GR 4 Term 4 2017 Maths Tracker

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Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker

2017 TERM 4

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A. About the Tracker and Resources____________________________________ 2 E. Resources________________________________________________________ 100

B. Lesson Preparation Key Steps_______________________________________ 4 F. Enrichment Activities______________________________________________ 103

C. Trackers for Each Set of Approved LTSMs____________________________ 7 G. Remediation Activities____________________________________________ 120

1. Premier Mathematics_______________________________________________ 7
2. Viva Mathematics_________________________________________________ 17
3. Platinum Mathematics_____________________________________________ 27
4. Oxford Headstart Mathematics_____________________________________ 37
5. Oxford Successful Mathematics_____________________________________ 47
6. Fabulous Mathematics_____________________________________________ 57
7. Solutions for All Mathematics_______________________________________ 67
8. Study and Master Mathematics_____________________________________ 77

D. Assessment Resources_____________________________________________ 87
1. Assessment Term Plan_____________________________________________ 87
2. Grade 4 Mathematics Examination Exemplar: Term4__________________ 90
3. Grade 4 Mathematics Examination Memorandum: Term4______________ 96
4. Analysis of Weightings of Marks: Term4_____________________________ 98
5. Suggested Assessment Record: Term4______________________________ 99

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A. ABOUT THE TRACKER AND RESOURCES each Learners Book, links are given to the relevant pages in both the Learners Book and
Teachers Guide to make it easier for you to access the correct resources.

In a few instances, when necessary, we recommend that you should use only selected
1. Purpose of the tracker
activities from the Learners Book. This is when the recommended exercises have more
The Grade 4 Mathematics Curriculum and Assessment Planner and Tracker is a tool work than can be done in the time allocated to the lesson. *Select is marked in the LB
to support you in your role as a professional teacher. Its main purpose is to help you activities column in the tracker in these cases. In other instances the Learners Books do
to keep pace with the time requirements and the content coverage of the CAPS. The not have sufficient activities for learners to consolidate work done on a topic and in these
tracker provides a programme of work which should be covered each day of the term cases, we recommend that you supplement the recommended activities using the DBE
and a space for reflection on work done. By following the programme in the tracker, you workbook referred to by the page number given in the DBE column. #Supplement is
should cover the curriculum in the allocated time and complete the formal assessment marked in the LB activities or Mental Maths, MM columns in these cases. You may also
programme. By noting the date when each lesson is completed, you can see whether use other approved Learners Books or other resources which youhave.
or not you are on track and if not, you can strategise with your head of department
The tracker uses the latest print editions of the eight approved Learners Books. It is
and peers as to how best to make up time to ensure that all the work for the term is
important to note that page numbers may differ slightly from other print runs of the
completed. In addition, the tracker encourages you to reflect on what is effective in
same book. If the page numbers in your edition are not exactly the same as those
your lessons, and where content coverage could be strengthened. These reflections
given in the tracker, you should use the activity/exercise numbers given in the tracker
can be shared with colleagues. In this way, the tracker may encourage continuous
to guide you to the correct pages. These should only differ by a page or two from
improvement in practice. This tracker should be kept and filed at the end of the term.
those given in the tracker.

2. Links to the CAPS 4. Links to the DBE workbook

The Mathematics tracker for Grade 4 is based on the requirements prescribed by the The tracker gives links to worksheets in the 2016 edition of the DBE workbook relevant
Department of Basic Educations Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) to the content described for each day. The worksheets are referred to by worksheet
for Mathematics in the Intermediate Phase. The work set out for each day is linked and page number. They should be used in conjunction with the Learners Book
directly to the topics and subtopics given in the CAPS, and the specified amount activities as mentioned above. You should review the suggested worksheets before
of time is allocated to each topic. The tracker gives the page number in the CAPS each lesson and decide how best to use them for teaching, revision, extension or for
document of the topics and subtopics being addressed in each session to help you to consolidation, in class or for homework.
refer to the curriculum document directly should you wish to.
5. Managing time allocated in the tracker
3. Links to the approved sets of Learners Books and
The tracker for this term contains details of work to be covered this term. The CAPS
Teachers Guides
prescribes six hours of Mathematics per week in Grade 4. Each school will organise its
The tracker coordinates the CAPS requirements with the content set out in the approved timetable differently. For this reason, the programme of lessons is based on work in the
Learners Books and Teachers Guides. There is a tracker for each of the Learners Books Learners Book and the DBE workbook that should take just over an hour per day. You might
on the list of approved books on the national catalogue. You must, therefore, refer to the have to divide the sessions in the programme slightly differently to accommodate the
tracker for the book that is used by learners at your school. If you have copies of other length of the lessons at your school. Depending on the pace at which your learners work,
Learners books, you may, of course, also refer to these for ideas for teaching the same and how much support is needed, you might also have to supplement the set activities by
content in a different way, but you must be sure to cover the content systematically. For using other resources to ensure that the full six hours for Mathematics is used constructively.

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It is important to note that the tracker is based on a term that is 8.5 weeks long. The We have also provided an end-of-year examination and marking memorandum which
final 2.5 weeks are set aside for revision and assessment. The prescribed 8 weeks of you could use instead of the test in the LTSMs used by your class. In addition, there is
content have thus been slightly condensed to fit into the first 6 weeks, and you will an analysis of the examination according to the cognitive levels described in the CAPS.
have to work at a consistent pace in order to meet all the curriculum requirements. If You will find these resources in Section D of this document.
you use the tracker in a fourth term of a different length, or if a different amount of time
Where the examination is in the Learners Book you cannot use it as part of the formal
is allocated to assessment, you shoud adjust your pace accordingly. It is important to
assessment programme as learners will be able to prepare for it in advance. It can,
check this at the start of the term.
however, be used for practice and for informal assessment. Where this is the case, you
will need to use an examination in a Teachers Guide from a different set of LTSMs,
6. Sequence adherence or set your own, or make use of the exemplar in the tracker, mentioned above. We
The content in the programme of lessons has been carefully sequenced, and it is, recommend that your learners write the examination in Week7.
therefore, important that lessons are not skipped. Should you miss a Mathematics lesson A suggested assessment mark record sheet is provided for you to copy and complete
for any reason, or should you be going at a slower pace, you should start the next day for all the learners in your class. This records the marks of the formal assessment that
from where you left off. Do not leave a lesson out to get back on track. You may need to you carry out in the term. You may prefer to use your own mark sheet created using
speed up the pace of delivery to catch up the lesson schedule, for example, by covering your class list. In addition to the prescribed formal assessment, you should also include
the lesson concept content of two consecutive days in one day. To do this you could some informal assessment to help you and the learners gain insight into how they
cut out or cut back on some of the routine activities like Mental Maths or homework are progressing. Although marks do not have to be recorded for such assessments,
reflection to save time until you are back on track for curriculumcoverage. you might like to record some marks that are awarded or key comments for your own
interest. If your Learners Book has the two informal assessments specified in the CAPS,
7. Links to assessment these are indicated in the tracker.

In Term4 of Grade 4, the formal assessment programme specified by the CAPS requires Note: The assessment programme given in this document is based on the requirements
at least one assignment, one investigation and an end-of-year examination. The for formal assessment given in the CAPS for Mathematics in the Intermediate Phase
approved Learners Books and Teachers Guides provide exemplars of an investigation, (DBE 2011). The DBE occasionally changes the requirements for formal assessment,
an assignment and an examination which you can use with your class. The Assessment and the timing of such changes might mean that they are not reflected here. In such
Term Plan, provided in Section D of this document, shows when in the programme of cases, you should adjust this documents formal assessment programme to accord
work they are included in each set of materials, and on which pages in the Learners with the latest requirements.
Books or Teachers Guides they can be found. The tracker indicates where in the series
of lessons the formal assessments are to be done, and when feedback should be given. 8. Resources
The actual tasks and the dates for the assessments vary slightly from Learners Book to
Learners Book, but are always in line with the CAPS specifications. It is suggested that The tracker makes clear which resources you will need each day in order to deliver the
lesson. Several of the published Learners Books and Teachers Guides provide printable
you discuss testing times with your colleagues teaching other subjects in order to avoid
resources that you may copy for the learners use with the lessons in that book. A list
the learners having to write several examinations on the same day in a singleweek.
of these for each published book is provided in Section E at the end of this booklet.
You should use the assignment, the investigation, and the examination in your set of In addition, a number of printable resources (such as grid paper and flard cards) that
LTSMs with due diligence making sure that you personalise them and supplement were provided in the trackers for Terms 1, 2 and 3, will also be of use in certain lessons
them using other Learners Books or ANA past papers and exemplars if necessary in during this term. A list of these is also provided in Section E of this tracker. In addition,
order to be sure that they fulfil the requirements of the CAPS. the tracker provides a set of Enrichment Activities (SectionF) and Remediation Activities

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(Section G) as per the CAPS topics assessed in 2012 and 2013 ANAs, and analysed in the Also make sure you have chalk or marking pens so that you can use your chalk
Diagnostic Reports for the same years. A Term 4 examination and memorandum are also or whiteboard as needed. If you have digital resources, check that they are in
provided in this tracker (Section D Assessment Resources) as noted above. working order.
Check the assessment programme so that you can prepare any resources such
B. LESSON PREPARATION KEY STEPS as test papers needed for formal assessment. Learners can then settle down
and begin working promptly.
The tracker provides a detailed programme to guide you through the daily content 3. Prepare the content: Think carefully about what it is that you will teach your
you need to teach to your class, and when to do formal assessments. You are still learners in this lesson. Think about the prior knowledge of the content that learners
required to draw up your own lesson plans. You will still make the final professional should have learned in earlier grades that will be built on in this lesson. You should
choices about which examples and explanations to give, which activities to set for your refer to the CAPS content and skills clarification column for further guidance while
class and how to manage your class on a daily basis. you prepare. Consider any common misconceptions and how you will address
It is a good idea that you agree with your Mathematics colleagues on a day that you these. Consider how you will accommodate any learners with learning barriers in
can get together to plan your lessons as a group, and submit your plans to your head the class should there be any.
of department for quality assurance. To deliver the lessons successfully you must do Prepare a short introduction to the topic so that you can explain it in simple
the necessary preparation yourself. Bear in mind that your lessons will not succeed terms to your learners. The Learners Book and Teachers Guide will assist
if you have not prepared properly for them. This entails a number of key steps such as you. Also think about how learners will develop an understanding of the main
those noted below. concepts of the lesson topic. You need to think about how to explain new
mathematics content and skills to your learners.
1. Review the term focus: Start by looking at the CAPS and familiarising yourself Make sure you have prepared for the teaching of the concepts before you
with the CAPS content focus for the term. It is important that you are clear about teach. Prepare yourself to assist learners with any questions they might have
the content focus as this will frame everything you do in your Mathematics lessons during the lesson. Look at the activities in the Learners Book and in the DBE
during the term. workbook, and think about how best to help your learners engage with them.
2. Prepare resources: The resources needed for each lesson are listed at the start of Consider what will be done in class and what can be done at home. Be sure to
each of the CAPS topics or for each lesson in the trackers. It is very important that have some enrichment and remediation activities ready to use as needed. (The
you check what is required for each lesson ahead of time so that you have all your Teachers Guides offer suggestions for remediation and enrichment activities
resources ready for use every day (e.g. counters, number boards, paper cut-outs, that you might want to use. You will also find enrichment cards and remediation
examples of shapes, etc.). activities for each topic for this term in Sections F and G of this document.)
If you do not have all the necessary resources readily available, see how best Consider the needs of any learners with barriers to learning in your class, and how
you can improvise, e.g. ask learners to collect bottle tops or small stones to be best to support them. The DBE has published some excellent materials to support
used for counting, or make your own flard cards/number boards using pieces you in working with learners with learning barriers. Two such publications are:
of cardboard and a marker pen. Directorate Inclusive Education, Department of Basic Education (2011)
Collect necessary items from home (e.g. bottles, bottle tops etc.) well in Guidelines for Responding to Learner Diversity in the Classroom Through
advance so that you have all the necessary resources for your lesson. Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements. Pretoria.
Use newspapers and magazines to cut out pictures that could be used in your,
teaching. If you have access to the Internet, use Google to search for and print Directorate Inclusive Education, Department of Basic Education (2010)
out pictures that you may need to use as illustrations in your lessons. Guidelines for Inclusive Teaching and Learning. Education White Paper6.

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Special needs education: Building an inclusive education and training
2. Calculation Techniques
system. Pretoria.,
2.1 Doubling and halving, using multiplication to do division, multiplying
and dividing by 10, 100, 1 000
4. Plan the steps in your lesson, and think carefully about how much time to 2.2 Multiplying by multiples of 10, 100, 1 000,
allocate to different learner activities. Also think about how to organise the 2.3 Building up and breaking down numbers, rounding off and
learners when they work. Most lessons should include the steps below, and we compensating etc.
have suggested the time to be spent on each. However, you might find that you 3. Number Concept
need to work differently in some lessons, such as when a test is being written. 3.1 Counting, Ordering and Comparing, Place Value, Odd and Even
Step 1: Mental Maths (510 minutes): This is the start-up activity for each lesson Numbers, Multiples and Factors
and should not take more than 5 to 10 minutes. The purpose of this activity is to focus 3.2 Properties of Numbers (Identity Elements for Addition and
on numeracy and to drill basic numeric concepts so that they can be easily recalled in Multiplication
other higher level work. Each day you need to prepare for the Mental Maths activities. 3.3 Commutative and Associative Property for Addition and Multiplication
This is a mental activity for the learners. If the Mental Maths is in your Learners Book 3.4 Inverse Operation for Multiplication and Division; Inverse
(which is the case with some of them), then you do not need to copy the work for the
Helping learners develop a range of Mental Maths strategies
learners. If the Mental Maths activity is in the Teachers Guide, then you will need to
make photocopies for the learners. Learners could do Mental Maths orally most days, Learners will be at different stages in terms of number facts that they have
but they should do Mental Maths in written form once a week. For example, choose a committed to memory and the strategies available to them for figuring out
set day, such as a Wednesday on which you do written Mental Maths on a weekly basis other facts. It is important for you to be aware of a range of Mental Maths
so that there is some record of your daily Mental Maths activities. strategies so that:
When learners are carrying out mental calculations, you will be in a
Each of the LTSMs has a different approach to mental calculations. Read the extract
better position to recognise the strategy being used
from the CAPS p. 39 given below, and then check your LTSM and your copies of
You can draw attention to and model a variety of strategies used by
the other approved LTSMs to see which follow the requirements as laid down by
learners in the class
the CAPS most closely. You may need to supplement your LTSMs Mental Maths
You can make suggestions to learners that will move them on to more
programme by using good examples from other approved books.
efficient strategies.
Extract from the CAPS p. 39 There are THREE aspects to ensuring that learners become effective in drawing
Mental calculations should be used to practise concepts and skills developed on and using these strategies:
through the main lesson, sometimes with smaller number ranges. Learners Raising learners awareness of the range of strategies
Developing their confidence and fluency with a range of strategies
should not be asked to do random calculations each day.
Helping them to choose from the range the most efficient method for a
Mental calculations should be used as an opportunity to consolidate three given calculation.
aspects of learners number knowledge:
Learners should not use concrete material to work out the answers in Mental
1. Number Facts Maths. If learners need to, let them use their fingers as a concrete aid during
1.1 Number Bonds Mental Maths, but make a note of which learners are doing this and then
1.2 Times Tables spend time with them during remediation to help them with the basic skills.

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Mental Maths skills improve hugely through repeated activity and enable learners and choose which numbers you want your learners to complete.) Also encourage
to perform higher level tasks with greater ease. them, where appropriate, to write their answers and to show their working neatly
and systematically in their workbooks. Plan the timing of the lesson so that you and
Step 2: Homework review/reflection (10 minutes): We recommend that you
the learners can go over the classwork together, and they can do corrections in
take about 10 minutes (not more) to remediate and correct the previous days
homework. Read out answers to all of the homework questions. Make sure that
you mark the homework activities; use peer and individual marking and check If you require your learners to work in groups, carefully assign learners to groups in
homework yourself as often as you can. If peer or individual marking has been such a way that there are learners with mixed abilities who can assist each other in
done, you should regularly moderate a sample of learners books. Choose one or each group.
two activities that you realise were problematic to revise more thoroughly. During
this part of the lesson you may reflect on the previous days work. Allow learners the This is also the part of the lesson where you can assist learners who need extra
opportunity to write corrections as needed. support and extend those who need enrichment. (See Section F of tracker for
the enrichment cards.) Throughout the lesson, try to identify learners that need
Step 3: Lesson content concept development (1520 minutes): We recommend additional support or extension by paying attention to how well they cope with
that you should actively teach your class for 15 minutes working through examples the Mental Maths activities, how they managed the homework, how they respond
interactively with your learners. Worked examples and suggested explanations are when you develop the new content and how they cope with the class activities.
given in the Learners Book or Teachers Guide that you should go through with While the rest of the class is working through the classwork activities, you should
your class as a whole. The CAPS content clarification column would also be a useful spend some time with those learners who need extra support and help them to
reference should you need further examples or ideas to enrich your explanations. You work through the remediation activities. If learners successfully complete the daily
should elaborate on these explanations and provide additional examples if necessary. classwork activities ahead of the rest of the class, be prepared to give them the
Step 4: Classwork activity (2025 minutes): This part of the lesson provides enrichment activities to do.
an opportunity for learners to consolidate new concepts by doing activities or Step 5: Allocate homework (5 minutes): This is the final activity of the lesson. In
exercises from the Learners Book or the DBE workbook. These activities allow this step you should tell the learners about the homework for the day, make sure
them to practise their mathematics and problem solving skills. It is important that they know what is expected of them, and understand what it is that they have to do.
you prepare yourself for the classwork activity you need to assist learners as they
do the classwork. You might also need to select particular questions from each For homework you can select a few questions from the daily classwork in their
activity for the classwork so that learners can manage the selection. The exercises Learners Book and ask the learners to complete them at home, or ask them to do
given in the various Learners Books vary greatly in length and you need to part or all of a DBE worksheet. Homework enables the learners to consolidate the
make this selection in advance (ensuring that all types of activities or concepts are mathematics that you have taught them in class. It also promotes learner writing
covered each day) so that you can give quick and clear instructions to your learners and development of mathematical knowledge, and the development of regular
about which numbers of each exercise they should do. study habits. Encourage your learners to show their parent(s) or their guardian(s)
the work they have done. When you can, take in homework books to check the
Depending on your learners and the activities, you could go over one or two of
work, and always allow some time to go through the homework with the learners to
the classwork activities orally with the whole class before allowing the learners to
check that the work has been understood.
work independently. Allow the learners opportunities to do these activities alone,
in pairs, and in groups, so that they experience working alone as well as with their 5. After each lesson, reflect on how it went: Each week there is a reminder to you
peers. (Remember not to give your learners more work than you are able to control that you should note your thoughts about the days lesson. You will use these notes
and mark. Look out for the * linked to an exercise or activity which is too long, as you plan and prepare for your teaching.

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1. Premier Mathematics

This section maps out how you should use your schools Learners Book in a way that Did the purpose of the lesson succeed? For instance: Did the learners reach
enables you to cover the curriculum sequentially, aligning with the CAPS, for well- a good understanding of the key concepts for the day? Could they use the
paced and meaningful teaching. language expected of them? Could they write what was expected of them?
Did the learners cope with the work set for the day? For instance: Did they
The following components are provided in the columns of the tracker table:
finish the classwork? Was their classwork done adequately? Did you assign
1. Day/lesson number.
2. Mental Mathematics (MM) link (page references in TG provided, as well as
Are your Learners Books up to date?
activity numbers).
Does what the learners have done in their books correlate with the tracked
3. CAPS content linked to Learners Book content.
comments in the tracker?
4. CAPS page numbers at the start of each new CAPS topic.
5. Learners Book exercises/activities that cover the CAPS content for the day. Briefly write down your reflection weekly, following the prompts in the tracker.
6. Page reference in the Learners Book (LB page reference). What went well?
7. Page reference in your Teachers Guide for the days activities What did not go well?
(TG page reference). What did the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do?
8. DBE workbook link to related content (worksheet and page numbers What will you do to support or extend learners?
arereferenced). Did you complete all the work set for the week?
9. Resources needed for the lesson (other than the Learners Book, the If not, how will you get back on track?
DBEworkbook and basic stationery). What will you change next time? Why?
10. Date completed (complete this daily).
The reflection should be based on the daily lessons you have taught each week. It
Weekly reflection will provide you with a record for the next time you implement the same lesson, and
also forms the basis for collegial conversations with your head of department and
The tracker gives you space to reflect on your Mathematics lessons on a weekly basis. yourpeers.
You can share this reflection with your HOD and discuss things that worked or did not
go well in your lesson. Together with your HOD you can think of ways of improving the
daily work that the learners in your class are doing. When you reflect you could think
about things such as:
Was your preparation for the lesson adequate? For instance: Did you have
all the necessary resources? Did you think through the content so that you
understood it fully and so could teach it effectively?

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Premier MathematicsWeek 1
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
TG pp. ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
1 Q. 233247 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 106 *17 178180 9293 No. 105 Flard cards see
A. 184186 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 100101) Term 2 Printable
Ex. 151 1.1 Whole numbers Resources D
Counting, ordering, comparing, representing
and place value of digits
2 Q. 233247 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 107 *1 and 2 180181 94 No. 106
A. 184186 1.1 Whole numbers (pp. 102103)
Ex. 152 Addition and subtraction of whole numbers with at
least 4 digits; Working with 4 digit numbers; Rules
for rounding off; Write number sentences and
calculate the answers
3 Q. 233247 Addition and subtraction calculations 107 *3 and 4 181 95 No. 107
A. 184186 (pp.104105)
Ex. 153
4 Q. 233247 Interpret information from map and do 107 *5 and 6 182 95 No. 108
A. 184186 calculations; Learners select a method to use (pp. 106107)
Ex. 154 for their calculations
5 Q. 233247 Use inverse operations of addition and 107 *7, 8 and 182 9596 No. 109 Example of
A. 184186 subtraction to calculate answers; Read and 9 (pp. 108109) vocabulary wall
Ex. 155 solve word problems No. 110 chart operations
(pp. 110109) see Term 3
Printable Resources
6 Q. 233247 MEASUREMENT 108110 1 and 2 184185 97 No. 111 A variety of mass
A. 184186 4.2 Mass (pp. 112113) meters must
Ex. 156 Practical work with grams and kilograms; include bathroom
Reading scales and indicating mass on number scales
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

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Premier MathematicsWeek 2
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
TG pp. ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
7 Q. 233247 Read masses on packaging, order them; 108110 3 and 4 186 98 No. 112 Items of different
A. 184186 Solve word problems to do with mass (pp. 113114) mass which have
Ex. 157 the mass clearly
8 Q. 233247 Read kitchen scales; 108110 5 and 6 187188 98 No. 113a
A. 184186 Choose the correct balance pieces; (pp. 116117)
Ex. 158 Read bathroom scales; Read bar graphs
9 Q. 233247 Conversions between grams and kilograms 108110 7 189 99 No. 113b Wall chart with
A. 184186 (pp. 118119) mass conversions
Ex. 159
10 Q. 233247 Read and solve problems to do with Rands 108110 8 190 99 No. 114
A. 184186 and kilograms; (pp. 120121)
Ex. 160 Increase the ingredients in a recipe by a given No. 115
ratio (pp. 122123)
11 Q. 233247 SHAPE AND SPACE 111 1 and 2 192 100 No. 116 Models of
A. 184186 3.2 Properties of 3-D objects (pp. 124125) 3-Dobjects and
Ex. 161 Identify items as being 2-D or 3-D; 2-D shapes;
Match 3-Dobjects to their names Wall charts
12 Q. 233247 Distinguish 3-D objects according to their 111 3 and 4 193194 101 No. 117 A variety of
A. 184186 surfaces; Identify 3-D objects in a different (pp. 126127) 3-Dobjects
Ex. 162 context
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

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Premier MathematicsWeek 3
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
TG pp. ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
13 Q. 233247 Match objects to their nets; Build 3-D objects 111 5 194 101 2-D shapes
A. 184186 see Term2
Ex. 163 Printable
Resources I
14 Q. 233247 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 112 1 195196 102 No. 118 Fraction wall and
A. 184186 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 128129) number lines
Ex. 165 1.1 Common fractions see Term2
Describe, compare, order and find equivalent Printable
fractions Resources F and G
15 Q. 233247 Name shaded and unshaded fractions; 112 2 and 3: 196197 102103 No. 119
A. 184186 Read and solve word problems 15 15 (pp. 130131)
Ex. 166
16 Q. 233247 Read and solve word problems 68 (30 mins) 112 3: 68 198 103 No. 120 Give learners the
A. 184186 FORMAL ASSESSMENT (pp. 132133) instructions for the
Ex. 167 Assignment: Mass (30 mins) No. 121 Assignment
Explain to the learners what is expected in the 3 186 97 (pp. 134135)
Hand in Assignment in Lesson 21
17 Q. 233247 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 113 1 and 2 199 103 No. 124
A. 184186 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 140141)
Ex. 168 1.1 Whole numbers
Division (3-digits by 1-digit)
18 Q. 233247 Division with remainders and inverse operation; 113 3 and 4 199200 104 No. 125
A. 184186 Division with rounding off (pp. 142143)
Ex. 170
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

10Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 10 7/25/2017 11:09:32 AM

Premier MathematicsWeek 4
*SelectUseful website:
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
TG pp. ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
19 Q. 233247 Division as sharing; Read and solve word 113 5 and 6 200 104106 No. 126 Wall chart of
A. 184186 problems (pp. 144145) vocabulary
Ex. 169 operations see
Term 3 Printable
Resources A
20 Q. 233247 MEASUREMENT 114115 1 and 2 201202 105 No. 127 Rulers, measuring
A. 184186 4.6 Perimeter, area and volume (pp. 146147) tapes, trundle
Ex. 171 Practical: Estimating and measuring perimeter wheel
21 Q. 233247 Measuring perimeter 114115 3 and 4 202203 105106 No. 128 Cubes
A. 184186 Hand in Assignment (pp. 148149)
Ex. 172
22 Q. 233247 Area (30 mins) 114115 5 and 6 203205 106
A. 184186 FORMAL ASSESSMENT 114115 150153 Photocopy the
Ex. 173 Investigation: Do we need a standard unit of investigation
measurement? (30 mins); worksheets 1 and
Read through the investigation worksheets 1 2 and the rubric for
and 2 and the rubric to make sure the learners each learner
understand what to do;
Hand in Investigation in Lesson 25
23 Q. 233247 Measuring the perimeter and area of regular 114115 *7 and 8 206207 107 No. 129 Grid paper
A. 184186 and irregular shapes (pp. 150151) TG p. 169
Ex. 174
24 Q. 233247 Counting how many cubes are in each shape; 114115 *9, 10 207209 107108 No. 131 Cubes for building
A. 184186 Making regular prisms and (pp. 154155)
Ex. 175 11
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 411

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 11 7/25/2017 11:09:32 AM

Premier MathematicsWeek 5
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
TG pp. ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
25 Q. 233247 Volume; Find the volume in cubic units 114115 *10 and 208209 108 No. 132 Cubes for building
A. 184186 Hand in the Investigation 11 (pp. 156157)
Ex. 176
26 Q. 233247 SPACE AND SHAPE 115 *1, 2 and 210211 109 No. 133
A. 184186 3.6 Position and movement 3 (pp. 158159)
Ex. 177 Working with alpha-numeric grids No. 134
(pp. 160161)
27 Q. 233247 Transformations 115 1 212213 110 No. 135 A variety of
A. 184186 Identify shapes which can tessellate (pp. 162163) 2-Dshapes
Ex. 178 TG p. 171
28 Q. 233247 Identify and make tessellating shapes which are 116 2 and 3 213214 110 No. 136 Grid TG p. 169
A. 184186 identical (pp. 164165) Photocopy for each
Ex. 179 No. 137 learner
(pp. 166167)
29 Q. 233247 PATTERNS, FUNCTIONS AND ALGEBRA 117 1 and 2 214215 111112 No. 138 Flowchart see
A. 184186 2.2 Geometric patterns (pp. 168169) Term 3 Printable
Ex. 180 Copy, extend the pattern and identify the rule Resources F
30 Q. 233247 Describe the rule for extending the pattern 117 3 and 4 215216 112 No. 139
A. 184186 (pp. 170171)
Ex. 182
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

12Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 12 7/25/2017 11:09:32 AM

Premier MathematicsWeek 6
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
TG pp. ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
31 Q. 233247 Hand back the Investigation and
A. 184186 work through the common errors and
Ex. 181 misconceptions
32 Q. 233247 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 118 1 216 113 No. 140
A. 184186 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 172173)
Ex. 183 1.1 Whole numbers
Addition and subtraction
33 Q. 233247 Use addition or subtraction to match the crates 118 2 217 113 No. 141
A. 184186 to the carriages (pp. 174175)
Ex. 184
34 Q. 233247 Interpret written instructions to work out the 118 5 and 6 218 114 No. 142
A. 184186 calculation, then the answer; Calculations with (pp. 176177)
Ex. 185 time
35 Q. 233247 DATA HANDLING 119 1 and 2 219220 115116 No. 143 Coins
A. 184186 5.1 Probability (pp. 178179)
Ex. 186 Toss the coin and keep a tally
36 Q. 233247 Throw the die and keep a tally 119 3 221 116 No. 144 Dice
A. 184186 (pp. 180181)
Ex. 187
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 413

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 13 7/25/2017 11:09:32 AM

Premier MathematicsWeek 7Revision and examination do your own planning
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
TG pp. ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
37 Hand back the Formal Assessment:
Investigation and work through the common
errors and misconceptions





Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

14Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 14 7/25/2017 11:09:32 AM

Premier MathematicsWeek 8Do your own planning
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
TG pp. ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed






Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 415

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 15 7/25/2017 11:09:32 AM

Premier MathematicsWeek 9Do your own planning
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
TG pp. ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
49 Go over examination paper with the learners
and do remediation exercises on the aspects in
which the learners scored low marks
50 Go over examination paper with the learners
and do remediation exercises on the aspects in
which the learners scored low marks

Teachers do administrative tasks for the end of the year
Reflect on the year
Think about and make a note of:
1. Did you complete the curriculum according to the CAPS requirements? If not, 4. What did learners struggle with? How can you help your group next year understand
why not and what could you do to cover all of the work next year? these concepts and develop these skills better?

2. Did the tracker help with curriculum planning and coverage? How could you use 5. What needs to be communicated to the teacher who will teach this group of learners
it even more effectively next year? next year?

3. What concepts and skills did learners grasp well this year? What good practice 6. What aspects of your teaching and assessment practices would you like to develop
could you use again next year? further next year? How will you go about this?

HOD: Date:

16Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 16 7/25/2017 11:09:32 AM

2. Viva Mathematics

This section maps out how you should use your schools Learners Book in a way that Did the purpose of the lesson succeed? For instance: Did the learners reach
enables you to cover the curriculum sequentially, aligning with the CAPS, for well- a good understanding of the key concepts for the day? Could they use
paced and meaningful teaching. the language expected from them? Could they write what was expected
The following components are provided in the columns of the tracker table:
Did the learners cope with the work set for the day? For instance: Did they
1. Day/lesson number.
finish the classwork? Was their classwork done adequately? Did you assign
2. Mental Mathematics (MM) link (page references in TG provided, as well as
activity numbers).
Are your Learners Books up to date?
3. CAPS content linked to Learners Book content.
Does what the learners have done in their books correlate with the tracked
4. CAPS page numbers at the start of each new CAPS topic.
comments in the tracker?
5. Learners Book exercises/activities that cover the CAPS content for the day.
6. Page reference in the Learners Book (LB page reference). Briefly write down your reflection weekly, following the prompts in the tracker.
7. Page reference in your Teachers Guide for the days activities What went well?
(TG page reference). What did not go well?
8. DBE workbook link to related content (worksheet and page numbers What did the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do?
arereferenced). What will you do to support or extend learners?
9. Resources needed for the lesson (other than the Learners Book, the Did you complete all the work set for the week?
DBEworkbook and basic stationery). If not, how will you get back on track?
10. Date completed (complete this daily). What will you change next time? Why?

# The hash tag shows which lessons, or aspects of a lesson need to be supplemented. The reflection should be based on the daily lessons you have taught each week. It will
Make use of the exercises in the DBE book or consult other Learner Books and add to provide you with a record for the next time you implement the same lesson again,
the exercises in the Learners Book which the school has chosen. and also forms the basis for collegial conversations with your head of department and
Weekly reflection
The tracker gives you space to reflect on your Mathematics lessons on a weekly basis.
You can share this reflection with your HOD and discuss things that worked or did not
go well in your lesson. Together with your HOD you can think of ways of improving the
daily work that the learners in your class are doing. When you reflect you could think
about things such as:
Was your preparation for the lesson adequate? For instance: Did you have
all the necessary resources? Did you think through the content so that you
understood it fully and so could teach it effectively?

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 417

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 17 7/25/2017 11:09:33 AM

Viva MathematicsWeek 1
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
1 TG NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 106 1 171 87 No. 105 Counters, counting
A. 129 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 100101) grids, number lines
LB 1.1 Whole numbers
Q. 170 Counting, ordering, comparing, representing and
place value of digits
2 TG NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 107 2 172 88 No. 106
A. 129 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 102103)
LB 1.1 Whole numbers
Q. 170 Addition and subtraction of whole numbers with
at least 4 digits; Working with 4-digit numbers
3 TG Rounding off and calculating 107 3 173 88 No. 107 Counters, counting
A. 129 (pp.104105) grids, number lines
Q. 170
4 TG Adding and inverse operations 107 4 174 8889 No. 108
A. 129 (pp. 106107
Q. 170
5 TG Word problems 107 5 175 89 No. 109 Wall chart of
A. 129 (pp. 108109) vocabulary
LB No. 110 operations see
Q. 170 (pp. 110109) Term 3 Printable
Resources A
6 TG MEASUREMENT 108110 1 177178 91 No. 111 A variety of scales;
A. 129 Mass (pp. 112113) Items of different
LB Kilograms estimate, measure and compare mass mass must
Q. 176 be clearly indicated
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

18Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 18 7/25/2017 11:09:33 AM

Viva MathematicsWeek 2
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
7 TG Grams read mass on scale dial 108110 2 179 91 No. 112
A. 129 (pp. 113114)
Q. 176
8 TG Working with grams conversions 108110 3 180 91 No. 113a Wall charts
A. 129 (pp. 116117)
Q. 176
9 TG Measuring mass practical and bar graph 108110 4 181 92 No. 113b Bathroom scales
A. 129 (pp. 118119)
Q. 176
10 TG Problem solving 108110 5 182 92 No. 114
A. 129 (pp. 120121)
Q. 176
11 TG SHAPE AND SPACE 111 #1 184 93 No. 116 Models of
A. 130 3.2 Properties of 3-D objects (pp. 124125) 3-Dobjects
LB Sorting 3-D objects
Q. 183
12 TG Faces of 3-D objects 111 #2 185 93 No. 117 Shapes stencil
A. 130 (pp. 126127)
Q. 183
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 419

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 19 7/25/2017 11:09:33 AM

Viva MathematicsWeek 3
#SupplementUseful website:
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
13 TG 3-D objects in daily life 111 #3 186 94 Magazines
A. 130
Q. 183
14 TG Nets cube, rectangle, pentagonal prism 111 #4 187 94 Various boxes and
A. 130 containers
Q. 183
15 TG NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 112 1 191 96 No. 118 Paper for paper
A. 130 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 128129) folding
LB 1.1 Common fractions
Q. 189 Fractions fifths and sevenths
16 TG Comparing and ordering fractions 112 2 192 9697 No. 120 Fraction mat orwall
A. 130 (pp. 132133) TG p. 149
LB No. 121 Copymaster 10a
Q. 189 (pp. 134135)
17 TG Addition of fractions with the same 112 3 193 97 No. 122
A. 130 denominator (pp. 136137)
Q. 189
18 TG Fraction of a group of objects 112 4 194 97 No. 123 Counters, buttons
A. 130 (pp. 138139) or stones
Q. 189
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

20Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 20 7/25/2017 11:09:33 AM

Viva MathematicsWeek 4
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
19 TG NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 113 1 196 98 No. 124 Number lines see
A. 131, 129 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 140141) Term 1 Printable
LB 1.1 Whole numbers Resources J. and
Q. 195 Division (3-digit by 1-digit); Revision TG p. 139
20 TG Dividing a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number 113 2 197 99 No. 125
A. 131, 129 (pp. 142143)
Q. 195
21 TG Checking division by using multiplication 113 3 198 99 No. 126
A. 131, 129 (pp. 144145)
Q. 195
22 TG MEASUREMENT 114115 #1 200 101 No. 127 Geoboards and
A. 131, 129 4.6 Perimeter, area and volume (pp. 146147) elastic bands
LB Perimeter (if available)
Q. 195
23 TG Area 114115 2 201 101 No. 128 String; Squared
A. 131, 129 (pp. 148149) (blocked paper)
LB TG p. 146
Q. 195
24 TG Area and perimeter 114115 3 201 101 No. 129 Grid paper
A. 131, 129 (pp. 150151) TG pp. 146147
Q. 199
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 421

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 21 7/25/2017 11:09:33 AM

Viva MathematicsWeek 5
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
25 TG Volume 114115 4 203204 No. 130 Containers with
A. 131, 129 (pp. 152153) different capacities
Q. 199
26 TG FORMAL ASSESSMENT 114115 205 102 No. 131
A. 131, 129 Investigation (pp. 154155)
LB Read through the notes and make sure that the No. 132
Q. 199 learners understand what to do (pp. 156157)
Hand in Investigation in Lesson 31
SPACE AND SHAPE 115 1 209 104 No. 133 Tangram pieces for
3.6 Position and movement (pp. 158159) each learner
Locating positions on a grid TG p. 141
27 TG Find the place 115 2 210 104105 No. 134
A. 131, 129 (pp. 160161)
Q. 199
28 TG Tessellating patterns 116 3 211 105 No. 135 Tangram pieces
A. 132 (pp. 162163) choose a shape and
LB make nine more
Q. 208 TG p. 141
29 TG Create tessellating patterns with 2 different 116 4 212 105 No. 136
A. 132 shapes (pp. 164165)
LB No. 137
Q. 208 (pp. 166167)
30 TG PATTERNS, FUNCTIONS AND ALGEBRA 117 1 215 106 No. 138 Cut outs of 2-D
A. 132 2.2 Geometric patterns (pp. 168169) shapes
LB Repeating patterns see Term 2 Printable
Q. 208 Resources I
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

22Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 22 7/25/2017 11:09:33 AM

Viva MathematicsWeek 6
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
31 TG Extending patterns 117 2 216 106 No. 139 Matchsticks
A. 132 Hand in the Investigation (pp. 170171)
Q. 208
32 TG NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 118 1 218 108 No. 140
A. 132 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 172173)
LB 1.1 Whole numbers
Q. 208 Addition and subtraction; Revision
33 TG Add and subtract 118 2 219 109 No. 141
A. 132 (pp. 174175)
Q. 214
34 TG Rounding off and calculating 118 3 220 109 No. 142
A. 132 (pp. 176177)
Q. 214
35 TG DATA HANDLING 119 1 and 2 222 110 No. 143 A coin for each
A. 132 5.1 Probability (pp. 178179) learner
LB Likely or unlikely; Coin toss
Q. 214
36 TG Return the Investigation and go over it with 119 3 223 110 No. 144 A die for each
A. 132 the learners; Do remediation on any aspects (pp. 180181) learner
LB which the learners found difficult
Q. 214 Dice game
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 423

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 23 7/25/2017 11:09:33 AM

Viva MathematicsWeek 7Revision and examination do your own planning
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed






Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

24Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 24 7/25/2017 11:09:33 AM

Viva MathematicsWeek 8Do your own planning
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed






Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 425

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 25 7/25/2017 11:09:33 AM

Viva MathematicsWeek 9
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
49 Go over examination paper with the learners
and do remediation exercises on the aspects in
which the learners scored low marks
50 Go over examination paper with the learners
and do remediation exercises on the aspects in
which the learners scored low marks

Teachers do end-of-year administrative tasks
Reflect on the year
Think about and make a note of:
1. Did you complete the curriculum according to the CAPS requirements? If not, 4. What did learners struggle with? How can you help your group next year understand
why not and what could you do to cover all of the work next year? these concepts and develop these skills better?

2. Did the tracker help with curriculum planning and coverage? How could you use 5. What needs to be communicated to the teacher who will teach this group of learners
it even more effectively next year? next year?

3. What concepts and skills did learners grasp well this year? What good practice 6. What aspects of your teaching and assessment practices would you like to develop
could you use again next year? further next year? How will you go about this?

HOD: Date:

26Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 26 7/25/2017 11:09:33 AM

3. Platinum Mathematics

This section maps out how you should use your schools Learners Book in a way that Did the purpose of the lesson succeed? For instance: Did the learners reach
enables you to cover the curriculum sequentially, aligning with the CAPS, for well- a good understanding of the key concepts for the day? Could they use
paced and meaningful teaching. the language expected from them? Could they write what was expected
The following components are provided in the columns of the tracker table:
Did the learners cope with the work set for the day? For instance: Did they
1. Day/lesson number.
finish the classwork? Was their classwork done adequately? Did you assign the
2. Mental Mathematics (MM) link (page references in TG provided, as well as
activity numbers).
Are your Learners Books up to date?
3. CAPS content linked to Learners Book content.
Does what the learners have done in their books correlate with the tracked
4. CAPS page numbers at the start of each new CAPS topic.
comments in the tracker?
5. Learners Book exercises/activities that cover the CAPS content for the day.
6. Page reference in the Learners Book (LB page reference). Briefly write down your reflection weekly, following the prompts in the tracker.
7. Page reference in your Teachers Guide for the days activities What went well?
(TG page reference). What did not go well?
8. DBE workbook link to related content (worksheet and page numbers What did the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do?
arereferenced). What will you do to support or extend learners?
9. Resources needed for the lesson (other than the Learners Book, the Did you complete all the work set for the week?
DBEworkbook and basic stationery). If not, how will you get back on track?
10. Date completed (complete this daily). What will you change next time? Why?

Weekly reflection The reflection should be based on the daily lessons you have taught each week. It
will provide you with a record for the next time you implement the same lesson, and
The tracker gives you space to reflect on your Mathematics lessons on a weekly basis. also forms the basis for collegial conversations with your head of department and
You can share this reflection with your HOD and discuss things that worked or did not yourpeers.
go well in your lesson. Together with your HOD you can think of ways of improving the
daily work that the learners in your class are doing. When you reflect you could think
about things such as:
Was your preparation for the lesson adequate? For instance: Did you have
all the necessary resources? Did you think through the content so that you
understood it fully and so could teach it effectively?

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 427

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 27 7/25/2017 11:09:33 AM

Platinum MathematicsWeek 1
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
TG pp. ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
1 209 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 106 32.1 154155 121122 No. 105 Flard cards, ten section
RELATIONSHIPS 32.2 (pp. 100101) spinner, set of number
1.1 Whole numbers 32.1 cards with 4-digit number
Counting, ordering, comparing, representing on one side and the
and place value of digits number written in words
on the other side
2 209 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 107 33.1 156 124125 No. 107 Place value tables; Cards
RELATIONSHIPS 33.2 (pp. 104105) with digits 0 to 9; Set of
1.1 Whole numbers cards with addition and
Addition and subtraction of whole numbers subtraction equations
with at least 4 digits;
Working with 4-digit numbers;
Estimate and work with money
3 210 Add and subtract 4-digit numbers 107 33.3 157 125 No. 108 Place value tables; Cards
(pp. 106107 with digits 0 to 9; Set of
cards with addition and
subtraction equations
4 210 Problem solving 107 33.4 158 158 No. 109 Wall chart with vocabulary
(pp. 108109) see Term 3 Printable
No. 110 Resources A
(pp. 110109)
5 210 MEASUREMENT 108110 34.1 160161 128128 No. 111 A variety of scales
Mass 34.2 (pp. 112113) kitchen, bathroom; Items
Estimate and use units of mass; which vary in mass, e.g. a
Read measure and record mass brick, a teabag, etc.
6 211 Convert units of mass 108110 34.3 162 129 No. 112
(pp. 113114)
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

28Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 28 7/25/2017 11:09:33 AM

Platinum MathematicsWeek 2
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
TG pp. ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
7 211 Compare and order mass 108110 34.4 163 129130 No. 113a Wall charts with
(pp. 116117) conversions
8 211 Work with mass 108110 34.5 164 130131 No. 113b
(pp. 118119)
9 211 Solve problems with mass 108110 34.6 165 131 No. 114
(pp. 120121)
No. 115
(pp. 122123)
10 212 SHAPE AND SPACE 111 35.1 166168 133134 No. 116 Models of 3-D objects;
3.2 Properties of 3-D objects 35.2 (pp. 124125) Wall charts of 3-D objects
Identify sort and compare 3-D objects 35.3
11 212 Make 3-D models 111 35.4 169170 134135 No. 117 Paper, cardboard, sticky
35.5 (pp. 126127) tape, masking tape,
matches, pair of scissors
and different size boxes to
Investigation and
Delivering letters rubric
Read through the Investigation and explain to 136137
learners what is expected of them
Hand in Investigation in Lesson 18
Make 3-D models (cont.) 111 35.6 169170 134135
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 429

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 29 7/25/2017 11:09:33 AM

Platinum MathematicsWeek 3
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
TG pp. ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
13 213 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 112 36.1 174 138 No. 118 All fraction apparatus that
RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 128129) has been used before;
1.1 Common fractions Fraction wall, number lines
Recognise fractions and circles
see Term 2 Printable
Resources E, F, G and H
14 213 Use fractions to measure 112 36.2 175 138 No. 119 Counters or buttons
(pp. 130131)
15 213 Use fractions to measure 112 36.2 175 138 No. 120 Counters or buttons
(pp. 132133)
No. 121
(pp. 134135)
16 213 Solve measurement problems 112 36.3 176177 139 No. 122
(pp. 136137)
17 214 Solve measurement problems; Game 112 36.3 176177 139 No. 123
(pp. 138139)
18 214 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 113 37.1 178 140141 No. 124
RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 140141)
1.1 Whole numbers
Division (3-digit by 1-digit)
Hand in Investigation
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

30Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 30 7/25/2017 11:09:33 AM

Platinum MathematicsWeek 4
Useful website:
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
TG pp. ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
19 214 Solve division problems 113 37.2 179 141 No. 125
(pp. 142143)
20 214 Solve problems with unequal sharing 113 37.3 180 141142 No. 126
(pp. 144145)
21 215 MEASUREMENT 114115 38.1 182 143144 No. 127 Rulers; Photocopy of
4.6 Perimeter, area and volume (pp. 146147) worksheet as suggested
Measure and calculate perimeter on TG p. 143
22 215 Measure and calculate perimeter 114115 38.2 183 143144 No. 128 Grid paper
(pp. 148149) see Term 2 Printable
Resources A
23 215 Area (30 mins) 114115 38.3 184 144145 Grid paper
see Term 2 Printable
Resources A
Hand back the Investigation and 172173 135 and
work through the common errors and rubric
misconceptions (30 mins) 136137
24 215 Area how to count partially shaded areas 114115 38.4 185 144145 No. 129 Set of 12 same-sized
(pp. 150151) cardboard squares per pair
of learners; Grid paper
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 431

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 31 7/25/2017 11:09:33 AM

Platinum MathematicsWeek 5
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
TG pp. ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
25 216 Volume 114115 38.5 186 146147 No. 130 Plastic drinking container;
(pp. 152153) Soft clay
26 216 Volume (30 mins) 114115 38.6 187 146147 No. 131 Cubes, blocks and various
FORMAL ASSESSMENT 192193 (pp. 154155) sized containers
Assignment No. 132
Designing and building a roof (30 mins) 149150 (pp. 156157)
27 216 SPACE AND SHAPE 115 39.1 188 148 No. 133
3.6 Position and movement (pp. 158159)
Find objects on a grid
28 216 Find objects on a map 115 39.2 189 149 No. 134
(pp. 160161)
29 217 Transformations 116 40.1 194 151 No. 135
Build composite shapes (pp. 162163)
30 217 Tessellating patterns 116 40.2 195 151152 No. 136
(Describe patterns around us) 40.3 (197) (pp. 164165)
(40.4) No. 137
(pp. 166167)
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

32Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 32 7/25/2017 11:09:33 AM

Platinum MathematicsWeek 6
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
TG pp. ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
31 217 PATTERNS, FUNCTIONS AND ALGEBRA 117 41.1 198 153154 No. 138 Match sticks, bottle tops or
2.2 Geometric patterns 42.2 199 (pp. 168169) small stones
Extend geometric patterns; Identify a sequence
32 217 Find a rule 117 41.3 200 154155 No. 139 Match sticks, bottle tops or
(pp. 170171) small stones
33 218 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 118 42.1 202 No. 140 Place value tables; Cards
RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 172173) with digits 0 to 9; Set of
1.1 Whole numbers cards with addition and
Addition and subtraction subtraction equations
34 218 More addition and subtraction; Problem 118 42.1 202 156157 No. 141 Place value tables; Cards
solving 42.2 203 (pp. 174175) with digits 0 to 9; Set of
cards with addition and
subtraction equations
35 218 Hand back the Assignment and work 38.6 187 146147
through the common errors and 192193 149
misconceptions (40 mins)
DATA HANDLING 119 43.1 204 158159 No. 143
5.1 Probability (pp. 178179)
Do experiments and list the outcomes (20 mins)
36 219 List and count the outcomes 119 43.2 158159 No. 144 Coins and dice
(pp. 180181)
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 433

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 33 7/25/2017 11:09:33 AM

Platinum MathematicsWeek 7Revision and examination do your own planning
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
TG pp. ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed






Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

34Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 34 7/25/2017 11:09:33 AM

Platinum MathematicsWeek 8Do your own planning
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
TG pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed






Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 435

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 35 7/25/2017 11:09:34 AM

Platinum MathematicsWeek 9
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
TG pp. ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
49 Go over examination paper with the learners
and do remediation exercises on the aspects in
which the learners scored low marks
50 Go over examination paper with the learners
and do remediation exercises on the aspects in
which the learners scored low marks

Teachers do administrative tasks
Reflect on the year
Think about and make a note of:
1. Did you complete the curriculum according to the CAPS requirements? If not, why not 4. What did learners struggle with? How can you help your group next year
and what could you do to cover all of the work next year? understand these concepts and develop these skills better?

2. Did the tracker help with curriculum planning and coverage? How could you use it 5. What needs to be communicated to the teacher who will teach this group of
even more effectively next year? learners next year?

3. What concepts and skills did learners grasp well this year? What good practice could 6. What aspects of your teaching and assessment practices would you like to
you use again next year? develop further next year? How will you go about this?

HOD: Date:

36Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 36 7/25/2017 11:09:34 AM

4. Oxford Headstart Mathematics

This section maps out how you should use your schools Learners Book in a way that go well in your lesson. Together with your HOD you can think of ways of improving the
enables you to cover the curriculum sequentially, aligning with the CAPS, for well- daily work that the learners in your class are doing. When you reflect you could think
paced and meaningful teaching. about things such as:
Was your preparation for the lesson adequate? For instance: Did you have
The following components are provided in the columns of the tracker table:
all the necessary resources? Did you think through the content so that you
1. Day/lesson number.
understood it fully and so could teach it effectively?
2. Mental Mathematics (MM) link (page references in TG provided, as well as
Did the purpose of the lesson succeed? For instance: Did the learners reach
activity numbers).
a good understanding of the key concepts for the day? Could they use
3. CAPS content linked to Learners Book content.
the language expected from them? Could they write what was expected
4. CAPS page numbers at the start of each new CAPS topic.
5. Learners Book exercises/activities that cover the CAPS content for the day.
Did the learners cope with the work set for the day? For instance: Did they
6. Page reference in the Learners Book (LB page reference).
finish the classwork? Was their classwork done adequately? Did you assign
7. Page reference in your Teachers Guide for the days activities
(TG page reference).
Are your learners books up to date?
8. DBE workbook link to related content (worksheet and page numbers
Does what the learners have done in their books correlate with the tracked
comments in the tracker?
9. Resources needed for the lesson (other than the Learners Book, the
DBEworkbook and basic stationery). Briefly write down your reflection weekly, following the prompts in the tracker.
10. Date completed (complete this daily). What went well?
What did not go well?
#The hash tag shows which lessons, or aspects of a lesson need to be supplemented.
What did the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do?
Make use of the exercises in the DBE workbook or consult other Learners Books and
What will you do to support or extend learners?
add to the exercises in the Learners Book which your school has chosen.
Did you complete all the work set for the week?
*The asterisk shows the activities which might be too long for the lesson. Please choose If not, how will you get back on track?
some of the questions for the learners to answer. What will you change next time? Why?

Note: The teacher guidelines often describe games which the learners can play. The reflection should be based on the daily lessons you have taught each week. It
Games are a good way to build skill and let learners enjoy Mathematics. However, time will provide you with a record for the next time you implement the same lesson, and
is very limited and the Mental Maths games must not take longer than the stipulated also forms the basis for collegial conversations with your head of department and
10 minutes. yourpeers.

Weekly reflection
The tracker gives you space to reflect on your Mathematics lessons on a weekly basis.
You can share this reflection with your HOD and discuss things that worked or did not

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 437

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 37 7/25/2017 11:09:34 AM

Oxford Headstart MathematicsWeek 1
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
1 TG NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 106 1, 2 and 3 251252 290292 No. 105 Flard cards
A. 289 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 100101) see Term 2 Printable
LB 1.1 Whole numbers Resources D
Q. 250 Counting, ordering, comparing, representing
AH and place value of digits
2 TG NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 107 1 253254 No. 106 Dienes blocks, flard
A. 293 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 102103) cards, number lines
LB 1.1 Whole numbers see Term 1 Printable
Q. 253 Addition and subtraction of whole numbers Resources C and J
AI with at least 4 digits; Working with 4-digit
numbers; Rounding off and estimation
3 # Addition 3 methods 107 *2 and 3 254255 396399 No. 107
(pp. 104105)
4 # Subtraction 3 methods 107 *4 and 5 255256 299302 No. 108
(pp. 106107
5 # Problem solving 107 6 256 302 No. 109 Wall chart of
(pp. 108109) vocabulary
No. 110 see Term 3 Printable
(pp. 110109) Resources A
6 # TG MEASUREMENT 108110 1 257 302304 No. 111 A variety of scales
A. 303 Mass (pp. 112113)
LB Estimate and measure mass in kilograms
Q. 257
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

38Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 38 7/25/2017 11:09:34 AM

Oxford Headstart MathematicsWeek 2
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
7 # Measuring mass in grams 108110 2 258 304 No. 112 Variety of food
(pp. 113114) products with mass
8 # Compare and record mass in kg and g 108110 3 259 305306 No. 113a
(pp. 116117)
9 # Round off grams to the nearest kilogram; 108110 4 and 5 260 307 No. 113b Wall chart showing
Convert between grams and kilograms (pp. 118119) units of mass and
10 # Problem solving mass 108110 6 261 307309 No. 114
(pp. 120121)
11 TG SHAPE AND SPACE 111 1 and 2 263264 310311 No. 116 Display models learners
A. 309 3.2 Properties of 3-D objects (pp. 124125) made in Term 2
LB Identify and name 3-D objects; Compare and
Q. 263 sort 3-D objects
12 # Build 3-D models using 2-D shapes 111 3 264 312 No. 117 2-D shapes
(pp. 126127) see Term 2 Printable
Resources I and Term 3
Printable Resources C
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 439

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 39 7/25/2017 11:09:34 AM

Oxford Headstart MathematicsWeek 3
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
13 # Draw rectangular prisms 111 4 266 312313 Cut out of a rectangle
14 TG NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 112 1 268269 316 No. 118 Fraction wall, number
A. 315 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 128129) lines, circles and strips
LB 1.1 Common fractions see Term 2 Printable
Q. 268 Naming and comparing fractions Resources E, F, G,
AH andH
15 # Compare fractions 112 2 270 No. 119
(pp. 130131)
16 # Adding and subtracting fractions 112 3 and 4 271272 317318 No. 120
(pp. 132133)
No. 121
(pp. 134135)
17 # Problem solving 112 6 272 318319 No. 122
(pp. 136137)
18 TG NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 113 5 and 6 277278 324 No. 124
A. 320 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 140141)
LB 1.1 Whole numbers
Q. 273 A-I Division (3-digit by 1-digit); Check
multiplication answers by doing division;
Division with remainders
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

40Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 40 7/25/2017 11:09:34 AM

Oxford Headstart MathematicsWeek 4
*Select#SupplementUseful website:
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
19 # Work with remainders 113 7 278279 324 No. 125
(pp. 142143)
20 # Problem solving 113 *8 179 325327 No. 126
(Ratio and rate) (9 and 10) (280281) (pp. 144145)
21 TG MEASUREMENT 114115 1 and 2 282283 328330 No. 127 Rulers, measuring
A. 328 4.6 Perimeter, area and volume (pp. 146147) tapes, trundle
LB Find perimeter by counting; wheels
Q. 282 Find perimeter by measuring
22 # Find perimeter by calculating 114115 3 284 330332 No. 128 Grid paper
(pp. 148149) see Term 2 Printable
Resources B
23 # Find the area of shapes on a grid 114115 5 286 332 No. 129 Grid paper
(pp. 150151) see Term 2 Printable
Resources B
24 # Find the volume of objects 114115 7 289 334335 No. 130 Dienes blocks
(pp. 152153)
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 441

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 41 7/25/2017 11:09:34 AM

Oxford Headstart MathematicsWeek 5
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
25 # Find the capacity of containers (40 mins) 114115 8 290 335 No. 131 Dienes blocks,
FORMAL ASSESSMENT (pp. 154155) containers
Investigation No. 132
Read through with the learners and make sure (pp. 156157)
they know what to do 6 287 333
Hand in Investigation in Lesson 30 (20 mins)
26 TG SPACE AND SHAPE 115 1 and 2 292293 337338 No. 133
A. 292 3.6 Position and movement (pp. 158159)
LB Find the positions of shapes on a grid; Find the
Q. 292 position of objects on a grid
27 # Position on a map; Oral lesson; Find places in 115 3 and 4 294395 339340 No. 134
a province (pp. 160161)
28 # Transformations 116 1 and 2 296297 340342 No. 135 20 small quadrilaterals;
Tessellations triangles and quadrilaterals (pp. 162163) 20 small triangles
29 # Tessellations and number patterns 116 4 298 343 No. 136 20 small quadrilaterals;
(pp. 164165) 20 small triangles
No. 137
(pp. 166167)
30 TG PATTERNS, FUNCTIONS AND ALGEBRA 117 1 302 345 No. 138 Flow chart template
A. 344 2.2 Geometric patterns (pp. 168169) see Term 3 Printable
LB Work with patterns Resources F
Q. 301 Hand in Investigation
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

42Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 42 7/25/2017 11:09:34 AM

Oxford Headstart MathematicsWeek 6
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
31 # Build objects with more than one layer (30 mins) 2 302 346 No. 139
(pp. 170171)
Hand back the Investigation and work through
common errors and misconceptions (30 mins)
32 TG NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 118 *1, 2, 3 303304 347349 No. 140
A. 347 1.1 Whole numbers and 4 (pp. 172173)
LB Addition and subtraction
Q. 303
33 # Addition methods 118 *5 305306 350354 No. 141
(pp. 174175)
34 # Subtraction methods 118 *6 307308 355356 No. 142
(pp. 176177)
35 TG DATA HANDLING 119 1 and 2 308310 357358 No. 143 Coins
A. 357 5.1 Probability (pp. 178179)
LB Trial with coins and tallies
Q. 297
36 Roll dice 119 3 and 4 311 358 No. 144 Dice
(pp. 180181)
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 443

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 43 7/25/2017 11:09:34 AM

Oxford Headstart MathematicsWeek 7Revision and examination do your own planning
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed






Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

44Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 44 7/25/2017 11:09:34 AM

Oxford Headstart MathematicsWeek 8Do your own planning
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed






Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 445

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 45 7/25/2017 11:09:34 AM

Oxford Headstart MathematicsWeek 9
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
49 Go over examination paper with the learners
and do remediation exercises on the aspects in
which the learners scored low marks
50 Go over examination paper with the learners
and do remediation exercises on the aspects in
which the learners scored low marks

Teachers complete administrative charts
Reflect on the year
Think about and make a note of:
1. Did you complete the curriculum according to the CAPS requirements? If not, why not 4. What did learners struggle with? How can you help your group next year
and what could you do to cover all of the work next year? understand these concepts and develop these skills better?

2. Did the tracker help with curriculum planning and coverage? How could you use it 5. What needs to be communicated to the teacher who will teach this group of
even more effectively next year? learners next year?

3. What concepts and skills did learners grasp well this year? What good practice could 6. What aspects of your teaching and assessment practices would you like to
you use again next year? develop further next year? How will you go about this?

HOD: Date:

46Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 46 7/25/2017 11:09:34 AM

5. Oxford Successful Mathematics

This section maps out how you should use your schools Learners Book in a way that Did the purpose of the lesson succeed? For instance: Did the learners reach
enables you to cover the curriculum sequentially, aligning with the CAPS, for well- a good understanding of the key concepts for the day? Could they use
paced and meaningful teaching. the language expected from them? Could they write what was expected
The following components are provided in the columns of the tracker table:
Did the learners cope with the work set for the day? For instance: Did they
1. Day/lesson number.
finish the classwork? Was their classwork done adequately? Did you assign
2. Mental Mathematics (MM) link (page references in TG provided, as well as
activity numbers).
Are your learners books up to date?
3. CAPS content linked to Learners Book content.
Does what the learners have done in their books correlate with the tracked
4. CAPS page numbers at the start of each new CAPS topic.
comments in the tracker?
5. Learners Book exercises/activities that cover the CAPS content for the day.
6. Page reference in the Learners Book (LB page reference). Briefly write down your reflection weekly, following the prompts in the tracker.
7. Page reference in your Teachers Guide for the days activities What went well?
(TG page reference). What did not go well?
8. DBE workbook link to related content (worksheet and page numbers What did the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do?
arereferenced). What will you do to support or extend learners?
9. Resources needed for the lesson (other than the Learners Book, Did you complete all the work set for the week?
DBEworkbook and basic stationery). If not, how will you get back on track?
10. Date completed (complete this daily). What will you change next time? Why?

# The hash tag shows which lessons, or aspects of a lesson need to be supplemented. The reflection should be based on the daily lessons you have taught each week. It
Make use of the exercises in the DBE book or consult other Learner Books and add to will provide you with a record for the next time you implement the same lesson, and
the exercises in the Learners Book which the school has chosen. also forms the basis for collegial conversations with your head of department and
Weekly reflection
The tracker gives you space to reflect on your Mathematics lessons on a weekly basis.
You can share this reflection with your HOD and discuss things that worked or did not
go well in your lesson. Together with your HOD you can think of ways of improving the
daily work that the learners in your class are doing. When you reflect you could think
about things such as:
Was your preparation for the lesson adequate? For instance: Did you have
all the necessary resources, had you thought through the content so that you
understood it fully and so could teach it effectively?

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 447

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 47 7/25/2017 11:09:34 AM

Oxford Successful MathematicsWeek 1
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
1 # NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 106 1 and 2 208210 174175 No. 105 Number lines,
TG p. 173 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 100101) abacuses, flard cards
LB p. 208 1.1 Whole numbers (units, tens, hundreds,
Counting, ordering, comparing, representing thousands, tens of
and place value of digits thousands)
2 # NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 107 2 (cont.) 211 176 No. 106
TG p. 173 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 102103)
LB p. 208 1.1 Whole numbers
Addition and subtraction of whole numbers
with at least 4 digits; Working with 4-digit
numbers; Methods 1 to 3
3 # Methods 4 and 5 for addition and subtraction 107 2 (cont.) 212 176 No. 107 Number lines
TG p. 173 (pp. 104105) see Term 1 Printable
LB p. 208 Resources J
4 # Addition table for hundreds and thousands 107 3 213 176 No. 108 Photocopy Table1
TG p. 173 (pp. 106107 and 2 for each learner
LB p. 208 to fill in
5 # Problem solving with addition and 107 3 (cont.) 214 177 No. 109 Wall chart with
TG p. 173 subtraction (pp. 108109) vocabulary
LB p. 208 No. 110 see Term 3 Printable
(pp. 110109) Resources A
6 # MEASUREMENT 108110 1 216218 178 No. 111 A variety of scales
TG p. 178 Mass (pp. 112113) and objects to
LB p. 216 Work with kilograms measure
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

48Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 48 7/25/2017 11:09:34 AM

Oxford Successful MathematicsWeek 2
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
7 # Work with kilograms and grams 108110 2 218219 179 No. 112 A variety of scales
TG p. 178 (pp. 113114) and objects to
LB p. 216 measure
8 # Convert between kilograms and grams 108110 3 220 180 No. 113a Wall chart of
TG p. 178 (pp. 116117) conversions
LB p. 216
9 # Problem solving with mass 108110 4 221 180181 No. 113b
TG p. 178 no. 13 (pp. 118119)
LB p. 216 No. 114
(pp. 120121)
10 # SHAPE AND SPACE 111 1 222223 182 No. 116
TG p. 181 3.2 Properties of 3-D objects (pp. 124125)
LB p. 222 Recognising 3-D objects
11 # Using shapes to build objects 111 2 223224 182183 No. 117 2-D shapes
TG p. 181 (pp. 126127) see Term 2 Printable
LB p. 222 Resources I;
Tape, grid paper
12 # Use objects to build other objects 111 3 and 4 225 183 3-D objects
TG p. 181
LB p. 222
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 449

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 49 7/25/2017 11:09:34 AM

Oxford Successful MathematicsWeek 3
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Date completed
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook

13 # NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 112 1 228229 185186 No. 118 Fraction wall, number
TG p. 185 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 128129) lines, circles and strips
LB p. 228 1.1 Common fractions see Term 2 Printable
Describing and ordering fractions Resources E, F, G andH
14 # Solving problems with fractions 112 2 230 186 No. 119 Fraction wall, number
TG p. 185 no. 15 (pp. 130131) lines, circles and strips
LB p. 228 see Term 2 Printable
Resources E, F, G andH
15 # Solving problems with fractions continued 112 2 230 186 No. 120
TG p. 185 no. 15 (pp. 132133)
LB p. 228 No. 121
(pp. 134135)
16 # Calculations with fractions 112 3 231 187 No. 122
TG p. 185 (pp. 136137)
LB p. 228
17 # FORMAL ASSESSMENT 112 Ass. 2 273 208 No. 123
TG p. 185 Assignment (pp. 138139)
LB p. 228 Go through the Assignment with the learners
and explain what is expected of them
Hand in the Assignment in Lesson 19
18 # NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 113 2 235 189 No. 124
TG p. 187 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 140141)
LB p. 223 1.1 Whole numbers
Division (3-digit by 1-digit);
Solve division sums
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

50Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 50 7/25/2017 11:09:34 AM

Oxford Successful MathematicsWeek 4
#SupplementUseful website:
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
19 # Ratio and rate 113 3 236237 189190 No. 125
TG p. 187 Hand in Assignment (pp. 142143)
LB p. 223
20 # MEASUREMENT 114115 1 239241 191192 No. 127 Measuring tapes,
TG p. 187 4.6 Perimeter, area and volume no. 12 (pp. 146147) rulers, grids
LB p. 223 Finding perimeters
21 # Finding perimeters (cont.) 114115 1 239241 191192 No. 128 Grid paper
TG p. 191 no. 3, 4 (pp. 148149) see Term 2 Printable
LB p. 239 and 5 Resources B
22 # Finding areas 114115 2 242244 192193 No. 129 Grid paper
TG p. 191 no. 15 (pp. 150151) see Term 2 Printable
LB p. 239 Resources B
23 # Finding area (40 mins) 114115 2 242244 192193 Grid paper
TG p. 191 no. 68 see Term 2 Printable
LB p. 239 Resources B
Hand back the Assignment and work 274 209
through the common errors and
misconceptions (20 mins)
24 # Finding volume and capacity 114115 3 245247 193194 No. 130 Containers and boxes
TG p. 191 (pp. 152153) of different sizes
LB p. 239 No. 131
(pp. 154155)
No. 132
(pp. 156157)
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 451

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 51 7/25/2017 11:09:34 AM

Oxford Successful MathematicsWeek 5
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
25 # SPACE AND SHAPE 115 1 250251 196197 No. 133 Grid paper
TG p. 196 3.6 Position and movement no. 13 (pp. 158159) see Term 2 Printable
LB p. 244 Working with grids Resources B
26 # Working with grids 115 1 252253 196197 No. 134
TG p. 196 no. 45 (pp. 160161)
LB p. 244
27 # Transformations 116 1 245255 197198 No. 135
TG p. 196 Tessellations (pp. 162163)
LB p. 244
28 # Describing tessellations; Tessellation in 116 2 and 3 256258 198199 No. 136
TG p. 196 everyday life (pp. 164165)
LB p. 244 No. 137
(pp. 166167)
29 # PATTERNS, FUNCTIONS AND ALGEBRA 117 4 258259 200 No. 138 2-D shapes
TG p. 197 2.2 Geometric patterns (pp. 168169) see Term 2 Printable
LB p. 254 Patterns involving tessellations (40 mins) Resources I
FORMAL ASSESSMENT 117 Investig. 274 209 No. 139
Investigation 1 (pp. 170171)
Go through the Assignment with the learners
and explain what is expected of them (20 mins)
30 # NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 118 1 *261 201 No. 140
TG p. 200 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 172173)
LB p. 260 1.1 Whole numbers
Addition and subtraction
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

52Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 52 7/25/2017 11:09:34 AM

Oxford Successful MathematicsWeek 6
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
31 # Solve problems on measurement 118 2 261262 202 No. 141
TG p. 200 (pp. 174175)
LB p. 260
32 # Solve problems on money and fractions 118 3 and 4 263265 203 No. 142
TG p. 200 (pp. 176177)
LB p. 260
33 # DATA HANDLING 119 1 226227 205 No. 143 Coins and dice
TG p. 204 5.1 Probability (pp. 178179)
LB p. 266 Tossing a coin
34 # Tossing a die 119 2 268269 205 No. 144
TG p. 204 (pp. 180181)
LB p. 266
35 Hand back the Investigation and
work through the common errors and
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 453

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 53 7/25/2017 11:09:35 AM

Oxford Successful MathematicsWeek 7Revision and examination do your own planning
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed






Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

54Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 54 7/25/2017 11:09:35 AM

Oxford Successful MathematicsWeek 8Do your own planning
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed






Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 455

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 55 7/25/2017 11:09:35 AM

Oxford Successful MathematicsWeek 9
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
49 Go over examination paper with the learners
and do remediation exercises on the aspects in
which the learners scored low marks


Teachers complete administrative tasks
Reflect on the year
Think about and make a note of:
1. Did you complete the curriculum according to the CAPS requirements? If not, why 4. What did learners struggle with? How can you help your group next year
not and what could you do to cover all of the work next year? understand these concepts and develop these skills better?

2. Did the tracker help with curriculum planning and coverage? How could you use it 5. What needs to be communicated to the teacher who will teach this group of
even more effectively next year? learners next year?

3. What concepts and skills did learners grasp well this year? What good practice 6. What aspects of your teaching and assessment practices would you like to develop
could you use again next year? further next year? How will you go about this?

HOD: Date:

56Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 56 7/25/2017 11:09:35 AM

6. Fabulous Mathematics

This section maps out how you should use your schools Learners Book in a way that Did the purpose of the lesson succeed? For instance: Did the learners reach
enables you to cover the curriculum sequentially, aligning with the CAPS, for well- a good understanding of the key concepts for the day? Could they use
paced and meaningful teaching. the language expected from them? Could they write what was expected
The following components are provided in the columns of the tracker table:
Did the learners cope with the work set for the day? For instance: Did they
1. Day/lesson number.
finish the classwork? Was their classwork done adequately? Did you assign
2. Mental Mathematics (MM) link (page references in TG provided, as well as
activity numbers).
Are your learners books up to date?
3. CAPS content linked to Learners Book content.
Does what the learners have done in their books correlate with the tracked
4. CAPS page numbers at the start of each new CAPS topic.
comments in the tracker?
5. Learners Book exercises/activities that cover the CAPS content for the day.
6. Page reference in the Learners Book (LB page reference). Briefly write down your reflection weekly, following the prompts in the tracker.
7. Page reference in your Teachers Guide for the days activities What went well?
(TG page reference). What did not go well?
8. DBE workbook link to related content (worksheet and page numbers What did the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do?
arereferenced). What will you do to support or extend learners?
9. Resources needed for the lesson (other than the Learners Book, the Did you complete all the work set for the week?
DBEworkbook and basic stationery). If not, how will you get back on track?
10. Date completed (complete this daily). What will you change next time? Why?

# The hash tag shows which lessons, or aspects of a lesson need to be supplemented. The reflection should be based on the daily lessons you have taught each week. It
Make use of the exercises in the DBE book or consult other Learner Books and add to will provide you with a record for the next time you implement the same lesson, and
the exercises in the Learners Book which the school has chosen. also forms the basis for collegial conversations with your head of department and
Weekly reflection
The tracker gives you space to reflect on your Mathematics lessons on a weekly basis.
You can share this reflection with your HOD and discuss things that worked or did not
go well in your lesson. Together with your HOD you can think of ways of improving the
daily work that the learners in your class are doing. When you reflect you could think
about things such as:
Was your preparation for the lesson adequate? For instance: Did you have
all the necessary resources, had you thought through the content so that you
understood it fully and so could teach it effectively?

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 457

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 57 7/25/2017 11:09:35 AM

Fabulous MathematicsWeek 1
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
1 TG NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 106 14 214216 177215 No. 105 Flard cards
A. 170 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 100101) see Term 2 Printable Resources D;
LB 1.1 Whole numbers Dienes blocks, counters
Q. 200 Counting, ordering, comparing,
representing and place value of digits
2 TG NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 107 1 217 179 No. 106
A. 170 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 102103)
LB 1.1 Whole numbers No. 107
Q. 200 Addition and subtraction of whole (pp. 104105)
numbers with at least 4 digits
3 TG Adding and subtracting (cont.) 107 1 218 179180 No. 108
A. 170 (pp. 106107
Q. 200
4 TG Problem solving (40 mins) 107 2 218219 179180 No. 109 Wall chart of vocabulary
A. 170 FORMAL ASSESSMENT (pp. 108109) see Term 3 Printable Resources A
LB Assignment See p. 209 209-210 No. 110
Q. 200 Whole numbers (20 mins) (pp. 110109)
Hand in Assignment in Lesson 10
5 TG MEASUREMENT 108110 1, 2 and 220221 181182 No. 111 Different scales and different
A. 171 Mass 3 (pp. 112113) objects to measure; Household
LB Definition; How heavy is 1 kg? How items would be familiar to
Q. 202 heavy is 1 gram? learners, e.g. 1 kg flour, a cup of
rice, a tin of baked beans
6 TG Reading a bathroom scale; 108110 #4 and 5 221 182 No. 112 Bathroom scales
A. 171 Mass calculations (pp. 113114)
Q. 202
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

58Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 58 7/25/2017 11:09:35 AM

Fabulous MathematicsWeek 2
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
7 TG Estimating mass; Comparing mass 108110 #6 and 7 222 182183 No. 113a
A. 172 (pp. 116117)
Q. 202
8 TG Mass and ratio 108110 #8 223 183 No. 113b Suitable items to measure
A. 172 (pp. 118119) and compare
Q. 202
9 TG SHAPE AND SPACE 111 1, 2 and 225 184185 No. 116 2-D shapes
A. 172 3.2 Properties of 3-D objects 3 (pp. 124125) see Term 2 Printable
LB Matching objects with their names; Resources I and Term 3
Q. 203 Polygons that make 3-D shapes Printable Resources C
10 TG Complete the sentence; Identifying objects; 111 4 and 5 226 185 No. 117
A. 172 Hand in the Assignment (pp. 126127)
Q. 203
11 TG Lets make party hats 111 6 226 185
A. 172
Q. 203
12 TG Extension activity making objects from 111 # 186 Enlarge and photocopy
A. 172 nets nets of polygons TG p. 186
LB for each learner or small
Q. 203 group to make
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 459

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 59 7/25/2017 11:09:35 AM

Fabulous MathematicsWeek 3
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
13 Hand back Assignment and work through
the common errors and misconceptions
14 TG NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 112 1, 2 227 187 No. 118 Counters, number lines,
A. 172 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 128129) fraction wall, fraction circle
LB 1.1 Common fractions see Term 2 Printable
Q. 204 Writing fractions on number lines Resources E, F, G and H;
Fractional mathematical
15 TG Making groups; Equivalent fractions 112 3 and 4 227228 188 No. 119 Counters, buttons, etc.
A. 173 (pp. 130131)
Q. 204
16 TG Measuring with fractions; The chocolate 112 5 and 6 228 188 No. 120 Measuring cups, scales
A. 173 conflict (pp. 132133)
LB No. 121
Q. 205 (pp. 134135)
17 TG Adding fractions 112 #7 229 188 No. 122
A. 173 (pp. 136137)
LB No. 123
Q. 205 (pp. 138139)
18 TG NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 113 #1 230 189 No. 124
A. 173 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 140141)
LB 1.1 Whole numbers No. 125
Q. 206 Division (3-digit by 1-digit) (pp. 142143)
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

60Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 60 7/25/2017 11:09:35 AM

Fabulous MathematicsWeek 4
Useful website:
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
19 TG Problem solving division 113 2 231 190 No. 126
A. 174 (pp. 144145)
Q. 207
20 TG MEASUREMENT 114115 1, 2 and 232233 192193 No. 127 Grid
A. 175 4.6 Perimeter, area and volume 3 (pp. 146147) see Term 2 Printable
LB Definition; Measuring perimeter; Perimeter Resources B
Q. 208 of a field
21 TG Calculating area 114115 4 and 5 233234 193 No. 128
A. 175 (pp. 148149)
Q. 208209
22 TG Perimeter and area 114115 #6 234 235 No. 129 Grid
A 175 (pp. 150151) see Term 2 Printable
LB Resources B
Q. 209210
23 TG Volume; Perimeter area and volume 114115 7 and 8 234235 195 No. 130 Containers of different
A. 174 (pp. 152153) sizes and cubes to pack
LB into them
Q. 209210
24 TG SPACE AND SHAPE 115 1 237238 196 No. 133
A. 175 3.6 Position and movement (pp. 158159)
LB Introduction; Locating objects on a grid
Q. 210
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 461

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 61 7/25/2017 11:09:35 AM

Fabulous MathematicsWeek 5
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
25 TG Drawing objects in the correct cells 115 2 238 197 No. 134
A. 175 (pp. 160161)
Q. 211
26 TG 3.4 Transformations 116 1 239 198 No. 135 2-D shapes
A. 175 Identifying polygons (pp. 162163) see Term 2 Printable
LB Resources I
Q. 212
27 TG Tessellating shapes 116 2, 3 and 239241 199 No. 136 2-D shapes
A. 176 (NB symmetry) 4 (pp. 164165) see Term 2 Printable
LB No. 137 Resources I
Q. 212 (pp. 166167)
A. 176 Symmetry and transformation
Q. 212
29 TG PATTERNS, FUNCTIONS AND ALGEBRA 117 1 242243 202203 No. 138 Flow charts
A. 176 2.2 Geometric patterns no. 1, 2 (pp. 168169) see Term 3 Printable
LB Describing and drawing geometric patterns Resources F
Q. 212
30 TG Describing and drawing geometric patterns 117 1 243245 203 No. 139
A. 176 (cont.) no. 4, 5 (pp. 170171)
Q. 212
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

62Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 62 7/25/2017 11:09:35 AM

Fabulous MathematicsWeek 6
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
31 TG NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 118 1 245 205 No. 140
A. 176 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 172173)
LB 1.1 Whole numbers
Q. 212 Addition and subtraction
More addition and subtraction
32 Hand back assessment and work through
the common errors and misconceptions
33 TG Finding the missing value by subtracting; Can 118 2 and 3 245246 206 No. 141
A. 176 you find a pattern? Addition and subtraction (pp. 174175)
Q. 212
34 TG Problem solving; Revision 118 #4 246 206 No. 142 Wall chart with
A. 176 (pp. 176177) vocabulary
LB see Term 3 Printable
Q. 212 Resources A
35 TG DATA HANDLING 119 1 and 2 247 207 No. 143 Coins and dice
A. 176 5.1 Probability (pp. 178179)
LB Assessing probability
Q. 212
36 TG Assessing probability 119 3 248 208 No. 144 Coins and dice
A. 176 (pp. 180181)
Q. 212
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 463

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 63 7/25/2017 11:09:35 AM

Fabulous MathematicsWeek 7Revision and examination do your own planning
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed






Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

64Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 64 7/25/2017 11:09:35 AM

Fabulous MathematicsWeek 8Do your own planning
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed






Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 465

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 65 7/25/2017 11:09:35 AM

Fabulous MathematicsWeek 9
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
49 Go over examination paper with the learners
and do remediation exercises on the aspects in
which the learners scored low marks
50 Go over examination with the learners and do
remediation exercises on the aspects in which
the learners scored low marks

Teachers complete administrative tasks
Reflect on the year
Think about and make a note of:
1. Did you complete the curriculum according to the CAPS requirements? If not, why 4. What did learners struggle with? How can you help your group next year
not and what could you do to cover all of the work next year? understand these concepts and develop these skills better?

2. Did the tracker help with curriculum planning and coverage? How could you use it 5. What needs to be communicated to the teacher who will teach this group of
even more effectively next year? learners next year?

3. What concepts and skills did learners grasp well this year? What good practice 6. What aspects of your teaching and assessment practices would you like to develop
could you use again next year? further next year? How will you go about this?

HOD: Date:

66Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 66 7/25/2017 11:09:35 AM

7. Solutions for All Mathematics

This section maps out how you should use your schools Learners Book in a way that Was your preparation for the lesson adequate? For instance: Did you have
enables you to cover the curriculum sequentially, aligning with the CAPS, for well- all the necessary resources? Did you think through the content so that you
paced and meaningful teaching. understood it fully and so could teach it effectively?
Did the purpose of the lesson succeed? For instance: Did the learners reach
The following components are provided in the columns of the tracker table:
a good understanding of the key concepts for the day? Could they use
1. Day/lesson number.
the language expected from them? Could they write what was expected
2. Mental Mathematics (MM) link (page references in TG provided, as well as
activity numbers).
Did the learners cope with the work set for the day? For instance: Did they
3. CAPS content linked to Learners Book content.
finish the classwork? Was their classwork done adequately? Did you assign
4. CAPS page numbers at the start of each new CAPS topic.
5. Learners Book exercises/activities that cover the CAPS content for the day.
Are your Learners Books up to date?
6. Page reference in the Learners Book (LB page reference).
Does what the learners have done in their books correlate with the tracked
7. Page reference in your Teachers Guide for the days activities
comments in the tracker?
(TG page reference).
8. DBE workbook link to related content (worksheet and page numbers Briefly write down your reflection weekly, following the prompts in the tracker.
arereferenced). What went well?
9. Resources needed for the lesson (other than the Learners Book, the What did not go well?
DBEworkbook and basic stationery). What did the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do?
10. Date completed (complete this daily). What will you do to support or extend learners?
Did you complete all the work set for the week?
#The hash tag shows which lessons, or aspects of a lesson need to be supplemented.
If not, how will you get back on track?
Make use of the exercises in the DBE workbook or consult other Learners Books and
What will you change next time? Why?
add to the exercises in the Learners Book which your school has chosen.
The reflection should be based on the daily lessons you have taught each week. It
*The asterisk shows exercises or activities which may be too long. Please select the
will provide you with a record for the next time you implement the same lesson, and
calculations you want your learners to do. Quality is better than quantity.
also forms the basis for collegial conversations with your head of department and
Weekly reflection yourpeers.

The tracker gives you space to reflect on your Mathematics lessons on a weekly basis.
You can share this reflection with your HOD and discuss things that worked or did not
go well in your lesson. Together with your HOD you can think of ways of improving on
the daily work that the learners in your class are doing. When you reflect you could
think about things such as:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 467

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 67 7/25/2017 11:09:35 AM

Solutions for All MathematicsWeek 1
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act./ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
1 # NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 106 1 248250 204205 No. 105 Abacuses, flard cards
TG 204 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 100101) see Term 2 Printable
1.1 Whole numbers Resources D
Counting, ordering, comparing,
representing and place value of digits
2 # NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 107 2 250251 205206 No. 106
RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 102103)
1.1 Whole numbers No. 107
Addition and subtraction of whole numbers (pp. 104105)
with at least 4 digits; Working with 4-digit
3 # Breaking up numbers and calculating 107 Ex. 1 251252 207208 No. 108 Check what you know? LB
(pp. 106107) p. 253
No. 109
(pp. 108109)
4 # MEASUREMENT 108110 1 and 2 254255 213214 No. 110 Bathroom scales, kitchen
TG 212 Mass (pp. 110109) scales and balances;
Practical and introduction to half a kilogram No. 111 Household items with the
(pp. 112113) mass indicated
5 # Rounding off and estimating; Different kinds 108110 3 and 4 255257 214 No. 112 Household items with
of scales (pp. 113114) mass indicated
6 # Reading scales; Estimate and measure mass 108110 5 and 6 258259 215 No. 113a
(pp. 116117)
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

68Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 68 7/25/2017 11:09:35 AM

Solutions for All MathematicsWeek 2
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act./ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
7 # Reading and measuring 108110 Ex. 1 260261 215 No. 113b Check what you know
(pp. 118119) LB p. 262
8 # SHAPE AND SPACE 111 1 and 2 264265 220 No. 116 3-D objects see Term 2
TG 218 3.2 Properties of 3-D objects (pp. 124125) Printable Resources J
Naming 3-D objects
9 # Making a cube and a pyramid 111 3 and 4 265267 220221 No. 117 Net of cube see Term 2
(pp. 126127) Printable Resources L
10 # Nets and objects; Properties of 3-D objects 111 Ex. 1 268269 221
and 2
11 # NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 112 Ex. 1 272273 224 No. 118 Counters and fraction
TG 223 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 128129) pieces
1.1 Common fractions
Fractions of a whole and fractions of groups
12 # Comparing fractions; Fractions on number 112 1 and 2 274275 225 No. 119 Fraction wall, fraction
lines (pp. 130131) strips and fraction
number lines see Term2
Printable Resources E, F,
G and H
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 469

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 69 7/25/2017 11:09:35 AM

Solutions for All MathematicsWeek 3
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act./ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
13 # More fractions and number lines 112 Ex. 2 275276 226 No. 120 Fraction wall, fraction
(pp. 132133) strips and fraction
No. 121 number lines see Term2
(pp. 134135) Printable Resources E, F,
G and H
14 # Adding fractions; Subtracting fractions 112 2 276279 226227 No. 122
(pp. 136137)
15 # NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 113 1 282 230231 No. 123 Check what you know
TG 230 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 138139) LB p. 279
1.1 Whole numbers No. 124
Division (3- digit by 1-digit); Division from (pp. 140141)
16 # Doubling and halving to help you with division 113 2 283 232233 No. 125
(pp. 142143)
17 # Using multiplication to help you divide; 113 *Ex. 1 284285 233235 No. 126
Check what you know 286287 236238 (pp. 144145)
18 # MEASUREMENT 114115 1 289290 240241 No. 127 Grid paper see Term2
TG 4.6 Perimeter, area and volume (pp. 146147) Printable Resources B;
239240 Getting started; Covering a page Building blocks, match
boxes, rulers, measuring
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

70Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 70 7/25/2017 11:09:35 AM

Solutions for All MathematicsWeek 4
#SupplementUseful website:
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act./ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
19 # Finding area using the number of squares 114115 Ex.1 Act. 290291 241242 No. 128 Area of circles and
2 (pp. 148149) triangles
20 # Perimeter distance around a shape 114115 3 and 4 292293 242 Grid paper see Term 2
Printable Resources B;
21 # Perimeter of shapes complex cognitive level 114115 Ex. 2 293295 242 No. 129
(pp. 150151)
22 # Building blocks and finding volume; 114115 5 and 6 295296 242243 No. 130 Blocks or match boxes,
Cubes and capacity (pp. 152153) containers of different
23 # Volume and capacity; Check what you know 114115 Ex. 3 297298 243 No. 131
(pp. 154155)
No. 132
(pp. 156157)
24 # FORMAL ASSESSMENT 312314 Photocopy the
TG 245 Investigation investigation for each
Packing and filling learner TG p. 312
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 471

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 71 7/25/2017 11:09:36 AM

Solutions for All MathematicsWeek 5
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act./ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
25 # SPACE AND SHAPE 115 1 299301 245 No. 133
3.6 Position and movement (pp. 158159)
Getting started; Fitting the pieces
26 # Finishing the puzzle; Make your own puzzle 115 Ex. 1 301302 246 No. 134 Picture, cardboard,
Act. 2 (pp. 160161) glue, scissors, pencil,
ruler, envelope
27 # Transformation 116 3 and 4 302303 246 No. 135 2-D shapes which can
Tiling the floor (pp. 162163) tessellate see Term 2
Printable Resources I
28 # PATTERNS, FUNCTIONS AND ALGEBRA 117 6 305306 247248 No. 136 Counters, matches
TG 244 2.2 Geometric patterns (pp. 164165)
Growing patterns and shrinking patterns No. 137
(pp. 166167)
29 # Growing patterns in different ways 117 Ex. 3 306307 248 No. 138
(pp. 168169)
30 # NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 118 1 310 252 No. 140 Abacuses, flard cards
TG 251 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 172173) see Term 2 Printable
1.1 Whole numbers: Addition and subtraction Resources D
Getting started; Adding on and subtracting from
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

72Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 72 7/25/2017 11:09:36 AM

Solutions for All MathematicsWeek 6
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act./ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
31 Hand back Investigation and work through
the common errors and misunderstandings
32 # Estimating before calculating 118 2 311 253 No. 141
(pp. 174175)
33 # FORMAL ASSESSMENT 315318 Photocopy the
Assignment 319320 assignment for each
Test (memo) learner TG pp. 319320;
34 # DATA HANDLING 119 1 313 256257 No. 143 Dice, coins
TG 255 5.1 Probability (pp. 178179)
Getting started; Flipping a coin and keep a
35 # Throwing a die 119 2 No. 144
(pp. 180181)
36 Hand back the Assignment and work
through the common errors and
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 473

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 73 7/25/2017 11:09:36 AM

Solutions for All MathematicsWeek 7Revision and examination do your own planning
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act./ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed






Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

74Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 74 7/25/2017 11:09:36 AM

Solutions for All MathematicsWeek 8Do your own planning
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act./ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed






Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 475

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 75 7/25/2017 11:09:36 AM

Solutions for All MathematicsWeek 9
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act./ex. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
49 Go over examination paper with the learners
and do remediation exercises on the aspects in
which the learners scored low marks


Teachers complete administrative tasks
Reflect on the year
Think about and make a note of:
1. Did you complete the curriculum according to the CAPS requirements? If not, why 4. What did learners struggle with? How can you help your group next year
not and what could you do to cover all of the work next year? understand these concepts and develop these skills better?

2. Did the tracker help with curriculum planning and coverage? How could you use it 5. What needs to be communicated to the teacher who will teach this group of
even more effectively next year? learners next year?

3. What concepts and skills did learners grasp well this year? What good practice 6. What aspects of your teaching and assessment practices would you like to develop
could you use again next year? further next year? How will you go about this?

HOD: Date:

76Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 76 7/25/2017 11:09:36 AM

8. Study and Master Mathematics

This section maps out how you should use your schools Learners Book in a way that Was your preparation for the lesson adequate? For instance: Did you have
enables you to cover the curriculum sequentially, aligning with the CAPS, for well- all the necessary resources? Did you think through the content so that you
paced and meaningful teaching. understood it fully and so could teach it effectively?
Did the purpose of the lesson succeed? For instance: Did the learners reach
The following components are provided in the columns of the tracker table:
a good understanding of the key concepts for the day? Could they use
1. Day/lesson number.
the language expected from them? Could they write what was expected
2. Mental Mathematics (MM) link (page references in TG provided, as well as
activity numbers).
Did the learners cope with the work set for the day? For instance: Did they
3. CAPS content linked to Learners Book content.
finish the classwork? Was their classwork done adequately? Did you assign
4. CAPS page numbers at the start of each new CAPS topic.
5. Learners Book exercises/activities that cover the CAPS content for the day.
Are your learners books up to date?
6. Page reference in the Learners Book (LB page reference).
Does what the learners have done in their books correlate with the tracked
7. Page reference in your Teachers Guide for the days activities
comments in the tracker?
(TG page reference).
8. DBE workbook link to related content (worksheet and page numbers Briefly write down your reflection weekly, following the prompts in the tracker.
arereferenced). What went well?
9. Resources needed for the lesson (other than the Learners Book, the What did not go well?
DBEworkbook and basic stationery). What did the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do?
10. Date completed (complete this daily). What will you do to support or extend learners?
Did you complete all the work set for the week?
#The hash tag shows which lessons, or aspects of a lesson need to be supplemented.
If not, how will you get back on track?
Make use of the exercises in the DBE workbook or consult other Learners Books and
What will you change next time? Why?
add to the exercises in the Learners Book which your school has chosen.
The reflection should be based on the daily lessons you have taught each week. It
*The asterisk shows exercises or activities which may be too long. Please select the
will provide you with a record for the next time you implement the same lesson, and
calculations you want your learners to do. Quality is better than quantity.
also forms the basis for collegial conversations with your head of department and
Weekly reflection yourpeers.

The tracker gives you space to reflect on your Mathematics lessons on a weekly basis.
You can share this reflection with your HOD and discuss things that worked or did not
go well in your lesson. Together with your HOD you can think of ways of improving the
daily work that the learners in your class are doing. When you reflect you could think
about things such as:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 477

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 77 7/25/2017 11:09:36 AM

Study and Master MathematicsWeek 1
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
1 TG NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 106 *1.1 and 246247 326330 No. 105 Flard cards see Term 2
A. 326 RELATIONSHIPS 1.2 (pp. 100101) Printable Resources D;
LB 1.1 Whole numbers Also 2.1 Counters, place value
Q. 246 Counting, ordering, comparing, representing and 2.2 cards
and place value of digits; Rules for working
with numbers
2 TG NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 107 3.1 and 250 331332 No. 106
A. 328 RELATIONSHIPS 3.2 (pp. 102103)
LB 1.1 Whole numbers
Q. 248 Addition and subtraction of whole numbers with
at least 4 digits; Working with 4 digit numbers
3 TG Inverse operations 107 4.1 251 332333 No. 107 Addition and
A. 331 (pp. 104105) subtraction cards:
LB I have
Q. 250
4 TG Building up and breaking down with carrying 107 *5.1 and 252 334336 No. 108
A. 332 5.2 (pp. 106107
Q. 251
5 TG Estimating and problem solving 107 *6.1 and 253 336339 No. 109
A. 334 6.2 340341 (pp. 108109)
LB No. 110
Q. 252 (pp. 110109)
6 TG MEASUREMENT 108110 7.1 254 343 No. 111 A variety of mass
A. 336 Mass (pp. 112113) measuring instruments;
LB Practical measurement; Written activity Items which can be
Q. 252 measured household
items with mass clearly
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

78Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 78 7/25/2017 11:09:36 AM

Study and Master MathematicsWeek 2
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
7 TG Estimation rounding up or down 108110 8.1 255 344 No. 112
A. 343 (pp. 113114)
Q. 254
8 TG More addition and subtraction with mass 108110 9.1 255 346 No. 113a
A. 344 (pp. 116117)
Q. 255
9 TG Multiplication and division with mass; 108110 10.1 257 347348 No. 113b Wall chart with
A. 345 Conversion between grams and kilograms (pp. 118119) examples of
LB conversions
Q. 255
10 TG Problem solving with mass 108110 11.1 257 349350 No. 114
A. 346 (pp. 120121)
Q. 256
11 TG SHAPE AND SPACE 111 12.1 and 259 352 No. 116 Shapes on dotted
A. 349 3.2 Properties of 3-D objects 12.2 (pp. 124125) paper TG pp. 418419
Q. 257
12 TG Building models of 3-D objects 111 13.1 261 352353 No. 117 Dotted paper,
A. 353 (pp. 126127) cardboard, scissors,
LB pencil, ruler
Q. 261
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 479

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 79 7/25/2017 11:09:36 AM

Study and Master MathematicsWeek 3
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
13 TG Building models of 3-D objects (cont.) 111 13.2 261 352353 Straws and putty or clay
A. 353
Q. 262
14 TG Visualise and name objects according to their 111 14.1 263 353354
A. 353 properties
Q. 264
15 TG NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 112 15.1 264 335336 No. 118 Fraction strips for each
A. 356 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 128129) learner; Fraction wall
LB 1.1 Common fractions TG p. 403; Fraction
Q. 265 Order and compare fractions circles TG p. 404
16 TG Calculate with fractions 112 16.1 267 356357 No. 119 Fraction number lines
A. 358 (pp. 130131) see Term 2 Printable
LB Resources G
Q. 267
17 TG Fractions with whole numbers 112 17.1 267 358359 No. 120
A. 359 (pp. 132133)
LB No. 121
Q. 268 (pp. 134135)
18 TG Problem solving with fractions 112 18.1 268 359360 No. 122 Fraction snap
A. 364 (pp. 136137) TG p. 428
LB No. 123
Q. 271 (pp. 138139)
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

80Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 80 7/25/2017 11:09:36 AM

Study and Master MathematicsWeek 4
Useful website:
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
19 TG NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 113 19.1 and 271 364 No. 124 Division Bingo
A. 364 RELATIONSHIPS 20.1 (pp. 140141) TG p. 432;
LB 1.1 Whole numbers Revision with fractions
Q. 271 Division (3-digit by 1-digit) LB p. 270
20 TG Strategies for division 21.1 274 367368 No. 125
A. 365 (pp. 142143)
Q. 272
21 TG Revision 113 369 No. 126
A. 367 A. 370 (pp. 144145)
Q. 273
22 TG MEASUREMENT 114115 22.1 276 372 No. 127
A. 371 4.6 Perimeter, area and volume (pp. 146147)
LB Perimeter practical
Q. 275
23 TG Perimeter of regular and irregular shapes 114115 22.2 276 372373 No. 128 Tape measure and wool
A. 371 (pp. 148149) or string, trundle wheel,
LB metre stick, rulers
Q. 275
24 TG Area tessellation 114115 23.1 278279 374375 No. 129 Grid paper
A. 374 (pp. 150151) TG p. 416
Q. 278
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 481

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 81 7/25/2017 11:09:36 AM

Study and Master MathematicsWeek 5
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
25 TG Area straight sides and curved sides 114115 23.2 279 375 No. 130 Grid paper for each
A. 375 (pp. 152153) learner TG p. 416
Q. 280
26 TG Volume; Investigate solid shapes that have 114115 24.1 281 376 No. 131 Dienes blocks or
A. 374 volume and 3-D containers that have capacity (pp. 154155) coloured cubes,
LB No. 132 containers of different
Q. 278 (pp. 156157) capacities
27 TG SPACE AND SHAPE 115 25.1 283 378 No. 133 Revision and
A. 378 3.6 Position and movement (pp. 158159) consolidation
LB Working with grids LB p. 281
Q. 282
28 TG Grids on maps 115 26.1 284 379 No. 134
A. 379 (pp. 160161)
Q. 282
29 TG 3.4 Transformations 116 27.1 and 286287 380 No. 135 Cardboard to make
A. 380 More tessellations 27.2 (pp. 162163) shapes which tessellate
LB TG pp. 411414
Q. 285
30 TG Describe patterns 116 28.1 289290 381 No. 136
A. 381 (pp. 164165)
LB No. 137
Q. 287 (pp. 166167)
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

82Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 82 7/25/2017 11:09:36 AM

Study and Master MathematicsWeek 6
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
31 TG PATTERNS, FUNCTIONS AND ALGEBRA 117 29.1 289290 382384 No. 138
A. 382 2.2 Geometric patterns (pp. 168169)
Q. 289
32 TG Growing patterns 117 30.1 291292 385386 No. 139 Flow charts template
A. 385 (pp. 170171) see Term 3 Printable
LB Resources F
Q. 391
33 TG NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND 118 31.1 293 387388 No. 140 Addition Bingo sheets
A. 387 RELATIONSHIPS (pp. 172173) TG p.432; Flard cards
LB 1.1 Whole numbers see Term 2 Printable
Q. 293 Addition and subtraction; Use place value to Resources D
add and subtract
34 TG Use 10-strips to add and subtract 118 32.1 and 295 390391 No. 141
A. 389 Investigation: 32.2 (pp. 174175)
LB How many eyes?
Q. 294
35 TG DATA HANDLING 119 33.1 296297 392 No. 142 A coin and a die for
A. 392 5.1 Probability (pp. 176177) each learner
Q. 296
36 TG Experiments and actual outcomes 119 34.1 and 297298 393 No. 143 A coin and a die for
A. 392 34.2 (pp. 178179) each learner
Q. 297
Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 483

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 83 7/25/2017 11:09:36 AM

Study and Master MathematicsWeek 7Revision and examination do your own planning
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed






Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

84Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 84 7/25/2017 11:09:36 AM

Study and Master MathematicsWeek 8Do your own planning
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed






Think about and make a note of: What went well? What did not go well? What did What will you change next time? Why?
the learners find difficult or easy to understand or do? What will you do to support or
extend learners? Did you complete all the work set for the week? If not, how will you
get back on track?

HOD: Date:

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 485

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 85 7/25/2017 11:09:36 AM

Study and Master MathematicsWeek 9
Day MM CAPS concepts and skills CAPS LB LB TG DBE Resources Class
pp. act. pp. pp. workbook
Date completed
49 Go over examination paper with the learners
and do remediation exercises on the aspects in
which the learners scored low marks


Teachers complete administrative tasks
Reflect on the year
Think about and make a note of:
1. Did you complete the curriculum according to the CAPS requirements? If not, 4. What did learners struggle with? How can you help your group next year understand
why not and what could you do to cover all of the work next year? these concepts and develop these skills better?

2. Did the tracker help with curriculum planning and coverage? How could you use 5. What needs to be communicated to the teacher who will teach this group of learners
it even more effectively next year? next year?

3. What concepts and skills did learners grasp well this year? What good practice 6. What aspects of your teaching and assessment practices would you like to develop
could you use again next year? further next year? How will you go about this?

HOD: Date:

86Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 86 7/25/2017 11:09:36 AM


The term plan shown in the table below gives an overview of how the assessment in a Learners Book, you shoud not use it for formal assessment as learners will have a
programme fits into the weekly planned lessons. chance to prepare for it in advance. It can, however, be used for practice and revision.
You can, of course, use any of the exmemplar assessment tasks in any of the LTSMs
In Term 4, according to the CAPS, you need to set and mark one assignment, one
that you find suitable, or you can set your own tasks.
investigation and an end-of-year examination. You may carry out other informal
assessment activities (using your textbook or other resources) at your discretion. Note You need to go over any assessments when you hand them back to your learners. Time
that, if these requirement are changed by the DBE, you should adjust your formal is allocated in the tracker for this purpose.
assessment programme accordingly.
You have to plan the dates on which other informal tests and assignments will be
The formal end-of-year examination should be written during Week 7. The assignment written, should you wish to do so.
and investigation are noted in the tracker, corresponding to the LTSM which you are using.
A suggested mark record sheet is provided for you to record the marks for the
Most of the LTSMs provide examples of the formal assessment tasks for this term. In investigation, the assignment and the examination. There are some blank columns in
addition, there is an exemplar examination in this document, along with a memorandum it for you to add your marks from any other assessment activities that you have done
and analysis of cognitive levels and their weightings. Where the formal examination is in the term.

CAPS informal CAPS informal CAPS informal Formal assessment: investigation and Formal assessment:
assessment (Week 3) assessment (Week 6) assessment (Week 9) assignment examination
Concepts covered 4-digit numbers; adding Fractions; division of Addition and subtraction Topics from the whole
and subtracting with 3-digit numbers by 1-digit with 4-digit numbers; year
4-digit numbers; mass; numbers; perimeter, area transformations; location;
3-D objects and volume probability
Premier Mathematics TG p. 149 TG p. 154 TG pp. 155156 Week 3 End-of-year
Answers TG p. 167 Answers TG p. 167 Answers TG p. 167 Assignment: Measurement of mass etc. examination
TG p. 97 TG pp. 157160
LB p.186 Answers TG p. 168
Week 4
Investigation: The need for standard
units of measurement.
TG Teacher information. p. 150
Investigation sheet 1 p. 151
Investigation sheet 2 p. 152
Rubric p. 153

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 487

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 87 7/25/2017 11:09:36 AM

CAPS informal CAPS informal CAPS informal Formal assessment: investigation and Formal assessment:
assessment (Week 3) assessment (Week 6) assessment (Week 9) assignment examination
Viva Mathematics Answers TG p. 95 Answers TG p. 103 Answers TG p. 111 Week 5 No examination
Assessment LB p. 187 Assessment LB p. 206 Assessment LB p. 225 Investigation: How many carpet tiles do provided
I need?
TG p. 102
LB p. 205
No assignment provided
Platinum Revision exercises which could be used as informal assessments: Week 2 Exemplar
Mathematics TG p. 126 Investigation: Delivering letters examination
LB p. 171 TG Background p. 135 TG pp. 170171
TG p. 135 Answers p. 135 Answers TG pp.
LB p. 181 Rubric pp. 136137 160161
TG p. 142 LB pp. 172173
LB p. 191 Week 5
TG p. 149 Assignment: Design and build a roof
LB p. 201 TG Background p. 149
Rubric p. 150
LB pp. 192193
Oxford Headstart Assessment 10 Assessment 11 Assessment 12 Week 5 Practise exam
Mathematics Answers TG p. 313: Answers TG p. 336 Answers TG pp. 359360 Investigation Answers
Assessment LB p. 267 Assessment LB p. 291 Assessment LB p. 310 Answers TG p. 333 TG pp. 362363
Investigation LB p. 287 Practise exam
No assignment is provided LB pp. 315316
Oxford Successful Revision 10 Revision 11 Revision 12 Week 3 No examination
Mathematics Answers TG p. 145 Answers TG p. 153 Answers TG pp. 206208 Assignment 2: Number patterns provided
Revision LB p. 227 Revision LB p. 248 Revision LB p. 270 Answers TG p. 208
We suggest that this is We suggest that this is We suggest that this is Assignment LB p. 273
used for assessment used for assessment used for assessment Week 5
Investigation 1: 2-D shapes
TG p. 209 answers and rubric, LB p. 274

88Grade 4 Mathematics

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 88 7/25/2017 11:09:36 AM

CAPS informal CAPS informal CAPS informal Formal assessment: investigation and Formal assessment:
assessment (Week 3) assessment (Week 6) assessment (Week 9) assignment examination
Fabulous Revision at the end of Revision at the end of Revision at the end of Week 1 Final examination
Mathematics each chapter could each chapter could each chapter could Assignment: Whole numbers TG pp. 215217
be used as informal be used as informal be used as informal TG p. 209 (exercise); p. 210 (answers) Answers
assessment assessment assessment Week 5 TG pp. 218219
Investigation: Symmetry and
TG pp. 200201
Solutions for All Check what you know at Check what you know at Check what you know at Week 4 No examination
Mathematics the end of each chapter the end of each chapter the end of each chapter Investigation: Packing and filling provided
could be used as informal could be used as informal could be used as informal TG p. 312314: Focus points; discussion and Comprehensive
assessment assessment assessment solutions revision chapter
Week 6 TG pp. 259266
Assignment: test LB pp. 316327
TG p. 315318
TG p. 319320
Study and Master Assessment Task 1 Assessment Task 2 Week 6 No examination
Mathematics TG. pp. 340341 TG. p. 369 Investigation: How many eyes? provided
Answers TG p. 342 Answers TG p. 370 Answers TG pp. 390391
LB p. 295 act. 32.2
No assignment is provided

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 489

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2. Grade 4 Mathematics Examination Exemplar: Term4

Boy Girl

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 90

Date of birth ________

90Grade 4 Mathematics
Date: _________________ 50

1. Time: 60 minutes.
2. Answer all the questions.
3. Write neatly and show all your calculations.
4. No calculators may be used.

Question 1


Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1.1 Which pair of dice does not fit with the others? (1)

A. B. C. D. E.

1.2 How many white tiles are there on a chessboard?


A. 64 B. 32 C. 24 D. 56 E. 72

1.3 How tall is Jackie?



A. 1,64 cm B. 1,57 cm C. 1,73 cm D. 1,62 c m E. 1,67 cm

1.4 This analogue clock shows the time at night. What will a digital clock show for the same time? (1)

A. 10:02 B. 10:10 C. 10:12 D. 22:02 E. 22:10

1.5 R35 is shared equally amongst four children. How much does each child receive? (1)

A. R8,25 B. R8,50 C. R8,75 D. R8,57 E. R8,07

7/25/2017 11:09:37 AM
Question 1

1.1 Write these numbers in order from the biggest to the smallest: (1)


Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 91


1.2 What is the place value of the underlined digit in 13425?(1)


1.3 Round 9021 off to the nearest 100. (1)


Question 2

2.1 Complete the patterns: (1)

0 1 2 4 1
6 6 6

b. 39; 44; 49; ___; ____ (1)



d. Fill in the missing number on the second diagram. (1)

33 98 25 500 ___ 250 7 24 8

40 750 9

e. Look at the pattern of the squares below:

1 2 3 4

Now complete the table. (2)

Pattern number 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of squares 6 10 15 21
Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 491

7/25/2017 11:09:37 AM
2.2 Circle the multiples of 7 in the pentagon. (1)




Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 92

92Grade 4 Mathematics
Question 3

Calculate using any method. You must show all your steps in your calculations.

a. 4749 + 4687 b. 4458 766

(2) (2)
c. 79 26 d. 347 5

(3) (3)

Question 4

Use the fraction wall to help you.

1 whole

1 1
2 2
1 1 1
3 3 3
1 1 1 1
4 4 4 4
1 1 1 1 1
5 5 5 5 5
1 1 1 1 1 1
6 6 6 6 6 6
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
7 7 7 7 7 7 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
7/25/2017 11:09:37 AM
4.1 Fill in with <, > or =

a. 3 1 (1)
8 4
b. 5 3 (1)
8 5
4.2 Work out the answer: (1)

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 93

1 + 2 + 1 = _____
6 6 6
4.3 Complete the fraction:
4 = (1)
8 2

Question 5

5.1 Arrange the objects from the heaviest object to the lightest.

(Write only the names of the objects in your answer.) (1)

a. b. c. d.

2,5 kg 125 g 8g 1 kg
Flour Soap Pencil Pasta

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________

5.2 Convert these lengths: (2)

a. 10000 m = ___________________ km

b. 4 m 975 cm = ___________________ cm

5.3 Ntombi went to buy meat. Her mother gave her R60 to buy chicken, R80 to buy sausage and R40 to
buy stewing meat.


Sausage: R40 per kilogram

Chicken: R40 per kilogram

Stewing meat: R40 per kilogram

The chicken costs R40 per kilogram, the sausage costs R40 per kilogram and the stewing meat also
costs R40 per kilogram.

How many kilograms of each type of meat can she buy? (3)

Chicken __________ kg Sausage _____________ kg Stewing meat _________ kg

5.4 Tumi is baking a cake. She has a full 2 litre bottle of milk.

She needs 500 millilitres of milk for her cake.

How much milk will be left over?

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 493

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Question 6

Complete the table. (3)

Object Name

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 94


94Grade 4 Mathematics


Question 7

7.1 Look at the grid and answer the questions.


What picture is in D1? __________________________ (1)

What block is the small dog in? __________________________ (1)

Draw a triangle in B2. (2)

Draw a pentagon in D4. (2)

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Question 8

8.1 What shape is used to make this tessellation pattern in the picture?  (1)

Gr 4 Maths Tracker Term 4 2017 KZN 132.indd 95

Answer: _________________________________

Question 9

9.1 Here is a rectangle.

Get your ruler.

Measure the rectangle in cm and calculate its perimeter.

Show how you work it out. (2)

9.2 What is the area of the rectangle? (1)


 TOTAL: _____
Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 495

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3. Grade 4 Mathematics Examination Memorandum: Term4 Expected answer Marks Content Cognitive
area level
Note: The last column in the memorandum shows the cognitive level for each
Question 2
question in the test.
2.1 a 3 5
; 1 mark for getting 1 K
The levels are: 6 6 both correct or no
K: Knowledge: straight recall; use of mathematical facts and vocabulary; (1)
rounding off
2.1 b 54; 59 1 mark for getting 2 RP
RP: Routine procedure: perform well-known procedures; simple applications both correct or no
C: Complex procedure: problems involving complex calculations and/or higher (1)
order reasoning 2.1 c 1 mark for getting 2 RP
both correct or no
P: Problem solving non-routine problems: higher order understanding and processes.
More information about these levels can be found in the CAPS (p. 296). (1)
2.1 d 24 1 mark for the correct 2 C
Expected answer Marks Content Cognitive answer
area level (1)

SECTION A 2.1 e 28 squares in pattern 5 1 mark each 2 C

36 squares in pattern 6 (2)
Question 1
2.2 35; 49 1 mark for getting 1 K
1.1 D 1 mark each 1 K both correct or
1.2 (5) 1 C no mark
1.3 A 4 RP
Question 3
1.4 E 4 C
a (4000 + 700 + 40 + 9) + 1 mark for working 1 RP
1.5 C 4 P (4000 + 600 + 80 + 7) out and 1 mark for
SECTION B = (4000 + 4000) + (700 + the correct answer
600) + (40 + 80) + (9 + 7) (2)
Question 1
= 8000 + 1300 + 120 + 16 Please note that
1.1 6201, 6120, 6021, 6012, 1 mark each 1 K = 9436 other strategies can
6010, 6 001 (3) be used
1.2 3 000 1 K
1.3 9000 1 K

96Grade 4 Mathematics

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Expected answer Marks Content Cognitive Expected answer Marks Content Cognitive
area level area level
b 3 1
1 mark for working 1 RP 5.3 1 1 mark each 1 P
4 458 Chicken 1 2 kg (or 1,5 kg) ,
766 out and 1 mark for Sausage 2 kg , Stewing (3)
3 692 the correct answer Beef 1 kg
Please note that 5.4 1 1 mark for working 1 C
other strategies can 2 000 m 500 m = 1 2
or 1,5 or 1500 m out and 1 mark for
be used the correct answer
c (70 + 9) 26 2 marks for working 1 RP (2)
= (70 26) + (9 26) out and 1 mark for Question 6
= (70 20) + 70 6) + the correct answer
(9 20) + (9 6) (3) a Cylinder 1 mark each 3 RP
= 1400 + 420 + 180 + 54 Please note that (3)
b Cone 3 RP
= 1820 + 234 other strategies can
= 2054 be used c Rectangular prism 3 RP
d 347 5 2 marks for working 1 RP Question 7
= (300 5) + (40 5) + out and 1 mark for 7.1 a Cat 1 mark for the correct 5 K
(7 5) the correct answer answer
= 60 + 8 + 1 rem. 2 (3) (1)
= 69 rem. 2 Please note that
other strategies can 7.1 b B4 1 mark for the correct 5 K
be used answer
Question 4
7.1 c Triangle in B2 (see 1 mark for the correct 5 K
4.1 a > 1 mark each 1 RP diagram below) shape and 1 mark
4.1 b (4) 1 RP for the correct grid
4.2 4
1 RP (2)
7.1 d Pentagon in D4 (see 1 mark for the correct 5 K
4.3 1
1 RP
2 diagram below) shape and 1 mark
for the correct grid
Question 5 square
5.1 Flour, pasta, soap, pencil 1 mark each 4 RP (2)
5.2 a (3) 4 RP
10 km
5.2 b 1375 cm 4 RP

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Expected answer Marks Content Cognitive 4. Analysis of Weightings of Marks: Term4
area level
Table 1 shows the CAPS specification for the weighting of content areas in the Term4
examination, the number of marks this equates to in a test out of 50 marks, and the
A B C D marks out of 50 allocated to each content area in the Term4 examination.

Table 1: Weighting of content areas

CAPS 100% Marks per area Marks per area
in a test out of in the Term4
50 examination
2 Numbers, operations 50% 25 25
and relationships
Patterns, functions and 10% 5 5
3 algebra
Space and shape 15% 7,5 8
Measuring 15% 7,5 8
4 Data handling 10% 5 4
100 50 50

Table 2 below shows the percentage of marks and the number of marks out of 50 that
Question 8
should be allocated to cognitive levels, and the number of marks out of 50 in each
8.1 Triangles 1 mark for the correct 3 K level in the Term4 examination.
Table 2: Weighting of cognitive levels in the Term4 examination
Question 9
Cognitive level Specified Specified Marks out of
9.1 9 cm + 9 cm + 2 cm 1 mark for working 3 C percentage of percentages as 50 at each level
+ 2 cm = 22 cm out and 1 mark for marks at each marks for a test in the Term4
the correct answer level out of 50 examination
Knowledge 25% 12,5 11
Please be flexible
as sometimes the Routine procedures 45% 22,5 24
printing process Complex procedures 20% 10 10
alters the sizes of
shapes Problem solving 10% 5 5
9.2 18 1 mark for the correct 3 C 100 50 50
(1) Both tables show that the examination complies with the specified weightings.

98Grade 4 Mathematics

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5. Suggested Assessment Record: Term4









YEAR: ............




No. SURNAME NAME 75% 25% 100%
HOD signature
TEACHER signature

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 499

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Lists of the printable resources available in the trackers for Terms 1, 2 and 3 and in 1. Lists of printable resources and examples of resources
the various LTSMs are given below. No additional printable resources are provided provided in the Term1, 2 and 3 trackers
for Term4. Should you need any of these resources, you should copy them from the
previous trackers or from one of the LTSMs as appropriate. Printable Resources: Printable Resources: Printable Resources:
Term1 tracker Term2 tracker Term3 tracker
Resources for each day of teaching Grid paper Grid paper Example of a vocabulary
wall chart
There are also other resources such as informal resources (for example, old magazines,
Dotted paper Dotted paper Example of a
pieces of string, scrap paper, etc.) that you may need in certain lessons. You should
multiplication strategies
have a careful look at the list of resources needed for each lesson, which is given in the wall chart
tracker each day, to see which resources you will need for that day. Prepare yourself so
Flard cards Flard cards Example of 2-D shapes
that you have the necessary resources for the lessons on a daily basis.
worksheet and wall chart
Analogue clock faces Fraction strips Playing cards and
instructions for game
History of time Fraction wall Tangram
Tangram Fraction number lines Flow chart template
2-D shapes Fraction circles Tables 2 to 10
Data handling: Number of 2-D shapes 2-D shapes to tessellate
vowels in a paragraph
The data cycle 3-D objects
Number lines 2-D shapes and 3-D
Numbers grid (1100) Net of a cube
Table of division
Symmetry number line

100Grade 4 Mathematics

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2. Printable resources per set of Learners Book and Teachers 6. Fabulous Mathematics (Teachers Guide)
Guide Appendix A: Clocks p. 216
Appendix B: Shapes p. 217
1. Premier Mathematics (Teachers Guide) Appendix C: Shapes p. 218
Grid paper p. 169 Appendices D and F: Grid paper pp. 219, 221
Shapes p. 171 Appendix E: Shapes table p. 220
Tangrams p. 172 Appendix G: Table for Activity 1 and revision activity p. 222
Dotted grid with arithmetic problems p. 173
Time p. 174 7. Solutions for All Mathematics
No photocopiable resources provided.
2. Viva Mathematics (Teachers Guide)
Copy master 1a: Number grid 1500 p. 137 8. Study and Master Mathematics (Teachers Guide)
1b: Number grid 5011 000 p. 138 Flow diagrams pp. 400401
2: Number lines p. 139 Mental Mathematics: flard cards pp. 405406
3: Place value cards p. 140 Fraction wall p. 403
4: Tangrams p. 141 Fraction circles p. 404
5a: Large clock p. 142 3-D objects pp. 421422
5b: Small clocks p. 143 Shapes: regular polygons pp. 411414
6: Base 10 apparatus (thousands, hundreds, tens, units) p. 144 Dotted paper p. 417
7: Net for making dice p. 145 Grid paper p. 416
8: 1cm 1cm grid paper p. 146 Shapes on dotted grid pp. 418419
9: 2cm 2cm grid paper p. 147 Bingo games and answer sheets p. 432
10: Dotty paper triangles p. 148 Tangram p. 433
11a: RSA money: coins p. 151 Place value boards, answer grid and multiplication grid p. 408
11b: RSA money p. 152
12: Flow diagrams p. 153
13: Times tables 210 p. 154

3. Platinum Mathematics (Learners Book)

Hundred square p. 209

4. Oxford Headstart Mathematics (Teachers Guide)

Grid paper p. 281

5. Oxford Successful Maths

No photocopiable resources provided.

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 4101

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102Grade 4 Mathematics

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If learners successfully complete the daily classwork activities ahead of the rest of the Using the enrichment activity cards
class, be prepared to give them some enrichment activities. Textbooks differ in how
much they offer in terms of enrichment activities, so be sure to consult your textbook Optional as required.
so that you know what it has to offer. Many of the Teachers Guides offer suggestions These cards include activities that you can use for enrichment opportunities for learners
for enrichment activities. who have completed the lesson activities ahead of the rest of the class. Learners should
In this section we provide you with a set of 32 cards for use as enrichment activities. complete the activities on these cards with their peers who have also completed the
Many of these activities teach the learners to problem solve in a systematic, logical classwork. You may need to explain some of the activities to the learners who use
manner, and often require thinking out of the box. The emphasis here is to give them. Remind the learners to ask you questions about any of the enrichment activities
the learners mathematically enriching activities and not merely additional classwork that they are doing so that you can guide them as necessary.
activities. Let the learners work in small groups so that they can share ideas and learn Photocopy the enrichment cards, paste them onto cardboard and laminate them (if
together. possible) so that they can be used as a resource, not only this year but in the future as

Put the cards into a box in a set place in your classroom so that learners know where
to find them. These cards are for all learners and do not have to be used in a particular
order. Learners should keep a record of the cards they have completed, so that they
continue to choose a new card each time they go to the box. Learners must be taught
to replace the cards in numeric order in the box so that everyone who looks for a card
can easily find the one they want to use.

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 4103

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Enrichment activity 1 Enrichment activity 2


At a party each child gets of a pizza. There were 12 pizzas altogether. How
many children were at the party?

A 4
B 36 This analogue clock shows the time at night. What will a digital clock show for
the same time?
C 48
D 24 A 10:02
E 12 B 10:10
C 10:12
D 22:02
E 22:10

Enrichment activity 3 Enrichment activity 4

Which circle is the odd one out? AMESA CHALLENGE

How many people can sit at 20

small tables?

A 40
At your birthday party, you make
B 42
one long table by joining some small
tables together. C 20
Two people can sit at every small D 22
table and one person can sit at each E 46
C D end of the long table.

104Grade 4 Mathematics

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Enrichment activity 1: Answers Enrichment activity 2: Answers

Answer: B Answer: E

B. 1 pizza is shared between 3 children. E. It is night, so 22:10

So 12 pizzas are shared between

12 3 = 36 children.

Enrichment activity 3: Answers Enrichment activity 4: Answers

Answer: A, B or D Answer: B

A: All the other circles are divided into unequal parts. 20 2 people at the two sides, plus 1 at each end, so 42 people

B: All the other circles are crossed by an odd number of lines You could work it out like this:

D: The number of lines is not consecutive with the others (20 2) + 2 = 42

1, 2, 3 .. 5

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Enrichment activity 5 Enrichment activity 6

Which number is exactly halfway between 64 and 96? What mass is indicated on the scale?

A 79 40 kg
B 81

C 82

D 80
E 78 A 42 kg
B 40,2 kg
C 44 kg
D 40,4 kg
E 47 kg

Enrichment activity 7 Enrichment activity 8

Brenda is 170 cm and Thandi is 105 cm. Which figure is the odd one out?

How much taller is Brenda than Thandi?

A 65 m
B 65 cm
C 65 mm
D 1,8 m
E 1,65 m

Brenda Thandi

106Grade 4 Mathematics

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Enrichment activity 5: Answers Enrichment activity 6: Answers

Answer: D Answer: C

(64 + 96) 2 = 80 Each unit is 2 kg.

Or So 40 kg + (2 2 kg) = 44 kg

96 64 = 32

Half of 32 is 16

So 64 + 16 = 80

Enrichment activity 7: Answers Enrichment activity 8: Answers

Answer: B Answer: C

170 cm 105 cm = 65 cm A: is a triangle shape and the person has 3 body parts: head, body and one

B: is a square and the person has 4 body parts: head, body and 2 legs.

C: is a pentagon and the person has 6 body parts.

D: is a hexagon and the person has 6 body parts.

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Enrichment activity 9 Enrichment activity 10

What number am I? Five soccer teams play matches. Each team plays each of the others once. How
many matches are played?

I have 2 digits. A 20
B 12
I am an even number. C 6
I am less than 15. D 10
E 15
I am 5 more than 5.

I come after 9.

Enrichment activity 11 Enrichment activity 12

If A = 13 The following pattern is repeated. What is the colour of square 61?

and B = 3A

and C = A + B

What is the value of C?

108Grade 4 Mathematics

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Enrichment activity 9: Answers Enrichment activity 10: Answers

Answer: I am number 10 Answer: 10

Let the soccer teams be 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

List all the possibilities and be systematic:

1 vs. 2, 2 vs. 3, 3 vs. 4, 4 vs.5

1 vs. 3, 2 vs. 4, 3 vs.5

1 vs. 4, 2 vs. 5

1 vs.5

(Can you see any patterns?)

Enrichment activity 11: Answers Enrichment activity 12: Answers

Answer: 52 Answer: Black

A = 13 The repeated pattern has 3 squares (1 black + 2 white).

B = 3 13 = 39 61 3 = 20 remainder 1, so the 61st square is the start of the next 3 squares and
starts with black.
C = 13 + 39 = 52
Solution: You could draw more squares until you reach the 61st one. This would
take a lot of time. Also, what if you were asked: What is the colour of the 1000th
square? It is not practical to draw 1000 squares.

Be clever!

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 4109

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Enrichment activity 13 Enrichment activity 14

Complete the number sentences with How many hours and minutes are there from 6:10pm to 8:20am the next
+, , and/or to make the answer correct. morning?

a. 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 = 1

b. 5 __ 5 __ 5 __ 5 = 25

Be clever and do these in an easy way!

a. 57 + 16 + 61 + 84 + 43 = ___

b. 39 + 73 + 41 + 17 = ___

Enrichment activity 15 Enrichment activity 16

Three soccer teams, The Lions, The Bulls and The Impis play matches. Complete the number sentences with +, , , and/or brackets () to make the
answers correct.
Each team plays against every other team one match only.
a. 1 __ 2 __ 3 = 1
How many matches are there?
b. 1 __ 2 __ 3 __ 4 = 1

c. 8 __ 3 __ 4 = 20

d. 12 __ 3 __ 5 = 9

110Grade 4 Mathematics

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Enrichment activity 13: Answers Enrichment activity 14: Answers

Answers Answers Answer: 14 hours and 10 minutes

a. 1 + 1 1 1 = 1 a. 261 6:10 pm to 6:10 am is 12 hours

or 1 1 1 1 = 1 Add the units to get 21. Add the 6:10 to 8:10 is 2 hours.
tens to get 240. 240 + 21 = 261
or 1 1 1 + 1 = 1 10 minutes left to 8:20
b. 170
b. 5 5 5 5 = 25
Total 14 hours 10 minutes
39 + 41 = 40 + 40 = 80

73 + 17 = 80 + 10 = 90

The answer is 80 + 90 = 170

Enrichment activity 15: Answers Enrichment activity 16: Answers

Answer: 3 soccer matches 1. Answer: (1 + 2) 3 = 1

The Lions against The Bulls 2. Answer: 1 (2 + 3) 4 = 1

or (1 2 + 3) 4 = 1
The Lions against The Impis
3. Answer: 8 + (3 4) = 20
The Bulls against The Impis or (8 3) 4 = 20

4. Answer: (12 3) + 5 = 9

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 4111

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Enrichment activity 17 Enrichment activity 18

This riddle must be done IN YOUR HEAD and NOT using paper and pen or a Fill each square with a number to make the addition result correct.
calculator. Try it!

Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000 to it.

Now add 30. And another 1000.

Now add 20. Now add another 1000. Now add 10.

What is the total?

Enrichment activity 19 Enrichment activity 20

How many millilitres of Coke are in

each can?

A 25
B 80
C 340
D 750
E 1250
How many light squares are on a chess board?

112Grade 4 Mathematics

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Enrichment activity 17: Answers Enrichment activity 18: Answers

Answer: Answer:

Did you get 5000?

Most of us did, but thats wrong.

The answer is 4100.

Believe it; use a calculator.

Enrichment activity 19: Answers Enrichment activity 20: Answers

Answer: 32 Answer: C 340 ml

Half of 8 8 = 32 white squares or

(8 8) 2 = 32

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Enrichment activity 21 Enrichment activity 22

AMESA CHALLENGE 1. How many multiples of 5 are there between 0 and 75?

What fraction of the chessboard is shaded black? 2. How many factors of 24 are there?
A 64
B 32
C 18
D 2
E 3

Enrichment activity 23 Enrichment activity 24

1. Which number is a multiple of 3? How do you write a number sentence

A 23
B 33 1. 23 using only the number 2?
C 34 2. 34 using only the number 3?
D 44
3. 56 using only the number 5?
2. Which number is not a factor of 15?
4. 100 using only the number 9?
A 2
B 3
C 5
D 15

114Grade 4 Mathematics

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Enrichment activity 21: Answers Enrichment activity 22: Answers
1 1. Answer: 15 multiples
Answer: D 2
5, 10, 15, 20 75

2. Answer: 8 factors in 24

1 24 = 24

2 12 = 24

3 8 = 24

4 6 = 24

Enrichment activity 23: Answers Enrichment activity 24: Answers

1. Answer: B By using fractions

2. Answer: A 2
1. Answer: 22 + 2
= 23
2. Answer: 33 + 3
= 34
3. Answer: 55 + 5
= 56
4. Answer: 99 + 9
= 100

Or like this:

22 + (2 2); 33 + (3 3); etc.

Teacher Toolkit: Planner and Tracker 2017 Term 4115

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Enrichment activity 25 Enrichment activity 26

I am thinking of a number. Find the odd one out.

If you add 10 to it and divide the sum by 5, you get 7.

What number am I thinking of? 16

36 54
64 9
81 1

Enrichment activity 27 Enrichment activity 28

I am thinking of a number. In a flow diagram, 7 is the input and 13 is the output. What is the output for 16?

If you multiply it by 9 and then subtract 4, the answer is 41.

What is my number?

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Enrichment activity 25: Answers Enrichment activity 26: Answers

Answer: 25 Do the opposite calculations or Answer: 54

Work backwards All the others are squares:
25 + 10 = 35
7 * 5 = 35 The rule is: each number is multiplied by itself.
35 5 = 7
And 35 10 = 25 11=2
Or flow diagram:
Check your answer! 22=4
? + 10 5 7
And work backwards on the flow
4 4 = 16
5 5 = 25

Enrichment activity 27: Answers Enrichment activity 28: Answers

Answer: 5 Answer: 31

(9 ?) 4 = 41 The rule is: I multiplied the number by 2 and subtracted 1.

9 5 = 45 7 2 1 = 14

?=5 So 16 2 1 = 32 1 = 31

Or flow diagram

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Enrichment activity 29 Enrichment activity 30

I am thinking of a number. Does man A, B or C come next in the series?

It is a multiple of 5.

It is a multiple of 4. ?
It is even.

It has an even number of tens.

It is greater than 75 and less than 100

What is the number? 1 2 3

Enrichment activity 31 Enrichment activity 32

These figures form a pattern. Which is the odd one out? Each of these scales is balanced.

What shape must be added to the third scale to keep it balanced?



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Enrichment activity 29: Answers Enrichment activity 30: Answers

Answer: The number is 80. Answer: C

One part is added to the man in each picture. In A and B, more than one part
was added, so they are not correct.

Enrichment activity 31: Answers Enrichment activity 32: Answers

Answer: C Answer: Circle

In pattern C the square and the triangle are in the wrong order. The square is double the value of the circle and the triangle is double the value
of the square, so the triangle must be four times the circle.

1 square = 2 circles

1 triangle = 2 squares

So 1 triangle = 4 squares

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This remediation section of the tracker gives more activities which can be used to This collaboration has resulted in the training of teachers, in some provinces, to teach
improve classroom practice. Please also consult the remediation suggestions and problem solving skills more effectively. The remediation section in this tracker follows
exercises given in the trackers for Terms 1, 2 and 3. this approach.

As you can see from the graph below (2014 results) the learner scores in Grade 4 This is not the only way to teach problem solving; experienced educationalists have
Mathematics ranged from 0% to 100% and the modal score (the score most frequently other methods which you may find to be more effective with your learners, but the
attained by learners) was a shocking 20%. point that must be emphasised is:

The average for Grade 4 was 37%. Learners need to be guided and taught how to go about solving mathematical
problems: It is not enough just to say Turn to page 56 and do the word problems.
SCORES (N = 8091) The ANA diagnostic report and the DBE officials consulted in the drawing up of this
tracker have stated that you should try to incorporate a word problem into each and
every lesson you teach so that your learners have more opportunities to develop their
skills in solving mathematical problems. This is especially important in Grade 4 when
learners have to do mathematics in English.

The ANA 2014 learner responses showed weaknesses in the following areas:
Solving problems in financial contexts
Conversion of units in measurement
Solving word problems in capacity
Calculation of time intervals
Solving problems involving grouping and sharing
Division of whole numbers
Determining input and output values
Ability to work number sentences
Knowledge of the properties of 2-D shapes and 3-D objects
Identification of symmetry of 2-D shapes
Comparing common fractions.

No improvements were seen in these areas:

Problem solving
On 7 August 2014 Minister Motshekga launched Subject Committees and Professional
Conversion of units in measurement
Learning Communities. She said: We need to strengthen the CAPS implementation.
Calculation of time intervals
We have partnered with Japan in the Japan International Cooperation Agency
(JICA) Project to improve learners ability to solve word problems in primary school

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Term3 tracker remediation activities covered: 6 Tell learners to show the problem
Determining input and output values in a drawing, in a table, by drawing
Ability to work number sentences a number line, or using concrete
Knowledge of the properties of 2-D shapes and 3-D objects. apparatus, etc.
This trackers remediation focus is on problem solving: 7 Every learner makes a (quick) visual
Multiplication problem solving in financial contexts and conversion of units representation of the problem in their
in measurements books.
Subtraction problem solving with conversion of units in measurement 8 You and the class discuss and decide on which operation/s would solve the
Addition problem solving with calculation of time intervals and capacity problem.
Division problem solving with fractions and ratio with money.
9 The class writes the number sentence
in their books.
10 A few learners come up to the board
The step-by-step problem solving process which you should work through with and write their number sentences.
your learners 11 You and the class check the number sentences and discuss which are
incorrect and why.
Teacher Class
12 Learners write correct number
1 Write the question on the board. Learners think for themselves.
sentence in books.
Do not tell the learners which 13 You quickly walk around to check that
operation they should do (addition, all number sentences are correct.
subtraction, multiplication/repeated
14 Learners use their visual
addition or division).
representation of any method/
2 You read the question to class. strategy they feel confident in to
3 A few learners read the question calculate the answer.
aloud while others listen carefully. 15 Walk around to monitor and help.
4 The class reads the question.
5 You underline numbers or words to
do with numbers;

draw a wavy line under the question


draw a box around the key words.

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The step-by-step problem solving process with an example: time intervals It is 18:00 now. /My favourite TV
show will be starting in one and a
Teacher Class
half hours. /What time will the show
6 Tell learners to show the problem by
making a drawing, making a table or

using a number line.

This step is very important as it helps

the learner to understand what is
being asked and what operation is
7 Every learner (quickly) shows the
1 Write the question on the board. Learners think for themselves.
Do not tell the learners which
Teach them to make their OWN
operation they should do (addition,
tables, number lines and drawings.
subtraction, multiplication/repeated
addition or division). Example 1: A table
2 It is 18:00 now. My favourite TV show
will start in one and a half hours. Now 18:00
What will the time be when the show TV show ?
begins? (one and a half
hours later; 1:30)
3 You read the question to class.
4 A few learners read the question Example 2: A number line
aloud while others listen carefully.
17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00
5 . Class reads the question.
You put the following codes on the
one hour half
Underline Numbers given and
numbers hidden in words

Wavy lines Question

Draw a box around Key words

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Teacher Class 11 You and class check the number sentences and discuss which are incorrect
and why.
Example 3: Apparatus, concrete
12 Learners write correct number
objects or a drawing
sentence in books:

18:00 + 01:30 = _______

13 You quickly walk around to check that

all number sentences are correct.

14 Learners use their visual
representation and any method or
strategy they feel confident in to
calculate the answer.
15 Walk around to monitor and help. 18:00 + 01:30 = 19:30
Now. One hour and half an hour
8 You and class discuss and decide on which operation/s would solve the
The learners exercise book looks like this

This is what Cebo had in his exercise book:

He chose to do a number
line to summarise the 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00
9 Each learner writes what she/he thinks
the number sentence should be in the problem
one hour half
10 18:00 + 1: 3 = ______ A few learners come up to the chalk
board and write up their number He wrote the number
18:00 + 1:30 = _____ 18:00 + 1:30 = ________
sentences. sentence
18 + 1:30 = _____ He wrote the answer The TV show begins at 19:30
18 + 1,5 = _____

18:00 + 01:30 = _____

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1. CAPS pp. 120121: Problem type: summation 2. CAPS pp. 120121: Part of a whole where the whole is a
collection of objects
Problem solving with addition, capacity and conversion of units of measurement
Problem solving with division
Work through problem solving activities 1 to 15.
CAPS p. 112: recognise, describe and use the equivalence of division and fractions
Lindis family drinks 4 litres of milk / and 2500 millilitres of orange juice a week. / How
many millilitres a week do they drink altogether ? Work through problem solving activities 1 to 5.

Four children want to share 3 chocolate bars equally. / How much can each child get?
Learners Book Work through problem solving activities 6 to 16.

Thembi chose to Learners should think and represent the word problem diagrammatically and then
Amount of liquid
make a table to work out the number sentence 3 4 =
summarise the Milk 4 litres
problem. Learners Book
Orange juice 2 500 millilitres
Altogether ? millilitres One bar shared Summary Rate per child Number of children Total
equally between table
4 children means ? 4 3
I know that I must convert each child will get Drawing
litres to millilitres so that I can a quarter 1 whole 1 whole 1 whole
find the answer, so
There are 3 bars so
4 litres = 4 000 millilitres each child will get 1 1 1
3 quarters written 4 4 4
like this Number
Thembi 3
sentence 4
Number sentence 4 000 ml + 2500 ml = 6500 ml
Calculation Any method/
Any method/ Strategy
Strategy 3
Answer Each child can get 4
of a chocolate bar.
Answer They drink 6 500 millilitres a week
I check my answer 6 500 2 500 = 4000
like this or 6 500 4 000 = 2500 I check my 3 3 3 3 12
+ + + = =3
answer 4 4 4 4 4


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3. CAPS p. 101: Solve problems involving whole numbers in Learners Book: Example 2
measurement contexts
Rate per Number of days Total
Problem solving: Multiplication and conversion of units of measurement Summary day
Work through problem solving activities 1 to 5. 75 30 ?

My grandfather swims 75 metres a day? / How far can he swim in 30 days? / Write the Number 30 75 = ______
answer in kilometres and metres.
Calculation I chose to do the calculation using the rounding off
Work through problem solving activities 6 to 15. Any method/ and compensating method
Learners Book: Example 1 30 x 75 =
rounding off 75 to the nearest ten
Rate per day Number of days Total
Summary 30 x 80 =
Table 75 30 ? - (30 x 5)
because I added 5 to 75,
Number 30 75 = ______ I have to subtract "5" 30 times from
sentence Ntombi

But I could also write 75 30 = ____ 30 75 = 2250 m .. I convert this to 2 km 250 m

as the answer will be the same! Answer My grandfather can swim 2 km 250 m in 30 days
I check my 2 250 30 = 75
answer by Or 2 250 75 = 30
I chose the breaking down method to work out doing the
the answer opposite/
30 x 75 =
Anele breaking down 30 into three 10s operation
Calculation (10 + 10 + 10) x 75 =
Any method/ 10 x 75 = 750
Strategy 10 x 75 = 750 sum
10 x 75 = 750

30 75 = 2250 m ..
I convert this to: 2 km 250 m
Answer He swims 2 km and 250 m in 30 days

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4. CAPS p. 101: Problem solving and multiplication in a Learners Book: Example 2
financial context
CAPS p. 121: Problem type: Rate: Learners calculate the total if given rate Summary Rate per Number of Total
per object Table passenger passengers
Work through problem solving activities 1 to 15. R 65 42 ?
Number 65 42 = ______
A bus carries 42 passengers./Each passenger has paid R65 for the tour./How much
have they paid altogether?
Calculation I also chose the breaking down and building up
Learners Book: Example 1 Any method, but I did it differently from Anele:
method/ b. 42 x R65 =
Summary Strategy breaking down 42 into 40 and 2
Rate per Number of Total
Table passenger passengers breaking down 65 into 60 and 5
(40 + 2) x (R60 + R5) = sum
R65 42 ? 40 x R60 = R2400
2 x R60 = R120
From my table I can see that the operation must be
40 x R5 = R200
multiplication. 2 x R5 = R10
Number 42 65 = _____
sentence I could also say 65 42 = ___
Answer R 2 730
Calculation I chose the breaking down and building up
Any method to work out my answer. I did it like this:
Anele method/
a. 42 x R65 =
Strategy breaking down 42 into two 20s and 2
(20 + 20 + 2) x R65 = sum
20 x R65 = 10 x 2 x R65 = 10 x R130 = R1300
doubling R65
20 x R65 = 10 x 2 x R65 = 10 x R130 = R1300
2 x R65 (doubling R65) = R130

Answer The passengers have paid R2730 altogether

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5. CAPS p. 121: Problem type: proportional sharing Learners Book

Meaning of fraction: relationship A number line/diagram

Problem solving with ratio/rate/fractions in a financial context Father: R267
Work through problem solving activities 1 to 15.

Barry earns a third of what his father earns per hour. / If his father earns R267per hour,
/ how much does Barry earn per hour?

Example of the diagram of the problem: ?

R267 3 = ______
Father R 267
(Learners choose their own strategy to find the answer)

Barry 3 R? Applying the 3 times table:

3 80 = 240
From the diagram we can see that the operation should be division.
267 240 = 27
The number sentence should be R267 3 =
Now: 27 3 = 9
Learners work out the answer.
80 + 9 = 89
Learners should choose their own strategies to work out the answer and record it in
(Barry earns) R89 (per hour).
their classwork book.
Check your answer: 3 R89 = R267

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