Risk Assessment Form - Part A: Sign-Off Status Assessment Summary Details

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Risk Assessment Form Part A

Sign-off status [planning/approved etc]

Assessment summary details

Assessment title * Two wings

(Simple name for reference

Assessment start 28/9/17 Review / End date 29/9/17


Location details Queens lane

Crew / team Will Stepney: Producer/Director

(Roles, responsibilities, Oscar Carter: Assistant Director and Cameraman
competencies) Hannah Nightingale: Assistant producer/extra/runner

Assessor(s) * Will Stepney Assessor safety

(Person drafting risk competence

Date signed-off *
Authoriser(s) *
(Person responsible for

Distribution My crew and the acotrs.

(Who gets a copy of the Data Protection Act: Personal information collected for the purposes of risk assessment will be used to identify those at risk, and
those involved in controlling risk, from this or similar activities and to fulfil the BBC's obligations under Health and Safety policy and
assessment) legislation. It will be retained for up to 6 years after the expiry of the activity. It may be shared with other organisations, including
our agents and contractors, with whom the risk or the control of risk is shared.

Activity and Hazard Summary [This is a summary of the activities listed in part B of the risk assessment.]

[* mandatory fields]
Risk Assessment Form Part B

6 Sign-off status

ACTIVITIES: What are you doing, where, for how long and who will be HAZARDS & CONTROLS: How could someone become hurt or made ill and
involved? Complete the fields in the form below). how are you going to prevent this from happening?

Activity Title:* Filming on location in queens lane

List those managing Will Stepney: I will be making sure everyone is doing there job and the actors no there lines.
this Activity and their Oscar Carter: Cameraman making sure all shots are set up correctly
competence: Hannah Nightingale: Assistant producer making sure everyone including myself is doing the job probably

Who & how many are Me my crew (3 of us) as well as my two actors.
at risk from this

Hazards Control measures

How could someone become hurt or made ill How are you going to prevent this from happening?
Someone could be hurt by being knocked over or hit by a car I will be preventing this by making sure the actors, my crew and including myself stay on the pavement
at all times and staying out of the road. This will then prevent any of us being hurt by the cars that
surround us. Before we actually start the shoot I will be having a 5 minute talk juts about safety
hazards and what they need to be aware off.

Knocking into or over any equipment that is on set To prevent this from happening Im going to make sure all my crew including the actors know there will
be equipment out such as tripod camera kit and other filming equipment, by letting them know there
are tripping hazards on set this will mean the crew and actors will be more cautious when walking
around and be mindful to kick or trip over any expenses equipment

Risk Level*: After your controls have been applied what is your assessment of the risk level of Low
this activity?

[* mandatory fields]
Hazards Control measures
How could someone become hurt or made ill How are you going to prevent this from happening?
Any members of the public getting aggressive or angry about us To prevent this hazard from happening I will make sure my whole team is extra friendly to the general
filming. public and not be rude or cheeky to them and treat them with respect. If any of the public dont like the
fact we are filming on the street I will be showing them my permission to film along the street.

A hazard from slipping over and hurting themselves whilst on As the weather has been quiet bad lately there has been a lot of rain so it can be very easy to slip over
set. the wet pavement and really hurt themselves. To prevent them from this happening ill make sure
everyone is aware and walking round carefully.

Risk Level*: After your controls have been applied what is your assessment of the risk level of Low
this activity?

Add additional activities as required by copying this section and pasting below

[* mandatory fields]

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