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The NCTRC is open Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 9am to 7pm, and

Wednesday from 9am to 4pm.


Breakout EDU: Escape from the Traditional Classroom

Open to All
Prerequisite: none
Instructors: Diane Dame and Michele Ela, Saranac Elementary School
Dates: October 19, 24, 26, 30 and November 1
Times: 4-7pm
Place: North Country Teacher Resource Center
Cost: $100
Register by: October 12
1 in-service credit/15 CTLE hours
Class limit: 8

Engage students from any grade level as they take ownership of their learning while collaborating, cre-
ating, thinking critically and communicating. Breakout kits (available for sign-out from the NCTRC)
offer a learning environment which provides students with the opportunity to fail forward. In this work-
shop you will learn about the effectiveness of Breakout in the classroom, participate in several Break-
outs, and be provided the time and resources to create your own Breakout experiences. Participants
will walk away with several Breakout lessons to challenge their students.

The Paperless Classroom

Open to All
Prerequisite: None, but helpful to have experience with Google Drive and Google Apps like Google Docs
Instructor: Chris Fey, AuSable Valley CSD NYS Master Teacher
Dates: November 1-30 (dates will be determined by participants)
Place: Online format
Register by: October 24th
Cost: $100
1 in-service credit/15 CTLE hours
Class limit: 20

This course is designed to help teachers utilize technology to become more efficient and productive by using
applications and techniques to become paperless. These skills will also allow teachers to help their stu-
dents become more organized, productive, and efficient using paperless technology. This will serve students
well as they continue their education or join the workforce. The course will emphasize methods for having
all your notes, lesson plans, web pages, handwritten notes, annotations, directions, to-do lists, grocery lists,
etc available in a cloud, on any device, anywhere. You may never need another sticky note, bulky planner, or
paper calendar again.
Book Study: Making Number Talks Matter

Open to K-12 Math Teachers

Prerequisite: Purchase Making Number Talks Matter, by Cathy Humphreys and Ruth Parker
Instructor: Tammy Casey, Lake Placid High SchoolNYS Master Teacher
Dates: November 7-28, Zoom meetings on November 12 and 26 (7-8pm)
Place: Online format, with 2 Zoom meetings to discuss book
Register by: October 31
Cost: $100
1 in-service credit/15 CTLE hours
Class Limit: 25

Do your students struggle with numeracy and fluency? By giving up just 5 minutes of every class, Number
Talks might be just the thing to get your students thinking about numbers in different ways. We will read the
book "Making Number Talks Matter" and discuss how to make them work in your classroom. The course
will run for 4 weeks. Two of the weeks we will discuss the book online and two of the weeks we will meet
online from 7-8pm.

Link to purchase book:

Disrupting Thinking: Why How We Read Matters A Study Group

Open to All
Prerequisite: none
Instructor: Jean Ann Hunt, Literacy Education SUNY Plattsburgh
Dates: October 24, November 7, 14, and December 5, 12
Time: 4-7pm
Place: NCTRC
Register by : October 12
Cost: $100 plus $30 for the cost of the book
1 in-service credit/15 CTLE hours
Class Limit: 15

Participants in this study group will be reading and discussing Disrupting Thinking: Why How We Read Matters
by Kylene Beers & Robert Probst. The premise of this book is that reading ought to change us. It should help
us think differently, challenge our assumptions, and make us wonder. The authors discuss creating responsive,
responsible and compassionate readers and provide framework for teachers to use in their classrooms. Beers &
Probst researched and wrote this book while working in K-12 classrooms with teachers and children-real stories
that inspire and guide.
Brain Works and Student Learning

Open to All
Prerequisite: None
Instructors: Bonnie Gregware and Cheryl Dodds
Dates: October 17, 19, 24, and 26
Times: 4:00-7:30pm
Place: NCTRC
Cost: $100
Register by: October 10
1 in-service credit/15 CTLE hours
Class limit: 30

Join Bonnie and Cheryl as they turnkey Eric Jensens Teaching with the Brain in Mind. Jensens
message to all educators: You have far more influence on students brains than you realize...and
you have an obligation to take advantage of the incredible revelation science is providing.
This workshop explores:
A basic orientation to the brain, its various systems and how they affect learning.
A background in how the research translates to the classroom.
A working knowledge of the 14 Core Brain Operating Systems.
A working knowledge of executive function skills.
A toolkit of ideas for building grit in students.
More ideas for building working memory and cognition.
Way to connect the brain research to the curriculum, to assessment and to staff development.

Turnaround Tools for the Teenage Brain

A Book Study by Eric Jensen and Carole Snider

Open to All
Prerequisite: None
Instructors: Bonnie Gregware and Cheryl Dodds
Dates: November 7, 14, 29 and December 5
Times: 4:00-7:30pm
Place: NCTRC
Cost: $100 plus $30 for the cost of the book
Register by: October 26
1 in-service credit/15 CTLE hours
Class Limit:15

Teens struggling in school need tools and strategies to improve their learning and help them suc-
ceed. This book study offers teacher research-based and classroom strategies to boost student effort,
build attitudes, improve motivation, as well as academic skills. New insights on the rules of how
the brain changes will empower kids to make positive changes in goal setting and in their journey as
lifelong learners.
Basic Smartboard Notebooks

Open to All
Prerequisite: None
Instructor: Heather Brault, AuSable Valley School
Dates: October 16, 23 and November 6, 13
Times: 4-7:30pm
Place: NCTRC
Cost: $100
Register by: October 10
1 In-service credit/15 CTLE hours
Class Limit: 7

Do you have a Smartboard in your classroom? Dont use it as only a projector, learn how to use it as
an interactive learning tool. Using slides and content specific notebooks will enhance your lessons at
all grade levels. Participants in this course will learn the basics of Smartboard and Smartboard Note-
book features. They will have the opportunity to create Smartboard Notebooks/pages which can be used
immediately in the classroom.

Culturally Responsive Teaching with Diverse Learners

Open to All
Prerequisite: None
Instructor: Jodi LaRock
Dates October 21,22, 28, 29 and November 4
Times: 8:30 5:30
Place: NCTRC
Register through the link to find cost
Class Limit: 25
3 Credits offered through UNY 831 Adelphi University
SUNY Empire State College Credit Pending

This course focuses on improving student outcomes by increasing teacher understanding of the impact
of race, culture and language in the learning environment. Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) is a
research-based method designed to enhance student engagement by implementing strategies to develop
stronger relationships, culturally-inclusive curriculum and instruction techniques and positive learning
environments. Participants examine the elements of Culturally Responsive Teaching through personal
reflection and development of culturally competent strategies to effectively differentiate instruction for
students from linguistically, culturally and racially diverse backgrounds. Participants deepen knowledge
of their own cultural background and the impact on instruction while implementing strategies to in-
crease connections with students and improve learning outcomes through culturally-relevant curricu-
lum. and instruction. 3 graduate credits.
Fall 2017
Please call the NCTRC at 518-564-5000 to hold your reservation
Payment must be received before registration will be confirmed.
Please fill out the registration form below and return to :
North Country Teacher Resource Center
Room 545 Sibley Hall, Plattsburgh State University, Plattsburgh, NY 12901
It is the responsibility of the participant to check the awarding on in-service credit through their district office.

Check Title Credits Start Register Fee ($) Check if

Choice Date by CTLE hours

Breakout EDU 1 Oct. 17 Oct. 10 $100

The Paperless Classroom 1 Nov. 1 Oct. 24 $100

Making Number Talks Matter 1 Nov. 7 Oct. 31 $100

Disrupting Thinking 1 Oct. 24 Oct. 12 $100

Turnaround Tools 1 Nov. 7 Oct. 31 $130

Brainworks and Student Learning 1 Oct. 17 Oct. 10 $100

Basic Smartboard Notebooks 1 Oct. 16 Oct. 16 $100

Culturally Responsive Teaching 3 Oct. 21

Register through the link for this class only

Name _____________________________________ District ___________________________________________

Bldg____________________________________________ Grade level/assignment ________________________

Phone ____________________________ Work Phone__________________________________________

Email address_________________________________________________________________________________

Home Address________________________________________________________________________________

City________________________________ State_____________ Zip _________________________________

Payment Instructions: Please write a separate check for each course

Make checks payable to CAS/North Country
Please note that it is not possible to run courses and workshops that are undersubscribed. All offerings must
be self-sustaining and have an enrollment of at least six people. Registration shortfall or weather may cancel
Fees returned only if a program is cancelled or enrollee cancels prior to registration deadline.
CAS/North Country courses and workshops are open to all community stakeholders.

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