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Ally Teklits

Mr. Bless

Honors English II

September 5th, 2017

Not getting enough sleep impacts every aspect of your life. Lamott explains, in the

article Sleep Deprivation, the risks of not getting enough sleep and the dangerous impacts it

could have on your life. Lamott writes that Science has linked poor slumber with high blood

pressure, a weakened immune system, weight gain, a lack of libidio, mood swings, paranioa,

depression and a higher risk of diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular disease, dementia and some

cancers. Lamotts article continues to explore more aspects of a person's life that is affected

when a persons slumber is abused. She then goes on to say, car crashes, industrial disasters,

and medical and occupational errors also increase as we tire. So not only is your health affected

but also your ability to operate heavy machinery decreases. Overall, Lamott has proven that not

getting enough sleep impacts almost every aspect of your life.

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