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LOC:- 714 PD KPK Page 1 of 4

PROJ:- P0023 Construction of CPEC Package - 1 Account :- To Period Date :- 01-JUL-16 To 30-JUN-17 07-SEP-17 01:52 PM

S/No GL_Account GL Description Opening Balance Period Debit Period Credit Closing Balance
1 P0023 Construction of CPEC Package - 1
1 110701 Plant, Machinery & Equipment 35,200 249,247,332.27 34,588,502.00 214,694,030.27
2 110702 Acc Dep - Plant, Machinery & Equipment (293.3) 2,570,027.54 145,386,069.49 (142,816,335.25)
3 110901 Furniture & fixture 43,624 4,447,956.00 14,500.00 4,477,080
4 110902 Acc Dep - Furniture & fixture (363.52) 61,187.33 330,506.53 (269,682.72)
5 111001 Vehicles-Load Carrying 74,588,426.00 5,079,510.00 69,508,916
6 111002 Acc Dep - Vehicles-Load Carrying 1,435,677.79 16,707,844.29 (15,272,166.5)
7 111101 Vehicles-Light 43,895,161.00 3,197,300.00 40,697,861
8 111102 Acc Dep - Vehicles-Light 443,980.74 12,915,291.45 (12,471,310.71)
9 111201 Office Equipment 2,375,700.00 786,000.00 1,589,700
10 111202 Acc Dep - Office Equipment 52,694.77 155,142.09 (102,447.32)
11 111301 Computers & peripheral devices 5,387,676.00 217,200.00 5,170,476
12 111302 Acc Dep - Computers & peripheral devices 66,347.81 370,711.04 (304,363.23)
13 111401 Electrical/Gas Appliances 141,359 9,872,606.00 2,374,050.00 7,639,915
14 111402 Acc Dep - Electrical/Gas Appliances (1,177.94) 105,539.98 465,668.52 (361,306.48)
15 113603 CWIP - Building on army Land 150,412,627.00 .00 150,412,627
16 113801 CIP: Raw Material - Steel Consumption 793,947,846.34 432,958,153.72 360,989,692.62
17 113802 CIP: Raw Material - Cement Consumed 103,734,495.40 4,317,200.00 99,417,295.4
18 113806 CIP: Raw Material - Others Consumed 68,539,846.00 1,733,290.00 66,806,556
19 113807 CIP: Hiring Charges - Load Carrying Vehicles 8,150,120.00 .00 8,150,120
20 113808 CIP: Hiring Charges - Plant, Machinery & Equipment 2,168,774 32,004,363.00 91,080.00 34,082,057
21 113809 CIP: Hiring Charges - Light Vehicles 1,202,833.00 .00 1,202,833
22 113810 CIP: Hiring Charges - Others 74,923.00 .00 74,923
23 113811 CIP: Stores - Site Items Consumed 55,782,342.48 .00 55,782,342.48
24 113812 CIP: Stores - Others Consumed 10,792,654.00 635,368.00 10,157,286
25 113813 CIP: Subcontractors Cost - Workdone 1,436,137,967.00 2,084,210.00 1,434,053,757
26 113814 CIP: POL Consumed - Freight Services 67,890,381.43 17,510,984.56 50,379,396.87
27 113815 CIP: POL Consumed - Others 434,856 6,808,058.65 1,067,204.00 6,175,710.65
28 113818 CIP: Salaries & Amenities - Contractual 14,596,291.00 .00 14,596,291
29 113819 CIP: Wages & Allowances - Workcharge 118,213,204.00 1,906,894.00 116,306,310
30 113823 CIP: Cash Award 79,500.00 .00 79,500
31 113824 CIP: Medical Expenses 116,196.00 19,600.00 96,596
32 113826 CIP: Repair & Maintenance - Building 1,599,357.00 1,599,357.00
33 113827 CIP: Repair & Maintenance - Plant, Machinery & Equipment 8,181,030.24 387,071.24 7,793,959
34 113828 CIP: Repair & Maintenance - Load Carrying Vehicles 279,840.00 85,560.00 194,280
35 113829 CIP: Repair & Maintenance - Light Vehicles 8,720 5,465,190.00 106,354.00 5,367,556
36 113832 CIP: Repair & Maintenance - Furniture & Fixture 9,640.00 .00 9,640
37 113833 CIP: Repair & Maintenance - Office Equipment 24,200.00 .00 24,200
38 113834 CIP: Repair & Maintenance - Computer/ IT Equipment 286,128.00 .00 286,128
39 113835 CIP: Repair & Maintenance - Others 55,720.00 .00 55,720
40 113836 CIP: Travelling & Conveyance - Employees 2,953,609.00 .00 2,953,609
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PROJ:- P0023 Construction of CPEC Package - 1 Account :- To Period Date :- 01-JUL-16 To 30-JUN-17 07-SEP-17 01:52 PM

S/No GL_Account GL Description Opening Balance Period Debit Period Credit Closing Balance
1 P0023 Construction of CPEC Package - 1
41 113837 CIP: Printing & Photocopy Expenses 1,904,040 569,043.52 19,493.00 2,453,590.52
42 113838 CIP: Stationery Expense 3,013,353.00 .00 3,013,353
43 113839 CIP: Computer Stationery Expense 706,164.00 .00 706,164
44 113840 CIP: Electricity Expense 149,549.00 .00 149,549
45 113841 CIP: Gas Expense 18,710.00 14,020.00 4,690
46 113842 CIP: Water Expense 537,000.00 .00 537,000
47 113843 CIP: Telephone Expense 74,070.00 14,280.00 59,790
48 113844 CIP: Mobile Expense 124,881.00 4,100.00 120,781
49 113846 CIP: Laboratory Testing Charges 726,550.00 .00 726,550
50 113847 CIP: Funeral / Death Compensation Charges 337,226.00 .00 337,226
51 113848 CIP: Rent, Rates & Taxes 2,132,581.00 .00 2,132,581
52 113849 CIP: Transportation Charges 1,559,130 6,641,762.00 82,700.00 8,118,192
53 113850 CIP: Security Expense 9,565,966.00 .00 9,565,966
54 113852 CIP: Entertainment Expenses 9,717,888 1,589,966.00 990.00 11,306,864
55 113853 CIP: Donation Expense 92,700.00 .00 92,700
56 113854 CIP: Advertisement Expense 641,236 3,349,568.00 .00 3,990,804
57 113855 CIP: Bank Charges 202,935 3,629,590.20 4,716.62 3,827,808.58
58 113856 CIP: Miscellaneous Expenses 1,249,065 25,168,184.33 3,564,515.88 22,852,733.45
59 113857 CIP: Dep On Plant, Machinery & Equipment 293.3 12,036,547.74 .00 12,036,841.04
60 113858 CIP: Dep On Furniture & Fixture 363.52 269,319.20 .00 269,682.72
61 113859 CIP: Dep On Vehicles-Load Carrying 7,003,881.15 .00 7,003,881.15
62 113860 CIP: Dep On Vehicles-Light Vehicles 2,607,953.77 .00 2,607,953.77
63 113861 CIP: Dep On Office Equipment 102,447.32 .00 102,447.32
64 113862 CIP: Dep On Computers & Peripheral Devices 304,363.23 .00 304,363.23
65 113863 CIP: Dep On Electric & Gas Appliances 1,177.94 360,128.54 .00 361,306.48
66 113866 CIP: Profits / (Losses) Recognized 470,168,025.01 106,648,286.50 363,519,738.51
67 113867 CIP: Progress Billing (IPC) 735,505,424.14 3,242,538,103.53 (2,507,032,679.39)
68 117112 Retention Money Receivable from Client - LT - LCY 287,519,347.97 36,790,349.22 250,728,998.75
69 120206 POL Inventory 87,312,286.71 84,979,836.35 2,332,450.36
70 120207 General Stores 120,130,970.76 39,485,192.76 80,645,778
71 120209 Other store inventory 24,570.00 .00 24,570
72 121102 Raw Material - Construction 11,969,115.00 9,888,681.00 2,080,434
73 121105 Raw Material - others 67,539,903.00 67,539,903.00
74 121107 Raw Material - Steel 918,804,871.72 857,436,667.34 61,368,204.38
75 121108 Raw Material - Cement 99,786,544.00 99,417,295.40 369,248.6
76 121109 Raw Material - Pipe 51,125,190.00 21,381,132.00 29,744,058
77 121111 Raw Material - Bitumen 841,858.52 .00 841,858.52
78 122101 Contract Receivables - Billed 2,522,833,611.01 2,522,833,520.00 91.01
79 122104 Unapplied Receipts 3,242,913,041.00 3,242,913,041.00
80 122106 Receivable Against Bill # 07 47,576,106.80 288,982.00 47,287,124.8
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PROJ:- P0023 Construction of CPEC Package - 1 Account :- To Period Date :- 01-JUL-16 To 30-JUN-17 07-SEP-17 01:52 PM

S/No GL_Account GL Description Opening Balance Period Debit Period Credit Closing Balance
1 P0023 Construction of CPEC Package - 1
81 123204 Short term Adv to Contractors - LCY 500,000.00 .00 500,000
82 123210 Short term Adv to Suppliers LCY 523,521.00 310,194.52 213,326.48
83 124201 Prepaid Rent 1,111,222.00 810,000.00 301,222
84 125606 Other Receivable 6,198,601.20 6,599,125.00 (400,523.8)
85 129101 Cash-in-hand 12,894,365.00 11,090,362.88 1,804,002.12
86 133690 AKBL A/C no. 1811650001307 Const of CPEC Package - 1, Al-Shifa Eye Trust Br 35,083,759.27 35,083,759.27
87 133691 AKBL A/C no. 691650502062 Const of CPEC Pkg -I, Circular Rd Br DI Khan 107,394,533.43 99,418,231.65 7,976,301.78
88 133872 CIP-Dep-Building on Army Land 569,687.00 569,687.00
89 220101 Account Payable Contractors - LCY 1,444,560,886.00 1,444,560,888.00 (2)
90 220103 Account Payable Suppliers - LCY (8,022,396) 868,841,689.40 1,013,078,218.60 (152,258,925.2)
91 220207 Retention Money Payable .00 78,877,463.00 (78,877,463)
92 220208 Earnest Money Payable 12,446,200.00 38,980,329.00 (26,534,129)
93 220212 Short Term Mobilization Adv from Customers - LCY 1,744,668,800.22 2,741,994,595.92 (997,325,795.7)
94 220216 Other Account Payable - LCY .00 22.00 (22)
95 220801 1/5 GST with holding (338,944) 19,072,691.70 24,364,301.27 (5,630,553.57)
96 220805 Withholding Income Tax Payable (1,365,763) 237,578,621.41 260,808,320.53 (24,595,462.12)
97 222003 Proj Const Of Svc Ring Road 750.00 750.00
98 222006 Construction of CPEC Package - 1 (23,819,724) 3,299,076,476.71 2,657,904,300.21 617,352,452.5
99 320401 Unappropriated profit/(accumulated loss) .00 .00
100 410301 Gross turnover - Engineers - Billed 735,505,424.14 3,242,538,103.52 (2,507,032,679.38)
101 510050 Construction Projects - Cost for the period 2,772,370,078.51 628,857,137.64 2,143,512,940.87
102 514501 Travelling & conveyance - Employees 183,299.00 183,299.00
103 514905 Dep on Plant, Machinery & Equipment 14,609,575.22 14,609,575.22
104 514908 Dep on Vehicles-Load Carrying 8,439,558.94 8,439,558.94
105 515201 Transportation charges 285,600.00 285,600.00
106 520907 Dep on Furniture & fixture 330,506.53 330,506.53
107 520908 Dep on Administrative Vehicles 3,051,934.51 3,051,934.51
108 520909 Dep on Office Equipment 155,142.09 155,142.09
109 520910 Dep on Computers & peripheral devices 370,711.04 370,711.04
110 520915 Dep on Electric & Gas Appliances 466,168.48 466,168.48
111 540902 Bank Charges on Saving/PLS Account 4,449.20 4,449.20
112 610101 Interest Income on bank accounts .00 575,571.83 (575,571.83)
113 611001 Other Income .00 109,244.74 (109,244.74)
114 611007 Sub-contractories recoveries Income .00 364,318.29 (364,318.29)
115 611012 Tender Fee .00 177,000.00 (177,000)
116 710701 Plant, Machinery & Equipment - Clearing Acct 250,182,055.27 250,182,056.27 (1)
117 710901 Furniture & fixture - Clearing Acct 5,269,206.00 5,269,206.00
118 711001 Vehicles-Load Carrying - Clearing Acct 74,588,426.00 74,588,426.00
119 711101 Vehicles-Light - Clearing Acct 15,440,000 43,933,508.00 59,373,508.00
120 711201 Office Equipment - Clearing Acct 2,375,700.00 2,375,700.00
LOC:- 714 PD KPK Page 4 of 4

PROJ:- P0023 Construction of CPEC Package - 1 Account :- To Period Date :- 01-JUL-16 To 30-JUN-17 07-SEP-17 01:52 PM

S/No GL_Account GL Description Opening Balance Period Debit Period Credit Closing Balance
1 P0023 Construction of CPEC Package - 1
121 711301 Computers & peripheral devices - Clearing Acct 5,664,746.00 5,664,746.00
122 711401 Electrical/Gas Appliances - Clearing Acct 10,042,194.00 10,042,194.00
123 713606 CWIP - furniture & fixture - Clearing Acct 70,000.00 70,000.00
.00 23,745,471,134 23,745,471,134 .00

Report / Trial Balance Total Value Rs. :- .00 23,745,471,134 23,745,471,134 .00

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