Norma Hotaling Awards Announcement

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Norma Hotaling Awards

Three Awards in Commemoration of Norma Hotaling

Norma Hotaling (1951-2008), founder of SAGE, transcended homelessness, addiction and prostitution to transform her suffering into opportunity and hope for others. Trafficked into prostitution as a child, she remained trapped in it for eighteen years. By sheer personal will, she overcame the vicious cycle of violence, abuse, and exploitation. Determined to create exit strategies for others like her, she spent the next eighteen years of her life creating a safe haven for victims of prostitution and sex trafficking. She also called attention to inequities in the criminal justice system and focused on the demand side of sex trafficking by developing new programs and policies for men and boys. To commemorate the anniversary of her passing on December 17th 2008, we offer three awards paying tribute to Normas legacy and recognizing individuals continuing her life's work. Together we can celebrate Norma and honor those who are carrying on her vision.

The Norma Hotaling Awards

Survivor-Centered Service Provider: $5000 will be awarded to a

person who demonstrates a commitment to providing survivor-centered services to sex trafficking victims here in the United States.

Demand Reduction: $5,000 will be awarded to a person who

demonstrates innovative approaches to demand reduction, particularly working with men and boys to changes attitudes and behaviors.

Josephine Butler Award: $5,000 will be awarded to a person who

challenges the status quo and creates new abolitionist policy or approach to sex trafficking in the United States.

Eligibility Requirements
Nominees must be U.S. citizens or living legally in the United States. Nominees must be 18 years or older. Nominees must have an abolitionist approach to human trafficking. Nominees can head or be part of an organization, but need not be. There is no gender requirement for nomination.

About the Awards Survivor- Centered Service Provider Award: The Survivor-Centered
Service Provider Award will be given to a person who has overcome hardship and life struggles similar to those of Norma Hotaling, and demonstrates leadership both in surpassing those circumstances and in working to make a difference in the lives of others hurt in the commercial sex industry. The nominee must display commitment and dedication to helping women and children to escape their previous exploitation and become survivors.

Demand-Reduction Award:

The Demand Reduction Award will be given to a person focused on eradicating demand. A key aspect of this Award is reaching young men and boys (and also women and girls) to prevent them from becoming part of the sex industry or to help them end their participation in the sex industry. In addition, innovative ways to educate the general public as to how demand creates and fuels sex trafficking will be considered.

Josephine Butler Award (1826-1906): Josephine Butler, a British

feminist and evangelical Christian in the Victorian era was a visionary especially concerned with the welfare of women and girls trafficked into and trapped in prostitution. She was a charismatic leader who spearheaded a long campaign for the repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts (1886-89), laws that instituted gruesome health checks on females, but not males, involved in prostitution. This award will be given to a person who demonstrates leadership in abolitionist policy.

Deadline to Apply:
Please send all nomination applications before October 1st, 2011. Anyone can nominate, or self-nominate, by filling out an application. All applications are considered based on the eligibility and requirements of each award. Send applications or make inquiries to . Award recipients will be announced and notified on December 1st, 2011.

2011 Norma Hotaling Awards Nomination Form

Please address all questions on a separate page. All responses are to be no longer than 1000 words.

1.Your Personal Contact Information

Last Name: Street Address or PO Box : When is the best time to contact you? (circle one) Morning Night Midday Email: Website (if available) First Name: City: Home Phone: Organization: State: Cell Phone: Zipcode:

Are you a resident of the U.S? (Circle One) YES NO

2.Nominee Contact Information (Leave blank if selfnominating)

Last Name: Street Address or PO Box: Are you a resident of the U.S? (Circle One) YES Email Address: NO Organization: First Name: Title: City: Home Phone: State: Cell Phone:

How many years have you known the nominee?

How do you know the nominee?

3.Understanding the Nominee better

1. Please describe the nominees role in their organization or community:

2. Please choose the award being applied for: 3. Please describe the accomplishments that make the nominee eligible for the award: 4. Please describe how the nominee has showed true leadership and inspired others to do the same:

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