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Choose the correct option for the bold phrases.

1. The small child does whatever his father was done.

A. has done

B. did

C. does

D. had done

E. No correction required

Answer: Option C

2. You need not come unless you want to.

A. You don't need to come unless you want to

B. You come only when you want to

C. You come unless you don't want to

D. You needn't come until you don't want to

E. No correction required

Answer: Option A

3. There are not many men who are so famous that they are frequently referred to by their short names only

A. initials

B. signatures

C. pictures

D. middle names

E. No correction required

Answer: Option A

4. The man to who I sold my house was a cheat.

A. to whom I sell

B. to who I sell

C. who was sold to

D. to whom I sold

E. No correction required

Answer: Option D

5. They were all shocked at his failure in the competition.

A. were shocked at all

B. had all shocked at

C. had all shocked by

D. had been all shocked on

E. No correction required

Answer: Option E

6. I need not offer any explanation regarding this incident - my behaviour is speaking itself.

A. will speak to itself

B. speaks for itself

C. has been speaking

D. speaks about itself

E. No correction required

Answer: Option B

7. He is too important for tolerating any delay.

A. to tolerate

B. to tolerating

C. at tolerating

D. with tolerating

E. No correction required

Answer: Option A

8. The population of Tokyo is greater than that of any other town in the world.

A. greatest among any other

B. greater than all other

C. greater than those of any other

D. greater than any other

E. No correction required

Answer: Option E

9. The performance of our players was rather worst than I had expected.

A. bad as I had expected

B. worse than I had expected

C. worse than expectation

D. worst than was expected

E. No correction required

Answer: Option B

10. Why did you not threw the bag away?

A. did you not throw

B. had you not threw

C. did you not thrown

D. you did not thrown

E. No correction required

Answer: Option A

11. Shapes of gods and goddess are worshipped by people.

A. Images

B. Reflections

C. Clay shapes

D. Clay toys

E. No correction required

Answer: Option A

12. In addition to enhanced their reputations through strategic use of philanthropy, companies are sponsoring social
initiatives to open new markets.

A. of enhancing their reputation

B. to having enhance their reputation

C. to enhancing their reputation

D. to have their reputation enhancing

E. No correction required

Answer: Option C

13. The intruder stood quietly for few moments

A. for few time

B. for the few moments

C. for moments

D. for a few moments

E. No correction required

Answer: Option D

14. The police has so far succeeded in recovering only a part of the stolen property.
A. thus far succeeded for recovery

B. so far succeeded in recovery of

C. as for as succeeded in recovery of

D. so far succeeded to recover

E. No correction required

Answer: Option E

15. He confidentially asked the crowd if they thought he was right and the crowd shouted that they did.

A. that he did

B. that they had

C. that he is

D. that he didn't

E. No correction required

Answer: Option E

16. Why should the candidates be afraid of English Language is not clear.

A. the candidates should be

B. do the candidates be

C. should be the candidates

D. are the candidates

E. No correction required

Answer: Option A

17. He found the gold coin as he cleans the floor.

A. as he had cleaned

B. while he cleans

C. which he is cleaning

D. while cleaning

E. No correction required

Answer: Option D

18. He admired the speed with which he completed the work and appreciating the method adopted by him

A. appreciate the method being adopted

B. appreciated the method adopted

C. appreciate the method of adoption

D. appreciated the method adopting method

E. No correction required

Answer: Option B

19. Maria unnecessarily picked up a quarrel with Rani and left the party hurried.

A. has picked up

B. picked on

C. picked

D. picking up

E. No correction required

Answer: Option C

20. She cooks, washes dishes, does her homework and then relaxing.

A. relaxing then

B. then is relaxing

C. relaxing is then

D. then relaxes

E. No correction required

Answer: Option D

21. Acquisition of certain specific skills can be facilitated from general awareness, education to novel situations

A. can be facilitated by

B. may facilitate through

C. can be felicitated with

D. may be felicitated with

E. No correction required

Answer: Option A

22. He never has and ever will take such strong measures.

A. had taken nor will ever take

B. had taken and will ever take

C. has and never will take

D. had and ever will take

E. No correction required

23. Technology must use to feed the forces of change.

A. must be used to feed

B. must have been using to feed

C. must use having fed

D. must be using to feed

E. No correction required

Answer: Option A

24. Anyone interested in the use of computers can learn much if you have access to a personal computer.

A. they have access

B. access can be available

C. he or she has access

D. one of them have access

E. No correction required

Answer: Option C

25. They are not beware of all the facts

A. are not aware for

B. are not aware of

C. are not to be aware

D. must not to be aware for

E. No correction required

Answer: Option B

26. We cannot always convey ourselves in simple sentences.

A. cannot always convey

B. can not always express

C. cannot always express

D. can not always communicate

E. No correction required

Answer: Option C

27. What does agonise me most is not this criticism, but the trivial reason behind it.

A. most agonising me

B. agonises me most

C. agonising me most

D. I most agonised

E. No correction required
Answer: Option B

28. As there was no time, the remaining items were deferred into the next meeting.

A. are deferred till

B. were deferred till

C. were deferred to

D. had deferred with

E. No correction required

Answer: Option B

29. Despite of their differences on matters of principles, they all agree on the demand of hike is salary?

A. Despite their

B. Despite of the

C. Despite for their

D. Despite off their

E. No correction required

Answer: Option A

30. The man who has committed such a serious crime must get the mostly severe punishment.

A. be getting the mostly severely

B. get the most severe

C. have got the most severely

D. have been getting the severe most

E. No correction required

Answer: Option B

31. For many centuries in Indian History there was no city so famous like the city of Ujjain.

A. as

B. such as

C. likewise

D. so like

E. No correction required

32. We don't know how did the thief made an escape.

A. how the thief did make

B. how the thief does make

C. how the thief made

D. how was the thief made

E. No correction required

Answer: Option C

33. He is a singer of repute, but his yesterday's performance was quite disappointing.

A. performances of yesterday were

B. yesterday performance was

C. yesterday performance were

D. performances about yesterday were

E. No correction required

Answer: Option E

34. Their earnings are such that they find it difficult tomake both ends to meet.

A. to makings both ends meet

B. to make both ends for meeting

C. to make both ends meet

D. for making both ends to meet

E. No correction required

Answer: Option C

35. He has received no other message than an urgent telegram asking him to rush his village immediately.

A. asked him to rush his village

B. asking him to have rush his village

C. asking him to rush to his village

D. asking him rushing at his village

E. No correction required

Answer: Option C

36.The people of the ancient Assyrian Empire were renowned warriors, although they also crafted some of the best-
preserved ancient art.

A. were renowned warriors, although they also crafted

B. had been renowned warriors, although they also crafted

C. were renowned warriors, and also crafted

D. was renowned warriors, although they also crafted

E. were renowned warriors, but also crafting

Answer: Option A

37. The administration discussed whether the number of students studying European languages was likely to decline
when the senior lecturer retired.

A. whether the number of students studying European languages was likely

B. whether the number of students studying European languages were likely

C. if the students studying European languages were likely

D. if the number of European language students were likely

E. whether the number of students studying European languages was liable

Answer: Option A

38. With the advent of YouTube, Facebook, and Flickr, many savvy political consultants undertook revolutionary micro-
targeting and get-out-the-vote techniques that enabled political candidates with cash-strapped budgets to be able to
reach numerous likely voters and succeed in raising large numbers of money from enthusiastic and committed
supporters in a short period of time.

A. cash-strapped budgets to be able to reach numerous likely voters and succeed in raising large numbers of money

B. cash-strapped budgets to reach numerous likely voters and be successful in raising large amounts of money

C. cash-strapped budgets to reach numerous likely voters, succeeding in raising large amounts of money

D. cash-strapped budgets to reach numerous likely voters and succeed in raising large amounts of money

E. cash-strapped budgets to be able to reach numerous likely voters and succeed in raising large amounts of money

Answer: Option D

39.Despite being thousands of years old, the writing of Augustine of Hippo has inspired and captivated countless
individuals, fundamentally because they convey the moving inner-journey of man searching for the divine in a lucid and
compelling fashion.

A. because they convey the moving inner-journey

B. due to the fact that it conveys the moving inner-journey

C. because of their conveying the moving inner-journey

D. because it conveys the moving inner-journey

E. for the reason that it conveys the moving inner-journey

Answer: Option D

40. This is one of the most important inventions of this century.

A. invention of this century

B. invention of these century

C. invention of centuries
D. invention of the centuries

E. No correction required

Answer: Option E

41. It was unanimously resolved that the parties should unitedly undertook launching of popular programmes.

A. should be united undertook

B. should be unitedly undertaken

C. should be unitedly undertake

D. should unitedly undertake

E. No correction required

Answer: Option D

42. They continued to work in the field despite of the heavy rains.

A. even though there is heavy rain

B. although heavily rains

C. in spite the heavy rains

D. even though it rained heavily

E. No correction required

Answer: Option D

43. It is always better to make people realise the importance of discipline than to impose them on it.

A. impose it with them

B. impose them with it

C. imposing them on it

D. impose it on them

E. No correction required

Answer: Option D

44.My doctor knew that I would eventually recover and do kind of work I would be doing before

A. would have been doing

B. would have done

C. had been done

D. had been doing

E. No correction required

Answer: Option D

45. The crops are dying; it must not had rained.

A. must had not

B. must not be

C. must not have

D. must not have been

E. No correction required

Answer: Option C

46. The courts are actively to safeguard the interests and the rights of the poor.

A. are actively to safeguarding

B. have been actively safeguarding

C. have to active in safeguarding

D. are actively in safeguarding

E. No correction required

Answer: Option B

47. The train will leave at 8.30 pm, we have been ready by 7.30pm so that, we can reach the station in time.

A. were

B. must be

C. are

D. should have

E. No correction required

Answer: Option B

48.All the allegations levelled against him were found to be baseless.

A. level against

B. level with

C. levelling with

D. levelled for

E. No correction required

Answer: Option E

49. He hesitated to listen to what his brother was saying.

A. listened to hesitate

B. hesitated listen to

C. hesitates to listening

D. is hesitated to listen to
E. No correction required

Answer: Option E

50. The prosecution failed in establish in every case today.

A. to

B. on

C. as

D. upon

E. No correction required

Answer: Option A

51.We demonstrated to them how we were prepared the artistic patterns.

A. are prepared

B. have prepared

C. are preparing

D. had prepared

E. No correction required

Answer: Option D

52. Because of his mastery in this field, his suggestions are wide accepted.

A. are widely accepted

B. widely acceptance

C. have widely accepted

D. have been wide accepted

E. No correction required

Answer: Option A

53. If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than the garden, he might get a better display of

A. If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than the garden

B. If the gardener sowed the seeds in the greenhouse rather than the garden

C. If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than in the garden

D. If the gardener were to sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than in the garden

E. If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse instead of the garden
Answer: Option D

54. I am tired as I am working since 7 O'clock in the morning.

A. I was working

B. I have been working

C. I had been working

D. I will be working

Answer: Option B

55. When it was morning they decided to put at an inn.

A. put out in

B. put off at

C. put at

D. put up at

Answer: Option D

56. Jeans was not permitted in out college.

A. were

B. had

C. will

D. have

Answer: Option A

57. The furniture in this room are made of teak.

A. have

B. had

C. is

D. None of above

Answer: Option C

58. Sheela told her teacher to explain the chapter once again.

A. ordered her teacher

B. invited her teacher

C. asked her teacher

D. said to her teacher

Answer: Option C
59. You should avoid to make such stupid mistakes.

A. avoid to made

B. avoid make

C. avoid making

D. avoid to have

Answer: Option C

60. If you come across my keys, bring it to me, can you?

A. will you ?

B. don't you ?

C. isn't it ?

D. No improvement.

Answer: Option A

61. Due to rain, cricket ground was covered by a carpet.

A. covered along

B. covered into

C. covered with

D. covered upon

Answer: Option C

62. People are waiting for the train at platform for long.

A. were waiting

B. have been waiting

C. has waiting

D. have waiting

Answer: Option B

63. They are hell bent at getting what is due to them.

A. hell bent on

B. hell bent of

C. hell bent after

D. hell bent upon

Answer: Option D

64. I shall not go untill I am invited.

A. unless I am
B. till I am

C. once I am

D. if not I am

Answer: Option A

65. Mr. Manoj teaches very well, isn't it ?

A. didn't he

B. doesn't he

C. wasn't he

D. if not he

Answer: Option B

66. The reason why he left the home was because he was feeling hostile there.

A. the home

B. the home has

C. the home were

D. the home was that

Answer: Option D

67. He was asking my opinion for the film.

A. opinion on

B. opinion about

C. opinion with

D. No correction.

Answer: Option B

68. There was no cause of anxiety.

A. cause for anxiety

B. cause to anxiety

C. cause with anxiety

D. No correction

Answer: Option A

69. He is working in the company since 2000.

A. is working with

B. is working at

C. has been working in

D. have been working in

Answer: Option C

70. She is not only pretty but very charming.

A. very also a charming

B. very charming

C. but also very charming

D. No correction

Answer: Option C

Choose the correct option for the underlined phrases.

1. I am tired as I am working since 7 O'clock in the morning.

A. I was working
B. I have been working
C. I had been working
D. I will be working

2 2. When it was morning they decided to put at an inn.

A. put out in
B. put off at
C. put at
D. put up at

2 3. Jeans was not permitted in out college.

A. were
B. had
C. will
D. have
2 4. He suggested that, we should be bound by a code of conduct, isn't it ?
A. Shouldn't we
B. is it
C. aren't we
D. None of above

2 5. The furniture in this room are made of teak.

A. have
B. had
C. is
D. None of above

2 6. Sheela told her teacher to explain the chapter once again.

A. ordered her teacher
B. invited her teacher
C. asked her teacher
D. said to her teacher

2 7. You should avoid to make such stupid mistakes.

A. avoid to made
B. avoid make
C. avoid making
D. avoid to have

8. If you come across my keys, bring it to me, can you?

A. will you ?
B. don't you ?
C. isn't it ?
D. No improvement.
2 9. Due to rain, cricket ground was covered by a carpet.
A. covered along
B. covered into
C. covered with
D. covered upon

2 10. People are waiting for the train at platform for long.
A. were waiting
B. have been waiting
C. has waiting
D. have waiting

2 11. They are hell bent at getting what is due to them.

A. hell bent on
B. hell bent of
C. hell bent after
D. hell bent upon

2 12. I shall not go untill I am invited.

A. unless I am
B. till I am
C. once I am
D. if not I am

2 13. Mr. Manoj teaches very well, isn't it ?

A. didn't he
B. doesn't he
C. wasn't he
D. if not he
2 14. The reason why he left the home was because he was feeling hostile there.
A. the home
B. the home has
C. the home were
D. the home was that

15. He is too important for tolerating any delay.

A. to tolerate

B. to tolerating

C. No correction required

D. with tolerating

2 16. Please try to remember when I, you and my wife were talking there.
A. you, I and my wife
B. I, my wife and you
C. you, my wife and I
D. No correction.

2 17. He was asking my opinion for the film.

A. opinion on
B. opinion about
C. opinion with
D. No correction.

2 18. He sent a word to me that he would be coming late.

A. sent word
B. sent few words
C. sent words
D. sents a word

2 19. I knew that they were heading into a serious disaster.

A. heading at
B. heading for
C. heading along
D. heading towards

2 20. If your sister yet at the sports complex.

A. sister till at
B. sister continue at
C. sister still at
D. no correction

2 21. A bird in hand is worth two in bush.

A. two at the bush
B. two on bush
C. two at a bush
D. two in the bush

22. There was no cause of anxiety.

A. cause for anxiety
B. cause to anxiety
C. cause with anxiety
D. No correction

2 23. He is working in the company since 2000.

A. is working with
B. is working at
C. has been working in
D. have been working in

2 24. She is not only pretty but very charming.

A. very also a charming
B. very charming
C. but also very charming
D. No correction

2 25. He stopped to work two hours ago.

A. working
B. at work
C. with work
D. to have work

2 26. The winter has set in and the days are getting colder.
A. set off
B. set up
C. set with
D. set in

2 27. It is enough fatal to an animal as to a human being.

A. too fatal
B. as fatal
C. so fatal
D. fatal

2 28. There is nothing most miserable than the unemployment.

A. quite miserable
B. very miserable
C. as miserable
D. more miserable.

29. Netaji was by a far a great man of India.

A. a very great man
B. the greatest man
C. too great man
D. No Correction

2 30. Hardly had he finished his lunch than the phone rang.
A. when
B. while
C. then
D. since

2 31. He said, every man should look up the future.

A. look at
B. look to
C. look in
D. No correction

2 32. She sat the entrance examination last year.

A. sat in
B. sat at
C. sat for
D. No correction

2 33. I don't believe in what he says.

A. I am not believing
B. I will not believe
C. I have not believing
D. No correction

2 34. The father could not help but cry at his condition.
A. cry on
B. cry for
C. crying
D. No correction

35. You are requested to take out your shoes before entering.
A. take off
B. take on
C. put off
D. No correction

36. All criminal attitudes must be nipped at the bud.

A. nipped on the bud
B. nipped for the bud
C. nipped in the bud
D. No correction

2 37. If I had money, I would send to you.

A. had had
B. have had
C. have
D. No correction

2 38. This car is belonging to me for two years.

A. belongs
B. has belonged
C. has been belonging
D. No correction

2 39. Friends are waiting for her since morning.

A. have been waiting
B. were waiting
C. wait
D. No correction

2 40. Karan has been ill for a week when her parents arrived for a visit.
A. have been ill
B. might be ill
C. had been ill
D. No correction

2 41. We have no right to take a claim to the sun.

A. to stake a claim
B. to make a claim
C. to demand a claim
D. No correction

2 42. She behaved as though she was superior and looked down on the others.
A. she has been
B. she had been
C. she were
D. No correction

43. We had to move slowly and carefully to our seats for avoiding stepping in their toes.
A. in order to avoid
B. so that to avoid
C. because of
D. No correction

2 44. He depends greatly on his brother.

A. depend greatly
B. should greatly depend
C. has been depending
D. No correction

2 45. He was one of the wisest man that ever lived.

A. one of the wisest men
B. one of the wise men
C. one of the wise man
D. No correction

2 46. Why we think that people belonging to few castesare superior to others.
A. many castes
B. some castes
C. high castes
D. No correction

2 47. Rahul has very good command on Urdu.

A. command of
B. command at
C. command for
D. No correction

2 48. A labourer's way of life can be contrasted with that of the farmer.
A. contrasted of
B. contrasted for
C. contrasted to
D. No correction

2 49. This form will give you information that you need.
A. you the information
B. you an information
C. information
D. No correction

50. The police are trying to solve this case.

A. is
B. have
C. has
D. No correction

51. He has been caught in a rat race.

A. for rat race
B. rat race
C. the cat race
D. No correction

2 52. He requested to change his shoes for mine.

A. With
B. to
C. against
D. No correction

2 53. I would like that you finish the race on time.

A. you finish the race at time.
B. you finished the race on time.
C. you finish the race by time.
D. No correction.

2 54. It is long since since I saw him.

A. is long ago
B. is long for
C. is long by
D. No correction

2 55. He will be surprised if he will come here.

A. if he would come
B. if he shall come
C. if he come
D. if he came

2 56. He has done nothing from two days.

A. at
B. through
C. since
D. No correction

57. Rahul is having a lot of coins.

A. has a lot of
B. has lot of
C. has lots of
D. No correction

2 58. He won by the sweeping majority.

A. the sweeping majority
B. a sweeping majority
C. with sweeping majority
D. No correction

2 59. Rachna made a sorry figure in her performance.

A. cut a sad figure
B. cut a sorry face
C. cut a sorry figure
D. No correction

2 60. As soon as I saw the snake, I ran away.

A. No sooner did I see
B. No sooner I had seen
C. No sooner I saw
D. No correction

61. All of her answers were correct.

A. Her every answer
B. All her answers
C. Her all answers
D. No correction

2 62. If I had time I will called you.

A. I have
B. I has
C. I would have
D. I would have had

1 63. More than one person were killed there.

A. was
B. are
C. have been
D. No correction

64. The small child does whatever his father was done.
A. has done
B. does
C. did
D. had done

2 65. The man to who I sold my house was very wealthy.

A. to who I sell
B. to whom I sell
C. to whom I sold
D. to who I sold out

2 66. For many centuries in Indian History there was no city as famous as the city of Ujjain.
A. like
B. for
C. such as
D. No correction

2 67. I don't know how did the thief made an escape.

A. how the thief made
B. how the thief does make
C. how the thief did make
D. No correction

2 68. He has the guts to rise from the occasion.

A. rise for
B. rise to
C. rise at
D. No correction
1 69. He dislikes coffee, isn't he ?
A. doesn't he
B. didn't he
C. haven't he
D. No correction

2 70. They have waited for more than 2 hours now.

A. have been waiting
B. has been waiting
C. had been waiting
D. had waited

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