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No. GAD-A(F)9-st2016 Dated Shimla-2 the 1jt o.,ou. r,2o16.


The Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to order that the holidays as

listed in Annexure-I, will be observed as gazetted holidays during the calendar year-2017,
in the State of Himachal Pradesh.
2. In addition to the holidays mentioned in Annexure-1, all Government

employees will be authorized to avail two 'Restricted Holidays' ottt of those mentioned in
3. Holidays listed in Annexure-Il are declared Gazetted holidays for women
emploS,ees working in all Government Offices/ Boards/ Corporations/ Educational
Institutions in H.P. These will also be holidays for women employees *ithin the meaning

of section 25 of Negotiable Instrument Act 1881 and also to daily wage women employees.
4. (i) The Deputy Commissioners in the State are authorized to declare two

local holidays within their jurisdiction during the Year 2017 in connection with celebration
of important fairs and festivals in the respective District/ Area.
(ii) However, for the offices situated within the Municipal limits of Shimla,
two locril holidays will be declared by the State Government after receiving proposal in this
regard from the Deputy Commissioner Shimla and for the rest of the areas of District
Shimla, two local holidays will be declared/ decided by the Deputy Commissioner Shimla
as per past practice. For the Offices of H.P. Govt. situated at Delhi, two local holidays will

be declaied by the State Govt. after receiving proposal from Pr. Resident Commissioner,
H.P., New Delhi.
5. The holidays listed in Annexure-IV are also declared as gazetted holidays
within the meaning of Section 25 of Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881.
By order,

V.C. Pharka
Chief Secretary,
Government of Himachal Pradesh.

No. GAD-A(F)9-5t2016 Dated Shimla-171002, the f O.,oU.r,2016.

Copy for information & necessary action is forwarded to the:-

1. The Secretary to the Governor, H.P. , Shimla-2.
2. The P.S. to Hon'ble Chief Minister, H.P., Shimla-2.
3. 'fhe P.S. to Chief Secretary, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2.
N\,J ,'" Contd Pl2-

4. IheP.S.toAllMinisters/ChiefParliamentarySecretaries,H.P-Shimla-2.
5. ift"p.S. to Speaker/ Dy' Speaker, H'P' Vidhan Sabha' Shimla-4'
to the Govt' of H'P'' Shimla-2'
6. All Addl. Chief Secreti.l"r) pr. SecretarieJ Secretaries
7. All Heads of Department in Himachal Pradesh'
Himachal Pradesh'
8. All M.Ds./Cttairm"n, goards/ Corporations in
9. 'Aii O.p"ty Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh'
10. The Pr. RC., H.P. Govt', New Delhi-l10001'
11. ihe Secretary, HP PSC/ Lokalukta/ Vidhan Sabha'
12. Registrar, H.P. High Court, Shimla' ,
13. n"Eitt*t, Hp Administrative Tribunal' Shimla' Hotticulture
14. Registrar, H.p. u;i;;*y, Shimla/ egri"rlt*" University, Palampur/
University, Solan, H.P. Kangra H.p.
15. 'lhe Secretary, H'P' Board of School Education' Dharams hala, Distt.
16. Pr. A.G., Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-3'
l;. Secretary, Rajya Sainik Board, Hamirpur
Pradesh' Shimla'
18. Director, Census Operation, Himachal
of India'
19. All Chief S""."tu'i"t to all States/ UTs Government
Directorate of Information and
zl. Divisional Manager, central gunboi india (Advertising)
Broadcasting, Ne" Delhi'
23. Divisional Manageilndian Oil Corporation' Shimla'
24. DivisionalManager,LIC,Shimla' - r rr -r:Shimla' Mandt'
25. Regional furunugJt, i'unjuU National Bank
Regional f,nu,uE"t, United Commercial
Bank' Himland Hotel Shimla'
26. Bank of Patiala' H'P'
27 .
,3eneral Manager, State Co-operative Bank/State Bank of India/State

or India/ oriental Bank of

NABARD/rcrcr Bank/ punjab a lilgl .Bank of India/ Indian Overseas
zs. ilifil;. g"'i India/ Union Bank
Commerce/ J&K Bank/ Sindicate "f
Bank/ Maharashtra Bank, H'P' Shimla'
29. Manager, cunu.u
g*t, 6nimta/ Solan' Himachal Pr-1d.esh
Dev' Bank Shimla'
30. Manager, Nuti-o*f Agriculture & Rural
Manaler, Indian Induitrial Dev' Bank Shimla'
3 i.
Developmental Bank of India, Shimla-1'
32. Deputy G"r;;i M;nager, Small Industrial
Estate' Kaithu Shimla'
33. Manager, Oriental Insirance Corpn' Civil
The Estate' Shimla'
34. Manager, Central Insurance Corp' Mai-
Bhagra Niwas' Shimla'
35. Manager, United India Insurance Cotpn'
The Mall' Shimla'
36. The Manager, New India Insurance C-orpn''
Manager, National Insurance Corpn''
Timber House' Shimla'
:g. Manaler, Indian Industrial Dev' Bank Shimla'
central co-operativt^B.u'\, Dharamshala/
39. MD, Hp co-operative Bank, sni*Jfungra
gurL, sot;,r/ Bhagat Urban Bank Solan/ Shimla urban
Jogindra central co-operative
Rural Dev' Bank Mandi' HP'
Bank, Shimla/ Mandi/ Urban Bank' Mandi/
40. The Director, Information &
pJti" Relations, H'P' Shiml a-2 fot giving appropriate
41. The Chief Post Master General H'P' Shimla-9'
M,. The Chief General Manager, BSNL' Shimla'
Department' Shimla for publication
43. Controller, Himachal Pradesh r.inilng and Stationary
in the RajPatra (Ordinary)'
45. . Guard File.
(Dr.lAshwani Kumar Sharma)
' SPecial SecretarY (GAD) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh'
rei. No. oV'2622686 (o)

Sr. Holiday Date Saka Day of

Guru Govind Singh's 5"'January,17 SAKA ERA Thursday
Pausha 15
2. Statehood Day '25"' .lantarv 17
1 Maeha 05 Wednesday
J. BBpublic Day 26"' January,17 Maeha 06 Thursday
4. Guru Ravidas's lOtn February,l T Magha2l Friday
5. Maha Shivratri 24"'Fehntatv 17 Phaleuna 05 Friday
6. Holi 13"' March,17 SAKA ERA Monday
7. Ram Navami 4"' April,77 Cha tra t4 Tuesday
6 Dr. B.R. Ambedkals 74rn April,lT Chaitta24 Fridav
Birthdav/ Good Fridav
9. rllmacnal L)av 15'n April, 17 Chaitra25 Saturday
10. Parshu Ram Javanti 26"' Apnl,lT Vaisakha 08 Friday
1l IJuona rurnlma lOth Mav I i Va sakha 20 Wednesdav
12. Maharana Pratap Jayanti 28"'Mav 17 Jayeshtha 07 Sunday
13. Sant Guru Kabir Jayanti 9"' June,17 Jayeshtha 19 Friday
(Prakat Diwas)
14. Idu'l Fitr 26'n June,lT Ashada 05 Monday
15. mqependence Day/ l5tn August, 17 Sravana24 Tuesday
t6. Idu'l Zuha (Bakrid) 2'o September,lT Bhadra 1l Saturday
Dussehra 30- September,lT Asvina 08 Saturdav
18. lvlunaffam lt' October, 17 Asvina 09 Sunday
19. Mahatma Gandhi,s 2"" October, TT Asvina i0 Mondav
20. Maharishi Valmiki,s )-'- Uctober, l7 Asvina 13 Thursday
2t. Diwali 19"' Octoher I 7 Asvina 28 Thursday
22. Guru Nanak's Birthdav 4"' Novemher 7
Kartika l3 Saturday
Christmas Day Z)"' l)ecember, 77 Pausha 04 Monday


Gazetted Holidays for the Year-2017 tor

Women Employees working in all Government
O ffrce/B o ards/C orporati ons/Educational
Institutions in H'P. These will also be holidays
Instrument Act, 1881 and also to
for Women employees under Section 25 of Negotiable
. daily wage Women emPloYees'
Date Saka Day
Sr. Holiday
-th August, 17 SAKA I'I(A M""dry
1 Raksha Bandhan
Sarvana 16
8th october, 17 Asvina 16 Strrd"y
2 Karva Chauth
21tt october, 17 Asvina 29 Saturday
f Bhai Dui
Restricted Holidavs for the Year-2017
Sr. Holiday Date Saka Day of
No. week
I New Year's Day l " January, l7 SAKA ERA Sunday
Pausha 11
1 Makar Sankranti/ Lohri 14'n January, 17 Pawha24 Saturdal
J. Basant Panchami 1" February, 17 Masha 12 Wednesdav
4. Swami Dayanand 27" February,17 Phalguna 02 Tuesday
Saraswati Jayanti
5. Mahavir Jayanti 9'n April, 17 SAKA ERA Sunday
Chaitra 19
6. Baisakhi 13"'April. 17 Cha tra23 Thursdal
7. Easter Sundav i6'n April. t7 Cha tra26 Sundav
8. Maha Ashtami 28'n September,lT Asvina 06 Thursday

9. Govardhan Puia 20'n October, 17 Asvina 28 Friday

10. Guru Teg Bahadur's 24'n November,lT AgrahayanaO3 Friday
Martvrdom Dav
11 Christmas Eve 24tn December, 17 Pausha 03 Sunday


Sr. Holiday Date Saka Day of

No. week
Guru Govind Singh's 5tn January, l7 SAKA ERA Thursday
Birthday 1938
Pausha 15
2. Reoublic Day 26tn January.17 Masha 06 Thursday
3. Guru Ravidas's 1Otn February,lT Magha2l Friday
4. Maha Shivratri 24'" February,lT Friday
Phalsuna 05
5. Holi 13'n March, l7 SAKA ERA Monday
6. Annual Accounts closing 1'tApril, 17 Chaitra 11 Saturday
7. Ram Navami 4rn Aprrl,17 Chaitra 14 Tuesday
8. Himachal Day 15'n April, 17 Chaitra25 Saturday

9. Budha Purnima 10th May, 17 Vaisakha 20 Wednesday

10. Idu'l Fitr 26tn June, 17 Ashada 05 Monday
l1 IndependenceDayl 15tn August, 17 Sravana24 Tuesday
12. Idu'l Zuha Gakrid) 2no September,lT Bhadra 11 Saturday
13. Dussehra 3OtnSeptember,lT Asv na 08 Saturdat
14. Mahatma Gandhi's 2no October, 17 Asvina 10 Monday
15. D wali 19tnoctober. 17 Asvina 28 Thursday
t6. Guru Nanak's Birthday 4thNovember,17 Kartika 13 Saturday

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