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Welcome to


Edgerton Public School

ENGLISH {2017-2018 Class Syllabus}
Mrs. GunninkRoom 16(507)442-7881 EXT.228

This English class is designed to increase your communications skills through reading, writing, speaking, and the
study of the English language. Our primary focus in language arts class will be mastery of different writing
styles, demonstration of the rules of grammar, spelling and the ability to express yourself orally.

Book List
Treasures Textbook, Macilan Late Work
The Wanderer by Sharon Creech Any work not submitted at the
Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt beginning of the class period, on the
Across Five Aprils by Irene Hunt specified due date, will be considered
Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson late. All work that is submitted late will
Burnett ( possible) receive a 20% reduction. All work must
* Same books as Reading 6 be submitted before assessments. If a
student does not have his or her work
Materials List completed by the assessment date, the
Textbook student has 1 week to submit missing
Trapper work and complete the assessment or
Notebook or Loose-leaf Paper all scores including the assessment will
Pen ( preferably not black or blue) be a 0.
Pencil Parent/Guardian Signature:
AR Novel
Class notebook (provided) ________________________________________

Classroom Folders
Each Student will have access to a
classroom folder. The folder will be Assessments
used to store tests, quizzes, classwork, There will be a variety of assessments in
completed assignments or additional this course including , but not limited to,
classroom materials spelling tests, Latin and Greek roots
assessments, written essays, and
grammar quizzes.
Grade Scale Cell Phones
Cell phones must be left in the
100% or up A+ 75% - 78% - C student's locker. They area a
95% - 100% - A 72% - 74% - C- distraction to everyone, even if
92% - 94% - A- 69% - 71% - D+ they are in a pocket or on vibrate.
89% - 91% - B+ 65% - 68% - D To avoid any issues, I ask tat they
85% - 89% - B 62%- 64% - D- do not make a presence in my
82% - 84% - B- 61 61% or Below F classroom. If a cell phone becomes
79% - 81% - C+ a distraction, it will be confiscated
and delivered to the office for pick
up at the end of the day.
Grade Weight
Student's Quarterly Grades will be Please return this to Mrs.Gunnink
weighted as follows: 50% Assessments
and Projects ( tests, grammar quizzes I have read and understood the guidelines
projects etc.) 30% Homework and and procedures for Mrs. Gunnink's English
Classwork, 15% Class notebook, 5% Class and have shared them with my
Classroom Participation. parents/guardians.

Make-up Work Student Name _________________________

When a student is absent, the child will
need to check the " while you were out" Student Signature ____________________
folder and talk with Mrs.Gunnink to
discuss what they missed. The student Period _____
will be given two days for every day
missed to get caught up. If the student Parent or Guardian Signature
missed a quiz or test, he or she will must
meet with Mrs. Gunnink to schedule at __________________________________
time to take the assessment within one
week of the absence.

Classroom Expectations
Be on time! Students must be in their What is the preferred/best way for me to
seat and ready to work when the bell contact parent(s)/ guardian(s) during the
rings. day if I have comments regarding your
Be prepared! Bring required materials student?
to class every day.
Be respectful! Show respect to
everyone and everything.
Is there anything else you would like me to
know about your student (educationally or

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