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Constitutive models

Part 2
Elastoplastic material models

Elastoplastic materials are assumed to

behave elastically up to a certain stress limit
after which combined elastic and plastic
behaviour occurs.
Plasticity is path dependent the changes in
the material structure are irreversible
Stress-strain curve of a hypothetical material
Idealized results of one-dimensional tension test

= force / initial area

Johnsons limit 50% of Young modulus value
Engineering stress

Yield point
Yield stress

= 0

Engineering strain
Real life 1D tensile test, cyclic loading

Conventional yield point

Where is the yield point?

Lin. elast. limit

Hysteresis loops move

to the right - racheting
Mild carbon steel
before and after heat treatment

Conventional yield point 0.2%

The plasticity theory covers the
following fundamental points
Yield criteria to define specific stress
combinations that will initiate the non-elastic
response to define initial yield surface
Flow rule to relate the plastic strain increments to
the current stress level and stress increments
Hardening rule to define the evolution of the
yield surface. This depends on stress, strain and
other parameters
Yield surface, function F ( ij , ijP , K ...) = 0

Yield surface, defined in stress space separates stress states

that give rise to elastic and plastic (irrecoverable) states
For initially isotropic materials yield function depends on
the yield stress limit and on invariant combinations of
stress components
As a simple example Von Mises F effective yield = 0
Yield function, say F, is designed in such a way that

F < 0 stress state within the surface

F = 0 on the surface
F > 0 outside, inadmissible for analytical plasticity
Three kinematic conditions are to be
Small displacements, small strains
material nonlinearity only (MNO)
Large displacements and rotations, small strains
TL formulation, MNO analysis
2PK stress and GL strain substituted for engineering
stress and strain
Large displacements and rotations, large strains
TL or UL formulation
Complicated constitutive models
Rheology models for plasticity

Ideal or perfect plasticity, no hardening

Loading, unloading, reloading and cyclic loading in 1D

initial yield stress

Isotropic hardening


+ new yield stress 1

new yield stress 2


- new yield stress 1


Isotropic hardening in principal stress space

- plane
arccos (2/sqrt(3))

von Mises expressed by principal stresses and 1D yield stress in tension

F [( 1 2 ) 2 + ( 2 3 ) 2 + ( 3 1 ) 2 ] 2 Y2 = 0

Tresca expressed by principal stresses and 1D yield stress in tension

F ( 1 3 ) Y = 0, 1 > 2 > 3
Loading, unloading, reloading and cyclic loading in 1D

initial yield stress

Kinematic hardening


+ new yield stress 1


unloading strain
Kinematic hardening in principal stress space

instead of F ( ij ) = 0 (as in case of isotropic hardening)

we take F ( ij ij ) = 0, where ij = c ijP , c... constant
Von Mises yield condition, four hardening models

1. Perfect plasticity no hardening 2. Isotropic hardening

3. Kinematic hardening 4. Isotropic-kinematic

Different types of yield functions
F = F ( ij ) L perfect plasticity
means no hardening, material starts to flow and is inclided to do so forever.
It practice it is stabilized by the ' healthy' material structure which exists
around the plasticity region.
Plastic material flow is caused by motion of dislocations.
Definition of dislocations ...
Generally, the hardening depends on blocking the motion of dislocations (free flow)
which depends on the permanent plastic strain ijP .
F = F ( ij ij ) L kinematic hardening
where ij = c ijP and c is a constant.
F = F ( ij , ijP ) L non - isotropic hardening
hardening depends on every component of ij in a different way
F = F ( ij , K ) L isotropic hardening
where K = K ( ijP ) is a scalar function of ijP , usually an invariant.
Generally, which is not general at all, we could have
F = F ( ij , ijP , K )
Plasticity models physical relevance

Von Mises
- no need to analyze the state of stress
- a smooth yield sufrace
- good agreement with experiments
- simple relations for decisions (advantage for hand calculations)
- yield surface is not smooth (disadvantage for programming,
the normal to yield surface at corners is not uniquely defined)
Drucker Prager
a more general model
1D example, bilinear characteristics

stress d T = d E + d P

d d d
= +
tan = ET
Y tangent modulus

elastic plastic
Strain hardening parameter

EP = = = H
total E ET 1 ET / E

tan = E strain
elastic modulus d = d T = d EP means total or elastoplastic
Strain hardening parameter again
Upon unloading and reloading the effective stress must exceed

Initial yield

Elastic strains removed

Geometrical meaning of the strain hardening parameter is

the slope of the stress vs. plastic strain plot
How to remove elastic part

EP =
1D example, bar (rod) element
elastic and tangent stiffness

Elastic stiffness Y
kE = =
Tangent stiffness >Y
dF d A EP d P A
kT = = =
d d T L (d E + d P ) L

kT = = 1
L d / E + d / E P L E + EP
Results of 1D experiments must
be correlated to theories capable
to describe full 3D behaviour of

Incremental theories relate stress increments to strain increments

Deformation theories relate total stress to total strain

Relations for incremental theories
isotropic hardening example 1/9
Relation between increments and rates : lim = &
t 0 dt

Parameter only
Let the yield surface is F ( ij , ijP ) = 0

increment of deformation depends on F and & eff

if F < 0 elastic
F = 0 and & eff < 0 elastic
F = 0 and & eff > 0 elastoplastic
F = 0 and & eff = 0 neutral - it means that &ijP = 0
F > 0 go back to yield surface
Relations for incremental theories
isotropic hardening example 2/9
Flow rule is assumed in the form (Drucker, 1947)
&ij =
= q Eq. (i) increment of plastic deformation has a direction
ij normal to F while its magnitude (length of vector) is not yet known

where is so far unknown scalar and

F F T defines outer normal to F
q ={ L }
11 31 in six dimensional stress space

F can be expressed as a total differential

dF = d ij + P d ij =
ij + P &ij
ij ij ij ij
which must be zero during plastic deformations, so dF = 0
Relations for incremental theories
isotropic hardening example 3/9
Denoting p = { P L }
11 31

the condition dF = 0 can be expressed in the form

q d T pT d P = q & T pT & P = 0 eq. (ii)
stress increments are
& = E & E = E (& & P ) eq. (iii)

elastic total plastic deformations

matrix of elastic moduli

Relations for incremental theories
isotropic hardening example 4/9

Combining the relations for flow rule (i),

dF = 0 (ii) and for stress increments (iii) we get
Row vector
Column vector
q T E &
= T
p q + qTE q

Still to be determined Dot product and quadratic form scalar

Lambda is the scalar quantity determining the magnitude

of plastic strain increment in the flow rule
Relations for incremental theories
isotropic hardening example 5/9
Now, for the stress increment we can write
& = E& E = E(& & P ) with & P = q

Substituting for we get the stress increment

as a function of total strain increment in the form
& = EEP& diadic product
Eq ( Eq ) T
p q + q T Eq
where p still has to be determined
equal to zero for perfect plasticity
Relations for incremental theories
isotropic hardening example 6/9
F F T At time t
Determination of p = { P L }
11 31

Assume von Mises yield condition F J D2 13 t Y2 = 0

where J D2 = 12 sij sij is the second deviatoric invariant
to evaluate we need = f ( P
P Y ij

Experiments suggest that

Y = f (W P ), W P = ij d ijP L work done by plastic increments

Chain rule A new constant defined

F F t Y W P t
= = 2 t
ij = A ij
ij Y W ij W
P t P P 3 Y P

using = Y
and = ij
Y ij
t 3 P
Relations for incremental theories
isotropic hardening example 7/9



0 P t
in 1D the elastic work done W P = 12 ( t Y + 0 Y ) t P
1D bilinear characteri stics t Y =( 0 Y + E P t P )
1 t 2 0 2
W P = P
( Y Y)
W P t Y 2 t E P 2 P 2 EE T
= P A = Y t = E =
3 Y 3 3 E ET
so finaly p = A{ 11 22 L 31}T
Relations for incremental theories
isotropic hardening example 8/9
Summary. For given ij and Y and & ij we can compute & as follows
m = 13 ( 11 + 22 + 33 )
s = {s11 s22 s33 s12 s23 s31}T = { 11 m 22 m 33 m 12 23 31}T
q = {s11 s22 s33 2 s12 2 s23 2 s31}T
2 EE T
3 E ET
p = A { 11 22 33 12 23 31}T
a = pT q, b = Eq, c = q T Eq = q T b
bb T
& = EEP&
J2 theory, perfect plasticity 1/6
alternative notation example of numerical treatment

{ } = [ E ]{ }...Hooke' s law
{ } = { xx yy zz xy yz zx }T
{ } = { xx yy zz xy yz zx }T
m = 13 ( xx + yy + zz ) mean stress
stress deviator
{s} = { xx m yy m zz m xy yz zx }T
second invariant of stress deviator
J D2 = J 2 = 12 ( s xx2 + s 2yy + szz2 + 2 sxy2 + 2 s 2yz + 2 szx2 )
or J 2 = 12 {s}T [ M ]{s}, with [ M ] = diag(1,1,1,2,2,2)
J2 theory, numerical treatment 2/6

one can prove that

{s}T [ M ]{ } = {s}T [ M ]{s}, since sxx + s yy + szz = 0
and also [ E ][ M ]{s} = 2G{s}, with G = E /(1 + )

von Mises effective stress eff = 3J 2 = 3{s}T [ M ]{s} / 2

yield criterion for perfectly plastic behaviour eff = Y
J2 theory, numerical treatment 3/6

Flow rule according to Prandtl - Reuss hypothesis

{&} = = [ M ]{s} ... is so far unknown parameter
{ }T

{ } = [ E ]{ E } = [ E ]{ P } ... Hooke' s law

{& } = [ E ]{&} [ E ]{& P } = [ E ]{&} 2G{s} ... its time derivative, increment
no plastic deformation in elastic region can be expressed by
if eff < Y then = 0,
else 0
Six nonlinear differential equations + one algebraic constraint (inequality)
There is exact analytical solution to this. In practice we proceed numerically
J2 theory, numerical treatment 4/6
Differentiating plasticity condition eff = Y
eff 3sT Ms
& eff = s& = =0
s T
2 eff
sT Ms = 0 and also sT M& = 0
Substituting for &
sT ME& = 2GsT Ms
and realizing that
2GsT Ms = 4GJ 2 = 4G eff
/ 3 = 4G Y2 / 3
we get
3sT ME& 3sT & System of six nonlinear
= =
4G Y
2 Y2 differential equations
finally to be integrated
& = EEP& with EEP = E ssT
J2 theory, numerical treatment 5/6
predictor-corrector method, first part: predictor

1. known stress t 3b. plastic part of increment (1 r ) sT

2. test stress (elastic shot)

T = t + T = t + E

4. sc = st + r sT

5. = 3(1 r ) sTc /(2 Y2 )

6. t' + t = T 2G sc

3a. elastic part of increment r sT

J2 theory, numerical treatment 6/6
predictor-corrector method, second part: corrector
For st + t = st' + t find in such a way that
eff (st + t ) = Y
eff ( st' + t ) = Y
eff (st' + t ) = Y
eff (st' + t )
st' + t st + t = (1 ) st' + t
and since the spherical part of the stress tensor
does not enter into plasticity considerations we have
t + t = t' + t (1 ) st' + t
Secant stiffness method and the method of radial return

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