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(Versin 1.1 Gma 2016.

Escuela de Ingeniera Civil UIS)

The information below has been taken for academic purposes only from the following sources:

cheating (Accessed on November 14, 2013)

Academic Dishonesty:

school/students/academic-dishonesty-policy (Accessed on November 14, 2013)

Plagiarism: The unauthorized use of the language and thoughts of another author and
representation of them as one's own (Random House Webster's College Dictionary, 2000). In simpler
terms, plagiarism is using someone elses words or ideas in your writing and not properly giving the
other person credit.

Examples of plagiarism:

Copying an article from the Internet or print source and turning it in as your own paper with no
quotation marks and no sources indicated.
Copying parts of articles from a number of sources and putting them together in your own paper,
with no quotation marks and no sources indicated.
Paraphrasing a paragraph from a book, article, or website without indicating the source.
Using a few sentences from a book, article, or website word-for-word in your paper and not using
quotation marks AND indicating the source.
Using the same structure, thesis, or concept that an author uses in a book, article, or website
and not indicating the source.

How to avoid plagiarism:

When you use information from a book, article, or website, always indicate where your
information came from within the text of your paper. It is NOT enough to list your sources in a
bibiliography attached to your paper. Even if you are paraphrasing someone else's ideas or
words, you need to indicate the author in the text of your paper.
Avoid copying and pasting from the Internet or photocopying information from books. Instead,
TAKE NOTES and keep careful track in your notes of where your information is from.
Keep track in your notes of whether information is a paraphrase or a word-for-word quotation
(use quotation marks for quotes), and keep track of the source and page number.

Cheating: Taking OR GIVING answers or information about assignments or tests or any class
related work.

Examples of Cheating:

Copying someone elses answers on a test.

Using a crib sheet on a test without the teacher's permission.
Copying someone elses homework OR letting someone copy your homework.
Sharing test answers electronically during a test (via cell phone, PDA, or other device).
Working together on an assignment without permission.
Telling a student from a later class what the test covered or what specific questions ask.

How to avoid cheating?


(Versin 1.1 Gma 2016. Escuela de Ingeniera Civil UIS)

NEVER let someone copy your work on a test or assignment.

NEVER talk about a test in the halls or at lunch, no matter how much someone begs you to spill
the beans!

Academic Dishonesty: Any action taken with the intention of obtaining credit for work which is not
one's own is considered academic dishonesty. The action may include, but not limited to, the

Submitting another student's work as one's own work.

Obtaining or accepting a copy of tests or scoring devices.
Giving or obtaining test questions or answers from a member of another class.
Copying from another student's test or computer file, or allowing another student to copy during
a test or computer program.
Using materials which are not permitted during a test.
Plagiarism (presenting as one's own material copied without adequate documentation from a
published source).
Copying or having someone other than the student prepare the student's homework, paper,
project, laboratory report, computer program or take-home test for which credit is given.
Permitting another student to copy or writing another student's homework, project, report,
paper, and computer program or take-home test.
Accessing restricted computer files without teacher authorization.
Copying materials including computer software, in violation of the copyright law.

As members of the academic community, in our construction courses, all of us (professor and
students) are dedicated to promoting an atmosphere of honesty and are committed to maintaining
the academic integrity essential to the education process. Therefore, individual students and faculty
members are responsible for identifying instances of academic dishonesty. Faculty members then
recommend penalties to the department chair or college dean in keeping with the severity of the
violation. Inherent in this commitment is the belief that academic dishonesty in all forms violates the
basic principles of integrity and impedes learning. Students are therefore responsible for conducting
themselves in an academically honest manner.

Plagiarism, cheating and any academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in our construction classes
and academic activities.

Consequence: The instructor has the right to reduce the grade, apply academic penalties and/or
refer to administration.

For every credit hour, a student should expect, on average, to do a minimum of two additional
hours of work per week; e.g., preparation, homework, studying.

Febrero de 2017.
I Semestre de 2017.
Construccin Gma.
Escuela de Ingeniera Civil.

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