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Assignment 3

Dear candidates,

Welcome to the Post Graduate Programme of IIM Shillong.

This day marks the beginning of your introduction to the college. In order to familiarize you with
the values and the processes at IIM Shillong, a separate course has been designed. The following
are the guidelines which will help you during the course:
Youll be given instructions for every task and assignments including the deadline and
procedural details. You are expected to adhere to the same.
This entire introduction course is evaluative.
Attendance carries marks. Upon being called for any task or assignment, you are
supposed to reach the stated place in time.


1. You are supposed to answer the following questions in a word (doc, docx) file in Times
New Roman with font size 12 and line spacing of 1.5 (0 before and 0 after). The naming
convention for the file is Full Name (in Sentence case)_PGP17. Example Rohan

2. The word limit for each question has been specified. You are supposed to answer within +
10% of the specified limit. For example, if the word limit is 1000 words, then your answer
has to be in the range of 900-1100 words.

3. The deadline to submit the assignment is 9 PM, June 25, 2017. You are supposed to mail
your assignment to


1. Briefly describe a situation in which- (Word limit - 200 x 5 =1000 words)

a. You achieved results against all odds
b. You didnt let emotions cloud your decision
c. Pursued an idea or a business goal to its conclusion
d. Inspired people to achieve a goal
e. Contributed to the social development of the country

2. What are the types of assignments that keep you engaged and what are those that do not
excite you? (Word limit 300 words)

3. What is the single most important consideration that qualifies you to be a distinguished
IIM graduate? Briefly describe a situation where this consideration of yours has helped you
stand out from the crowd? (Word limit - 600 words)

4. Briefly share 2 academic and 2 non-academic achievements during/since your under-
graduation, that you are most proud of and why? (Word limit - 600 words)

5. Tell us about the three most important positions, or experiences during / post college that
showcase the leader inside you? (Word limit - 600 words)

6. What are the top 3 extracurricular activities that you are passionate about and tell us the
significant milestones you have achieved while pursuing them? (Word limit - 600 words)

7. There are various domains available for a management graduate. Explain your
understanding of the different domains available for you. How can each domain be used
for development of the North-East? (Word limit - 1500 words)

8. A big conglomerate has approached you to analyze the market potential of the North-East.
As a consultant, prepare a report highlighting the quantitative and qualitative
characteristics of the market existing here and suggest the industries in which the
conglomerate should invest? (Word limit - 1200 words)

9. Grub first, then ethics. Interpret the statement in the context of modern business scenario.
Do you support / oppose the viewpoint offered in the statement? Support your views with
original thoughts quoting incidents from your professional and personal experiences.
(Word limit - 900 words)

10. Who is your source of inspiration in life? Why? (Word limit- 500 words)

11. Give a brief write-up about your background, including how it has impacted the choice of
your present course of study. Prepare a SWOT analysis of yourself describing each point
of analysis. Describe your long and short term goals and an action plan for the road ahead.
(Page limit 10 pages)


Note: The handbook is your contract with the institute. Read it, memorize it, live by it.

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