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Spring/Early Summer 2009

Letter from the Delaware Chapter Chair

by Matt Urban tion, I and others are working very hard to enhance
our ability to quickly communicate with our mem-

his year brings some significant change to our
chapter, most notably in the form of many bers and the public. We also face some very
new faces amongst us. In our recent Chapter significant funding challenges, so I will be working
election we had two new members elected to the very closely with the chapter Executive Committee
Executive Committee – June Satterfield and Nancy to ensure that our chapter operations are maintained
Carig. Both are highly skilled leaders who have and that we maximize our ability to raise funds to
already brought a new fresh energy to our meetings support our mission.
and both have great ideas for how to strengthen the This chapter continues only because of the dedi-
chapter in the coming year. In addition to June and cation and hard work by those that choose to be a
Nancy, this election also saw the return of Debbie part of making a difference in the environment of our
Heaton to Excom. As many of you know Debbie has State. Being a part of the Sierra Club organization is
served in many positions in the chapter throughout a challenging, but also incredibly rewarding experi-
the years, including Conservation Chair, Chapter ence. I’m continually inspired by the commitment,
Chair, as chapter staff, and much more. resourcefulness, and tenacious spirit of our chapter
These changes, as well as the significant changes leaders. That’s why I’m involved, and to a large
in Washington and our own State leadership set the degree why I’m here it simply to support what
stage for a very productive and fruitful 2009 and they’re working on. But as a small group of people
beyond. we have many activities we can’t take on and chal-
This year, my personal goals as Chapter Chair lenges that we can’t face without more who share our
focus squarely on building our chapter’s leadership commitment. That’s why I encourage each of you
and outreach capacity. We simply cannot reach our reading this to consider becoming more involved.
goals without having enough trained and capable Check the chapter web site, newsletter, and email
leaders within the chapter, so my intention this year communications regularly to see when events and
is to keep that focus in all of our meetings and activi- outings are planned or assistance needed - and please
ties, and work towards building a culture of come out to share with us the rewards that come
leadership development within our chapter. In addi- Continued on page 4

Included In This Issue Sierra Club - Delaware Chapter

Letter from the Chair 1 100 West 10th Street Suite 106 U.S. POSTAGE
“Coal Ash In Your Backyard” Forum 2 Wilmington, DE 19801 PAID
2009 Chapter Election Results 2 PERMIT NO. 740
David Keifer Memories 3
Delaware Sierrans Adopt A Highway 3
News From The Political Committee 4
Find Your Place in the Chapter 5
Upcoming Chapter Events 5
Sierra Club Green Home 6
Chapter Outings Calendar 6
New Environmental Justice Committee 7
Chapter & Southern DE Group Leaders 8
“Coal Ash In Your Backyard” Forum

ierra Club recently sponsored “Coal Ash in alert them to the appeals process underway.
Your Backyard,” a forum in Georgetown, DE, Three excellent speakers, all Sierra Club mem-
addressing the dangers of improperly storing bers, provided the
fly ash and coal ash, the solid waste from coal burn- program. Chad Tol-
ing, at the Indian River Power Plant in Millsboro. man, Sierra club’s
Seventy-five citizens attended to learn more about Energy Committee
this hot button environmental issue in Sussex Coun- Chair gave an
ty, which has been a major concern of the Citizens overview of the coal
for Clean Power or CCP organization, and has been to energy process,
kept before the public through the strong advocacy energy challenges in
work of their cofounder and Sierra Club member, Delaware and the
Bill Zak. Bill had appealed a decision made by for- threat of global
mer DNREC Secretary Hughes to allow the warming. John
permitting of a third coal ash pile while ignoring the Austin, formerly a
fact that the two existing piles have been contami- specialist in hazardous materials with EPA, spoke in
nating the air and water in the Delaware Inland Bay detail about the composition of fly ash and the dan-
area for years. CCP was advocating for the remedia- gers of stockpiling it. Bill Zak spoke about the
tion of the existing piles before allowing the health and welfare impacts of the problem on the
construction of an additional one. Bill Zak’s hearing community.
before the Environmental Appeals Board was to take Other Sierra Connections this past year have
place in just two weeks time. dealt with Mountain Top Removal and wilderness
This forum, one of a series of Sierra Club meet- preservation in Utah’s Redrock Canyonlands. Our
ings on timely topics being held throughout the next Sierra Connection program will be “Chill the
state, was designed to provide our membership and Drills: Oil development and Climate Change in
the community a better understanding of the envi- America’s Arctic.” Watch for details in our chapter
ronmental hazards of improper coal ash storage and emails and postcards.

2009 Delaware Chapter Sierra Club Election Results

Delaware Chapter: Appointed positions:
Debbie Heaton – 88 votes (elected) Lorri Fencer – Treasurer
June Satterfield – 88 votes (elected) Energy – Chad Tolman
Nancy Carig – 65 votes (elected) Political Committee – Debbie Heaton
Jay Cooperson – 57 votes (elected) Pollution – Al Denio
Michael Smith – 52 votes Outings – Jenny Egan
Dick Bewick – 47 votes Cool Cities – Ron Zink
Dave Keifer – 38 votes Newsletter Editor – Jay LaCorte
Southern Delaware Group: Web – Mike Casale
Harry Haon – 29 votes (elected) Southern Delaware Group Election Results
Phil Shuman – 27 votes (elected) Harry Haon Phil Shuman
Delaware Chapter Executive Committee Steve Callanen Terri Usuki
Officers: Barbara Murray
Matt Urban – Chair Southern Delaware Group Executive Committee
Nancy Carig – Vice Chair Steve Callanen – Chair
Rich Anthony Steve Callanen Harry Haon – Vice Chair
Jay Cooperson – Land Use Carrie Bennett – Secretary
Debbie Heaton – Conservation Committee chair Phil Shuman Terri Usuki
June Satterfield – Membership and Events Southern Delaware Group Officers
Chad Tolman – Energy Barbara Murray – Conservation Chair
Ron Zink – Cool Cities Initiative Carrie Bennett – Membership Chair
David R. Keifer – May 12, 1937- January 23, 2009
“an ardent conservationist”
ation of testimony addressing the reauthorization of

he obituary read, “Mr. Keifer was born May
12, 1937 in Reading, Pennsylvania,” present- the Magnusson-Stevens Act, monitoring activity
ed a detailed employment history listing regarding the National Offshore Aquaculture Act of
numerous municipal, state and federal agencies, and 2007, serving as the Chapter’s representative on the
told us that he was “an ardent conservationist.” Delaware Deepening Alliance (a multi organization-
Attempting to recount the essence of a person is al coalition opposing the Delaware River’s Main
challenging. Words fail to express the void that has Channel Dredge), monitoring Delaware Coastal
been created or how greatly Dave’s presence will be Zone permit applications, and compiling a white
missed. Words also fail to adequately convey how paper identifying disconnects and inconsistencies in
bright, funny (oft times at his own expense), gener- Delaware’s land use law.
ous, pragmatic, and kind a person Dave was. And, During Club business and social gatherings it
mere words cannot evoke the inflection in his voice was not uncommon to hear Dave, always a willing
when, in salutation, he would say, “and, a good day mentor, astutely discuss such varied topics as air and
to you my friend.” This addresses but one piece of a water quality, brownfields redevelopment, dredging,
complex mosaic which comprised Dave Keifer’s essential habitat, fisheries management policies,
life, his Sierra Club endeavors. threatened and endangered species, zero waste man-
Following his retirement as the Director of the agement and recycling programs, the National
Mid Atlantic Fisheries Management Council Dave Environmental Policy Act, the Magnusson-Stevens
became active in the Sierra Club’s Delaware Chap- Act, Delaware’s Coastal Zone Act, and/or
ter. In addition to serving as Chairman of the Delaware’s Land Use Planning and Land Use Law,
Delaware Chapter in 2006, Dave’s tenure has includ- as well as various Federal and State permitting
ed serving as Conservation Committee Chairman processes with equal ease.
with both the Delaware Chapter (2005-2006) and the Some of his peers have commented that Dave’s
Southern Delaware Group (2008-2009), Chairman of loss to the environmental community is significant,
Delaware Chapter Conservation Subcommittees on that he left big shoes to fill with respect to preserv-
Legal (2008-2009) and Land Use (2008-2009) ing and protecting the environment in Delaware and
issues, and Chairman of the Southern Delaware beyond. Those of us who had the good fortune to
Group’s Kent Co Land Use (2007-2009) and Marine know and work with this “ardent conservationist”
(2006-2009) Subcommittees. Dave was also a mem- are richer for the experience. And, both the environ-
ber of Sierra Club’s National Marine Committee ment and his fellow conservationists are poorer for
(2007-2008). the loss. For numerous reasons, Dave’s presence will
Most recently Dave has been involved in the cre- be missed.

Delaware Sierrans Adopt A Highway!

n Saturday, October 4, an intrepid team of with DelDOT requires a clean-up at least three times
10 Sierrans with reflective vests, gloves, and a year. If you would like to be included next time,
a generous supply of trash bags officially call the Snyders at 302-674-4040.
adopted a highway… Hazlettville Road, from Artis The Delaware Chapter of the Sierra Club publishes the
Drive to Nault Road, just west of Dover. Mary and Delaware Sierra News quarterly. This publication is writ-
Dan Snyder organized the effort and started us off ten and produced entirely by volunteers. Ideas
expressed in the Delaware Sierra News are those of the
with a huge and delicious breakfast at their home. columnists and may not necessarily reflect the position
We worked for a couple of hours and filled 18 bags. of the Sierra Club. Limited time constraints of an all-vol-
Now motorists will be seeing a road sign which unteer staff do not always allow for full data
corroboration. Send materials for submission to the
will credit the Delaware Chapter of the Sierra Club Sierra Club, 100 W 10th St, Ste. 106, Wilmington, DE
with keeping over 2 miles of Kent County green and 19801 or by e-mail to our editor. Late Summer Issue
clean. Adopting a highway was a mix of good com- Deadline: July 30
pany, good food, good exercise, good PR for the Editor: Jay LaCorte –
Sierra Club, and a good deed done. Our agreement Production: Susan Oldenburg –
News from the Delaware Chapter Political Committee
Chapter Sponsors Environmental Summit pending environmental legislation, concerns and to

he Delaware Chapter Political Committee got get to know their elected officials better.
the year off to a good start with the convening If you would like to host a meeting at your
of the Environmental Summit at Wilmington home, please contact Debbie Heaton at Politics@
University in Dover on January 19, 2009. About 80+ We will be notifying our
environmental group representatives from across the members about upcoming meetings in their neigh-
state attended and enjoyed a morning of networking borhoods, as they are scheduled, by postcard, email
and several break out sessions focused on issues that and by a follow-up phone call – so don’t be sur-
will be challenging the environmental community prised when your phone rings! We hope you will
over the next one to two years. Energy, water, waste join us and bring a friend!
and recycling, air pollution, land use and sprawl, cli- Upcoming Political Committee Meetings
mate change, health and the environment, nature and
Do you have some ideas about activities the
wildlife protection, and water quality were topic
committee should undertake and would you like to
areas discussed and issues and outcomes listed.
help them happen? If so, please join us at our next
A report from the Summit was sent to all partici-
pants in late February with the hopes that the
All meetings will be held 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
participants will maintain the connections they made
Next meeting: June 17 (location TBD)
and begin to communicate and work together in the
future. Several of the participants will be working on
a web-based tool to help the different groups share Sierra Club Membership
information and facilitate communication.
Thanks go to Tom Noyes and June Satterfield for
Application Coupon
planning the event and pulling together the facilita-
New Member Name(s)
tors and volunteers who helped make the program
run smoothly.
In-District Meetings
Sierra Club member John Irwin, a resident of the Address 1
7th House district, hosted the first of many In-Dis-
Address 2
trict Meetings the Political Committee is planning to
hold around the state. In an effort to follow-up on City
our election year work the chapter will be bringing
Sierra Club members together with their elected State Zip
officials from the General Assembly to talk about

Letter from the Chair E-mail

Continued from page 1 Membership Categories (circle one)
from giving time to such a worthy pursuit. It really is
Introductory $25 NA
quite fun!
Regular $35 $43
To close on a more somber note - as you’ll read
Supporting $50 $58
elsewhere in this issue, this year also saw the unfor-
Contributing $100 $108
tunate and untimely passing of one of our most
Life $1000 $1250
skilled leaders Dave Keifer. I had the pleasure of
Senior $15 $23
working very closely with Dave when he was transi-
Student $15 $23
tioning into the Chapter Chair position a few years
All dues include subscription to Sierra ($7.50) and chapter
ago as well as for the many years we served together
publications ($1). Dues are not tax deductible.
on the Chapter Excom. I learned quite a lot from
Mail to: Sierra Club, P.O. Box 52968,
Dave and always appreciated his spirit, dedication, Boulder, CO 80321-2968
and sense of humor. He will be missed. FrepNo: F94QW58001

Find Your Place in the Delaware Chapter!

ello, fellow Sierrans! I hope you are having back from our new members and our veteran mem-
a wonderful Spring. There are a number of bers who are looking to get more involved!
opportunities to get involved in our chapter. Thanks, Ezra Temko
Just fill out our Volunteer Interest Sign-up form at or contact me, Recycling
your Member & Community Engagement Coordina- Our Recycling Committee is off to
tor, 302-981-3007,, or a great start! A special accolade
June Satterfield, our Membership Chair, junesatter- goes to our outgoing chair Carolyn Doerr, who helped get this com-
There are several particular needs we have right mittee off the ground and worked
now. Please continue reading and I hope to hear with the Newark Senior Center to
help them overcome barriers to
Tabling recycling. The Newark Senior Center is now recy-
We table at many events all cling their aluminum, plastics, cardboard, and
over the state! You will not other recyclables.
be tabling by yourself, so do The Recycling Committee is looking for vol-
not worry about being unteers and leaders. If you are interested, please
alone. If you are interested contact Ezra Temko at
in helping out by tabling at an event to promote or 302-981-3007. The chair position is currently
the environment, please contact June Satterfield at open and we also have two great upcoming volun- or 302-653-6596. teer opportunities!
Tabling at Newark Nite – Newark Nite is on
Event Planning June 6 from 5:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Can you help us
The Sierra Club of Delaware has table?
been hosting “Sierra Connec- Planning a Recycling Award – The Recycling
tions” with speakers and a social Committee is interested in offering an annual
element. We also have had film Green Recycling Award through the Sierra Club of
showings and other socials and educational and Delaware to an organization or company doing a
action-oriented events. Will you help us to plan an particularly great job in this area. Come to our
event? If you are interested, please contact Ezra next meeting to help brainstorm about this award.
Temko at or 302-981- June 16, 7:00 p.m., Newark Senior Center Confer-
3007. ence Room.

Upcoming Sierra Club Delaware Chapter Events

Dover Social – Thursday, June 4, 6:00 p.m., TGIF at Ezra Temko at or 302-
Route 13 at Lockerman Street. For more informa- 981-3007.
tion, contact Ron Zink at 302-735-8896 or Political Committee meeting – Wednesday, June 17, 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Location TBD. Visit
Newark Nite Tabling – Saturday, June 6, 5:00 p.m.- www.VoteForTheEarth.or. For more information e-
9:30 p.m. Help our chapter table for this event. For mail
more information contact June Satterfield Quarterly Chapter Planning and Executive Com-
Recycling Committee Meeting – Tuesday, June 16, mittee meeting – Saturday, June 27, 8:30 a.m.-12:30
7:00 p.m., Conference Room, Newark Senior Center. p.m. Location TBD / likely Sussex County. Special
We will work on developing a Recycling Green four-hour quarterly chapter planning meeting,
Award program to be given annually to organiza- including formal Executive Committee meeting as
tions, individuals, houses of worship, or businesses part (1-2 hours’ worth). Topic: Leadership and Vol-
that are deserving. For more information contact unteer Engagement / Building for the Future.
Sierra Club Green Home: It Begins Where You Live

hinking about installing a solar electric sys- Lastly, Sierra Club Green Home features the
tem for your home? Want to know how to following exclusive features that provide insight
keep your lawn healthy without all of the into incorporating green practices into daily life:
chemicals? Are you curious about how to reduce • SCGH Home Carbon Calculator to help deter-
your home’s carbon foot print? For most people, mine a home’s carbon footprints and suggest ways
the journey towards a more sustainable lifestyle to lower it.
begins at home. • SCGH Home Health Quiz to help people evalu-
That’s why, as part of our mission to help peo- ate the healthiness of their homes and to tap into
ple explore, enjoy, and protect the planet, we’re educational facts on bettering indoor air quality
pleased to announce the launch of a partner web- • SCGH Net Solar Costs Calculator to determine
site, Sierra Club Green Home (SCGH), which was the exact costs and benefits of adding solar tech-
created to help individuals, like you, take simple nology to a home.
steps to green their homes. By helping people Visit Sierra Club Green Home’s website soon
make their homes more energy-efficient, ecologi- for terrific ideas, tips and information dedicated to
cally sustainably, and healthy, Sierra Club Green helping you create a more sustainable home envi-
Home advances our efforts to better the environ- ronment.Visit http://www.sierraclubgreenhome.
ment. com/contact-sierra-club-green-home/ to learn
more about all the things you can do in your home
and garden to “go green.” Your health, your wallet
and the earth will thank you.

Chapter Outings Calendar

For the past year, Sierra Club has worked
closely with the SCGH team to create a website Saturday June 6: Trails Day – Friends of White
that makes green living more practical for ordi- Clay Trail Work – 9:00 am to noon. Leader:
nary consumers. The website provides a wealth of Jenny Egan,, 302-
information regarding environmentally friendly 540-4546
products and practices relating to every aspect of Sunday, June 7: Paddle the Little Blackwater
home life. River (rated moderate) – Conservation outing.
When you visit Sierra Club Green Home, at Paddle the largest tributary to the Blackwater River in Dorchester County on the Eastern Shore.
ra-club-green-home/, you will find educationally This watershed and the Blackwater National
rich, quality content on more than 100 subjects Wildlife Refuge downstream were threatened by a
related to sustainability for the home. Additional- mega-development south of Cambridge a few
ly, you’ll have access to exclusive articles from years ago, which was stopped by environmental
prominent green journalists, including Joan activists, including Sierra Club. We will put-in at
Hamilton, Jennifer Roberts, and the Club’s own the refuge about 11:00 a.m., paddle upstream to a
“Mr. Green,” Bob Schildgen. USGS streamgage location, and return for a round
Sierra Club Green Home also offers consumers trip of about 10 miles. The stream is tidal flatwa-
access to thousands of providers of green products ter, although it is fairly wide in places and might
and services vetted for authenticity through the have a moderate chop. Participants must supply
SCGH GreenCheck process—a set of carefully their own watercraft and wear a PFD on the
designed criteria whereby each applicant is evalu- water. Thunderstorms or high winds cancel.
ated. Visitors can scan the database of SCGH Leader: Dan Soeder,,
GreenCheck-authorized providers by region, 410-969-9465
enabling them to quickly and easily get started on Check out the website often, more trips to be post-
greening their homes on any budget. ed:
Volunteers Sought for New Environmental Justice
Committee in Delaware

here is interest in starting an Environmental F. The Right to Equity
Justice Committee in Delaware. If you are G. The Right to Generational Equity
interested in helping start this committee,
H. The Rights of Native People
please contact Ezra Temko at 302-981-3007 or
2. We support an end to pollution
3. We support the precautionary principle
The Sierra Club supports
the right to a clean and
healthful environment for
all people. Yet, when it
comes to many environ-
mental issues, from
climate change to pollu-
tion to cancer, many
communities bear dispro-
portionate risks of harm
because of their demo-
graphic characteristics or
economic conditions. Help to change that in
If you are interested in being part of this move-
ment, contact Ezra Temko and let him know of your
Sierra Club Conservation Policies on Environ-
mental Justice
conservation/justice.aspx for the principles in full.
Environmental Justice Principles
Sierra Club’s founder, John Muir, said, “Everybody
needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and
pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to
body and soul alike.”
The Sierra Club’s purpose is to explore, enjoy,
and protect the wild places of the earth; to practice
and promote the responsible use of the earth’s
ecosystems and resources; and to educate and enlist
humanity to protect and restore the quality of the
natural and human environment; and to use all law-
ful means to carry out these objectives.
1. We support the right to a clean and healthful
environment for all people
A. The Right to Democracy
B. The Right to Participate
C. The Right to Equal Protection
D. The Right to Know
E. The Right to Sustainable Environmental Benefits

Delaware Chapter and Southern Delaware
Group Leaders
All phone numbers are Area Code 302 Additional Chapter ExCom Members
Rich Anthony 645-1732
Chapter Office
Phone: 351-2776 Steve Callanen 539-0635
Chapter Staff
Member & Community Engagement Coordinator: Southern Delaware Group (SDG)
Ezra Temko 981-3007 Appointed Officers Chair: Steve Callanen 539-0635
Chapter Appointed Officers
Vice Chair: Harry Haon 656-4582
Chair: Matt Urban 521-4495
Conservation Chair: Barbara Murray
Vice Chair: Nancy Carig
Environmental Justice Chair: Mable Granke 227-6637
Secretary & Membership Chair:
Secretary: Matt Urban 521-4495 Carrie Bennett 732-3358
Treasurer: Lorri Fencer
Conservation: Debbie Heaton Additional Southern Delaware Group (SDG) ExCom Members
Cool Cities: Ron Zink 735-8996 Terri Usuki 436-2296
Energy: Chad Tolman 478-3516
Land Use: Jay Cooperson 571-0660 Visit us on the Web!
Membership: June Satterfield 653-6596
Outings: Jennifer Egan 540-4546 Web Editor:
Political: Debbie Heaton
Mike Casale 239-2225
Pollution: Al Denio 455-0389

Sierra Club Delaware Chapter Change Of Address Form

Attach old address mailing label:

New Address
City State Zip

Phone E-mail
Mail to: Sierra Club, P.O. Box 52968, Boulder, CO 80321-2968

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