Egg Drop Student Typing Section 2017

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Name ________________________________ hr.

____ _____/130

Problem: The aim of this project is to design a carrier that will prevent an egg from breaking when
dropped from 9 meters.

Part I Hypothesis: (20 points)

My hypothesis is that _______________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________. I
believe this because __________________________________________________________________

I will test this by _______________________________________________________________________


Part II. Design pictures (10 points each) _____/20

Your initial drawing and your group final drawing (you may have to run off a copy of this).

Part III. Procedure:

1. Each group member completes a design drawing. Upon completion, each member must speak to his/her
group, explaining their design, and why theirs should be used for this lab.
2. Group members vote on which design to use.
3. The group begins construction of the module.
4. Group conducts short drop tests on model pre-egg to check for stability.
5. Rebuild, make design changes as needed before real tests. Prior to outdoor tests, a picture of the module
must be taken, and mass must be recorded in kilograms.
6. Test outside on the bleachers, dropping from height of 9 meters. After the drop, the egg is examined for
7. During each trial, group members will measure the time it takes for the module to hit the ground. This
data, along with height and mass will help complete the data table below.

Part IV. Data collection (20 points)

Trial Time (s) Average Velocity Potential Energy Kinetic Energy (J)
(M/S) V=D/T (J) PE=MGH KE = (.5M)(V)
Our group
Part V. Graph (20 points) Graph Potential Energy vs. Kinetic Energy

Part VI. Egg drop lab questions: (5 points each, _____/30)

1. What are the forces acting on the egg as it falls?

2. How can you control the forces that cause the egg to break?

3. What are the common characteristics of the material that protected some eggs?

4. What about your design made the egg break? Not break?

5. How would you design your container differently next time?

6. What role did friction play in this lab? How would you build a model to have more friction?

Part VII Conclusion: (20 points)

In conclusion my hypothesis was _______________________________. The data showed ___________


This means ___________________________________________________________________________


To improve our tests we could _______________________________________________________


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