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Storyboard Project

Your are to construct a storyboard from a scene of your choosing in R ita Hayworth and
Shawshank Redemption. Ignore the way the scene was shot or adapted for the feature film, and
draw the scene the way you visualize it happening on screen. If you are working individually,
you will need to choose one excerpt and draw at least ten shots. If you are working with a
partner you will need to choose two excerpts and draw at least twenty shots. No groups larger
than two people. Your storyboard can be hand drawn to the best of your ability. The storyboard
should effectively capture your intention. You should complete a draft before beginning your
storyboard, and all required information must be labeled on the storyboard. This is your chance
to demonstrate your understanding of cinematic and literary elements in film. It will serve as
your vocabulary test. You must also include a reflection on the project.
DUE: A day - October 10 B day - October 11
Steps in the Assignment:

1. Carefully read the scene or section of text you have chosen.

2. Write a brief summary and description of your intention and begin sketching out shots on
the draft worksheet (do not spend a huge amount of time on the drawings - your use of
terminology will be more important).
3. Be sure that your shots follow logically from one to another in sequence, as they would
appear on the screen. If you plan on having time pass or changing locations, be sure to
use a fade/dissolve or an establishing shot.
4. Begin drawing for the storyboard. Allow yourself plenty of time for this step. Complete
all of the required information (framing, angles, movement, lighting, dialogue, sound,
editing) and be certain that it corresponds to your pictures. Assemble your storyboard in
whatever form will work best for you: poster board, book form, etc.
5. Write a reflective essay that addresses the following questions (you only need one if you
are working with a partner). Total response should be 1 page.
a. Select TWO shots from your storyboard and explain what words or phrases led you to
visualize them the way that you did.
b. What are TWO significant differences between the written and the visual text? Why did
you make these changes?
c. Overall, what were some of the EFFECTS that you were trying to achieve throughout
your scene, and what specific cinematic techniques and theatrical elements helped you
to achieve these effects?
d. Fully describe the SOUND in your scene. What diegetic and non-diegetic sound would
you use? When? Why?

Grading of Project:
1. Effective use of cinematic techniques 5
2. Correct identification of terminology 5
3. Reflection 5

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