On the Solar to Hydrogen Conversion Efficiency of Photoelectrodes - 效率計算

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Guest Commentary


On the Solar to Hydrogen Conversion Eciency of Photoelectrodes

for Water Splitting
T he conventional denition of the solar to hydrogen
conversion eciency of photoelectrochemical solar cells
for water splitting is dicult to relate with three-electrode half-
photoelectrode potential (U) against a reference electrode
such as the saturated calomel electrode (SCE)4 or the reversible
hydrogen electrode (RHE).5 It is noteworthy that the STH
cell measurements of photoelectrodes that cannot split water conversion eciency, as dened by eq 1, cannot be obtained
without the support of additional bias from an external power from three-electrode measurements because the short-circuit
source such as a photovoltaic cell in tandem with the condition is ill-dened. Although in principle one could
photoelectrode. An alternative denition is proposed that measure the potential drop, that is the voltage (V), between
allows the estimation of the intrinsic (internal) solar to the working and counter electrodes using an electrometer and
chemical conversion eciency of the photoelectrode rather thereby determine when short-circuit (V = 0) occurs, this
than the overall eciency of the entire tandem cell. We show would only bring it back to square one with the parasitic losses
how the photocurrent and photovoltage produced by the in the cell.
photoelectrode can be extracted from three-electrode voltam- Another problem arises from the fact that electrolysis is an
mograms measured in the dark and under illumination. The endergonic reaction that requires work expenditure. The
photocurrent photovoltage product yields the internal minimum voltage that must be exerted in order to split water
photovoltaic power produced by the photoelectrode which, is higher than the reversible potential of the water
upon multiplication by its electrolysis eciency, provides the decomposition reaction, Urev = G/nF = 1.23 V (under
intrinsic solar to chemical conversion eciency. This analysis standard conditions). In practice, a voltage of 1.6 V or above is
yields the current and voltage that should be provided to the typically applied in state-of-the-art electrolysis cells in order to
photoelectrode by the external power source in order to drive the water splitting reaction at a suciently high rate.6
achieve optimal solar to chemical conversion eciency. This voltage can be reduced by substituting metal electrodes
The solar to hydrogen (STH) conversion eciency of with semiconductor photoelectrodes that produce photovoltage
photoelectrochemical solar cells for water splitting is dened upon illumination. The photovoltage produced by the photo-
as1 electrode adds up to the external voltage from the power source
|J (mA/cm 2)| 1.23(V) such that the two of them together provide sucient voltage to
STH = sc F
drive the water splitting reaction. Thus, the photoelectrode can
P(mW/cm 2) save power from the power source.
AM1.5G (1)
Ideally, the photovoltage produced by the photoelectrode
where Jsc is the short-circuit photocurrent density, F the would suce to split water all alone without another power
Faradaic eciency for hydrogen evolution, and P the incident source. But in practice, there are hardly any photoelectrodes
illumination power density. All these parameters have to be that can provide such a high photovoltage all by themselves,
measured under standard solar illumination conditions except for those made of wide band gap materials such as
(AM1.5G), without any sacricial reagents and without any SrTiO3 and KTaO3 that absorb only a small fraction of the solar
pH or electrical bias between the working and counter spectrum resulting in too low a STH conversion eciency.7
electrodes.1 It is noteworthy that eq 1 denes the STH Tandem cells overcome this problem by combining the water
conversion eciency of the entire photoelectrochemical cell splitting photoelectrode in tandem with another photo-
including all of its components: working and counter electrode or photovoltaic cell that provides the additional
electrodes, electrolyte, separator, wires, and so forth. Each voltage that is needed to split water. The pursuit of such
and every one of them contributes to the overall loss because of tandem cell devices is a rather complicated engineering exercise
recombination, polarization, diusion, internal resistance, or that requires careful integration and optimization of both the
other losses.2 The cell eciency, as dened by eq 1, accounts
optical and electrical coupling between the two photoelectrodes
for all these losses altogether. So although it is an important
or photocells.8,9 Moreover, because photovoltaics is already a
benchmarking parameter of the photoelectrochemical cell,1 it is
mature technology, whereas water photoelectrolysis is not; the
not necessarily an accurate measure of the intrinsic eciency of
photoelectrodes impose the bottleneck, by far and large, toward
the photoelectrode within the cell.
ecient tandem cell devices. Under the circumstances, it does
In order to measure the intrinsic eciency of the
photoelectrode excluding the parasitic losses that arise from not make much sense to spend so much time and eorts in
other components in the cell, the photoelectrode should be integrating low-eciency photoelectrodes with high-end photo-
tested in a three-electrode conguration that measures the voltaic cells. It is rather premature given the wide gap in
current between the working photoelectrode and a counter performance between the two components. Indeed, except for
electrode as a function of the photoelectrode potential against a very few reports that have convincingly demonstrated that
third electrode, that is the reference electrode.3 Indeed, three- building such tandem cell devices is possible,10,11 most of the
electrode half-cell measurements are frequently carried out work is still at the single component photoelectrode level rather
and many reports present the current density (J), measured in
the dark and under illumination, as a function of the Published: October 2, 2014

2014 American Chemical Society 3330 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jz501716g | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2014, 5, 33303334
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Guest Commentary

than at the multicomponent tandem cell device level. With the In order to demonstrate this concept, we use an iron oxide
lack of the second photoelectrode or photovoltaic cell that (-Fe2O3) thin lm photoanode as a case study. This particular
would provide the additional voltage to drive the water splitting photoanode comprises of a 50 nm thick -Fe2O3 layer
reaction in the tandem cell, the missing voltage is readily (undoped) that was deposited by spray pyrolysis on an FTO-
provided by a potentiostat. This is the most convenient way to coated glass substrate using a standard recipe as reported
test the photoelectrodes, and at present, this seems like the elsewhere.14 Figure 1 shows current density (J) vs potential (U)
most reasonable strategy to expedite progress in this eld.
However, it carries a toll, like any compromise does. The toll is
that the eciency of the tandem cell cannot be measured
without assembling it together in the rst place. Therefore, the
STH eciency dened by eq 1 becomes irrelevant when the
photoelectrode is measured alone, without the rest of the
tandem cell.
In an attempt to overcome this shortcoming, the so-called
applied bias photon-to-current conversion eciency has been

|J | (1.23 V )
AM1.5G (2)

where V is the voltage that is applied to the cell from an

external power source and Jphoto is the photocurrent measured
at this voltage. Although this equation is correct from the Figure 1. Current density (J) vs potential (U) voltammograms
thermodynamic perspective, it does not allow quantifying the measured in 1 M NaOH aqueous solution in the dark (dashed black
intrinsic eciency of the photoelectrode because of the very line) and under AM1.5G solar simulated illumination (full black line),
same reasons that were mentioned above. Furthermore, it is obtained with a 50 nm thick -Fe2O3 layer deposited on FTO-coated
noteworthy that some of the champion photoanodes that have glass substrate. The dierence between the light and dark currents,
been reported to date reached high photocurrents at potentials that is, the photocurrent, is shown by the blue dotted curve with the
blue open triangles.
above 1.23 VRHE (volts against the reversible hydrogen
electrode).1113 This means that they require a voltage V in
excess of 1.23 V in order to achieve high photocurrent, and voltammograms that were measured in 1 M NaOH aqueous
hence, according to eq 2, the ABPE is negative, implying that solution in the dark (Jdark, dashed line) and under AM1.5G
there is no net chemical power produced from sunlight. Does it solar simulated illumination (Jlight, full line). The dierence
mean that they should not be operated above 1.23 VRHE? between the light and dark currents is the photocurrent, Jphoto =
So, we see that the conventional eciency denitions are Jlight Jdark, shown by the blue curve with the triangles.
made for the entire tandem cell, but they are less helpful when Central to the construction of the internal power character-
it comes to examining the intrinsic eciency of the photo- istics of the photoanode is the photovoltage, Vphoto. Provided
electrode alone, without the rest of the tandem cell. Without that the internal resistance of the photoanode is small, as can be
knowing the intrinsic power characteristics of the water seen by the steep slope of the dark voltammogram, the
splitting photoelectrode, namely, the photocurrent vs photo- photovoltage is simply the potential shift between the light
voltage relationship, it is dicult to design optimal coupling current and the dark current, as shown by the horizontal red
with the rest of the tandem cell. Here, we show how the arrow in Figure 1. It arises from the photovoltaic eect at the
intrinsic power characteristics of the photoelectrode can be electried junction between the photoanode and the aqueous
obtained, very simply, from current vs potential voltammo- electrolyte solution.15 Consequently, the photoanode behaves
grams measured in three-electrode conguration in the dark like an anode connected in series to a photovoltaic cell,16 an
and under illumination. From the intrinsic power characteristics internal photovoltaic cell that corresponds to the photovoltaic
we obtain the maximum power point, namely, the maximum action of the photoanode. The latter produces a photovoltage
photocurrent photovoltage product wherein the photo- that adds up to the applied potential from the potentiostat
electrode converts solar power to electrical power at its highest (U).17 Thus, under illumination, the photoanode is eectively
internal power conversion eciency, thereby saving maximum at a surplus potential with respect to the applied potential, Ulight
power from the external power source. The product of this (the subscript light signies that this is the potential applied to
internal power conversion eciency with the electrolysis the photoanode under light). The eective potential that drives
eciency of the photoelectrode in converting electrical power the water oxidation current is Ueff,light = Ulight + Vphoto, where
to chemical bonds yields the intrinsic solar to chemical Ulight is the applied potential and Vphoto is the photovoltage.
conversion eciency of the photoelectrode. The latter reaches Because the current is an injective function of the eective
a maximum at some specic current and potential values that potential, J = f(Ueff), under light it reaches the same level as in
dene the optimal conditions for achieving maximum internal the dark at a lower applied potential (Ulight) than in the dark
solar to chemical conversion eciency by the photoelectrode. (Udark). In other words, Jlight = Jdark = J requires that Ueff,light(J) =
These conditions are essential for designing optimal coupling Ueff,dark(J) = Udark(J); therefore, we get Vphoto(J) = Udark(J)
between the photoelectrode and the other components of the Ulight(J). This is illustrated by the horizontal red arrow in Figure
tandem cell, especially the second photoelectrode or photo- 1, whose length is commensurate with the photovoltage at the
voltaic cell. respective current density (J = 0.2 mA/cm2 in this case). The
3331 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jz501716g | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2014, 5, 33303334
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Guest Commentary

vertical red arrow shows the photocurrent at the same current that depart as anodic photocurrent. Having the photovoltaic
density. Thereby, the photocurrent and photovoltage can be power of the photoanode spent on splitting water at the
extracted from the dark and light voltammograms, as illustrated photoanode/electrolyte interface, the next question is how
by the red arrows in Figure 1 for a current of 0.2 mA/cm2. ecient the water splitting process is. In other words, what the
Now that we know what the photovoltage is and how to electrolysis eciency, el, is. This question has a simple answer.
extract it from the current vs potential voltammograms, we can It is the eciency of the photoanode in converting electric
draw the photocurrent as a function of the photovoltage, as power to chemical power. The latter is given by the product of
shown in Figure 2a. This curve describes the intrinsic the reaction rate, measured in terms of the Faradaic current of
the reaction, times the reversible potential of the reaction, that
is 1.23 VRHE for water oxidation, yielding el = F
1.23(VRHE)/Ueff(VRHE) wherein Ueff is the eective potential
which is the sum of the applied potential from the external
power source plus the internal photovoltage of the photoanode.
As noted earlier, Ueff(J) = Udark(J) at the same current (J).
Although we did not measure the Faradaic eciency of this
particular photoanode, it is safe to assume that it is 100% (or
very close to it) based on previous reports on -Fe2O3
photoanodes.18,19 So now the intrinsic solar to chemical
conversion eciency of the photoanode can be dened as
J (mA/cm 2) Vphoto(V)

ISTC = el
P(mW/cm 2)
1.23(VRHE) Jphoto (mA/cm ) Vphoto(V)

Udark(VRHE) 100(mW/cm 2)
where Udark is the potential that must be applied to the
photoanode in order to reach the respective current in the dark.
Equation 3 denes the intrinsic solar to chemical (ISTC)
conversion eciency of the photoanode, not to be mistaken
with the solar to hydrogen (STH) conversion eciency of the
entire tandem cell that is dened by eq 1.
Using the ISTC denition in eq 3 and the results in Figure
2(a) we can nally obtain the ISTC eciency of the
photoanode as a function of any of the aforementioned
Figure 2. Intrinsic photovoltaic power characteristics of the photo- parameters, namely the current (J), photocurrent (Jphoto),
anode. (a) The photocurrent as a function of the photovoltage. (b) photovoltage (Vphoto), and applied potential in the dark (Udark)
The intrinsic photovoltaic power as a function of the photovoltage. or under light (Ulight). Figure 3 shows the ISTC eciency of
The secondary y axis on the right of the gures shows the potential the photoanode as a function of the photocurrent density. Also
(Ulight) that was applied to the photoanode by the potentiostat, under
light, as a function of the photovoltage.

photovoltaic power characteristics of the photoanode, and the

photocurrent photovoltage product, shown in Figure 2b, is
the light-induced electric power produced, internally, by the
photoanode. In other words, this is the intrinsic photovoltaic
power of the photoanode. Also shown on the secondary y axis
of these gures is the potential, Ulight, that was applied to the
photoanode, under light, as a function of the photovoltage. The
intrinsic photovoltaic power reaches a maximum of 0.16 mW/
cm2 at a potential (Ulight) of 1.4 VRHE. This corresponds to a
power conversion eciency of 0.16% from solar-simulated light
power of 100 mW/cm2 to electric power of 0.16 mW/cm2. The
ll factor reaches 43% at the maximum power point.
Now there is an important dierence between the power
produced by the photoanode and that of a conventional solar
cell. The latter provides electric power to the load connected to Figure 3. ISTC eciency of the photoanode, plotted by the full line
it, where the power is spend on carrying out an electrical work. curve with respect to the primary y axis on the left, as a function of the
But the photoanode carries out a dierent sort of work, a photocurrent density on the x-axis. Also shown is the photoanode
chemical work that is spent on splitting water in order to potential, under light, plotted by the dashed line curve with respect to
produce oxygen and protons from water as well as electrons the secondary y axis on the right.

3332 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jz501716g | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2014, 5, 33303334

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Guest Commentary

shown in the same graph is the applied potential under light

(Ulight), plotted by the dashed line curve. The maximum ISTC
eciency reaches 0.11% at a photocurrent density of 0.4 mA/
cm2 and a potential (Ulight) of 1.4 VRHE.
The way to understand the ISTC eciency of the
photoanode is as follows. When the photoanode is powered
by a power source, any power source for that matter, to its
maximum ISTC point, it produces, under solar-simulated light,
a photocurrent density of 0.4 mA/cm2 at an applied potential of
1.4 VRHE. In the dark it would have to be biased to a higher
potential of 1.8 VRHE in order to produce the same current (see
Figure 1). This means that the solar-simulated light power (100
mW/cm2) saves 0.4 V from the external power source, or a
power of 0.4(V) 0.4(mA/cm2) = 0.16 mW/cm2. But the
electric power saved from the power source is reduced by the
conversion eciency of the electrolysis reaction, el Figure 4. ISTC eciency of the mesoscopic -Fe2O3 photoanode
1.23(VRHE)/Udark(VRHE), which is 68% at this current level reported by Warren et al. in ref 13, plotted by the full line curve with
because Udark = 1.8 VRHE. Thus, the light-induced contribution respect to the primary y axis on the left, as a function of the
to the chemical power produced by the photoanode is 68% photocurrent density on the x axis. Also shown is the photoanode
0.16 (mW/cm2) = 0.11 mW/cm2, which corresponds to an potential, under light, plotted by the dashed line curve with respect to
the secondary y axis on the right.
ISTC eciency of 0.11%. Figure 3 shows that this is the
maximum ISTC eciency of the photoanode. Drawing either
To sum up, we have demonstrated how to extract the
more, or less, current from the photoanode would necessarily
internal photovoltaic power characteristics and the intrinsic
reduce the ISTC eciency. Therefore, the maximum ISTC
solar to chemical conversion eciency of iron oxide (hematite)
point denes the optimal conditions for operating the
photoanodes from current vs potential voltammograms
measured in the dark and under illumination using the
It is noted, again, that the ISTC eciency of the photoanode
ubiquitous three-electrode half-cell test conguration. This
(dened by eq 3) is not the STH eciency of the tandem cell analysis yields the current that can be drawn from the
(dened by eq 1). Nevertheless, there is a link between the two photoanode and the potential that should be applied to it in
of them. Suppose the photoanode is coupled in tandem with a order to make it convert solar power to chemical power at its
photovoltaic cell that provides just the right voltage and current maximum internal conversion eciency. These parameters are
to produce a photovoltage Vphoto and photocurrent Jphoto by the essential for optimization of tandem cells for conversion of
photoanode, and suppose there are no additional losses by the solar power to hydrogen fuel. The analysis is self-consistent and
other components in the tandem cell, including the counter simple to pursue, and it should apply not only to iron oxide
electrode, that is, the cathode where hydrogen evolves. Then photoanodes but also to other types of photoanodesas long as
the ISTC eciency of the photoanode plus the ISTC eciency their internal resistance is small. The extension to high internal
of the photovoltaic cell, calculated using eq 3 with Vphoto of the resistances will be discussed in a follow-up paper.
photoanode replaced by Vphoto of the photovoltaic cell (i.e., Hen Dotan
Vphoto = Ulight in this case), predicts what the STH eciency of Nripan Mathews,
this tandem cell would be under these conditions. Hence, the Takashi Hisatomi,
ratio between the ISTC of the photoanode and the STH of the
tandem cell, or interchangeably the ratio between the
Michael Grat zel
photovoltage produced by the photoanode and the total Avner Rothschild*,

voltage of all the power sources in the tandem cell (including Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
the photoanode itself), corresponds to the partial contribution TechnionIsrael Institute of Technology, 32000 Haifa,
of the photoanode to the chemical power produced by the Israel

tandem cell. Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Ecole
Applying the same analysis to the mesoscopic -Fe2O3 Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne,
photoanode reported by Warren et al.,13 Figure 4 shows the Switzerland
ISTC eciency of this photoanode as a function of the
photocurrent that it draws. It reaches a maximum value of
0.94% at a photocurrent of 3.4 mA/cm2, which requires
Corresponding Author
applying a potential of 1.4 VRHE from the potentiostat, under *A. Rothschild. E-mail: avner@mt.technion.ac.il. Tel.: +972-4-
light. This means that this photoanode would be best coupled 829-4576. Fax: +972-4-829-5677.
to a power source that sets the photoanode potential to 1.4 Present Addresses

VRHE, yielding a current of 3.4 mA/cm2 generated by the (N.M.) School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang
photoanode under AM1.5G sunlight. The chemical power Technological University, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798.

produced under these conditions is 3.4(mA/cm2) 1.23(V) = (T.H.) Department of Engineering, The University of Tokyo,
4.2 mW/cm2, out of which 0.94 mW/cm2, that is 22%, is 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan.
produced by internal solar power conversion at the photoanode Notes
whereas the rest comes from the power source (which could be Views expressed in this Commentary are those of the author
a photovoltaic cell in tandem with the photoanode). and not necessarily the views of the ACS.
3333 dx.doi.org/10.1021/jz501716g | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2014, 5, 33303334
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Guest Commentary

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Energy Conversion, NanoPEC, contract number 227179), and 2014, 16, 12711275.
by Europes Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH
JU) under Grant Agreement No. 621252 (PECDEMO
Photoelectrochemical Demonstration Device for Solar Hydro-
gen Generation).

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