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Orbital Maneuvering and Reaction Control Systems

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OMS Reference OMS PDF file

RCS Reference RCS PDF file

The Orbiter's OMS engines provide the necessary thrust to enter and exit
low-Earth orbit, and allow adjustment of the altitude as well as minor
inclination changes while on orbit (the SSMEs are shut down and purged
after MECO). The two major orbital operations, orbit entry and deorbit,
are made with the two OMS engines. On-orbit propulsion thrust is also
available for rendezvous and proximity maneuvers, and for altitude
changes using the OMS engines. In general, however, the OMS burns
require attitude control simultaneously using the smaller RCS thrusters.
While attitude control and close-proximity maneuvers are provided
principally by the RCS, the OMS can augment these operations with both
fuel and thrust since both the OMS and RCS use the same fuel and
Primary OMS/RCS structures on the Orbiter are the forward RCS section
and the two OBS/RCS pods (right & left) attached to the aft section. Each
pod contains both OMS engines and RCS thrusters, as well as fuel,
pressurization system and associated distribution and control systems for
both OMS and RCS functions. While fuel and oxidizer can be shared by the
OMS & RCS components in the aft pods, separate fuel and oxidizer tanks
in the forward RCS section can only be utilized by the forward RCS
thrusters, independent of the aft pods.

Orbital Maneuvering System

OMS System

Thrust 6,000 +/- 200 lb for each of two engines

Weight 260 lb each
Size 77" x 46"
Isp 313 sec
delta Vmax 1,000 fps with a 65,000 lb payload
Propellant 23,867 lb total
Oxidizer/fuel ratio 1.62 normal, 1.64
cross feed
Fuel Monomethyl hydrazine (MMH, CN2H6)
(9,010 lb)
Oxidizer Nitrogen tetroxide (NTO, N2O4) (14,866
Gimbaling 6o pitch 7o yaw
Nominal lifetime 100 missions
1000 starts
15 hr total operation
Chamber pressure 125 psia
Expansion Ratio 55:1
Minimum burn time 2 sec

OMS Engine

Each of the Orbiter's two OMS engines can be operated in a timed thrust or
pulse regulated, together providing approximately 2 ft/s2 (0.06g)
acceleration. Total impulse from both engines is approximately 1,000 fps,
dependent on vehicle weight. Thrust control for the OMS system is
obtained by thrust duration (2 sec minimum pulse), and by thrust
direction using gimbal control. Functions are controlled by the digital
autopilot or by manual operation.

Single-engine operation is possible and is generally used when required

thrust is less than 6 fps to conserve engine life.
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of the OMS engine and propellant
feed which includes the feed valves (bipropellant valve
assembly) for both MMH and NTO. Dual-redundant engine
valves are powered in tandem by pressurized nitrogen gas. Fuel
flow is used to cool combustion chamber before entering
through injector plate (PDF-OMS).

Combustion of the liquid MMH and NTO propellants in the OMS chamber
is hypergolic (does not require ignition). Helium pressurization is used for
propellant feed from the storage tanks. Pressurized nitrogen is used for
control and regulation functions of the engine by driving on-off valves. To
conserve engine life which is limited to 1000 starts, single thruster
operations are used for small delta V requirements (< 6 fps). Cross feed is
possible for the OMS engines, making it possible to feed propellant to the
right engine from the left pod and vise versa.
The OMS burn sequence includes the on and off command, followed by the
engine purge function which routes pressurized nitrogen through the feed
lines after cutoff. Sufficient nitrogen is carried in the supply tanks to
operate the OMS engine bipropellant valves and purges 10 times.

The OMS engine major components include the bipropellant valve

assembly, the injector plate, the thrust chamber, and the nozzle (see Figure

Injector plate
Propellant combustion takes place in the OMS combustion chamber as
propellants are injected onto the surface of the injector plate for atomizing,
mixing and hypergolic reaction. Oxidizer flow is direct from the valve
assembly while fuel is circulated through a cooling jacket that surrounds
the thrust chamber. Chamber temperature is monitored at the injector
inlet, with a limit for safe operation at 260o and normal operation at 218o

Thrust chamber
The OMS thrust chamber is used to contain the combustion reaction that
drives the hot gas through the exhaust nozzle. Combustion pressure is
measured with internal sensors measuring pressures of approximately 130
psia for normal operation. Cooling is provided by fuel (hydrazine) flow
around the thrust chamber body before injection as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 3 Sketch of the OMS engine body, nozzle and actuator
controls used for gimbal steering (NASA-PDF)

The OMS nozzle is a composite, light-weight structure that is cooled by
radiation. Radiation cooling requires external exposure during its
operation, hence it is placed outside the OMS pod and is not covered with
insulation tiles. Thrust vector control of the OMS engine is produced with
electromechanical actuators on the thruster body. This directs the nozzle
thrust since it is attached directly to the thruster body. The OMS nozzle is
constructed of columbium alloy.
Bipropellant valve assembly
OMS engine start and stop burns receive pressure-fed propellants through
the bipropellant valve assembly which regulates the flow of both
propellants. The bipropellant valve assembly consists of two fuel valves in
series and two oxidizer valves in series, all powered by pressurized
nitrogen. This provides redundant protection against leakage, but It also
requires both valves to be open to allow propellant flow. Each assembly
fuel valve is mechanically linked to an oxidizer valve so that they open and
close together (see Figure 2).

Nitrogen gas propellant operations

Nitrogen pressurization for the OMS and RCS system is used to turn the propellants to the engine on and off,

and to purge propellants after operation. Regulated nitrogen gas pressurization lines that drive the propellant

valves are turned on and off themselves by valves actuated by the control circuitry managed by the GN&C

software. The N2 pressurization system includes control and regulation valves and distribution lines.

N2 Storage tanks

Two in OMS pods

Each have a volume of 60 in3

Initial pressure 3,000 psi

He propellant pressurization

Helium pressurization is used for fluid flow from the OMS and RCS propellant tanks because of its

nonreactive (inert) character. The He pressurization system includes tanks, pressure sensors, pressure

regulators isolation and distribution valves and distribution lines.

He pressure tanks
Two in OMS pods

Each has a volume of 17.03 ft3

Initial pressure 4,600-4,800 psia

Distribution pressure regulated at 252-273 psi

Check valves prevent backflow of fuel and oxidizer

Figure 4 Schematic of the He pressurization system used for the

OMS/RCS propellant feed from tanks to engines (NASA-PDF).

OMS propellant system

The Orbiter's OMS and RCS system uses hypergolic bipropellants which require no
ignition. Both propellants are liquids at the normal operating temperatures and
pressures. The primary advantage is that the propellants require no cryogenic storage,
and they are stable in liquid form. Both are, however, extremely toxic.


Monomethyl hydrazine (CN2H6)

Circulated around nozzle for engine cooling then fed into injector

7.23 lb/s flow rate


Nitrogen tetroxide (N2O4)

Direct injection into engine via injector

11.93 lb/s flow rate


Two each fuel & oxidizer

Titanium structure

Helium pressurized

250 lb each

89.89 ft3 each

Propellant acquisition & retention assembly maintains positive flow in zero gravity

Screen is used as a wick assembly to maintain part of the fuel/oxidizer at the feed end of the


OMS Functions
Orbit entry

For the normal circular orbit entry, two OMS burns were originally required. Today, a single OMS burn is

used to both boost to apogee and to circularize the orbit.


Boost to apogee and circularize orbit simultaneously

Both OMS engines used

LOX remaining in MPS dumped through SSME combustion chambers

LH2 in MPS dumped through fill-and-drain umbilical connection

RCS used to null residual velocities above computed values at the end of OMS-1 burn

Previously, the first OMS burn raised the Orbiter from MECO altitude to apogee while the second OMS

burn was used to circularize the Orbiter orbit 180o from OMS-1 burn.


To slow the Orbiter, the digital autopilot reverses the direction to place the OMS engines forward. The

subsequent burn will then decrease orbital velocity in proportion to the burn time. OMS burn for

retrograde deorbit requires approximately 220 fps delta V to reenter the upper atmosphere roughly 100o

from the burn. A longer-duration burn is not required since the subsequent atmospheric drag has the

same effect of slowing the Orbiter.

Delta V orbit change

Delta V altitude change is approximately 2 fps for a 1 nm orbit change

Total delta V budget for all OMS and RCS operations is

equivalent to approximately 1,000 fps

Thrust Vector Control

OMS engines have directional or thrust vector control through electromechanical actuator mounts near the

upper engine. The two actuators push/pull the engine connectors, while the engine pivots on a gimbal ring

(see Figure 3). Calculations made for OMS single-engine or dual operation are calculated by the GN&C

software and commanded by the automated functions, or from manual controls for some orbital functions.

Two electromechanical actuators on each engine drive the nozzles in 2 dimensions ( 6o pitch
7o yaw)
Both OMS engines can be driven individually

Both OMS engines can be driven in parallel

Thrust vectoring aligns the thrust along the center-of-gravity (CG, for single-engine operation) or

along the X-axis (for dual-engine operation)

Figure 5 Schematic diagram of the OMS propellant feed,

crossover, and relief lines and valves (OMS-PDF)
Figure 6 Control and display panel section for the OMS/RCS
system operations. Pressure values from the He supply is shown
on the upper right strip gages (forward mounted kit (FWD/KIT)
is not active on the Orbiters). Propellant supply is displayed on
the right digital display. Propellant tank display selector is
shown on the bottom right, tank pressurization on the left
Figure 7 A photo of an OMS engine removed from the Orbiter
showing control valves and assemblies, and feed lines.
Combustion chamber located at bottom center is not shown.
Unit shown does not include nozzle (Courtesy NASA).
Figure 8 OMS engine is shown installed in aft pod, without
nozzle (Courtesy NASA).
Figure 9 Panel readout with tape gages showing OMS propellant
pressure (left) and He & N2 tank pressures (right (OMS-PDF)

Reaction Control System

The Orbiter's RCS system provides 3-axis thrust from the fore and aft
locations on the Orbiter. The RCS thrusters are used primarily for attitude
control and OMS burn correction. Minor proximity and rendezvous
maneuvers are also possible using the RCS system that provide closing and
separation impulses, but also small changes to the orbital parameters.
Thrusters on the forward RCS section and on the OMS/RCS pods provide
fore and aft thrust control respectively, as well as roll, pitch and yaw
motion. The RCS thrusters are either primary, the larger thrust, or the
smaller vernier size. Fuel and oxidizer for the RCS thrusters are the same
as used in the OMS system, nitrogen tetroxide and monomethyl hydrazine.

RCS Characteristics
Thrusters Parameter Value
Primary 870 lb thrust 38 total
14 in forward
12 in each aft pod
Isp 280 s
Chamber Pressure 152 psia
Nominal Lifetime 100 missions
20,000 starts
12,800 s
accumulated time
Operation 1-125 s continuous
0.08 s minimum
Vernier 24 lb thrust Six total
2 fore
2 per aft pod
Isp 265 s
Chamber Pressure 110 psia
Nominal Lifetime 330,000 starts
125,000 s
accumulated time
Operation 1 to 125 sec
0.08 sec minimum
Fuel Monomethyl hydrazine 928 lb
Oxidizer Nitrogen tetroxide 1,477 lb

RCS thrusters
Two thruster types are used on the Orbiter's RCS system. The larger
primary thrusters have a nominal thrust of 870 lb and are found on both
the aft pods and the forward RCS section. A total of 38 thrusters include 14
on the forward section and 12 on each aft pod. The primary thrusters are
activated by electrical signals generated by the GPC software and
commanded by the reaction jet driver (see figure below). The propellant
valve is operated by both electrical solenoids and propellant hydraulic
pressure. Cooling of the combustion chamber is augmented by fuel flow in
outer injector holes into the chamber.

The RCS vernier thrusters are smaller 24 lb thrust engines that are used for
fine adjustment in the Orbiter's attitude and for low-Z docking approaches.
A total of six thrusters include two on the forward section and two on each
aft pod. The vernier thrusters are activated solely by electrical signals
generated by the GPC software and commanded by the reaction jet driver.

Figure 10 RCS primary thruster diagram showing simple

electrical activation operation. Note the thrust chamber is
combined with the nozzle (NASA-PDF).
Figure 11 RCS vernier thruster detail showing nozzle and
combustion chamber, and simplified electrical control circuitry
(RCS 2102A).

RCS propellant tanks

Propellants used for the RCS system is stored in separate tanks from the
OMS propellants, but the propellants are the same and can be crossfeed
from the OMS and RCS tanks. The RCS tanks are unique because of their
difference between the forward supply in the forward RCS section and the
aft RCS supply in the OMS pods. To allow positive feed during reentry, the
forward tanks have a fluid collector in the upper compartment The same
set of feed lines and compartments are used for powered flight, for low-g
operations on orbit, and for higher-reentry accelerations. However, the
feed mechanisms interact differently during the different orientations (see
figure below).
Figure 12 Cutaway sketch of the RCS forward tanks that have
positive feed for both low-g & powered flight (left) and reentry
(right) with a 90o orientation difference between the two (RCS

RCS operations
Fore and aft RCS provides pitch, yaw, and roll control on orbit controlled
by GN&C/DAP software

Fore and aft RCS provides low thrust along the X-axis for minor
translational control (delta V) on-orbit

Used for attitude control functions during abort operations

Used for Orbiter separation from ET (-Z burn during seperation, then
attitude hold before OMS-1 burn alignment)
Used for low-Z separation and approach to/from space station

RCS is used during ascent to trim SSME and OMS engine vectored

RCS is used during deorbit, descent and approach phases of the

mission. It is completely deactivated when its last function, yaw
augmentation, is complete as the Orbiter speed reaches Mach 1.
Figure 13 RCS manual control panel switches (NASA-PDF)

Thermal control

Maximum temperature extremes at the thrusters are encountered during space exposure
(-250oF) and OMS/RCS combustion. Temperatures within the OMS chamber/nozzle are 1,260-1,740oF in
the aft flange, with a maximum rating of 2,400oF. Insulation is positioned in both the
forward RCS section and in the OMS pods to prevent thruster & feed line heat loss, and
help maintain operating temperatures, as well as prevent propellant freezing. Heaters are
placed in the RCS thruster blocks to maintain proper operating temperature range, and
also prevent injected fuel from freezing.

OMS/RCS review questions

References & Resources

SRM - NASA Space Transportation System Reference Manual, 1988

RCS 2102 - Reaction Control System Training Manual, NASA, 1995

OMS 2102 - Orbital Maneuvering System - Orbiter Systems Training

Manual, NASA, April, 1995

NASA PDF - NASA Operations Manual pdf

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