Pos Word Meaning Sentence N: Name: Zaret Núñez Raad Vocabulary Log-Link 5

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Name: Zaret Nez Raad

Vocabulary Log-Link

Week 5.

PoS Word Meaning Sentence

n Output an amount of something Last year

produced by a person, machine, manufacturing output
factory, country, etc fell by 14 percent.

v Wander to walk around slowly in a We spent the morning

relaxed way or without any clear wandering around the
purpose or direction old p
art of the city.

v Thwart to stop something from Our holiday plans were

happening or someone from thwarted by the airline
doing something pilots' strike

j Uncanny strange or mysterious; difficult or He has an uncanny

impossible to explain ability to predict the

n Product- the fact that a company is In some countries the

liability responsible when a customer is law shields tobacco
injured or harmed by one of its manufacturers from
products product liability.
Week 6.

PoS Word Meaning Sentence

j Scarce not easy to find or get Jobs are scarce around


v Conceal to prevent something from I tried to conceal my

being seen or known about surprise when she told me
her age.

n Commodity a substance or a product that One big commodity that

can be traded in large Canada exports is oil.
quantities, such as oil, metals,
grain, coffee, etc.

j Humongous Very large. We had our picture taken

in New Mexico before a
humongous cactus.

n Theme the main subject of a talk, The theme of freedom

book, film, etc. recurs throughout her
Week 7.

PoS Word Meaning Sentence

j Broad Very wide. He flashed a broad grin at


to separate something from They tried to isolate the

v Isolate other things with which it is cause of the problem.
connected or mixed.

to supply or produce The investigation yielded

v Yield something positive such as a some unexpected results.
profit, an amount of food or

the fact of preferring someone The company showed a

n Bias or something. marked bias in favour of
employing men.

to try to do something, He attempted a joke, but

v Attempt especially something difficult. no o
ne laughed.

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