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Volume 1, Issue 1

Fall 2017
Its time to SHINE!
Finding balance dur- up with homework,
ing senior year is key volunteering, being
to finding success in college ready (post
the future. Being a secondary ready), visit-
senior means that ing colleges, etc. etc.
youve got some ex- etc. etc. OK, did I just
tra responsibilities stress you out? My
that are added to your apologies if I did.
list of things to do.
Wouldnt it be nice to
be able to have more
time? More time to Inside this issue youre
do the things we love going to find a list of
while maintaining a the most common mis-
high GPA, getting the takes you can make
SAT/ACT score you during senior year.
desire, remaining Youll also find info
committed to your on SAT/ACT, and
arts area, taking time Scholarships. Utilize
for friends, attending these tools to help bal-
social events, keeping ance your schedule.
Class of 2018

College Application Tips

Now that I have your college admission most of the applica-
attention or at least officers look for? tion process and how
I hope that I do What are some ways you can help your
Lets get into some that your application application stand out
tips on college appli- will shine? Inside in the crowd!
cations! youll find tips on
Ever wonder what how to make the

Inside this issue:

Fall Senior Points to Ponder
Senior Parent Night information 2
SAT vs. ACT - which test fits YOU best?
What NOT to do 2
Keep aiming for that dream school! Stay
College Application Tips 2 focused!
SAT/ACT Information 3
Make sure you have a Plan B
Your School Counselors Contact Information 4
Are you using ALL of your resources for
How to request transcripts! 4 college information? If not, what is one
more that you can think of...
Scholarship Web Site Searches 4
Mark your calendars for SENIOR PARENT NIGHT
Thursday October 19, 6:00 pm in the cafeteria
This is a great night for the dean, senior sponsors, school counselors and financial aid speakers to share and
discuss important information with seniors & parents.
General graduation information
Graduation requirements
College admission process
Financial aid
Attendance and code of conduct

We want to make sure you are aware of everything going on. Dont miss this important night!

What NOT to do as a Senior

1. Miss Classes : Not only are you timelines for yourself. You have a plete the assignment, then double
missing valuable information for lot going on! You can get through it.
tests, but you could be missing this if you prioritize your time and 8. Let your mind wander: Going to
information that you will need for keep track of your deadlines. college is exciting, but dont let
your college courses!
5. Confuse priorities: Planning for daydreaming about your college
2. Think that your second semester college does not mean that you can dorm distract you from the here
doesnt count: Dont lose fo- lose sight of your current obliga- and now.
cus! Your second semester is tions inside and outside of the 9. Blow off your less important
VERY important to your Univer- classroom. work: Dont fool yourself into
sity/College admissions office.
6. Forget to study: Keep up with thinking that a quiz or writing an-
Admissions offices have been
your assignments, even after a other draft for a paper doesnt
known to rescind their decisions
tough week. While youre taking count it ALL counts!
They WILL ask for your second
semester transcript! time off, theres a student looking 10. Fail to use the resources avail-
to take your spot at your College able to you: Take advantage of the
3. Give in to senioritis: Senior who isnt slacking! information available to you! Inter-
year is busy. Dont let yourself
7. Underestimate the time you will net, teachers, parents, guardians,
lose your motivation. Keep your
need to accomplish tasks: Be SCHOOL COUNSELORS, col-
eyes on the prize!
realistic with your workload. Esti- lege fairs, college visits, etc!!!!
4. Get overwhelmed: Make lists and mate the time it will take to com-

College Application Tips

Diversify your application portfolio. Once you send application materials, Even if you arent proud of your test
You should apply to roughly 5 col- FOLLOW UP with the admissions results, send your scores anyway.
leges/universities. Place them into office. You need to be sure that a Schools will want to know that
three categories: Reach, Possible, school is receiving your information. youre retesting and may be able to
Likely. Reach Schools are those just Get in touch with the admissions super score or put your highest
above your GPA, SAT/ACT. Possi- office to ensure they are receiving scores together from each time
ble Schools are schools where you your documents! youve taken the test! Ask if the
believe its possible that you will get schools you are applying to will
in based on your GPA, SAT/ACT. If possible, visit all of the schools super score.
Likely Schools are those that you that you are applying toyou will
feel you will likely be accepted find that this is the best way to de-
based on your GPA/SAT/ACT. cide if a school is right for you!

Page 2 C L A S S O F 20 1 8
Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world.
SAT, ACT, Oh my! Nelson Mandela


Sign up at Sign up at Contact SAT or ACT with your ques-
Cost: $46.00 (no essay), $60.00 Cost: $46.00 (no essay), $62.50
(with essay) SAT: 212-713-8000
(with essay)
Test Day check list items: Your ad- ACT: 319-337-1270
Test day check list items: Your ad-
mission ticket, pencil, photo ID, mission ticket, photo ID, acceptable
acceptable calculator, watch, back up calculator, pencil, watch, back up
calculator batteries *Check with the school counseling office
calculator batteries
to see if you are eligible for a fee waiver

ACT Registration and Testing Dates

Test Date Registration Deadline Late Fee Required
October 28, 2017 September 22, 2017 Sept. 23-Oct. 6, 2017
December 9, 2017 November 3, 2017 Nov. 4-17, 2017
February 10, 2018 January 12, 2018 January 13-19, 2018
April 14, 2018 March 9, 2018 March 10-23, 2018
June 9, 2018 May 4, 2018 May 5-18, 2018
July 14, 2018 June 15, 2018 June 16-22, 2018

SAT Registration and Testing Dates

Test Date Registration deadline Late fee required

October 7, 2017 September 8, 2017 September 27, 2017
November 4, 2017 October 5, 2017 October 25, 2017
December 2, 2017 November 2, 2017 November 21, 2017
March 10, 2018 February 9, 2018 February 28, 2018
May 5, 2018 April 6, 2018 April 25, 2018
June 2, 2018 May 3, 2018 May 23, 2018

". . . the arts have been an inseparable part of the human journey; indeed, we depend on the arts to carry us toward the
fullness of our humanity. We value them for themselves, and because we do, we believe knowing and practicing them
is fundamental to the healthy development of our children's minds and spirits

National Standards for Arts Education

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Page 3

Your School Counselors

School Counselor, 9-12, A-F, ext. 119

Douglas Anderson School of the Arts School Counselor, 9-12, G-M, ext. 117
2445 San Diego Road
Jacksonville, FL
Phone: 904-346-5620
School Counseling Department Chair
Where Art and Academics meet in School Counselor, NZ Grades 9-12, ext. 116

Follow our Blog!

How do I request transcripts?

All requests go through the School Coun- Looking for a scholarship? Check out
seling Office! The process is slightly dif- the school counseling section of the
ferent depending on where your tran- For colleges that do not accept
eDocs submissions, you will see a DA web and Counselors Corner at
scripts are going check out the steps
below so youre in the know! stamp logo next to the school
Request transcripts for ALL Colleges/ name.
along with these web site database
Universities through your NAVIANCE searches!
Pick up hard copies of the transcript
School Counseling office will send in the School Counseling office. The
transcripts electronically at no cost to first three are FREE. Each one
your college/university for schools after that is $2.00.
participating in Naviance eDocs sub-
mission. Personally mail them off.

The college will process your tran-

scripts which can take up to 3-4
weeks. Electronic does not mean
instant. *THINK ABOUT YOUR Career and College Search Tools
DEADLINES* Want to see reviews on these web sites?
The college will post your status on Check out this link for more info!
your application screen. Always fol-
low up to make sure they have re-
ceived your documents!

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