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1. Introduction
Development means a good or 'improvement' and lead to a better quality of life for
individuals and communities. It is a process that led to the growth and economic progress
that can change the condition or the situation of an area or community. According to Meier
(1960), development is a process by which a country's income per capita rose in the period.
Same goes to Hagen (1978), stated that development should emphasize on increasing the
production and productivity of the country.

Development administration is related to the role of government through its

agencies, control and manage processes related matters such as national development,
economic growth and social change. It also focused on the main areas or sectors of the
country such as transportation, education, industrial, manufacturing, agricultural and so on.
It is a multi-disciplinary field and includes areas or knowledge management.

The development agency that have been selected is MARA. Majlis Amanah Rakyat
(MARA) is an agency under the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development
of Malaysia. MARA has been formed and established on 1 March 1966 under an Act of
Parliament as a statutory and autonomous body as the results of the first Bumiputera
Economic Congress resolution on the previous year. It is the duty of the Council to
promote, stimulate, facilitate and conduct economic and social development in the federal
and particularly in rural areas.


2. Background of the agency

a) Structure

MARA is an autonomous body, responsible to the Ministry of Rural And Regional

Development. The MARA Council consists of the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Head of
Secretary and eight other members, two of whom are from the civil service. All Committee
Members are appointed by the Ministry of Rural And Regional Development.

The Director-General is the Chief Executive. He is assisted by three Deputy

Director-Generals. The departments are headed by the Directors while the units are under
the control of Heads of Units. They carry out MARAs functions at the headquarters level.
MARA supported by 14 offices at the state level including the Federal Territory, of Kuala
Lumpur and Labuan and offices at the district level. In addition, MARA has offices which
operate in UK (London), USA (Washington) Indonesia (Jakarta), German (Frankfurt),
Australia (Sydney), Ireland (Dublin), Mesir (Iskandariah) and Russia (Moscow).

MARA Management operates via the operation centres found throughout the
country and overseas. These operation centres include:

Divisions In Headquarters 25
MARA State Offices 14
MARA District Offices 117
MARA Offices Abroad 8
Institut Latihan Kecemerlangan 1
MARA Ketengah International 1
College (MKIC)
Pusat Kepimpinan Pelajar 1
Kolej Profesional MARA 6

Kolej MARA 5


Kolej Kemahiran Tinggi MARA 11

Institut Kemahiran MARA (IKM) 13

MARA Junior Science College 50

GIATMARA 14 States / 231 Centres

b) Objective

The main objective of MARA is to increase and enhance Bumiputera participation

in commercial and industrial activities and to improve the social and economic status of
Bumiputera in line with the New Economic Policy. This is done to encourage, guide, train
and assist Bumiputera in commercial and industrial activities towards the establishment of
a successful Bumiputera business community.

There are also a few objectives of MARA. The first objective is developing
successful and innovative entrepreneurs. Innovative refers to doing something outside the
box. Innovative also can be related to reform, improvements, inventions and discoveries.
This innovative concept is wide and can be applied in various fields and conditions,
including the business sector. The business world is closely linked to the innovative.
Without innovation, the business world will remain static without any reform and change.
Therefore, it is one of the objectives of the MARA which is to develop a successful and
innovative entrepreneurs. This is because, the entrepreneurs that embrace innovative in
their business model will be more advanced and successful than entrepreneurs who remain
with the traditional business model that is only concerned about their sales.

The second objective is producing a globalized human capital with integrity.

Generally, capital often defined as a bunch of money, assets and properties that can be used
in an activity that will bring in customers or profits. Human capital can be defined as the
characteristics of the workers that make them more productive. This capital cannot be


transferred from one person to another, but one has to strive to get it. Therefore, it is
important for to have a global human capital and integrity in business. If the global human
capital and integrity were not born in the fields of business, and they were armed only with
their talent, their business cannot grow and may even end. To prevent the matter from
occurring, MARA has organized various programs to a global human capital and integrity
in business.

Besides, contributing to equity ownership also be one of the objectives of MARA.

The equity ownership can redress the balance between the economy. Contribution to equity
ownership would result in a balance between the races. Nowadays, it can be seen that each
of the races in Malaysia have already started doing business. Each of the races to compete
in their respective businesses. It is feared will cause problems such as inequality of equity
in each race. Therefore, it is one of the objectives of the MARA to contribute to equity
ownership in Malaysia. Based on these objectives, MARA has set up and organize a wide
variety of programs in the field of business. Each of the programs has their own approach
and with them is to contribute to the equity ownership in between races in Malaysia.

The last objective of MARA is facilitating the delivery system. With the
introduction of the establishment of MARA, it will facilitate the delivery system of
business information. This would facilitate the interaction between businesses and
governments. Through this, businessman will be easier to lodge complaints about their
businesses to the government such as complaints about lack of facilities provided by the
government. Not only that, the submission of information on any program organized on
the business will be easier and faster with the establishment of MARA.


c) Functions

MARA has some of its own function. Among these functions is to create and
increase the number of Bumiputera entrepreneurs. This is to attract people to venture into
the field of business can be extremely profitable to them and working for their daily lives.
It is also to improve their trade and industrial activities towards the establishment of a
strong business community. This situation can prevent the occurrence of poverty. Through
the business, a family can support their daily lives through business profits earned.

Besides. MARA also serves to take an active part in business and industry specific.
This is done through investment and management in companies. This is intended as a step
provide protection to increase indigenous participation in the business world. With these
steps, the number of Bumiputeras who engage in the business world will increase.

The third function of MARA is to increase the number of Bumiputera employment.

It is specific to the Bumiputera who are trained in various fields at all levels, especially for
commercial and industrial sectors. Therefore, it is desirable for advancing to provide
programs that provide training and skills of Bumiputera entrepreneurs. With a program like
this, entrepreneurs not only have the skills to do business, but also have expertise in the
field of manufacturing and marketing.

Lastly, MARA is working to encourage other appropriate facilities and services in

business. Mara's role is to get the facilities and services needed by entrepreneurs from the
government. For example, machinery and capital. In this case, MARA is also a trustee who
can help specifically or generally to enhance the social and economic status of Bumiputera.


3. About the program :


Training is defined as a learning experience in creating a relatively permanent

change in an individual that improves his or her ability to perform on the job
(Thassanabanjjong et. Al., 2009). Nyambura (2014) indicates that entrepreneurs learn
through application, doing, experiences, examples, and mistakes such as traning must be
practical in nature. Thus, enterprenuership training indicates training in ways of
introducing a new product, a new method of production, opening a new market, conquering
a new source of raw materials and recognizing an industry in a new way. Training activities
for Bumiputera Entrepreneur package to equip themselves with the knowledge, skills and
entrepreneurship to be entrepreneurs viable and competitive.
Programs under cover entrepreneurship training courses, training, seminars,
workshops input for exposure, knowledge and skills at the level of entrepreneurial culture,
the creation and strengthening of entrepreneurs as well as an increase in organized by the
Division Entrepreneur Development and PUSMA State and in partnership with
government agencies, private sector and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Types
of training activities conducted divided into two which is creation of entrepreneur and
promotion&strengthening of entrepreneurs.
There are a fews objectives in this training program, firstly identify talent and
potential participants to become successful entrepreneurs. Secondly, participants may
submit a plan of action to start the project / business / company. Next, they must applying
progressive business ethics and positive attitude to enable entrepreneurs practice in running
a company / business. They also need to provide a modern management knowledge so that
entrepreneurs can practice in running a company / business to achieve the goals 2020 and
can keep up with modern technology and are able to compete in the open market.
The strategy of this program is to organize familiarization courses in
entrepreneurship for who would be entrepreneurs. This courses enable the creation of
Bumiputera entrepreneurs start a company / trade / business. It also improve the courses
for existing entrepreneurs enable them to acquire knowledge in order to develop the
company's business / trade conducted. Improving the skills of entrepreneurs through


exposure to companies Trade. MARA has conducted courses for the creation of
entrepreneurs since 1976 again.
Exercise Formation of Entrepreneurs (LPU) aims to create entrepreneurs who have
and low self-insight and wisdom in finding a viable business opportunity. The target
audience open to interested bumiputera into a business. The aged between 18 and 60 years
old and holds at least SPM. Promotion and strengthening of courses undertaken is aimed
at improving knowledge and skills of entrepreneurs to become more competition. In
conclusion, Training and guidance provided is intended to create new entrepreneurs among
bumiputera entrepreneurs and improve existing capabilities in line with goal bumiputera
commercial and Industrial Community (BCIC).


Business Advisory Service Scheme is a facility provided to help solve problems or

improve performance and productivity entrepreneurs / companies through advisory
services of quality and effective MARA conducted by a panel of facilitators. It acts as a
central local ('one-stop center') that have multiple skills in the field advisory services to be
offered to Bumiputera entrepreneurs.
The scheme is focused on private business / partnership or company Private
Limited / Limited or indigenous cooperatives in operation. Entrepreneurs are being
targeted under this scheme consists of three categories. First, entrepreneurs who receive
SBA financing but face had to repay the loan. Second, private business / partnership or
private limited company/Class Bumiputera Berhad (51% bumiputera shareholding). Third,
business has been in operation for 6 months or more and have business registration and
have a certain truth in run the company.
The scheme is established to improve the performance and productivity of
entrepreneurs / companies through advisory and consultancy services of high quality and
effective. As a professional energy service support facilities and a how centralization of
activities to consultants who conduct outreach services. Allows entrepreneurs to gain
expertise in the domains of aspects that can help improve and ensure the success of
companies that run. This program target a group which has a private business / partnership


or private limited company / Class Bumiputera Berhad (51% bumiputera shareholding).

The Businesses are already operating one year or more and has a registration business and
has certain truth in the running company. the business has the potential to grow and require
improvement of various aspects (eg standardization, production processes, marketing,
etc.). Entrepreneurs who are fully committed to the program. Priority for the manufacture
of a competitive market open.
In conclusion, business Advisory Service Scheme is a program development
entrepreneurs who focus on efforts to increase the capacity Bumiputera entrepreneurs to
be more efficient, economically viable and thus can compete internationally.


Entrepreneurs Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are new average in

manufacturing and production. Many are still unable to open and competitive market for
brave entrepreneurs and producer non-Bumiputeras, especially for a place in the various
'Hypermarket' an established and growing in Malaysia. Hence to help promote and
improve demand for products produced by Bumiputera, various activities under Marketing
and Promotion Program should be implemented.
The overall objective of this program is to help Bumiputera involved in the
production of various types of products to explore and seize market opportunities, expand
existing market size and improve competitiveness in the open market. There is an
application for entrepreneurs which each application must be made through the Office of
the MARA District (PMD)/Office PUSMA land near the company operate using the
form Brg - CPP-1.
All applications shall be registered after all conditions requirements have been met.
The Processing period should not exceed 15 days from the date the application is
filed. Applications that do not exceed RM100,000.00 and included in the scope of activities
that are allocated directly PMN to be approved at the state level. Incomplete applications
will be rejected after 14 days is given writing period to complete. PMD / PUSMA Officer
must submit a letter of rejection to unsuccessful participants. Any appeal must be submitted
to the State and PUSMA PMN for the purpose of re-evaluation and support. A complete


application and requires the approval of the BPU, shall support PMN and submitted to the
CPP for the BPU assessment and approval / disapproval thereof.
For promotional activities in Hypermarkets, selection of participants will be made
together and with the consent of the hypermarket involved. There are several conditions
which entrepreneur should follows. Companies must have a product / service that is ready
to marketed to customers. Companies must registered with the Companies Commission of
Malaysia (Business Registry of Companies) owned Bumiputera completely. The company
also must has the product / service of existing, new or potential launch / market. Priority
will be given to entrepreneurs / Bumiputera companies ranking producers. Products /
Services qualifying standards such as: Products: Halal, Barcode, Nutrition Fact, Expired.
Service: Not violate Islamic law / ethics / norms of society.
Marketing and Promotion Program in the country is important and require the
support and involvement of all parties involved. Product Bumiputera SMI output will only
be meaningful if there are a number of reasonable requests to be forwarded. Even though
this is realized, but we find Bumiputera SME entrepreneurs still at unsound to invest and
the success of promotional efforts consistently and through various without the support of
government activities.


Techno-entrepreneurship is to apply and using its technological expertise in the

production of products, services, business management and business decision making.
MARA Techno program is a method for increasing capacity and capability of existing
entrepreneurs to small entrepreneurs, medium (SMEs) and large (Large Company) in
accordance with the respective class implemented through collaboration between the
Friends Intelligent Technology MARA the Higher Education Institutions (IPTA) and
Private (IPTS), Agency & Body Government Technology Provider or Private Sector
expertise based strategic research and technology.
The main objective of the Program is to enhance Technopreneurs and
technopreneurs strengthening its leadership or industry player able to contribute
significantly to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) country by Bumiputera SMEs. Policy


and Government policies that form the basis of the implementation of the Program MARA
Techno is National Industrial Master Plan (PIP), National Science and Technology Policy
II, Association of Bumiputera Trade and Industry Community (MPPB), National Key
Economic Areas (NKEA) and Economic Transformation Plan (ETP).
The key strategies of Technopreneurs Program are enhancing the capacity and
capability of entrepreneurs through academic approaches, technologies, technical, generic
and entrepreneurship. Concatenates technopreneurs with industry through business
matching, adaptation and technology cooperation strategic alliances with industry leaders.
Complete preparation for entering technopreneurs MARA market through schemes such
as financing facilities Business, Infrastructure Leasing Business Support Scheme Packaged
Industrial & Business, and Business Consultation Marketing Development. Measuring
performance Performance Indicator (KPI) through an increase in the size of capital, sales
and number of employees according to the definition of SMEs established by Council
Small and Medium Enterprise Development (NSDC).

The concept of technoprenuership can be classified into two (2) main concepts.
First, Techno Entrepreneurship Degree Program (STK). This program is implemented
through partnerships between MARA Higher Education Institutions (IPTA) and Higher
Education Institutions (IPTS) like Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia (UTM) and Management Science University (MSU). They are responsible for
supplying inputs to participants through academic approach, provision of infrastructure and
facilities learning, practical exposure through the concept of "teaching factory" and
industry involvement through the concept of "mentoring". The duration of study for
students in universities are for two (2) years / four (4) semesters and participants pass and
meet requirements will be awarded a Master's Degree Technopreneurs.
Second, the strategic Technology Upgrading Program (PPTS). This program is
implemented through partnerships between MARA Agency and Agency for Technology
Providers Government or Private Sector has the expertise and technology-based research
strategic such as SIRIM Berhad (SIRIM), the Institute of Research and Malaysian
Agricultural Development Institute (MARDI), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM),
Multimedia Development Corridor (MDeC), Healing Chamber of Asia Co., Ltd. (COA),


Melaka Biotechnology Corporation. The joint venture is to focus on establishing and

technopreneur development through technology guidance form practical and theoretical,
technical consulting, design and development products, facilities and support research,
incubator space technology attachment (attachment), business consulting, promotion and
marketing and entrepreneurship training. The program duration is according to modules
offered by providers technology with up to one year and participants graduated and meet
the requirements will be awarded a Certificate of Proficiency.
Technoprenuer program requirements for technopreneurs. MARA program in
general conditions must meet the entry requirements set by the universities / colleges /
agencies and a Project Plan Business (Proof Of Ideas) that can commercialized. The special
conditions must has project planning business (product / service) to improved / diversified
to suit the field who want to undertake. This program target a micro and small entrepreneurs
who want to improve their existing business through the use of technology and
entrepreneurs who have business based technology. Startups are competent and have the
technological competence height.
The Prospects of this program is participants who complete the program have the
opportunity to explore areas entrepreneurship industrial / high-impact technology, generate
revenue and improve the quality of life in harmony then introduced by New Economic
Model (NEM) and Economic Transformation Plan (ETP). Improving knowledge and
competence of level technopreneurs basis experience implemented on the level of skilled
and specialist via extension phase. Helping to increase the capacity
of business entities through the increase the size of capital, sales and number of employees
of small to medium scale.


4. Discussion

a) Issues
i. Problems faced by MARA in dealing with Bumiputera entrepreneurs

The major problems faced by the MARA entrepreneurs sector involve the attitude
and the behaviour of the entrepreneurs sector. It is because, the major problems lie in the
attitude and behaviour of the entrepreneurs. Even though the government has come up with
considerable effort such as programmes, activities and allocation of huge subsidies for the
Bumiputera entrepreneurs through various government agencies such as MARA,
Bumiputera entrepreneurs still do not know how to make full use of the training, activities
and allocation of loans that have been given to them.

Apart from that, the majority of the Bumiputera entrepreneurs, after getting the
loans or rental of the machine, have gone missing and have failed to pay back their loans
or settle their loans and the rental of the machine from MARA. From the beginning, when
the Bumiputera entrepreneurs apply for loans, they already had the mentality of not paying
back the loans as they perceive the loans given to them as free and they looked at them as
subsidies from the government. Therefore, problems occur when these Bumiputera
entrepreneurs fail to pay back their loans. Consequently, it will affect the other Bumiputera
entrepreneurs chances in getting loans as the existing Bumiputera entrepreneurs fail to
settle their debts.

Table 1 shows the total amount of loans that have been approved and given out to
Bumiputera entrepreneurs in various sectors such as wholesale, trade, services
manufacturing, transportation and agriculture under the Ninth Malaysian Plan.

Total amount of Loans under the Ninth Malaysia Plan

Year Number of Entrepreneurs RM
2006 8,565 317,364,900
2007 11,162 547,162,583
2008 12,801 628,394,341
2009 5,542 248,829,426


TOTAL 38,070 1,741,751,250

Table 1: MARA loans given to Bumiputera entrepreneurs under the Ninth Malaysian Plan
Source: MARA Financial Loan Division Sector by research of Nurliyana (2011)

Huge amounts of money have been allocated for the Bumiputera entrepreneurs
every year but the borrowers tend to ignore their responsibility in the repayment of the
loans. This reflects the attitude and behaviour of the Bumiputera entrepreneurs that tend to
neglect their responsibilities and to rely heavily on the government subsidies by not setting
their loans repayments. According to the interview that made by Nurliyana with the
Director of the MARA entrepreneurs sector, there were entrepreneurs who had succeeded
in their businesses but at the end of the day, they failed to settle their debts with MARA
due to the poor attitude and behaviour among Bumiputera entrepreneurs.

Besides that, there have some problems from the entrepreneurs who have never
registered with MARA. They mentioned that it is difficult to get the financial loans from
MARA as the procedure in financial loan applications had created problems from the
applicants. They also mentioned that there were too many bureaucratic procedures in
MARA management that caused dissatisfactions among the entrepreneurs. They also
mentioned that the business premises locations provided by MARA were not located at
the strategic places and it would slow their business. So, the entrepreneurs turned to other
government agencies due to the privileges and facilities such as grants offered to them or
softer loans offered by the government agencies such as MATRADE, SIRIM and MOSTI.

ii. Problems faced by MARA Bumiputera entrepreneurs

Besides that, the entrepreneurs said that they have difficulties in competing in the
same business field such as wedding boutique, restaurants and textiles. There are too many
entrepreneurs operating in the same kind of business at the same MARA building premises
and this in a way created high competition among the entrepreneurs in the MARA building
premises. This situation creates an unhealthy environment where business becomes slow
and uncompetitive. Every business premise will compete with one another in making
promotional sales to attract customers.


Furthermore, according to the research of Nurliyana (2011), entrepreneurs also face

problems in getting consultancy whenever they face problems dealing with their business
management. MARA would then hire their business consultants on behalf of the MARA
entrepreneurs in helping and assisting them in their business management. However, a few
number of entrepreneurs are not satisfied with the consultancy services provided by MARA.
Last but not least, entrepreneurs face problems in dealing with the slow and late application
process services and approval from the relevant authorities. This problem reflects the weak
management of MARA that might be due to the limited number of skilled and able workers in
processing the applications.

b) Suggestions

iii. Suggestions to overcome the problems faced by MARA entrepreneurs

The first strategy employed by MARA in overcoming all the uprising problems
faced by the entrepreneurs is to set up a financial division is knowns as the Credit Control
Division (CCD). The majority of the Bumiputera face problems when dealing with finance
where they fail to pay back their loans while some have limited financial sources for
starting a business. Therefore, the CCD is responsible for monitoring the collection of
repayment of the business loans, rental of MARA business premises and also to provide
financial assistance to those entrepreneurs who have problems dealing with financial
capital. This CCD functions as the main body in monitoring all matters pertaining to the
entrepreneurs financial loans. MARA has its own financial division that will monitor all
the problems faced by Bumiputera entrepreneurs.

The second suggestion solutions to overcome the problems by MARA is MARA

should make monitoring system on Bumiputera entrepreneurs. The monitoring system
functions can monitor the entrepreneurs loan repayment and identifying the difficulties
faced by entrepreneurs when they fail to pay the loans in the given time period. If the
entrepreneurs face financial problems in repayment of the loans, in the first stage, MARA
would make a follow up checking on the entrepreneurs and if the entrepreneurs are still
unable to settle the loan services, MARA would send a warning letter as a first reminder to
the entrepreneurs and lastly, if the entrepreneurs totally fail to settle the loans within the
duration period that has been given, MARA would take legal actions against the


entrepreneurs. However, MARA should provide alternatives for those Bumiputera

entrepreneurs who fail to settle their loans due to circumstance that cannot be avoided.

Last but not least, there have some suggestions or solutions to overcome the
problems faced by the entrepreneurs in ensuring the success of the entrepreneurs business.
Firstly, MARA need to improve on its effort in promoting the Bumiputera products and
services. Next, MARA has to be more informative and has to give more training guidance
to the Bumiputera entrepreneurs in becoming successful and competitive entrepreneurs. In
terms of financial loans and assistance, MARA has to be more selective in giving and
approving loans to the Bumiputera entrepreneurs. It is because, MARA should only
approve the financial loans to those entrepreneurs who are really qualified. Apart, from
that, MARA should expose the entrepreneurs to promotional techniques so that they will
be able to promote and export their products at the international level. This promotional
technique should be taught at the first stage during the entrepreneurship training
development. The last suggestion is MARA should give some of the entrepreneurs the
ultimate chance in doing business in the MARA premises and buildings. Moreover, MARA
should not put too much pressure on the new entrepreneurs with small business premises.
Guidance and assistance are much needed from these types of new Bumiputera


5. Conclusion
Entrepreneurial process is a major factor in economic development of the country
and the entrepreneur is the key to economic growth. Entrepreneurship is an approach to
management that can be applied in start-up situations as well as within more established
businesses. Even though, MARA have many problems with the entrepreneurs such as
MARA have lack in terms of consult and gives advices from time to time to the
entrepreneurs, but the entrepreneurs should not put determination solely to MARA only.
With the programmes that conducted by MARA, the entrepreneurs should be more
initiatives towards by the programmes. Entrepreneurs cannot just rely on the programs
carried out by MARA, but they should strive to strengthen with their own to compete with
other entrepreneurs. Moreover, they also be creative and innovative towards how to
promote the businesses in order to attract more customers. So, with more entrepreneurs in
development, it can provides immediate large-scale employment. Thus, it helps to reduce
the unemployment problem in the country.


6. References

Abd. Jalil bin Abd. Hamid. (1999). Effectiveness of MARA training and development
program for entrepreneurship. Kuala Lumpur : International Islamic University

Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA). (2016). Official Portal of Majlis Amanah Rakyat :
Ministry of Rural and Regional Development. Retrieved on 25 April 2017, from

Nurliyana Fatin. (2011). Developing malay entrepreneurs in Malaysia : The role of Majlis
Amanah Rakyat (MARA) and Tabung Ekonomi Kumpulan Usaha Niaga
(TEKUN). Unpublished degrees thesis, Kuala Lumpur : Universiti Islam

Saiful Nordin. (2014). Pengajian Malaysia : Majlis Amanah Rakyat. Retrieved on 24 April
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Wikipedia. (2016). Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA). Retrieved on 25 April 2017, from

Zarini Mohd Idris. (1996). Keberkesanan program latihan keusahawanan dan bimbingan
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