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Strategic Communication Plan for [Department/Unit/Initiative]

The purpose of a communication plan is to support the strategic objectives and provide action items for
the organizational communication of [project/initiative/department] for the next [timeframe]

1. Identify 2-3 Business objectives that you want to achieve/improve within the next year.
Internal/external influences

2. Identify audience/stakeholder to address:

Desired outcome/goal
o Change behavior/take an action
o Understanding
o Inform
o Acceptance/commitment
Potential impact
Know/believe, feel, do
Create stakeholder analysis grid (example below)

Stakeholder Role Make It Help Permit or Stay Questions Unaware Action Steps to Shift
Happen Out of the Way or Resists Commitment
Union X

Use: X shows current commitment; shows desired commitment

Review Change Commitment Curve

3. Key messages to be delivered

What and why of a particular business need
Tone and manner: manner of expression; visual manner, if applicable;
Words that describe the nature of how messaging will be carried out: formal /informal/playful

4. Develop Matrix Delivery Timeline of key messages/methods (attach matrix to narrative)

Match comms with information gained from stakeholder analysis of identified audiences
Identify follow-on messages
Follow through with action plan

5. Evaluation/success measures
Identify measures/methods for understanding
Metrics if applicable

Business Operations | Communications and Planning 9/28/2017 FORM B

Communication Plan Implementation Matrix

Target Communication Audience Method Purpose|Key Messages Responsibility Status

Date Activity Stakeholder Channel (Know, Feel, Do)

Method | Channel

Method | Channel

Method | Channel

Method | Channel

Method | Channel

Method | Channel

Method | Channel

Method | Channel

Method | Channel

Business Operations | Communications and Planning 9/28/2017 FORM B

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