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Lebanese International University

School of Arts and Sciences

Department of
Biomedical Sciences

BMED 370L Parasitology Laboratory

Report sheets
Academic year :

Students Name :

ID Number:

Instructors Name :

Section :

Page 1 of 7
Report # 1
Normal Stool (No ova/no trophozoite)

Sample #:

Macroscopic Examination: (Color /Consistency) (2 pts)


Microscopic Examination:(Detection of WBC, RBC ,Yeast ,Fat ,Epithelial Cells)

With Normal saline (2 pts):......................................................................................................................

With Iodine (2 pts):..................................................................................................................................

Result (2 pts):.............................................................................................................................................

Interpretation (1 pt):.................................................................................................................................

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Report # 2
Intestinal and urogenital protozoa
(Prepared slides if available)

Entamaebae Histolytica (Cyst) (2.25 pts) Entamaebae Histolytica (Trophozoites) (2.25 pts)

Giardia Lamblia (Cyst) (2.25 pts) Giardia Lamblia (Trophozoites) (2.25 pts)

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Report # 3
Blood and tissue protozoa
(Prepared slides if available)

Plasmodium Falciparum (Ring form) (1.5 pts) Plasmodium Falciparum (gametocyte) (1.25 pts)

Toxoplasma Gondi (Oocyst) (1.25 pts) Toxoplasma Gondi (Tachyzoite) (1.25 pts)

Leishmania (Amastigote) (1.25 pts) Leishmania (promastigote) (1.25 pts)

Trypanosoma (Trypomastigote) (1.25pts)

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Report # 4
(Prepared slides if available)

Identification of: Shell thickness /Color/ Opercule/Hooklets

Enterobius Vermicularis (Egg) (1.25pts) Enterobius Vermicularis (Larvae) (1.25pts)
Shell thickness /Color/ Opercule/Hooklets

Ascaris Lumbricoides (Egg) Fertilized or none Ascaris Lumbricoides (Larvae) (1.25pts)

Shell thickness /Color/ Opercule/Hooklets(1.25pts)

Trichuris Trichuria (shape/color/plug/content/shell)

Unembryonated egg (1.25pts) Embryonated egg (1.25pts)

Trichuris Trichura (adult) (1.5pts)

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Report # 5
(Prepared slides if available)

Fasiola Hepatica (Egg) (2 pts) Fasiola Hepatica (Flukes) (2 pts)

(shell thickness /color/opercula/content) (shape/ovary/oral sucker)

Shistosoma mansoni (2 pts) Shistosoma Japonicum (2 pts)

(shape/color/spine/content) (shape/color/spine/content)

Shistosoma Hematobium (shape/color/spine/content) (1 pt)

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Report # 6
(Prepared slides if available)

Taenia Saginata/or Tenia Solium (Egg) Taenia Saginata/or Tenia Solium (Scolex)
(Shape /shell thickness / content) (1.5 pts) (Suckers/Hooks) (1.5 pts)

Taenia Saginata (Gravid proglottid) Tenia Solium (Gravid proglottid)

(Shape /shell thickness / content) (1.5 pts) (shape/color/spine/content) (1.5 pts)

Echinococcus granulosus (egg) Echinococcus granulosus (Adult)

(shape/color/content) (1.5 pts) (Proglottids/scolex/rostellum) (1.5 pts)

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