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When I am stressed/upset I.

Like to be alone and bottle up my feelings

When I am stressed/upset I need my staff to.

Leave me alone, and not expect an honest answer to Are you okay?

When I am happy and excited I.

Smile a lot, get flustered and giggly

When I am happy and excited I need my staff to

Not throw off my groove

I prefer to receive constructive feedback from my staff/supervisors.

In private, from a place a care

I prefer to receive praise from my staff/supervisors .

Ambiguous, have never really received praise so Im not used to it/ I am getting used to it. Preferences

I handle conflict with my staff by

Ignore the issue and hope it goes away if it solely affects me

I handle conflict with my supervisors by

Ignore the issue and hope it goes away if it solely affects me

My pet peeves are.

Being rude to service workers

My BEST attributes and personal/professional strengths are.



When I am stressed/upset I.

often dont show it but I may be quieter and less visible. But, there is no Wikihow on how to console
me so I appreciate and gesture that you might make.

When I am stressed/upset I need my staff to.

give me some time to get over it. As long as my staff is around me, I will feel better soon.

When I am happy and excited I.

smile, sing, possible dance.

When I am happy and excited I need my staff to

feel however they desire to feel!

I prefer to receive constructive feedback from my staff/supervisors.

in whatever way they feel comfortable giving it to me. It is highly appreciated.

I prefer to receive praise from my staff/supervisors .

through any medium. Im not picky as long as its genuine.

I handle conflict with my staff by

pondering and then speaking with the individuals 1:1.

I handle conflict with my supervisors by

speaking with them honestly.

My pet peeves are.

being late to important things, the word retard used as a joke to put someone down, Autism jokes, the
exclusion of people, when I or others take kind acts for granted, the fact that I cant watch Dr. Phil

My BEST attributes and personal/professional strengths are.

my hips.

responsibility, patience, ability to remain calm,

my hips.


When I am stressed/upset I.

Keep it bottled up, sometimes cry (when I bottle things up for too long). Normally like to cry on my own,
not in front of others

When I am stressed/upset I need my staff to.

Give me time to think/process. Be patient when I explain why I am stressed and upset.

When I am happy and excited I.

May smile, talk, laugh. However, Im not always over the top expressive so I can still be happy even
though Im not doing these things.

When I am happy and excited I need my staff to

Support my happiness and understand it.

I prefer to receive constructive feedback from my staff/supervisors.

In a one on one setting; also it is helpful for me to see it on paper. Seeing physical words helps me
process and put those things into action. I love words on paper.

I prefer to receive praise from my staff/supervisors .

Also in a one on one setting, sparingly as well. Minimal praise makes the praise more valuable/genuine.
Also, Im a fan of warm fuzzes (words on paper again).

I handle conflict with my staff by

Taking time to figure out why I was bothered and approach the situation calmly

I handle conflict with my supervisors by

Talking one on one, being honest with my feelings

My pet peeves are.

Being late/when others are late; when others arent reliable/dont follow through; when someone
involves themselves in something that isnt their business; when someone isnt honest

My BEST attributes and personal/professional strengths are.

Organization (Im a big planner), responsible, attention to detail, commitment and investment (when I
care about something I REALLY care, fully immersed), compassionate, calm


When I am stressed/upset I.

Shut down emotionally/cry/dont talk to anyone/overthink

Draw/Listen to Music/Meditate/Sleep/Write

When I am stressed/upset I need my staff to.

Notice Im upset and check up on me/ maybe help me talk through it

Give me my space when I do decide to leave

When I am happy and excited I.

Get like a happy puppy

Hug a lot, laugh a lot, physical affection, smile a lot, randomly singing in weird voices and do
weird dance moves
Voice gets high pitched and greet people excitedly: Hellloooo frieeeends !!

When I am happy and excited I need my staff to

Be excited with me (if theyre in the mood)

Dont judge my ways of expression
I prefer to receive constructive feedback from my staff/supervisors.

In a none on one setting

When I did something wrong or missed something, anytime they think I need to improve

I prefer to receive praise from my staff/supervisors .

When I do something out of the ordinary that celebrates who I am as a person

When they see me do something they appreciate
Anytime they want

I handle conflict with my staff by

I dont, I shut out.

Or, I try to talk to them later on in a one on one setting

I handle conflict with my supervisors by

Talk to them personally, one on one

My pet peeves are.

Being told what to do in a condescending way

Being talked over or cut off when Im talking
When someone is visibly not engaged in what Im saying

My BEST attributes and personal/professional strengths are.

I take the initiative
Team Player
Takes Feedback pretty well and implement it when told to
I try my best no matter what
Building relationships


When I am stressed/upset I....

Get really quiet

When I am stressed/upset I need my staff to....

Hold me to the same standard as if I was not stressed/upset

When I am happy and excited I....

Get very loud and obnoxious

When I am happy and excited I need my staff to ...

Let me know if I need to tone it down.

I prefer to receive constructive feedback from my staff/supervisors....

In person in a 1:1 setting.

I prefer to receive praise from my staff/supervisors ....

In person

I handle conflict with my staff by...

discussing it with them.

I handle conflict with my supervisors by...

Ignoring it or talking to other staff members about it.

My pet peeves are....

Inefficiency & being inconsiderate.

My BEST attributes and personal/professional strengths are....

Accountability & conflict management


When I am stressed/upset I.
Tend to not talk about what bothers me.
When I am ready, I will say something (as in rant or complain) and be fine after.
When I am stressed/upset I need my staff to.
Understand I am upset and give me space.
If I want to discuss it with you, please let me explain why I felt a certain way.
When I am happy and excited I.
Get really hyper and loud
When I am happy and excited I need my staff to
Be happy with me or tell me chill- whatever makes them happy.
I prefer to receive constructive feedback from my staff/supervisors.
When they feel is appropriate. As long as it is respectfully given (i.e. not by yelling at me).
I prefer to receive praise from my staff/supervisors .
I handle conflict with my staff by
Thinking it over by myself first before deciding if I need to address it.
I handle conflict with my supervisors by
Thinking it over by myself first before deciding if I need to address it.
My pet peeves are.
When people are intentionally disrespecting someone else because they feel that they are
entitled to do so
i.e. if someone is angry so they intentionally attack someone else insecurity because
they feel like being angry gives them an excuse to disrespect someone elses life or
i.e. if someone disrespects a customer service worker/ maintenance because they are
the customer
My BEST attributes and personal/professional strengths are.
I am intentional. I usually put in a lot of effort and thought to what I do and the reasons behind
I am fairly patient.


When I am stressed/upset I.

Am visible about it. I get quiet and zone out a lot more than I usually do. Ill always let you know when
and why Im feeling this type of way, but if its something really personal I tend to be slightly more
closed up about it.

When I am stressed/upset I need my staff to.

Give me time and space. If I do need advice or someone to just listen, Ill ask you directly.

When I am happy and excited I.

Am also visible about it. I talk quickly, loudly, and excessively. I joke around and become very animated.

When I am happy and excited I need my staff to

Let me vibe it out. But if youre really not feeling it, let me know and Ill do my best to respect that.
Otherwise, feel free to join me!

I prefer to receive constructive feedback from my staff/supervisors.

Privately and ASAP. I also hardcore dig constructive feedback so please dish it out to me whenever you
deem it fitting.

I prefer to receive praise from my staff/supervisors .

When its genuine.

I handle conflict with my staff by

Calling in, not out. Almost always with a goal for a resolution or next steps in mind. I feel pretty darn
comfortable addressing and handling conflict but similarly to constructive feedback, I prefer to handle it
privately, timely, honestly, and openly.
I handle conflict with my supervisors by

Same as above.

My pet peeves are.

Passive aggressiveness
Strong sense of entitlement
Anything that would make someone feel excluded, insignificant, or lesser than another
This one can get me worked up like nothing else holy crud

My BEST attributes and personal/professional strengths are.

Eager to grow and learn

StrengthsQuest says:

1. Includer
2. Woo
3. Input
4. Connectedness
5. Arranger

Misc: Restorative, Positivity, Futuristic (from last years assessment)


When I am stressed/upset I.need time for myself

When I am stressed/upset I need my staff to.give me my space but let me know support is there if

When I am happy and excited I.tend to soak it in and bask in the moment

When I am happy and excited I need my staff to let me enjoy those moments and react based off my

I prefer to receive constructive feedback from my staff/ any times straight up as soon
as possible

I prefer to receive praise from my staff/supervisors .only if it is appropriate and not excessive

I handle conflict with my staff byaddressing things honestly and as soon as possible

I handle conflict with my supervisors bycommunicating with them and finding a solution
My pet peeves are.repeating myself due to obvious lack of attention and over excessive emotion

My BEST attributes and personal/professional strengths are.confidence with conflict, problem

solving, ability to receive criticism, and ability to see both sides of a situation


When I am stressed/upset I. Tend to get loud and also quiet. If I feel comfortable I may voice my
frustration, if not then I will stay quiet and maybe even cry.

When I am stressed/upset I need my staff to. Offer feedback and strategies for me to excel, not
necessarily solutions but suggestions on how to improve for next time, also give me time and
dont crowd me it overwhelms me.

When I am happy and excited I. Get very loud and physical, I will hug or touch people. I like to
express my joy so I will be very loud and boisterous when I am happy. If someone does
something to make me happy I might cry. ( I cry a lot)

When I am happy and excited I need my staff to Share my joy, and be happy with me, I am very
empathetic so if someone is sad/mad my mood will be low like theirs.

I prefer to receive constructive feedback from my staff/supervisors. On a one on one basis, or with
a small group of 3-4 people. I enjoy constructive criticism but it makes me frustrated when
people tell me what Im doing wrong without a suggestion on how to change that.

I prefer to receive praise from my staff/supervisors . Whenever they feel like it is necessary, I
appreciate letters that I can read later for myself or in person is fine as well. I like genuine
remarks/ praises so please be honest and real with me, it makes me feel nice to know my work
doesnt go unnoticed.

I handle conflict with my staff by Asking my peers for advice on how to deal with something and
then approaching the other staff member with a conversation about what happened and using
I statements, also maybe having a third person there for support/ mediation. Also if I have
done something wrong please tell me, I am not as transparent and sometimes I say things that I
dont think could hurt/ bother people, but they could and I apologize, but help me understand
what I did wrong so I never do it again.

I handle conflict with my supervisors by Also addressing the issue and definitely asking for clarity
as I hope my supervisors would never be malicious towards any of us. If I have done something
wrong, I expect to be told and addressed privately.

My pet peeves are. 1.When people become upset with me but dont tell me, I cant fix anything if I
dont know whats wrong. (2.) Gossiping and self-deprecation also bother me, dont be rude or spread
rumors of people. I am not the most confident person so I like to surround myself with secure people
who are up for the challenge, not people who put down others or themselves, dont talk about your
inadequacies, speak of your strengths instead. (3) when people are rude to people who have not spoken
English as their 1 language. (4) Talking down to people/me and being patronizing

My BEST attributes and personal/professional strengths are. I am empathetic and emotionally driven
so I strive to make deeper connections with people. I work well under pressure so even though I might
get flustered I will get my work done. I am very people oriented and I believe I have good customer
service as I am always happy and willing to help people.


When I am stressed/upset I

Tend to be quiet or be vocal about how Im feeling. Im aware how my stress can affect others so I try
my best not to put my burdens onto others. Typically, Ill reach out to one person who Im close to
outside of the affected parties to vent about it or I process how I feel and take steps to move on from it.

When I am stressed/upset I need my staff to

Give me time to destress by myself or share a meal with me (or stress eat with me). You can ask me if
Im okay, but Ill become emotional at the fact that you care.

When I am happy and excited I

Think thats cool.

When I am happy and excited I need my staff to

Think thats cool.

I prefer to receive constructive feedback from my staff/supervisors

Right away when Im doing something wrong. Typically, Im a bit self-aware of what Im doing
incorrectly, but if it needs to be addressed, please let me know right away and privately. I will usually re-
evaluate the action I took and try my best not to take things personally (unless its an ad hominem),
because it takes a lot for someone to upset me.

I prefer to receive praise from my staff/supervisors

Privately in written form. Group settings are fine, but I dont always prefer them because it brings the
spotlight onto me which makes me very awkward at times. I prefer to recognize others achievements
who have assisted since a lot of the things we do is a team effort.

I handle conflict with my staff by

Talking to them 1 on 1. Sometimes it has a large emotional toll on me and Ill show it at times, but thats
okay because growing starts from a place of discomfort.

I handle conflict with my supervisors by

Talking to them 1 on 1.

My pet peeves are

People who talk over me or others, repetitive sounds or anything that repeats (broken lighting),
disrespectful people, people who are unable to see past their biases, not giving credit where credit is
due, when Im told to calm down, using a phone during a movie
My BEST attributes and personal/professional strengths are

Taking on multiple perspectives, analytical and logistical, remaining calm during difficult situations,


When I am stressed/upset I.

Cry. I find crying therapeutic and I enjoy getting time to sit in my feelings and really giving myself a space
for self-validation.

When I am stressed/upset I need my staff to.

Remind me that it is okay to not be okay. I need them to validate my feelings and let me feel them in the

When I am happy and excited I.

Like to be around others and like to do things. I smile and try my best to be friendly.

When I am happy and excited I need my staff to

Give me the space to be happy and let me be happy. If they are happy, to also join me in my happiness.

I prefer to receive constructive feedback from my staff/supervisors.

In a 1:1 setting. I like to have reference points to a time where they saw me struggle or places of
personal improvement.

I prefer to receive praise from my staff/supervisors .

When I do something that is more than ordinary. I like to receive praise when my work is more than

I handle conflict with my staff by

Confronting the conflict and having conversations on where there might have been miscommunication.

I handle conflict with my supervisors by

Addressing them in a 1:1 setting.

My pet peeves are.

Those who do not have an open mind and are not willing to become more educated or think they have
reached their peak growth.

My BEST attributes and personal/professional strengths are.

Vulnerability. I am not scared to be open about who I am or speak on my past, and I feel like this is very
useful when relating and talking with other individuals. I am open to being open regarding parts of my
past that may cause distress, because I tend to find beauty in the pain and search for growth in areas
that hurt most.


When I am stressed/upset I...

Tend to isolate myself and remove myself from the situation. This is usually when I am stressed.

When I am stressed/upset I need my staff to...

Give me space, listen, and offer support.

When I am happy and excited I...

Tend to smile a lot; youll see it. When I am excited I dont usually share it with everyone unless they are
really close to me. I dont like being the center of attention for prolonged periods of time.

When I am happy and excited I need my staff...

To be excited for me and match my enthusiasm.

I prefer to receive constructive feedback from my staff/ supervisors...

Through comments, usually aside from the group

I have a conflict with my staff by...

Trying to find common ground. I like compromise.

I have a conflict with my supervisors by...

Explaining myself and explaining why I do the things that I do.

My pet peeves are...

Excessively loud talkers, anything excessively loud, and not knowing when to exit the platform and give
the mic to someone else. Also, when you pick food off my plate without asking. If you ask, I will ALWAYS
say yes; I feel very taken advantage of without having been asked first.

My best attributes and personal/professional strength are...

I am organized, reliable, and I keep my word.


When I am stressed/upset I vocalize it! I will probably be visibly upset and eager to rant. It probably
seems like Im a drama queen (which I am), but I really do need external support/to talk everything out
to feel better. I will also probably catastrophize and be extremely hyperbolic (cons of being an extremely
anxious person).

When I am stressed/upset I need my staff to be willing to listen and validate my feelings, and be ready
to offer solutions right away. Im not a wallower and I dont usually like to sit in feelings, so Ill
probably immediately start wanting to talk about what to do to fix the issue.
When I am happy and excited I TALK ABOUT IT A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I am happy and excited I need my staff to listen to me tell the same stories like 3 times.

I prefer to receive constructive feedback from my staff/supervisors one on one, with solutions for
growth. I want so badly to be good at what I do, I usually need only to be told once before Im
hypersensitive and constantly trying to fix the issue, and I really appreciate when solutions or ideas are
already laid out so I know exactly what I need to do to improve.

I prefer to receive praise from my staff/supervisors in any way, as long as its genuine. I also dont mind
public praise (thats the drama queen in me again lol), but I really do appreciate genuine one-on-one

I handle conflict with my staff by addressing it directly! I pretty much HAVE to talk my feelings out, and I
prefer to do it as soon as possible after an incident or else I get restless/angsty. I also like to confront
serious issues one on one. But I never ever keep my feelings in and I am usually very direct.

I handle conflict with my supervisors by also addressing it directly, though I would probably be less
confident in my delivery of my feelings than I would be when talking to a peer. Again, I cant hold my
feelings in.

My pet peeves are when people tell me Im too much, when people get mad/sad at me without
providing an immediate solution and instead just want to rip into me, and when my la croix
decarbonates faster than I can drink it.

My BEST attributes and personal/professional strengths are my ability to be frank/direct, my genuine

desire to be good at what I do, my public speaking ability, and my solution


When I am stressed/upset I. sometimes like to yell at inanimate objects, so I prefer to be left alone so
that I can process my own frustration.

When I am stressed/upset I need my staff to. Let me cool off

When I am happy and excited I. get energetic, jumpy, loud, and obnoxious.

When I am happy and excited I need my staff to be with me so that I can share my happiness and
excitement with yall.

I prefer to receive constructive feedback from my staff/supervisors. AS MUCH AWS POSSIBLE, let me
know what I can improve on. Bring me in one-on-one and light me up. Do it quick and dirty.

I prefer to receive praise from my staff/supervisors .very sparingly because especially in person, I
dont know how to respond to it. So warm fuzzies are the best, or texts or anything.
I handle conflict with my staff by talking it out with them. I will often beat around the bush and be
soft, when confronting, but I prefer you being blunt.

I handle conflict with my supervisors by most of the time I keep it in, but sometimes Ill talk to them,
but usually this only occurs when something really bothers me.

My pet peeves are. Unorganized projects, procrastinating, leaving something alone for someone else
to deal with, unreliability, inefficiency.

My BEST attributes and personal/professional strengths are.

I work very far ahead, and am a great planner/ organizer.


When I am stressed/upset I.

Need time alone to process but then need reassurance and company

When I am stressed/upset I need my staff to.

Give me some time and then drag me out of my room

When I am happy and excited I.

Am VERY energetic and smiling

When I am happy and excited I need my staff to

Let me be excited and know that I dont expect them to be at my level. Also, to not tell me to calm
down or that Im too much.

I prefer to receive constructive feedback from my staff/supervisors.

As soon as possible in person with opportunity for follow up at a later time.

I prefer to receive praise from my staff/supervisors .

ALL. THE. TIME. Im my own worst enemy so reassurance of what Im doing well and that Im even doing
well is necessary for me because I have not yet learned to rely on my own self-confidence in new

I handle conflict with my staff by

Addressing it directly and as soon as possible if I dont try to let it go. I often need space just so that
everything about the person/people doesnt start to annoy me and I can return to the family with a
refreshed perspective.
I handle conflict with my supervisors by

By creating a 1:1 time and addressing it as well as getting feedback on how to better support each other
because this shit is hard enough.

My pet peeves are.

People telling me to calm down, using honesty as an excuse for being rude, inconsistency, not holding
myself/others holding themselves accountable, and probably more because I low key get easily irritated
but Im working on it.

My BEST attributes and personal/professional strengths are.

-genuine love for peoples successes and lives

-belief in the value of education and individualized education style


-dog sister to Teenage Nico

-Can see anyones good qualities/strengths and play off them

-willingness to communicate and hear other options


When I am stressed/upset I.

Vocalize my emotions but don't expect those emotions to be internalized by anyone else. May dissociate
from those that matter most.

When I am stressed/upset I need my staff to.

Avoid internalizing my problems. Be willing to listen and provide me with options.

When I am happy and excited I.

Love to share my energy with everyone.

When I am happy and excited I need my staff to

Feed off of my positive energy if they are willing or able to.

I prefer to receive constructive feedback from my staff/supervisors.

To be one on one and involve honesty and prefaced with what I have been doing correctly or

I prefer to receive praise from my staff/supervisors .

In person and consistently when it is genuine and I feel I truly deserve it. Praise that is emphasized by
specific examples and such.
I handle conflict with my staff by

Being honest and upfront with them.

I handle conflict with my supervisors by

Approaching other supervisors about the problem and how to best deal with the situation.

My pet peeves are.

Not feeling listened to (people on their phones when I am trying to tell them something!!), lack of
awareness for others and the space that individuals occupy, overagressive personalities that lead me to
feel overwhelmed or irritated, others taking advantage of my kindness, close mindedness and the
disinterest in learning from one another.

My BEST attributes and personal/professional strengths are.

My positivity, openness and honesty with my emotions,relatabilty, adaptability, my expression and self


When I am stressed/upset I.

It is usually because I dont have enough time so I get short with people. It isnt because I dont love you
or its anything personal, its just that Im trying to get done other tasks in a short period of time.

When I am stressed/upset I need my staff to.

Give me space, I am always down to schedule a time later on to talk. Keep me accountable to self-care.

When I am happy and excited I.

Show it. This happens all the time.

When I am happy and excited I need my staff to

Smile, be okay with me being happy and excited. Not ignore me.

I prefer to receive constructive feedback from my staff/supervisors.

Timely, kindly, respectfully, 1:1, with solutions/examples/options

I prefer to receive praise from my staff/supervisors .

However you like

I handle conflict with my staff by

Talking about it

I handle conflict with my supervisors by

Taking time away, calming down, and coming back

My pet peeves are.

Not responding to an email, coming late, being on your phone/computer, gossiping, not receiving
feedback/being defensive when feedback is given

My BEST attributes and personal/professional strengths are.

Smile, humor, love


When I am stressed/upset I.

Express physically, not verbally

When I am stressed/upset I need my staff to.

Show you care, but dont pry

When I am happy and excited I.

Have a variety of ways to express that, at varying energy levels

When I am happy and excited I need my staff to

Celebrate in my wellness and check me if Im being overwhelming

I prefer to receive constructive feedback from my staff/supervisors.

Directly, with care

I prefer to receive praise from my staff/supervisors .

As much as possible and as appropriate

I handle conflict with my staff by

Giving direct feedback and expressing myself emotionally

I handle conflict with my supervisors by

Seeking to understand and explaining impact on me in hopes of catalyzing a change

My pet peeves are.

Lack of communication, not following through or being dependable

My BEST attributes and personal/professional strengths are.

Empathy, love, humor, supporting & developing others


When I am stressed/upset I.

I dont get upset often but can easily get stressed

short in response
visible on my face and body language
When I am stressed/upset I need my staff to.

I appreciate acts of service, if you can help me

Ask me what would you do instead of what if
Im an external processor - help me develop my game plan to manage stress/find solutions
When I am happy and excited I.

visibly happy and excited; want to be around people

When I am happy and excited I need my staff to

spend quality time, have quality conversations, eat, do crafts, etc with me
I appreciate hugs
I prefer to receive constructive feedback from my staff/supervisors.

give me heads up by texting or asking can I talk to you about or can I give you feedback on
1:1 setting w/ specific examples
tell me how it impacted you and what you want me to do differently
I prefer to receive praise from my staff/supervisors .

personal or public
I appreciate handwritten notes best :)
I handle conflict with my staff and my supervisors by

If Im in a good place: reaching out and bringing up my concerns, asking question, and asking for
If Im in a bad place: need you to reach out because I may be visible quiet
My pet peeves are.

taking advantage of kindness or when I give you the benefit of the doubt
lack of awareness
entitlement, disrespect, blatant rudeness and disregard of others
not taking ownership for your mistakes and not willing to learn from them, blaming others
My BEST attributes and personal/professional strengths are.

StrengthsQuest: harmonizer, arranger, connectedness, developer, positivity

empathy, learner, listener, and crafts

When I am stressed/upset I.

Stressed: Tend to Isolate myself to get stuff done/ Upset: Tend to make it known but I have to process
internally first

When I am stressed/upset I need my staff to.

Give me space to process and listen if I do reach out for support

When I am happy and excited I.

It shows! I make jokes/smile/laugh

When I am happy and excited I need my staff to

Join in on the fun, however, if youre not feelin it, please let me know!

I prefer to receive constructive feedback from my staff/supervisors.

Direct 1-on-1, within 72 hours

I prefer to receive praise from my staff/supervisors .

Through notes, email, privately/ Im getting used to public praise but it isnt my preferred way to receive

I handle conflict with my staff by

Directly, 1-on-1, in a timely manner

I handle conflict with my supervisors by

Directly, 1-on-1, within 72 hours

My pet peeves are.

There are quite a few (lol) but the vast majority of them stem from a lack of communication

My BEST attributes and personal/professional strengths are.

Strengthquest: Context, Relator, Belief, Individuation, Learner; Good observer of surrounding, learning
when step up/step back, good sense of humor, tend to remain calm in pressure situations

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