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Good morning and welcome to the first and the last round of our debate tournament with just

two teams on our course subject on this Midterm!

Today, we will take a look of how this Policy Debate is going to happen following its procedure!

Its also has been said that Logic and reasons are the keys in winning an argument!

I am requesting you to please participate and observe properly! You can take note or be attentive

TAKING THE PROPOSITION; Should divorce be legalized in the Philippines.

Now, arguing for the Affirmative side are _______________________________________________.

And taking on the other party, the negative side, they are __________________________________.

To start the clash, may I also introduce your classmates, who happen to be part of the Debate as our
Friendly Adjudicators! They are ____________________________________and the chief
adjudicator will be___________________________.


Debaters, have an ear first to the rule on this battle!

The debate is between 2 sides, the Affirmative and the Negative
The would be 4 members in each team
One debater per side argues either Necessity, Beneficiality or Practicability of the
While the counterpart debaters on the negative side oppose the argument
Each speaker is given 4 minutes to deliver their constructive speech
Rebuttal Speaker is also given 3 minutes to rebut the previous arguments
Each debater is given 2 minutes to interpellate or to cross examine the opposing debater
Only categorically questions maybe ask.
Rules on Interpellation 1. Questions should primarily focused on arguments developed in the
speech of your opponent. However, matters relevant and material to the proposition are
admissible. 2. Questioner and opponent should treat each other with courtesy. 3. Both
speakers stand and face the audience during the question or Interpellation period. 4. Once the
questioning has begun, neither the questioner nor his opponent may consult a colleague.
Consultation should be done before but as quietly as possible.
Each of the three judges may ask 1 question to the speakers within the time limit.
The chief adjudicators rules in the event of ties, objections and contestations.
Judges will also choose who among the speakers will receive special awards like BEST

Lets start the friendly tournament! LET IS BE RESOLVED THAT DIVORCE SHOULD BE

1. Starting off for the affirmative side is the first affirmative speaker ______________. He will
argue the need to consider Divorce be legalized in the Philippines or why is that necessary
to legalize divorce in our country. Go ahead!
2. The first negative will now have time to cross exam him/her. ( Adlib. Okay hands up.)
3. Now, first negative speaker, tell us why Divorce shouldnt be legalized in the Philippines.
4. First Affirmative speaker, you can now interpellate him! (Time is up)
5. Second Affirmative Speaker; tell us the benefits if the Divorce be legalized in the
6. You can now cross-examine her/him, Second Negative Speaker.
7. Second Negative Speaker, you may start you 4-minute constructive Speech on why divorce
isnt beneficial to be legalized in the Philippines.
8. Second Affirmative Speaker has 2 minutes to interpellate his/her opposing side.
9. Now is the time of the Third Affirmative speaker to let us know why it is practicable to allow
divorce to put into legality in the Philippines. Go ahead!
10. Third negative Speaker, enterpellate your opponent in 2 minutes. ( Go!)
11. Third Affirmative Speaker, your 4-minute Constructive Speech of the Benificiality of the the
legalization of the Divorce in the Philippines.
12. Third Negative Speaker you may rebut his/her speech!
13. Third Negative Speaker, your 4-minute Speech starts now!
14. Third Affirmative side is going to interpellate the third negative speaker.


Rebuttal of the Team Captain of the Negative Side

Rebuttal of the Team Captain of the Affirmative Side

Alright! And on that note, we end the debate proper. Thank you so much. May we now invite
the both side to cross a house and congrats each side for a good battle!

Lets hear a word or 2 from our judges before we will get to find out the winners and our 2
special awardees!


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