Format of Paper Preparation For Abstract

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Format of Paper Preparation for Abstract (not exceed 200 words)

(Please follow instruction. You may type directly on the template below.)

Title <Times 14, bold, title maximum 2 lines>

(Title of the paper should be typed in lower-case letters, with only the first letter of the first word and
proper names capitalized.)
<1 line space>
S. Khempaka , W. Molee1, and M. Guillaume2<Times 12>

<1 line space>

School of Animal Production Technology, Institute of Agricultural Technology, Suranaree
University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima 30000, Thailand; and 2Vitalac, 2nd Floor, L11-
L12 Mieu Noi, W3, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam<Times 12>
<2 lines space>

Abstract <Times 14, Bold>

<1 line space>
Text of the summary <Times 12, regular> Paper should be regular A4 size with margins left and
right: 2.5 cm; top and bottom: 2.00 cm. The abstract should be no longer than 200 words.
<1 line space>
Keywords: <Times 12, maximum 5 keywords, no capitals>
<1 line space>
*Corresponding author: e-mail address
Format of Paper Preparation (Not more than 4 pages)
(Please follow instruction. You may type directly on the template below)
Title <Times 14, bold, title maximum 2 lines>
<1 line space>
S. Khempaka , W. Molee1, and M. Guillaume2<Times 12>

<1 line space>

School of Animal Production Technology, Institute of Agricultural Technology, Suranaree
University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima 30000, Thailand; and 2Vitalac, 2nd Floor, L11-
L12 Mieu Noi, W3, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam<Times 12>
<2 lines space>

Abstract <Times 14>

<1 line space>
Text of the abstract. <Times 12, regular> Paper should be regular A4 size with margins left and
right: 2.5 cm; top and bottom: 2.00 cm. The abstract should be no longer than 200 words.
<1 line space>
Keywords: <Times 12, maximum 5 keywords, no capitals>
<1 line space>
*Corresponding author: e-mail address
<1 line space>
Introduction <Times 14>
<1 line space>
Text of the introduction <Times 12, regular>
The first paragraph of any text section should start at the left margin, the following
<tab>paragraphs should indent by 1 tab space. References in text should be: author (year) or
(author, year), author 1 and author 2 (year) or (author 1 and author 2, year), author 1 et al., (year)
or (author 1 et al., year). Use only italics for scientific names of animals, plants or micro-
<1 line space>
Heading of section, for example Materials and Methods <Times 14>
<1 line space>
Text of section <Times 12, regular>
<1 line space>
Heading of subsection <Times 12 bold>
<1 line space>
Text of subsection <Times 12, regular>
<1 line space>
Heading of sub-subsection. <Times 12, italics>
Text of sub-subsection < Times 12, regular>
<1 line before a table>
Table 1. Table captions should be placed above the table <Times 12>
1Footnote <Times 10, regular>
<1 line after a Table>
Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numbers, independent of Figures. Tables
and captions should be left justified. Use horizontal lines only when necessary. Do not use
vertical lines, screens or colors in Tables.
<1 line before a Figure, Figures should be inserted digitally>

Figure 1. Figure captions should be placed under the figures. <Times 12 >
<1 line after a figure>
The term of Figures includes diagrams, line drawings, maps, etc. Figures should be numbered
consecutively in Arabic numbers, independent of tables. Do not use colors in figures.
<1 line space>
References <Times, 14>
<1 line space>
<For journal articles :>
Author(s). year. Title. Journal title (abbreviation) volume number: page-page
Donnert, O., M. J. Salecker, and D. Edge. 2001. Elimination of phosphorus from waste water by
crystallisation. Environ. Tech. 20: 651-663.
<For books>
Author(s). year. Title, Edition (if any). Publisher, address, number of pages.
Houghton, J. 1994. Global Warming. Lion Publishing plc, Oxford, England. pp192

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