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tions that none of us can answer easily. Yet throughout the process of learning and dancing the work, T have come to understand and champion its humble ambitions. No Hero is an invitation to consid- er what happens when we shed ou expectations of what dance is, who dances, and where dance happens. Letting go of those expectations opens up a world of challenges and promises—and not just for danc- ers, Some of us have grown up in dance studios, so un-training our bodies of certain physical habits goes hand-in-hand with un-tra ing our minds to believe that dance has to look a certain way, that only certain types of people do it, and it happens ina certain place. Being open to vulnerability and change as a dancer ean be an uncomfort- able and often frustrating process. However, embracing that chal- lenge empowers you not just as a dancer, but also as a person, What would happen ifwe let go of our ex-

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