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How it works .

There is a misconception that Hydrogen On

Demand is burning HHO Gas along with your
gasoline or diesel fuel. Therefore increasing
your miles per gallon or MPG.

HHO gas is a supplement to your fuel system it

helps burn your gasoline more efficiently .

HHO Gas is 2 parts hydrogen gas, and 1 part of

oxygen gas (by volume), it is also called hydroxy
or Brown's Gas, after the scientist who created
it. The better the electrolyzer design, the more
superior the Brown's Gas will be.

With a hydrogen generator and a small amount

of electricity from your vehicles battery you can
generate a process called electrolysis.

Electrolysis splits the molecular structure of

water ”Hydrogen On Demand” which separates
into hydrogen and oxygen molecules producing
Nate Freeman
hydroxy gas. This hydrogen gas is then supplied
to your engine through your air intake manifold.
There, it increases the flame speed during the
combustion process.

When the flame speed is increased, more of the 1-849-884-5371

fuel is burned through the power stroke and the
exhaust stroke. In turn, helping you burn your
fuel more efficiently. This causes a great
reduction in unburned petroleum being expelled
from the engine as pollution.

The added combustion of the hydrogen gives

you more horsepower, and ultimately a
reduction in gallons per hour to run your engine
saving you fuel. Your engine will run calmer,
smoother and cooler making your engine last
longer . Hydrogen On Demand also greatly
reduces your emissions by cleaning out the
carbon deposits in your engine, about 50%.
The combustible gas mixture produced is
generated as needed and not stored , hence the
name "Hydrogen on Demand". Which makes it
very unique from other types of alternative
Hydrogen is the One liter of water
same efficient , produces about 1,850
clean burning fuel liters of hydroxy gas. So,
a Freeman Energies
used to power the Booster electrolyzer
space shuttle . producing 120 lph of
hydroxy gas will use 1
liter of water in 15 hours
A Freeman Energies hydrogen
booster can deliver as much hydroxy of operation .
gas as needed for your specific
application . If you need more gas we
simply add more cells .

Each of our cells can produce up to 2

lpm safely and indefinitely .

Here is a simple rule of thumb to help

you choose the right cell for your
particular engine : figure 1 LPM of
hydroxy for every 2 Liters of engine BTU's/LB of gases
Butane 21,640
Because the HHO gas is being used
Hydrogen is used as it is created, it is safer than storing Ethylene 21,884
because its octane hydrogen liquid. It is also more
environmentally friendly than Hydrogen 61,084
rating is over 130 , hydrogen fuel cells.
Methane 23,811
giving it much more What really sets hydrogen on demand
Natural Gas 19,500
power than gas or apart, is with all the millions of fuel
engines , you can convert them into
Propane 21,564
diesel . hydrogen hybrids now and have a
hybrid engine with just the installation Hydroxy 366,504
of a booster .

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