gray long dress with matching silver earrings. The
couple was two lovebirds of the night.

While Gisa was in front of her wardrobe busily deciding on what dress to wear, her mother entered
her room. The mother saw her daughters worried eyes and jittered body.

That blue long dress would be perfect, picked by the woman and smiled to Gisa.

Mother I am very nervous, I am feeling excited and worried. I am overwhelmed that father would
consider me for the position but at the same timeI am worried that I would fail him.

Gertrude hugged the young lady for a minute and said, You have nothing to worry, honey. I
suggest that you go get that long blue dress and come out when you are done.

The ladys tension subsided. The blue dress her mother picked was perfect. She felt calm and
happy. Teary eyes welcomed her as she approached her mother. You are very beautiful, dear. You alone
are a gift for me and your father. I know whatever happened in this event, we will always be here for you.
said the genuine-hearted woman.

Wear this necklace Gisa. It is a heirloom of our family for many decades. My mother passed this
on to me when I turned eighteen. I would not wait two more years for that moment. I believe that it is the
right time. Also I believed that this sapphire matches your blue long gown. said the loving mother of Gisa.

The woman wore the necklace to Gisa with one small yet brilliant sapphire stone. The deep colored
gem accentuated the alluring beauty of the lady. The long dress fitted every curve of her long and snow-
colored body.

Thank you Mom. I love you very much. said the young lady.

Your welcome my Gisa. I love you too. said Gertrude.

The gala night was promising. The party was attended by businessmen and famous people in the
industry of technology. Samuel was busy talking from persons to persons and introducing Gisa to the
peers. The night was turning well and as the night gotten long the more Gisas worries had eased. Dinner
was served and the three of them was eating the served main course. The program had started when all
had finished their meal.

On a platform of the venue hall, two people led the program. A few professionals in the industry
gave a talk about the recent competitive companies. My fathers company was one of the few who were
acknowledged in the program. Slow harmonious music was played by the live band, and my mother and
father didnt missed the chance to dance. From a corner, Gisa watched her parents danced gracefully to
rhythm of the music. Synchronism was evident to the movement of their body and heart.

A distant man caught her attention and was surprised that it was the same man on the counter.
The man wore gray suit and painted smile.

Can I have a dance? asked Caleb.

Yes you can. said Gisa with a sweet smile.

The two proceed their way to the center, at the side of busy couples and under the luminescent
chandelier. For a moment they were captivated by each others presence and lost in reality. In time, Gisa
was surprised that the man was in this event and dared to ask a question.

Why are you here?

I happen to have an important matter to do.

What kind of matter is that? What business you have?

Gisa, I dont want you to get involved. So I will ask you a favor to urgently leave this hall already.
Things will get complicated and dangerous. So please Gisa, leave.

Why? I cant understand. What do you mean dangerous? puzzled question of Gisa.

The man continued to guide Gisa on their dance and endured the panic he was feeling. He
managed to stay calm and explained the situation.

Our agency had found out that a few days ago a scheme enabled tons of illegal firearms to enter
the vicinity the island. One of these businessmen is responsible. The company was considered to be a
novice in the industry specialized in mobile technology fiercely said by Caleb.

Gisa was shuddered after hearing those words from Caleb. She couldnt ignore the possibility that
her fathers company was the one he was talking about. Tears fell from her eyes as she thought of the
miserable idea. Caleb shook the ladys consciousness. The thought of her parents entered her mind and
bid farewell to Caleb. Before leaving the man behind Gisa spoke the words that broke the mans heart.

I am Gisa Cordella, the heiress of the company you are referring. said Gisa emotionally.

Caleb was astounded after the lady who made his heart beat left him broken.
The rumble began on the first shot of the gun. The social occasion became a riot. People were
screaming and panicked crowd were out of control. The gunshots were everywhere making everyone
aimed for the nearest exit door.

Gisa still felt betrayal from Caleb whom she thought would be her ally, but no. In her mind, her
parents security was the most important. Only the three of them could protect each other. Her eyes
roamed from each corner of the hall. The forces units fired to the rebellious opponents and some were
safely guiding civilian out of the event area. The decreasing crowd made possible for Gisa to find her
mother running to the exit door and seemed following someone. She managed to pass by the riot and was
able to catch her mother heavily breathing and running. There she learned that a wounded man being
followed by her mother was gun shot at the upper shoulder, and was none other than his father.

I am sorry Gisa, this has been my fault. If not because of carelessness these would not happen.
said the man in pain. Gertrude caught her husband in her arms. The woman bare no sign of knowledge on
what was happening but remained crying for her wounded husband.

Why father? What made you do these? angrily asked by the daughter.

What was it that I didnt know? Tell me Samuel, what was Gisa talking about? puzzled words
blurted out from the mother.

I am very sorry, Gertrude and Gisa. This is not all my fault. Someone and a much higher rival of
our company planted some illegal firearms in our parcel. I dont how did it happened but believe me it is a
disguise made our rival to put us down. desperate revelation of Samuel now crying and in so much pain
he received from a gunshot.

Gisa, I believe in your father. Your father is innocent. The first thing we must do is to run. Your
father is losing so much blood. We have to rush. said the crying woman

Ill lead the way, follow me. assured by Gisa.

Gisa led the way out and went straight to the kitchen. Never looking back, she prioritized their way
out to save her father. Then suddenly a shot gun hit Gertrude straight in the heart. Successive shot
knocked her parents to the ground.

Mother! Father! No! hysterical cry of Gisa.

You must now go Gisa. Go. Go. You have to save yourself. Dont mind us said pleadingly by
Samuel in so much pain.

Yes Gisa, you must leave. Remember that we always love you. Save your life. said the crying
Gertrude on the bloody ground.
But mother, father, I cant, I cant... said Gisa as she witnessed how her parents got shot and now
in so much pain.

Now Gisa! Leave. Both said by Gertrude and Samuel.

The impulse triggered Gisa and run as fast and passed the dark alley of the building. She thought
of her parents that cherished her all their life. She regretted the old day. Angry and miserable she ran until
she arrived at a small lake filled with green foliages. Only the full moons lighten the pavement toward the
lake. Wretched and hollowed, Gisa looked glooming at her reflection at the lake, when a man followed her
direction. She was mindless for a moment, but when she finally recognized the reflection of a man beside
her she, she froze.

You! It was all a mistake... said by Gisa full of hatred and anger.

Caleb swiftly covered the mouth of Gisa to prevent other people from following them. The man
finally realized all the things that had happened. He hated himself more than the people shooting guns
back at the riot. Right in front of his is the lady he loved but I know he made a mistake. So he spoke.

Let me speak first. I have made a huge mistake. This will forever hunt me. I know that you would
not forgive me. I am sorry Gisa. I know this is not the right timing, but I know you hope this would be the
last. I was always the wallflower. I lost words when Im with you. I would like to tell you that the moment
you first entered the shop, I was attracted to you. You made me speak those ghost words within me. I
loved the conversation we had, that we even I lost track of time. You stole my time and heart. You dont
know how I felt this day, and I regretted the distant smiles I shared with you. Now, I know you wished not
to see me anymore; I would gladly vanish in your world. I would be always a lone island loving you despite
the bundle of anger and hatred you have for me. Farewell, Gisa.

Main Characters:

Gisa Cordella
Samuel Cordella
Gertrude Cordella


An island in Hawaii

Short Story


Unrequited Love, Regret

Point of View

Third Person (Omniscient)


Man vs. Man

Moral of the story

Value even the small things in life.

Love your parents.
Cherish every moment

Prepared by:
Angelica T. Genova BS ECE 3A

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