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Poem about Education: The Key To Life

Education Education

the light of our life A torch of academic brilliance

A gift of academic rife And backbone of inner resilience

Education Education

the key to a bright and rewarding future the key to unlock the golden door of freedom

A glue that joins our dreams like a suture And stage our rise to stardom

Education Education

A path to divine success A life sustaining material

A smooth drive to our greatness Without it we cant lead a life which is congenial

Education Education

gives our thinking a different appearance not all about bookish knowledge

And helps drive away all our ignorance But it is also about practical knowledge

Education Education

It leads us to the path of prosperity makes a person stand up on his on toes

And gives our tomorrow a sounding security And helps a person to fight with all his foes

Education Education

the process of teaching and learning A fundamental foundation

Which will help us in our future earning For any country state or nation

Education Education

shaping our true character is the motto A thick line between right and wrong

Leading to a successful life it is the major factor A ladder that takes us to the height where we
The progressive discovery of our true self
Mother of all profession
And exploitation of the potentials of oneself
That helps acquires all our possession
a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army Education Is our right

A life boat that see us through our days of stormy For in it our future is bright.

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