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Biologia, Bratislava, 60/Suppl.

16: 6571, 2005 65


Plant -amylases: functions and roles in carbohydrate metabolism

Duncan Stanley1,2 , Kevin J.F. Farnden1 & Elspeth A. MacRae2*

Department of Biochemistry, University of Otago, P.O. Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand
HortResearch, Mt Albert Research Centre, Private Bag 92169, Auckland, New Zealand; phone: ++ 649 815 4200, fax: ++
649 815 4201, e-mail:

Abstract: Plants store carbon predominantly as starch, and the metabolism of this polysaccharide is of importance to all
life. In the past ten years the processes of starch synthesis have been well studied, however only recently has the same amount
of attention been directed towards starch degradation, which previously had been focussed almost exclusively on degradation
in germinating cereal grains. Studies of the degradation of diurnal leaf starch have revealed a number of surprises, such
as the importance of starch phosphorylation in initiating degradation, and shown that starch degradation in leaves diers
signicantly from that in cereal grains. We have previously shown that plants contain three distinct -amylase families.
T-DNA knockouts of each -amylase family member in Arabidopsis had no eect on diurnal leaf starch degradation, raising
questions about the function of -amylases in leaves. Here we describe the known aspects of these three families and suggest
specic roles for each in carbohydrate metabolism.
Key words: Starch degradation, -amylase, subcellular localisation, cytosolic polysaccharide.
Abbreviations: GWD, glucan water dikinase; PWD, phosphoglucan water dikinase; DPE, disproportionating enzyme.

Introduction tance to life on Earth, very little is known about its

degradation in planta. Until recently, most research has
Starch is the main carbon-storage molecule of plants concentrated upon the degradation of starch within the
and is the main source of energy for animals, includ- endosperm of germinating grains, particularly in barley
ing humans. Starch is produced in leaves during the and rice, all of which are monocotyledons and members
day from the products of photosynthesis, and accumu- of the Poaceae. During germination, the embryo trig-
lates in the chloroplast until the end of the day, form- gers starch degradation by releasing gibberellins, which
ing insoluble granules. As night falls, net accumulation stimulate cells of the aleurone layer to secrete degrada-
gives way to net degradation of starch, and the carbo- tive enzymes into the endosperm (Beck & Ziegler,
hydrate is exported from the plastid, predominantly as 1989). A number of enzymes vital to starch degra-
maltose, and to a lesser extent as glucose (Niittyla et dation have been identied from this system. One of
al., 2004). In the cytosol, maltose is converted to hex- the most important enzymes is -amylase, an endo-
ose phosphate, and either consumed by the glycolytic hydrolase that is able to rapidly degrade the starch into
pathway or synthesised into sucrose for export from the soluble substrates for other enzymes to attack (Beck &
cell. The sucrose is carried from photosynthetic tissues Ziegler, 1989). However, the circumstances of starch
(source tissues), through the phloem, to other tissues degradation in endosperm are unlike those in other
of the plant (sink tissues). Sink tissues may be rapidly plant tissues, as the majority of enzymes involved in
growing tissues, such as meristems and young leaves, breakdown of endosperm starch are secreted enzymes,
which catabolise the sucrose to produce energy, or stor- acting in an acellular matrix rather than within a living
age organs, such as roots, tubers, bark and fruit, which organelle.
resynthesise starch in the plastid. Storage starch is very More recent understanding of starch breakdown in
important to plants, and is broken down following spe- plants has come from work in model and commercially
cic seasonal or developmental cues, such as the be- useful non-cereal plants, particularly potato (Solanum
ginning of spring in roots and bark, and the onset of tuberosum) and Arabidopsis thaliana mutants (for re-
ripening in many fruit. cent reviews, see Zeeman et al., 2004a; Tetlow et al.,
Even though plant starch is of such great impor- 2004; and see also the nal section Proposed roles for

* Corresponding author
66 D. Stanley et al.

plant -amylases in carbohydrate metabolism). Sev-

eral mutants have a phenotype termed starch excess,
where starch is retained in leaf chloroplasts and mobil-
isation is either retarded or blocked. Proteins shown to
be causal in this include: glucan water dikinase (GWD;
formerly designated as R1 and SEX1; Lorberth et
al., 1998; Yu et al., 2001; Ritte et al., 2002); starch
debranching enzyme (Dinges et al., 2003); dispropor-
tionating enzymes (DPE; Critchley et al., 2001; Chia
et al., 2004; Lu & Sharkey, 2004); -amylase (Schei-
dig et al., 2002); phosphoglucan water dikinase (PWD)
enzyme (Baunsgaard et al., 2005; Kotting et al.,
2005); and the plastid maltose transporter (Niittyla
Fig. 1. Predicted tertiary structures for the three -amylases of
et al., 2004). In contrast, disruption of the plastidial Arabidopsis. I, family one -amylase, displaying secondary struc-
-glucan phosphorylase of Arabidopsis had no eect on ture elements: -helices in red, -strands in blue and loops in
diurnal starch degradation (Zeeman et al., 2004b), de- white. The N- and C-terminus of each structure is indicated. Do-
main A is the central barrel of the structure, i.e. the (/)8 -
spite historical implication in starch breakdown (Beck
barrel, with domain B above and domain C below. The catalytic
& Ziegler, 1989). site is found in the centre of the barrel, on the far face of the
The GWD enzymes add phosphate groups to enzyme. II and III, predicted structures of family two and family
starch; a reduction in the amount of enzyme leads to a three -amylases, respectively, in the same orientation as family
one: grey shows regions of structural similarity to family one, red
decrease in starch phosphate and an increase in starch parts of each molecule display structural divergences. Domain
in leaves and tubers (Lorberth et al., 1998). During C of family two did not model fully, and neither did the large
transitory starch degradation, GWD binds to starch N-terminal domain of family three.
granules and increases the rate of starch phosphory-
lation (Ritte et al., 2000; 2004). In contrast, PWD
acts only on starch that has been phosphorylated by -amylases in other tissues and other plants. In Ara-
GWD, and mutant Arabidopsis plants lacking PWD ac- bidopsis there are three -amylase genes (Stanley et
tivity display a starch-excess phenotype, although it is al., 2002). The three -amylases are predicted to be
not as severe as that seen in sex1 plants (Kotting directed to dierent cellular compartments: apoplast
et al., 2005). Despite the apparent similarity in ac- and other extracellular compartments (family one), cy-
tivity for GWD and PWD, the enzymes display only tosol (family two) and plastid (family three), and genes
19% identity at the amino acid level. Maize plants de- encoding members of each family were shown to be
cient in pullulanase-type debranching enzyme show a present in representatives of monocotyledons, dicotyle-
reduced rate of starch degradation at night (Dinges dons and gymnosperms. The gene structures of the
et al., 2003), as do Arabidopsis decient in either the three families are dierent, with no single intron po-
plastidial or cytosolic isoforms of DPE (Critchley et sition conserved in all three families (Stanley et al.,
al., 2001; Chia et al., 2004; Lu & Sharkey, 2004). 2002). The recently sequenced unicellular alga Ostre-
Down regulation of a chloroplastic -amylase also gave ococcus tauri also contains three distinct -amylase
reduced night starch degradation in potato leaves and genes (Ral et al., 2004), which correspond to the three
hence a starch excess phenotype at the end of the night families described in higher plants (D. Stanley, un-
(Scheidig et al., 2002). Down regulation of the maltose published data).
transporter of Arabidopsis caused accumulation of mal- All three Arabidopsis -amylase genes (and all
tose in the plastid and reduced night starch degradation the other plant genes isolated to date) have the char-
(Niittyla et al., 2004). Interestingly only two of the acteristic features of all -amylases (Stanley et al.,
above studies include organs where starch is stored in 2002), such as the three canonical domains (A, B and
non-photosynthetic tissues, and the enzymes and regu- C), a (/)8 -barrel structure (Svensson et al., 2002),
lation involved may well be very dierent in these tis- and amino acids considered to be indicative of true
sues, compared to photosynthetic tissues. For example, -amylases: His122, Asp206, Phe/Tyr207, Ala/Val208,
it has been argued that both species and organs may Lys/Arg209, Gly210, Glu230, His296, Asp297 (number-
dier in the manner of starch degradation (Fettke et ing as in Taka-amylase A; MacGregor et al., 2001).
al., 2004; Lloyd et al., 2004; Zeeman et al., 2004a) and Only two proteins of family two from monocotyledons
there have been several records of pleiotropic eects on dier, by substituting Ala/Val208 with Thr. The most
starch degrading enzymes in response to modication signicant dierences to the -amylase structure are
of one starch associated enzyme (Dinges et al., 2003; found in domain B, which is shorter in families two and
Zeeman et al., 2004b). three (Stanley et al., 2002; Fig. 1).
Although -amylase has been shown to be very im- Based on the knowledge from cereal grains and
portant in initiating starch degradation in cereal grains bacteria, it could be expected that each -amylase pro-
(Beck & Ziegler, 1989), very little is known about tein participates in degradation of starch in its compart-
Physiological functions and roles of plant -amylases 67

ment. However, granular starch is insoluble and nor- tivity has been detected in leaves of Arabidopsis (Lin
mally found only in plastids, and while other polymers et al., 1988), pea (Beers & Duke, 1988), and tobacco
containing glucose have been demonstrated in the cy- (Heitz et al., 1991).
tosol, plastid and extracellular matrix, these are either Crystal structures have been solved for two barley
soluble polyglycans or heteroglycans (Yang & Steup, isoforms (AMY1 and AMY2; Kadziola et al., 1994;
1990; Zeeman et al., 1998b; Fettke et al., 2004). - Robert et al., 2003), and dierences between these two
Amylases have previously been implicated in the break enzymes include dierent anities in binding to starch
down of diurnal starch; the Arabidopsis sex4 mutant granules, sensitivity to inhibitors, stability in acid, an-
displays a classic starch excess phenotype, and was ity for calcium ions, sensitivity to EDTA and substrate
shown to be decient in a plastidial -amylase activ- specicity (Rodenburg et al., 1994). At least 10 iso-
ity (Zeeman et al., 1998a), however the mutation that forms encoded by dierent genes have been identied
leads to this phenotype is not in the gene encoding the in rice (Ranjhan et al., 1991), with gene intron/exon
plastidial -amylase of Arabidopsis (Yu et al., 2005). structure preserved except for loss of the second of the
Knockouts of the other two -amylase gene families three introns in one subfamily (Huang et al., 1990). A
also did not show any impairment in the degradation fourth intron was identied in the family one gene of
of diurnal leaf starch. This suggests that what we have Arabidopsis (Stanley et al., 2002), which has not been
learnt from the cereal grains in plants and from bacte- seen in other family one -amylases. Monocotyledonous
rial -amylases in terms of function may not be rele- family one genes are expressed in dierent spatial and
vant in normal plastidial starch metabolism, and that temporal patterns, sometimes in response to hormones
-amylases may not be involved in diurnal leaf starch or metabolic signals (Yu et al., 1996; Sugimoto et al.,
degradation. It also suggests that we have much to learn 1998), and have been detected in leaves and owers as
about metabolism of glycan polymers in other plant cell well as grains (Jacobsen et al., 1986; Kaneko et al.,
compartments. It is therefore pertinent to dene what 2004). A number of regulatory elements and the tran-
we do know about each of these three -amylase gene scription factors that bind to them have been identied
families, and the next three sections will draw together (Hwang et al., 1998; Chen et al., 2002). Posttran-
what has been discovered about each family. scriptional regulation of protein synthesis, and varia-
tions in transcript stability have also been reported to
Family one -amylases modulate -amylase mRNA levels (Chan & Yu, 1998).
Family one -amylases from dicotyledons and
This family is characterised by having a predicted se- non-angiosperm plants are much less well under-
cretory signal peptide and all the well-characterised ce- stood. Gene orthologues have been isolated from Vigna
real grain -amylases fall within it (Stanley et al., mungo (Yamauchi & Minamikawa, 1990), Ipomoea
2002). The pivotal role of this family in degradation nil (Nakayama et al., 2002), Pinus taeda, apple, and
of starch in cereal grain endosperms is well established, Arabidopsis (Stanley et al., 2002). Arabidopsis has a
and indeed for many years these enzymes were assumed single family one -amylase gene and apple has two.
to represent all plant -amylases. Secretion of the en- I. nil is predicted to also have two, but information
zymes from the cells of the aleurone layers is well es- from other species is not available. Family one genes
tablished in cereal grains, and there is evidence that are expressed in developing and germinating seeds of V.
a similar process takes place in at least some dicotyle- mungo (Yamauchi et al., 1994) and I. nil (Nakajima
donous seeds (Beck & Ziegler, 1989; Nakajima et et al., 2004). In the latter, the mRNA level showed in-
al., 2004). Predicted secretory signal peptides for two creased expression in the seed coat following anthesis,
rice family one genes, Amy3 and Amy8, fused to GFP with treatment with gibberellins, and was also found
and GUS, respectively, and as part of the full length to be expressed in leaves, ower buds and stems. The
protein for Amy3, have recently been reported to lo- family one -amylase gene of Arabidopsis shows little
calise to both plastids and the cell wall in tobacco change in expression in leaves during the diurnal cycle
leaves, putting doubt on direct predictability of the (Smith et al., 2004). There is also evidence for appear-
-amylase presequences (Chen et al., 2004). In con- ance of a secreted -amylase in response to pathogen
trast, Chan et al. (1994) showed only secretion with attack - viral challenge in tobacco cell walls (Heitz et
GUS fusions to the same rice signal peptide (Amy8) al., 1991) and the hypersensitive response in Arabidop-
using cultured rice cells. When the predicted signal pep- sis (Monroe et al., 2003). In addition, public databases
tide of the Arabidopsis family one member was fused to (e.g. GenBank; Benson et al., 2004) contain ESTs from
GFP and expressed in Arabidopsis and Nicotiana ben- family one genes, derived from several species (includ-
thamiana, no evidence was found for either secretion ing grape, capsicum, potato, and Medicago truncatula)
or sequestration in the plastid (Stanley, 2004). The that have been challenged with diseases. The induced
contradictory results of these three studies suggest ei- -amylases could mobilise starch from the dead cells,
ther a problem with the secretion of fusion proteins in perhaps inhibiting pathogens by altering osmolarity in
transgenic plants, or genuine dierences in targeting of the environment, or by signalling neighbouring cells to
-amylases between species. Apoplastic -amylase ac- activate pathogen responses. ESTs and genes have also
68 D. Stanley et al.

been identied from stress treatments (Mesembryanthe- the onset of night (Smith et al., 2004). This suggests
mum crystallinum, sugar beet, and sugar cane), owers that the enzyme may be most active when the plas-
(poplar, cotton, Arabidopsis, and apple) and maturing tidial starch reserves of leaf cells are most depleted. In
or ripening fruit (banana, peach, mandarin, and apple). apple, the expression of a family two gene increased sig-
Unfortunately, except for the secreted -amylases nicantly when fruit were placed at 0.5 C, with maxi-
from cereal grains (Rodenburg et al., 1994; Svensson mal expression reached after 8 days (Wegrzyn et al.,
et al., 2002) and in vitro expression of the I. nil gene 2000). Public databases also contain many ESTs from
(Nakayama et al., 2002), there is little data on in vivo this family, including expression in meristems, storage
or in vitro activity or specicity of the enzymes from tissues, such as bulbs, tubers and fruit pericarps, ow-
this family, including ability to attack raw starch gran- ers and roots. ESTs were identied across a range of
ules. This is because in most instances enzyme activity species in response to interactive signals such as in-
has been measured on extracts that would include en- sect feeding, nodule symbiosis, oligogalacturonide treat-
zymes from all possible compartments, or the gene has ment, drought and low temperature.
not been expressed in vitro. Analysis of a family two -amylase from apple, ex-
pressed as recombinant protein in E. coli, shows that
Family two -amylases the enzyme is able to degrade soluble and insoluble
starch, is not aected by the presence of EDTA, and
This family is characterised by having no predicted tar- is more active at alkaline pH (7.79.2) than acidic pH
geting peptide and therefore is thought to localise to (Stanley, 2004). This contrasts strongly with the se-
the cytoplasm. Analysis of its gene structure suggested creted barley -amylases, which are most active at
that it was the closest of the three families to an an- acidic pH (Sgaard et al., 1993). Similar character-
cestral plant -amylase (Stanley et al., 2002). Both istics, including an alkaline pH optimum, were also
family two genes from apple have a single intron in the identied in an -amylase puried from potato tubers
5 UTR of the gene, and in one of the genes the intron (Witt & Sauter, 1996), although results suggested
undergoes alternate splicing using two possible accep- that this enzyme was at least partly localised to the
tor splice sites (Wegrzyn et al., 2000; Stanley et al., plastid.
2002). Comparison of cDNA and genomic sequences of
the family two gene of Arabidopsis, reveals that the 5 Family three -amylases
UTR intron is conserved in this species and spliced fol-
lowing transcription. Since protein targeting signals are Family three -amylases are characterised by a large
dicult to predict, the rst 37 amino acids of an apple N-terminal domain, typically 400-500 amino acids in
family two -amylase was fused to GFP and examined length (approximately doubling the size of the -
in transgenic Arabidopsis and N. benthamiana; the lo- amylase protein from 45 kDa to 90 kDa), which contains
calisation of the fusion protein was cytosolic, as pre- a predicted chloroplast transit peptide (Stanley et al.,
dicted (Stanley, 2004). Family two -amylases have 2002), and shares features with the N-terminal domain
been identied from monocotyledons, dicotyledons and of GWD proteins, such as predicted starch-binding mo-
gymnosperms (Stanley et al., 2002). tifs (Stanley, 2004, Yu et al., 2005). The transit pep-
The existence of a cytosolic -amylase raises a tide and N-terminal region of one of the two apple genes
question regarding potential substrates for the en- was able to direct GFP to the plastids of transformed
zyme. Many starch-degrading enzymes have cytosolic N. benthamiana and Arabidopsis (Stanley, 2004), and
isoforms, including starch phosphorylase, DPE, and - the Arabidopsis protein was shown to immunolocalise
amylase. Traditional thinking is that starch is synthe- to leaf chloroplasts (Yu et al., 2005). As with the other
sised only in the plastid, however, the cytosolic starch -amylase families, family three genes have been iden-
phosphorylase of Pisum sativum has been shown to in- tied in numerous plant species, including apple, Ara-
teract with a soluble, high molecular weight glycan that bidopsis, rice, kiwifruit, and loblolly pine (Stanley et
is present in the cytosol (Yang & Steup, 1990; Fet- al., 2002; Stanley, 2004).
tke et al., 2004). The glycan was divided into several The Arabidopsis family three -amylase gene un-
subfractions, each of which contains a high proportion dergoes diurnal regulation in leaves, showing maximal
of arabinogalactan-like linkages, plus some minor com- expression at the end of the light period and minimal
ponents, including -glucosyl linkages (Fettke et al., expression at the end of the dark period (Schaffer
2004). The role of this soluble heteroglycan in plant car- et al., 2001; Smith et al., 2004, Yu et al., 2005). This
bohydrate metabolism has not been determined, how- pattern of expression contrasts with starch concentra-
ever, it has been proposed that it may act as a buer be- tions in leaves, which reach a maximum at the end of
tween plastidial starch degradation and cytosolic hexose the light period and decrease during night. The same
phosphate metabolism (Chia et al., 2004). expression pattern was found for genes required for nor-
In Arabidopsis leaves, the family two -amylase mal starch degradation in Arabidopsis leaves, including
gene reaches maximal expression in the morning, dur- DPEs, GWD and PWD (Smith et al., 2004), strongly
ing the rst few hours of light, and drops again before suggesting a role for family three -amylases in diur-
Physiological functions and roles of plant -amylases 69

rming predicted endo-amylolytic activity. Plastidial -

amylase activity has been extracted from isolated plas-
tids from several tissues. In Arabidopsis one form of
plastidial activity was isolated with an apparent pH op-
timum around 6, and displayed higher reactivity with
-limit dextrins or amylopectin than amylose, yielding
maltose and glucose (Lin et al., 1988). In both Ara-
bidopsis and pea (Ziegler, 1988), plastidial -amylase
activity was a small fraction of the total leaf amylase
activity. The sex4 mutation of Arabidopsis aects the
abundance of a plastidial -amylase, but the muta-
tion maps to a dierent chromosome from the fam-
ily three -amylase gene (Zeeman et al., 1998a; Yu
et al., 2005). This suggests that the mutation may af-
fect some regulator of the -amylase, such as a tran-
scription factor, or a protein that interacts with the

Enzyme activity

It is worth pointing out that the plant literature is full

Fig. 2. Proposed roles of plant -amylases in starch metabolism.
In the plastid, family three -amylases (green) could initiate of measurements of -amylase activity on crude ex-
starch granule breakdown, producing soluble substrates for other tracts from whole tissues using a range of substrates.
starch degrading enzymes such as -amylases/debranching en- This has now confused interpretation in many studies
zymes (1), and -glucosidases (2). Alternatively this process may
because dierently localized enzymes with dierent ef-
occur by the action of -amylases alone (SCHEIDIG et al., 2002).
DPE1 (3) is responsible for recycling maltotriose into the - ciencies and kinetics have been combined in the anal-
glucan pool, with glucose as a by-product. The majority of car- ysis. In most instances an acidic pH has been used with
bohydrate is removed from the plastid as maltose, via the mal- soluble starch as a substrate. Generally, it would ap-
tose transporter (4), with some glucose exported via the glu-
cose transporter (5). The maltose is transferred to a putative
pear that the enzyme under study has been either the
cytosolic -glucan or heteroglycan via DPE2 (6), with glucose cytosolic or secretory -amylase, as most reports char-
again produced. The cytosolic -glucan/heteroglycan is the sub- acterise the enzyme as having a molecular weight of
strate of a cytosolic -glucan phosphorylase (7), which produces around 45 kDa. In some instances, native activity gels
glucose phosphate. Hexose phosphate is also produced by the
action of hexokinase (8) upon cytosolic glucose, and is used in
have been used, demonstrating that there are indeed
cellular metabolism, or is converted to sucrose by the action of dierent -amylases present, and in others, a range of
sucrose-phosphate synthase and sucrose-phosphate phosphatase substrates have been tested. It is imperative that sev-
(9), and exported from the cell. Family two -amylases (red) eral members of each family are expressed in vitro and
probably interact with the putative cytosolic -glucan or hetero-
glycan, producing maltose or maltooligosaccharides, which could
thoroughly examined for properties. In addition, locali-
in turn act as substrate for other enzymes, including cytosolic - sation of the proteins and kinetic characteristics of pro-
amylases. Family one -amylases (blue) break down extracellular teins puried from plant extracts should be determined
starch into maltooligosaccharides, which are further catabolised and compared if we are to gain real insight into the role
by other starch degrading enzymes, producing glucose. Adapted
and modified from CHIA et al., (2004).
that each plays in the plant.

Proposed roles for plant -amylases in carbohy-

drate metabolism
nal starch breakdown. In apple, ESTs representing a
family three -amylase are particularly abundant in li- The three families of -amylase genes must each full
braries constructed from developing and ripening fruit a distinct role in plants, although the relative involve-
tissue (D. Stanley & E. MacRae, unpublished data). ment of -amylases and other enzymes in starch degra-
ESTs have also been identied from public databases, dation will probably vary between plant species. Fig-
especially from leaves, as well as from shoots, roots and ure 2 shows a proposed pathway of starch breakdown
owers. Recombinant family three -amylases, from ap- in plants, including possible roles for -amylases.
ple (Stanley, 2004) and Arabidopsis (Yu et al., 2005), Family one -amylases are involved in the break-
were able to degrade starch. The apple recombinant down of extracellular starch, for example in the en-
protein degraded amylopectin in native PAGE gels, and dosperm of cereal grains and dicotyledonous seeds
reconstituted Arabidopsis recombinant protein (both (Beck & Ziegler, 1989; Nakajima et al., 2004), and
the C terminal domain alone and the full-length protein probably in diseased tissue where cell death has oc-
without the leader sequence) degraded soluble starch curred (Heitz et al., 1991; Monroe et al., 2003). Se-
to form malto-oligosaccharides and glucose, thus con- creted -amylases could also be important for pollen
70 D. Stanley et al.

tube germination and growth during invasion of the Acknowledgements

stigma surface (Edlund et al., 2004).
The family two -amylases are cytosolic enzymes D.S was supported by a doctoral scholarship from the New
that presumably degrade either a hypothetical cy- Zealand Agricultural and Marketing Research and Develop-
mental Trust (AGMARDT).
tosolic -glucan, or a heteroglycan, such as that de-
scribed by Yang & Steup (1990) and Fettke et al.
(2004). This polysaccharide may act as a buer be- References
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Received December 21, 2004
Accepted March 09, 2005

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