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STUDENT REFLECTION hy CORA CLIBURN ('19) In 2012 I had the opportunity to see No Hero's premiere in San Francisco at Z Space. I still remember first seeing the image of Aline dancing in front of an abandoned house—there was such gor- ‘geous expansiveness and detail in each of her gestures. The piece was visually breathtaking and thought provoking, Ieaving me with many questions and a deeper sense of the mass of knowledge ‘and memories stored in the body. Working on this piece the past two quarters has been such a gift. Every re- hearsal is a rare opportunity to exca- vate the self, while exploring the pow- er of conversation through movement. Its been an inspiring privilege to get to work with and evolve in the chore- ography over time, alongside so many thoughtful artists, Alex has a unique way of helping each of us access some- thing new inside ourselves, and each day the movement feels different and full of many more discoveries. Though none of us were there for the original journey that inspired No Hero, it has been beautiful to see the way that ev= eryone has brought themselves so fully and fearlessly to the work.

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